The way to keep burkini's off the beaches

Why the assumption that all Muslim women are abused? That's ridiculous. Just for a bit of perspective....

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Are you going to ban all of these people from enjoying the beach? Are they all abused?

Does anyone see how utterly ridiculous this is? A supposedly free society is suddenly mandating what a woman can wear! How is that for oppression?

None of those you posted cover up their heads or below their knees.

Which is a perfect example that there is conservative alternatives already on the market for the Muslims
Is that the criteria you'd use to kick women off the beach?
They mustn't cover their heads or lower legs?
Just trying to get a handle on the rules here.

Does it apply to men as well?

Its interesting that you are so hell bent on making sure these women can be forced to be covered head to toe.

I would rather we dial it back to normal western standards and if they decide to go modest then there are plenty of options.
No, I disagree with you telling them that the must dress a certain way.
They should be able to dress any way they like...why do you want to oppress them?

Oh so we should respect others religious choices now?

Where were you in the gay wedding cake thread?
It has nothing to do with religious's freedom of choice choices.
Why's that so hard to understand?
Because no woman goes to the beach to expose only her eyeballs in 95 degree heat. decide for her.
Fair enough...there's no way a woman could have enough free will to make that decision for herself.

So you have no problems when the victims of DV return home to their abusers?

You don't consider the years of mental punishment they have experienced that is clouding their judgement?

Why the assumption that all Muslim women are abused? That's ridiculous. Just for a bit of perspective....

Modest Swimwear - Custom sized, made to order swimsuits by CoverUpForChrist
Modest swimwear for ladies & girls | Aqua Modesta
Modest Swimwear for Girls, Teens & Women by Sea Secret

Are you going to ban all of these people from enjoying the beach? Are they all abused?

Does anyone see how utterly ridiculous this is? A supposedly free society is suddenly mandating what a woman can wear! How is that for oppression?

None of those you posted cover up their heads or below their knees.

Which is a perfect example that there is conservative alternatives already on the market for the Muslims

Ok, you are now adjusting the goalposts.

Covering to the knees is "ok", covering below the knees is not.

So, the poor Jewish girl on the right will get kicked off the beach...

We seem to have this rather arbritrary standard in which to only isolate Muslim women from comfortably swimming, but it looks like that standard will sadly affect other religious groups unless you move the goal posts some more.

Instead of the Saudi Arabian "Modesty Police" we'll have the western style "Imodesty Police". Wouldn't it simply be easier to allow women free choice....that's all we've ever wanted ;)

You mean they girl in the swimwear designed to wear when you surf?

If the Muslims wanna dress that way then so be it. I just don't want to see this other nonsense.

If you want to live In the west then Take your 7th century bs elsewhere . Leave it at home or don't come.
...and why these sharia law people are going to the beach anyway?

it's not in the Koran.


That comment is offensive!!!


More offensive is that these unwanted hordes come over to the West and try to change our culture when they know we hate it and we know that if we go over there and wear a bikini they might throw us in jail and deport us!

What is also offensive and stupid is, how many naive Westerners are so quick to call everything which makes sense, offensive!

Oh for god's sakes, they're just people Skye. So WHAT if a woman wants to dress more modestly at the beach? Who CARES if they throw you into jail in Saudi Arabia for wearing a bikini. This isn't Saudi Arabia and maybe THAT is why those women are here and not THERE, trying to enjoy the beach. Ever thought of that?

They are bringing the Saudi Arabia lifestyle to the west. That's the problem . It wouldn't be a problem if they renounced their crazy behavior and went normal

Just have to add. Normal IS NOT thongs and speedos when your belly dunlops the speedo and the thong disappears into...enough said.

That's crazy

Never said normal was thongs.

But I can see every woman's head and face.

Like I said if they want to wear what that surfboard girl you posted before was wearing then that's fine. It's modest and we can still see who it is....
More offensive is that these unwanted hordes come over to the West and try to change our culture when they know we hate it and we know that if we go over there and wear a bikini they might throw us in jail and deport us!

What is also offensive and stupid is, how many naive Westerners are so quick to call everything which makes sense, offensive!

Oh for god's sakes, they're just people Skye. So WHAT if a woman wants to dress more modestly at the beach? Who CARES if they throw you into jail in Saudi Arabia for wearing a bikini. This isn't Saudi Arabia and maybe THAT is why those women are here and not THERE, trying to enjoy the beach. Ever thought of that?

You miss the point.

The reason these women dress "modestly" as you call it, is because their religion ordains it.

Whether you like it or not, we are at war with fundamental Islam, and we don't want to be constantly reminded of these facts by their powerful symbols of their brutal 7th century religion.

Religions "ordain" many things. Is the fact that Orthodox Jewish women keep their bodies and hair covered a "powerful symbol of their brutal 7th century religion" (though, it's much older than that) it free choice?

I'm sorry you do not like seeing women exercising their freedom of choice in a supposedly free western country.

How can you possibly compare Judaism to Islam?

Easy. They're both religions. Complex religions, with a lot of rules and laws to follow. In their more conservative sects, women occupy quite traditional roles. Judaism is the parent of Islam and Christianity.

Since when are we at war with Judaism?

Since when are we at war with Islam? Far as I know, we, along with many others including Muslim countries are at war with extremists.

As mentioned fundamental Islam is the religion that ordains jihad against the non believers by any means which at the moment means terrorism.

Which has nothing to do with women's freedom to dress as they choose.

So why should we and the French people not be upset when these Islamic symbols are constantly being forced upon us.

Who forced you to wear a burkini?

It's got nothing to do at all with women's freedom of choice. It all about NOT SUBMITTING TO ISLAM.

So...let's get this straight. You think it's ok to oppress women by forcing them to dress a certain way?

It's quite surprising that feminists don't acknowledge how brutally women are treated in Islam.

Real feminists recognize that women are treated brutally in many cultures, including traditional Islamic cultures, but removing from women their freedom to choose is just another form of subjugation even though you are convinced it's liberation.

We are not discussing feminist rights but about trying to stop the spread of this alien culture whose purpose is to take over the host country like a virus. are saying that forcing women to dress the way YOU think is acceptable is somehow better than other countries forcing women to dress the way THEY think is acceptable?

Geez. So much for freedom.

We are at war with Islam. Islamic terrorists come from 1 place. Islam. Regular Islamic mosques are where the radicals are grown and cultivated. Through a religion of hate. There was an excellent Muslim caller who called into the Katie Hopkins show and explained this perfectly. I will try and find the link. He called out his religion and said it was the problem.

Why should any woman be forced to wear that burqa? It's so sad that any western woman would stand by and let that happen. There is dressing modestly.... And then there is the burqa. Compared to the burqa the Amish women are dressing in high heels and boobie tassels.

Isn't it our job as westerners to help women break free of the chains of oppression? Like I said do we help the DV victims or pat their abuser on the back and tell him he is doing a great job.
Don't confuse a westernized Muslim for one of the crazies. Majority of the westernized ones don't force this nonsense on their women.

Europe has a crazy Muslim problem.
How do you identify the 'crazies' and chase them off the beach?

The ones oppressing their women
Was the woman in the photos being made to remove her clothing in France oppressed?

Post the photo.

Btw it's hilarious to see you try the petty Alinsky tactics. It just shows that you really have nothing to offer. Coyote at least can discuss this topic and not waste our time with Alinsky tactic after tactic
French police make woman remove clothing on Nice beach following burkini ban

'Alinsky tactics'?

There is zero reason for that lady to be on the beach. What is she there for? To sweat? Nothing like a fat sweaty Muslim woman.

If you don't know what Alinsky tactics are then you really are in the deep water. Go look at his 12 rules for radicals and you will see you have been using at least 3 of those in your posting on this subject alone. Try getting some original thought instead of canned nonsense from a radical.
None of those you posted cover up their heads or below their knees.

Which is a perfect example that there is conservative alternatives already on the market for the Muslims
Is that the criteria you'd use to kick women off the beach?
They mustn't cover their heads or lower legs?
Just trying to get a handle on the rules here.

Does it apply to men as well?

Its interesting that you are so hell bent on making sure these women can be forced to be covered head to toe.

I would rather we dial it back to normal western standards and if they decide to go modest then there are plenty of options.
No, I disagree with you telling them that the must dress a certain way.
They should be able to dress any way they like...why do you want to oppress them?

Oh so we should respect others religious choices now?

Where were you in the gay wedding cake thread?
It has nothing to do with religious's freedom of choice choices.
Why's that so hard to understand?

So the burqa isn't a religious garmet? They just enjoy dressing up as black ghosts all the time?

Gotcha lol
Honestly, I don't really give a crap what other people wear at the beach as long as I can wear what I want and they don't interfere with me.

Yes but once you ok that it's only a matter of time until they expand their weirdness.

Burkinis are the LEAST of our problems, I think. :)

They aren't a major thing but We volunteer a lot time helping victims of domestic violence. So I know when someone is being dominated and how hard it is to break the mental chains and spell people can be under.

I see a lot of parallels between women of Islam and DV victims.
Honestly, I don't really give a crap what other people wear at the beach as long as I can wear what I want and they don't interfere with me.

Yes but once you ok that it's only a matter of time until they expand their weirdness.

Burkinis are the LEAST of our problems, I think. :)

They aren't a major thing but We volunteer a lot time helping victims of domestic violence. So I know when someone is being dominated and how hard it is to break the mental chains and spell people can be under.

I see a lot of parallels between women of Islam and DV victims.

Yes, well some women may just be modest about their bodies. My friend had big boobs and hated how men stared at them. She wore a T-shirt and shorts whenever she went to the beach.
Honestly, I don't really give a crap what other people wear at the beach as long as I can wear what I want and they don't interfere with me.

Yes but once you ok that it's only a matter of time until they expand their weirdness.

Burkinis are the LEAST of our problems, I think. :)

They aren't a major thing but We volunteer a lot time helping victims of domestic violence. So I know when someone is being dominated and how hard it is to break the mental chains and spell people can be under.

I see a lot of parallels between women of Islam and DV victims.

Yes, well some women may just be modest about their bodies. My friend had big boobs and hated how men stared at them. She wore a T-shirt and shorts whenever she went to the beach.

Being modest isn't a problem at all.

The photos coyote posted trying to be pro burka. They are just modest where we can still see face, neck, head. And most of time we can see below the knees. Other than the surfboard girl.

If Muslims are that worried then why don't just wear a full wetsuit?
Honestly, I don't really give a crap what other people wear at the beach as long as I can wear what I want and they don't interfere with me.

Yes but once you ok that it's only a matter of time until they expand their weirdness.

Burkinis are the LEAST of our problems, I think. :)

They aren't a major thing but We volunteer a lot time helping victims of domestic violence. So I know when someone is being dominated and how hard it is to break the mental chains and spell people can be under.

I see a lot of parallels between women of Islam and DV victims.

Yes, well some women may just be modest about their bodies. My friend had big boobs and hated how men stared at them. She wore a T-shirt and shorts whenever she went to the beach.

Being modest isn't a problem at all.

The photos coyote posted trying to be pro burka. They are just modest where we can still see face, neck, head. And most of time we can see below the knees. Other than the surfboard girl.

If Muslims are that worried then why don't just wear a full wetsuit?

Who cares? :dunno: If they try to make me wear one, then we can talk.
Yes but once you ok that it's only a matter of time until they expand their weirdness.

Burkinis are the LEAST of our problems, I think. :)

They aren't a major thing but We volunteer a lot time helping victims of domestic violence. So I know when someone is being dominated and how hard it is to break the mental chains and spell people can be under.

I see a lot of parallels between women of Islam and DV victims.

Yes, well some women may just be modest about their bodies. My friend had big boobs and hated how men stared at them. She wore a T-shirt and shorts whenever she went to the beach.

Being modest isn't a problem at all.

The photos coyote posted trying to be pro burka. They are just modest where we can still see face, neck, head. And most of time we can see below the knees. Other than the surfboard girl.

If Muslims are that worried then why don't just wear a full wetsuit?

Who cares? :dunno: If they try to make me wear one, then we can talk.

They have a long history of being vocal towards non Muslim women once they feel like their nonsense is accepted.
Burkinis are the LEAST of our problems, I think. :)

They aren't a major thing but We volunteer a lot time helping victims of domestic violence. So I know when someone is being dominated and how hard it is to break the mental chains and spell people can be under.

I see a lot of parallels between women of Islam and DV victims.

Yes, well some women may just be modest about their bodies. My friend had big boobs and hated how men stared at them. She wore a T-shirt and shorts whenever she went to the beach.

Being modest isn't a problem at all.

The photos coyote posted trying to be pro burka. They are just modest where we can still see face, neck, head. And most of time we can see below the knees. Other than the surfboard girl.

If Muslims are that worried then why don't just wear a full wetsuit?

Who cares? :dunno: If they try to make me wear one, then we can talk.

They have a long history of being vocal towards non Muslim women once they feel like their nonsense is accepted.

Well, that hasn't happened here that I'm aware of. Not something I'm going to worry about when there are more important things to think about right now.
Burkinis are the LEAST of our problems, I think. :)

They aren't a major thing but We volunteer a lot time helping victims of domestic violence. So I know when someone is being dominated and how hard it is to break the mental chains and spell people can be under.

I see a lot of parallels between women of Islam and DV victims.

Yes, well some women may just be modest about their bodies. My friend had big boobs and hated how men stared at them. She wore a T-shirt and shorts whenever she went to the beach.

Being modest isn't a problem at all.

The photos coyote posted trying to be pro burka. They are just modest where we can still see face, neck, head. And most of time we can see below the knees. Other than the surfboard girl.

If Muslims are that worried then why don't just wear a full wetsuit?

Who cares? :dunno: If they try to make me wear one, then we can talk.

They have a long history of being vocal towards non Muslim women once they feel like their nonsense is accepted.
It wasn't that long ago that a Muslim man stabbed a mother and her children at a French holiday resort because they weren't dressed "modestly' enough for his liking - they were wearing T shirts and shorts and the youngest girl was only 8 yrs old. They were all hospitalised.
Also, women were verbally attacked and threatened by Muslim men and women somewhere else in France for wearing bikinis.
Not to mention the Corsican beach where Muslim men decided the beach where they were with their wives was off limits to non Muslims - a riot broke out.
The burkini is just another tool in their arsenal and part of the uniform of Islamism - the men are by and large pushing it and the women are happy to oblige. There are plenty of modest types of clothing one can wear to the beach without advertising your religion - something France is very tetchy about.
How do you identify the 'crazies' and chase them off the beach?

The ones oppressing their women
Was the woman in the photos being made to remove her clothing in France oppressed?

Post the photo.

Btw it's hilarious to see you try the petty Alinsky tactics. It just shows that you really have nothing to offer. Coyote at least can discuss this topic and not waste our time with Alinsky tactic after tactic
French police make woman remove clothing on Nice beach following burkini ban

'Alinsky tactics'?

There is zero reason for that lady to be on the beach. What is she there for? To sweat? Nothing like a fat sweaty Muslim woman.

If you don't know what Alinsky tactics are then you really are in the deep water. Go look at his 12 rules for radicals and you will see you have been using at least 3 of those in your posting on this subject alone. Try getting some original thought instead of canned nonsense from a radical.

There is zero reason for that lady to be on the beach. What is she there for? To sweat?

I don't know and it's none of my business...neither is it yours.
Is that the criteria you'd use to kick women off the beach?
They mustn't cover their heads or lower legs?
Just trying to get a handle on the rules here.

Does it apply to men as well?

Its interesting that you are so hell bent on making sure these women can be forced to be covered head to toe.

I would rather we dial it back to normal western standards and if they decide to go modest then there are plenty of options.
No, I disagree with you telling them that the must dress a certain way.
They should be able to dress any way they like...why do you want to oppress them?

Oh so we should respect others religious choices now?

Where were you in the gay wedding cake thread?
It has nothing to do with religious's freedom of choice choices.
Why's that so hard to understand?

So the burqa isn't a religious garmet? They just enjoy dressing up as black ghosts all the time?

Gotcha lol
I never said that. really can't follow an argument can you?
It may be religious dress but it's her choice to wear it.
It would also be her choice to wear a crucifix around her neck or a yarmulke...they're both religious items.
Its interesting that you are so hell bent on making sure these women can be forced to be covered head to toe.

I would rather we dial it back to normal western standards and if they decide to go modest then there are plenty of options.
No, I disagree with you telling them that the must dress a certain way.
They should be able to dress any way they like...why do you want to oppress them?

Oh so we should respect others religious choices now?

Where were you in the gay wedding cake thread?
It has nothing to do with religious's freedom of choice choices.
Why's that so hard to understand?

So the burqa isn't a religious garmet? They just enjoy dressing up as black ghosts all the time?

Gotcha lol
I never said that. really can't follow an argument can you?
It may be religious dress but it's her choice to wear it.
It would also be her choice to wear a crucifix around her neck or a yarmulke...they're both religious items.

Yes but a cross isn't covering their entire body.

I realize this is probably something neat for you because it feels exotic and different so you assume it must be good. What's odd is that you are not taking into account what wearing these items mean. And the history behind them.

Sometimes the positives are outweighed by the negatives. And no matter what positives some thing brings you would never accept the negatives.

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