‘The water table is dropping all over the world’: NASA warns we’re on the path to global drought

California Drought Spurs Groundwater Drilling Boom in Central Valley

California drought Drilling deeper in the hunt for water - BBC News

If your house is using a well in these areas, you're kind of screwed. A big farm can pay $300,000 to sink a new well to 500 feet, but individual houses can't afford that..

Yeah, now that's a good idea. Sink the well deeper so you can collapse the aquifer further. BRILLIANT!
Why yes, absolutely brilliant. And that is precisely what so many 'Conservatives' on this board are recommending.
PLEASE take this government away from this progressive/democrat party AND never give them control of it ever again

every damn day it's the sky is falling with them. remember their motto. Never let a good Crisis go to waste. and if there isn't one, CREATE ONE

NASA's papers forget to look at water cycles of the earth. Aquifer replenishment has skyrocketed this year in the US due to heavy rains.. Funny that they dont mention this when they are promoting the next 'sky is falling' piece of garbage.
Mr. Billy Bob, I really don't think that the scientists at NASA forgot any such thing. And certainly not those at the USGS. Not only that, I do believe your profound ignorance concerning aquifers is on public display.
How the hell did ANYONE survive the Dust Bowl. Is this what we are paying this Government for? TO GO around and scare the shit out of us EVERY time we turn around. ? If so I call for DEFUNDING about half of them

people ADAPT. if not then you go the way of the dinosaurs

Stephanie, the Dust Bowl caused the largest migration in American history. Tens of thousands of Americans abandoned their homes and attempted to find better conditions elsewhere. Over 500,000 people were made homeless. And, I assure you, some people, some children, some elderly did NOT survive it.

"People adapt..." Jesus, besides being ignorant, you are one heartless bitch.
The Dust Bowl was caused by misusing the land..............Not rotating crops depleted the soil of essential nutrients and caused it................Not the population running to it...................It was fixed by proper farming tech........................In places like Israel they are making the desert bloom in areas with only 1 inch of water a year......................

The weather didn't cause the population to haul ass..............the Market manipulators who screwed everyone caused it...........
How the hell did ANYONE survive the Dust Bowl. Is this what we are paying this Government for? TO GO around and scare the shit out of us EVERY time we turn around. ? If so I call for DEFUNDING about half of them

people ADAPT. if not then you go the way of the dinosaurs

Stephanie, the Dust Bowl caused the largest migration in American history. Tens of thousands of Americans abandoned their homes and attempted to find better conditions elsewhere. Over 500,000 people were made homeless. And, I assure you, some people, some children, some elderly did NOT survive it.

"People adapt..." Jesus, besides being ignorant, you are one heartless bitch.
The Dust Bowl was caused by misusing the land..............Not rotating crops depleted the soil of essential nutrients and caused it................Not the population running to it...................It was fixed by proper farming tech........................In places like Israel they are making the desert bloom in areas with only 1 inch of water a year......................

The weather didn't cause the population to haul ass..............the Market manipulators who screwed everyone caused it...........
Mister Eagle, perhaps you should look up the rainfall and drought records for that period. The farming methods just set up the situation so that when the drought and wind came, the soil had no roots to hold it, and blew away. No way any kind of market manipulation will move millions of tons of topsoil.


"The 1930s drought was the major climatic event in the nation's history," Schubert said. "Just beginning to understand what occurred is really critical to understanding future droughts and the links to global climate change issues we're experiencing today."

By discovering the causes behind U.S. droughts, especially severe episodes like the Plains' dry spell, scientists may recognize and possibly foresee future patterns that could create similar conditions. For example, La Niñas are marked by cooler than normal tropical Pacific Ocean surface water temperatures, which impact weather globally, and also create dry conditions over the Great Plains.
How the hell did ANYONE survive the Dust Bowl. Is this what we are paying this Government for? TO GO around and scare the shit out of us EVERY time we turn around. ? If so I call for DEFUNDING about half of them

people ADAPT. if not then you go the way of the dinosaurs

Stephanie, the Dust Bowl caused the largest migration in American history. Tens of thousands of Americans abandoned their homes and attempted to find better conditions elsewhere. Over 500,000 people were made homeless. And, I assure you, some people, some children, some elderly did NOT survive it.

"People adapt..." Jesus, besides being ignorant, you are one heartless bitch.
The Dust Bowl was caused by misusing the land..............Not rotating crops depleted the soil of essential nutrients and caused it................Not the population running to it...................It was fixed by proper farming tech........................In places like Israel they are making the desert bloom in areas with only 1 inch of water a year......................

The weather didn't cause the population to haul ass..............the Market manipulators who screwed everyone caused it...........
Mister Eagle, perhaps you should look up the rainfall and drought records for that period. The farming methods just set up the situation so that when the drought and wind came, the soil had no roots to hold it, and blew away. No way any kind of market manipulation will move millions of tons of topsoil.


"The 1930s drought was the major climatic event in the nation's history," Schubert said. "Just beginning to understand what occurred is really critical to understanding future droughts and the links to global climate change issues we're experiencing today."

By discovering the causes behind U.S. droughts, especially severe episodes like the Plains' dry spell, scientists may recognize and possibly foresee future patterns that could create similar conditions. For example, La Niñas are marked by cooler than normal tropical Pacific Ocean surface water temperatures, which impact weather globally, and also create dry conditions over the Great Plains.
I didn't say the market manipulation would move millions of tons of topsoil..............I said it was the reason people were displaced...............

Droughts happen, and have been happening for a long time..............Improper farming tech allowed the dust bowl, along with the droughts of that time................and with improved farming tech and RAIN RETURNING the land healed itself and came back to life now didn't it..............Which is Mother Nature going through regular cycles as she chooses....................

As the planet increases in population, the need for water will increase...........and we must adapt to that to increase food and water supplies...............the tech to desalinate is very old tech indeed............and can resolve the water issue...................

but it needs to be taken with a GRAIN OF SALT..........LITERALLY.............as the BRINE needs to be disposed of more properly than now...........as in the Persian Gulf they have actually increased the salinity of the water there by pumping the brine directly back into the water...............while it's not the end of the world to do so............it will eventually be an issue.
In the Gulf, they are using plentiful energy from the oil wells there. Most areas do not have that luxury, and the desalinization of water is a very expensive project. And since our 'Conservatives' are against all things solar, they have thrown away the least expensive of the options for desalinization.
How the hell did ANYONE survive the Dust Bowl. Is this what we are paying this Government for? TO GO around and scare the shit out of us EVERY time we turn around. ? If so I call for DEFUNDING about half of them

people ADAPT. if not then you go the way of the dinosaurs

Stephanie, the Dust Bowl caused the largest migration in American history. Tens of thousands of Americans abandoned their homes and attempted to find better conditions elsewhere. Over 500,000 people were made homeless. And, I assure you, some people, some children, some elderly did NOT survive it.

"People adapt..." Jesus, besides being ignorant, you are one heartless bitch.
The Dust Bowl was caused by misusing the land..............Not rotating crops depleted the soil of essential nutrients and caused it................Not the population running to it...................It was fixed by proper farming tech........................In places like Israel they are making the desert bloom in areas with only 1 inch of water a year......................

The weather didn't cause the population to haul ass..............the Market manipulators who screwed everyone caused it...........
Mister Eagle, perhaps you should look up the rainfall and drought records for that period. The farming methods just set up the situation so that when the drought and wind came, the soil had no roots to hold it, and blew away. No way any kind of market manipulation will move millions of tons of topsoil.


"The 1930s drought was the major climatic event in the nation's history," Schubert said. "Just beginning to understand what occurred is really critical to understanding future droughts and the links to global climate change issues we're experiencing today."

By discovering the causes behind U.S. droughts, especially severe episodes like the Plains' dry spell, scientists may recognize and possibly foresee future patterns that could create similar conditions. For example, La Niñas are marked by cooler than normal tropical Pacific Ocean surface water temperatures, which impact weather globally, and also create dry conditions over the Great Plains.

The article posted showed La nina conditions which is a natural event..................and under La nina it brings rains to India and Austrialia..............It brings the fish back to Peru...................and so on.................Yet in places like the Mohave desert, it brings drought.........................Just like it's very possible that EL NINO will bring rain to California while causing droughts elsewhere..............

It is Mother Nature doing here thing.....................and why when large people live near deserts the issue is amplified.
In the Gulf, they are using plentiful energy from the oil wells there. Most areas do not have that luxury, and the desalinization of water is a very expensive project. And since our 'Conservatives' are against all things solar, they have thrown away the least expensive of the options for desalinization.
Who says we are all against Solar............................Your statement is bs...................when you say the least expensive route is solar..................Dollar for dollar and btu for btu the fossil fuels are cheaper............Me and you have been down this road before when we got into how many kwh's you need to power your house....................It is WAY MORE than the kw rating of the grid you are buying which makes it VERY EXPENSIVE.............

Solar, no matter how you twist it, is still not cost effective yet...........so the proponents of Solar must make other forms of energy more expensive by REGULATING THEM OUT OF EXISTENCE to achiever THEIR NIRVANA OF RIGHTEOUS POWER.................The bang for the buck is simply not there.
Next thing you know, a thunderstorm will pop up out of the blue

It's CO2, man made CO2 , that must be the cause!!!

And many birds fly south in the winter. They only do that because Christian Republicans chase them away with handguns.
I've just found out that some Republicans laminate their ID's with plastic made by Big Oil. Then they fling those razor sharp cards at illegal baby seals trying to cross the border in Texas. It lops their heads right off.
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California Drought Spurs Groundwater Drilling Boom in Central Valley

California drought Drilling deeper in the hunt for water - BBC News

If your house is using a well in these areas, you're kind of screwed. A big farm can pay $300,000 to sink a new well to 500 feet, but individual houses can't afford that..

Yeah, now that's a good idea. Sink the well deeper so you can collapse the aquifer further. BRILLIANT!
Why yes, absolutely brilliant. And that is precisely what so many 'Conservatives' on this board are recommending.

None that I have seen. The ones I talk to advocate desalination plants.
The Dust Bowl was caused by misusing the land..............Not rotating crops depleted the soil of essential nutrients and caused it.................

Hindsight is great. I suspect that any suggestions about the need to rotate crops in order to avoid a future draught back then were met with outmost suspicion and talk about alarmism and evil and corrupt government.
The Dust Bowl was caused by misusing the land..............Not rotating crops depleted the soil of essential nutrients and caused it................Not the population running to it...................It was fixed by proper farming tech........................In places like Israel they are making the desert bloom in areas with only 1 inch of water a year......................

The weather didn't cause the population to haul ass..............the Market manipulators who screwed everyone caused it...........

WHAT is with you and all the periods? I bet you could put your posts out in half the time if you could resrtrict yourself to just ONE.

The Dust Bowl was caused by the concurrence of severe droughts with a complete failure to apply soil conservation techniques. Farmers plowed under native grasses using newly developed small tractors and eliminated the root systems that had previously retained soil even under drought conditions. When the droughts hit, the soil dried up and blew away. It was not caused by a loss of nutrients or a fail to rotate crops. The weather - and farmer's failure to properly prepare and respond to it - WAS responsible. If there'd been no drought, there'd have been no Dust Bowl. If Israel wasn't a desert, you wouldn't have bothered to note the Israeli's ability to grow crops there.
The Dust Bowl was caused by misusing the land..............Not rotating crops depleted the soil of essential nutrients and caused it................Not the population running to it...................It was fixed by proper farming tech........................In places like Israel they are making the desert bloom in areas with only 1 inch of water a year......................

The weather didn't cause the population to haul ass..............the Market manipulators who screwed everyone caused it...........

WHAT is with you and all the periods? I bet you could put your posts out in half the time if you could resrtrict yourself to just ONE.

The Dust Bowl was caused by the concurrence of severe droughts with a complete failure to apply soil conservation techniques. Farmers plowed under native grasses using newly developed small tractors and eliminated the root systems that had previously retained soil even under drought conditions. When the droughts hit, the soil dried up and blew away. It was not caused by a loss of nutrients or a fail to rotate crops. The weather - and farmer's failure to properly prepare and respond to it - WAS responsible. If there'd been no drought, there'd have been no Dust Bowl. If Israel wasn't a desert, you wouldn't have bothered to note the Israeli's ability to grow crops there.
Dust Bowl - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

President Roosevelt ordered the Civilian Conservation Corps to plant a huge belt of more than 200 million treesfrom Canada to Abilene, Texas to break the wind, hold water in the soil, and hold the soil itself in place. The administration also began to educate farmers on soil conservation and anti-erosion techniques, including crop rotation, strip farming, contour plowing, terracing, and other improved farming practices.[33][34] In 1937, the federal government began an aggressive campaign to encourage farmers in the Dust Bowl to adopt planting and plowing methods that conserved the soil. The government paid reluctant farmers a dollar an acre to practice the new methods. By 1938, the massive conservation effort had reduced the amount of blowing soil by 65%.[35] The land still failed to yield a decent living. In the fall of 1939, after nearly a decade of dirt and dust, the drought ended when regular rainfall finally returned to the region. The government still encouraged continuing the use of conservation methods to protect the soil and ecology of the Plains.

Maintain Healthy Soil with Crop Rotation - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

One of the rules of good organic gardening is to rotate plant families from one season to the next, as best you can, so related crops are not planted in the same spot more often than every three years or so. The purpose of crop rotation is to help maintain the balance of nutrients, organic matter, and microorganisms necessary for healthy soil. Of these three, the invisible world of soil-dwelling micro-creatures is the one that most benefits from crop rotations.
None of which suggests that the primary cause of the dust bowl was not a major drought.
None of which suggests that the primary cause of the dust bowl was not a major drought.
It was a combination of both...................unless you live under a rock...............we have droughts in the same regions now.............................do you see the dust bowls.....................

None of which suggests that the primary cause of the dust bowl was not a major drought.

Our ability to endure natural challenges can be greatly improved by precautions and planning. A possible future shortage of water might not be a disaster if we take the warnings seriously.
BTW................that response was for the BS of Crick...................

Saying my post was BS.............I said misusing of soil...............and he goes YOUR WRONG................
he Dust Bowl was caused by the concurrence of severe droughts with a complete failure to apply soil conservation techniques. Farmers plowed under native grasses using newly developed small tractors and eliminated the root systems that had previously retained soil even under drought conditions.
He shows how they Misused the soil and helped cause the dust bowl...................and then says I'm the wrong one..............

Then tried to say I was wrong with crop rotation and loss of nutrients.............
It was not caused by a loss of nutrients or a fail to rotate crops

Yet it is this very thing that has prevented it from happening again..................

Did he fall on his head at birth or something.........
How the hell did ANYONE survive the Dust Bowl. Is this what we are paying this Government for? TO GO around and scare the shit out of us EVERY time we turn around. ? If so I call for DEFUNDING about half of them

people ADAPT. if not then you go the way of the dinosaurs

Stephanie, the Dust Bowl caused the largest migration in American history. Tens of thousands of Americans abandoned their homes and attempted to find better conditions elsewhere. Over 500,000 people were made homeless. And, I assure you, some people, some children, some elderly did NOT survive it.

"People adapt..." Jesus, besides being ignorant, you are one heartless bitch.

The Dust Bowl....was Global Warming, right?
How the hell did ANYONE survive the Dust Bowl. Is this what we are paying this Government for? TO GO around and scare the shit out of us EVERY time we turn around. ? If so I call for DEFUNDING about half of them

people ADAPT. if not then you go the way of the dinosaurs

Stephanie, the Dust Bowl caused the largest migration in American history. Tens of thousands of Americans abandoned their homes and attempted to find better conditions elsewhere. Over 500,000 people were made homeless. And, I assure you, some people, some children, some elderly did NOT survive it.

"People adapt..." Jesus, besides being ignorant, you are one heartless bitch.

The Dust Bowl....was Global Warming, right?
there was a drought, most likely right?

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