The way to keep burkini's off the beaches

Because no woman goes to the beach to expose only her eyeballs in 95 degree heat. decide for her.
Fair enough...there's no way a woman could have enough free will to make that decision for herself.

So you have no problems when the victims of DV return home to their abusers?

You don't consider the years of mental punishment they have experienced that is clouding their judgement?

Why the assumption that all Muslim women are abused? That's ridiculous. Just for a bit of perspective....

Modest Swimwear - Custom sized, made to order swimsuits by CoverUpForChrist
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Are you going to ban all of these people from enjoying the beach? Are they all abused?

Does anyone see how utterly ridiculous this is? A supposedly free society is suddenly mandating what a woman can wear! How is that for oppression?

None of those you posted cover up their heads or below their knees.

Which is a perfect example that there is conservative alternatives already on the market for the Muslims
Is that the criteria you'd use to kick women off the beach?
They mustn't cover their heads or lower legs?
Just trying to get a handle on the rules here.

Does it apply to men as well?

Its interesting that you are so hell bent on making sure these women can be forced to be covered head to toe.

I would rather we dial it back to normal western standards and if they decide to go modest then there are plenty of options. decide for her.
Fair enough...there's no way a woman could have enough free will to make that decision for herself.

So you have no problems when the victims of DV return home to their abusers?

You don't consider the years of mental punishment they have experienced that is clouding their judgement?

Why the assumption that all Muslim women are abused? That's ridiculous. Just for a bit of perspective....

Modest Swimwear - Custom sized, made to order swimsuits by CoverUpForChrist
Modest swimwear for ladies & girls | Aqua Modesta
Modest Swimwear for Girls, Teens & Women by Sea Secret

Are you going to ban all of these people from enjoying the beach? Are they all abused?

Does anyone see how utterly ridiculous this is? A supposedly free society is suddenly mandating what a woman can wear! How is that for oppression?

None of those you posted cover up their heads or below their knees.

Which is a perfect example that there is conservative alternatives already on the market for the Muslims
Is that the criteria you'd use to kick women off the beach?
They mustn't cover their heads or lower legs?
Just trying to get a handle on the rules here.

Does it apply to men as well?

Its interesting that you are so hell bent on making sure these women can be forced to be covered head to toe.

I would rather we dial it back to normal western standards and if they decide to go modest then there are plenty of options.
No, I disagree with you telling them that the must dress a certain way.
They should be able to dress any way they like...why do you want to oppress them?
...and why these sharia law people are going to the beach anyway?

it's not in the Koran.


That comment is offensive!!!


More offensive is that these unwanted hordes come over to the West and try to change our culture when they know we hate it and we know that if we go over there and wear a bikini they might throw us in jail and deport us!

What is also offensive and stupid is, how many naive Westerners are so quick to call everything which makes sense, offensive!

Oh for god's sakes, they're just people Skye. So WHAT if a woman wants to dress more modestly at the beach? Who CARES if they throw you into jail in Saudi Arabia for wearing a bikini. This isn't Saudi Arabia and maybe THAT is why those women are here and not THERE, trying to enjoy the beach. Ever thought of that?

You miss the point.

The reason these women dress "modestly" as you call it, is because their religion ordains it.

Whether you like it or not, we are at war with fundamental Islam, and we don't want to be constantly reminded of these facts by their powerful symbols of their brutal 7th century religion.
Of course not.
How do you know that a woman, lying on the beach, who is covered up has been forced to wear that clothing?

Because no woman goes to the beach to expose only her eyeballs in 95 degree heat. decide for her.
Fair enough...there's no way a woman could have enough free will to make that decision for herself.

So you have no problems when the victims of DV return home to their abusers?

You don't consider the years of mental punishment they have experienced that is clouding their judgement?

Why the assumption that all Muslim women are abused? That's ridiculous. Just for a bit of perspective....

Modest Swimwear - Custom sized, made to order swimsuits by CoverUpForChrist
Modest swimwear for ladies & girls | Aqua Modesta
Modest Swimwear for Girls, Teens & Women by Sea Secret

Are you going to ban all of these people from enjoying the beach? Are they all abused?

Does anyone see how utterly ridiculous this is? A supposedly free society is suddenly mandating what a woman can wear! How is that for oppression?

None of those you posted cover up their heads or below their knees.

Which is a perfect example that there is conservative alternatives already on the market for the Muslims

Ok, you are now adjusting the goalposts.

Covering to the knees is "ok", covering below the knees is not.

So, the poor Jewish girl on the right will get kicked off the beach...

We seem to have this rather arbritrary standard in which to only isolate Muslim women from comfortably swimming, but it looks like that standard will sadly affect other religious groups unless you move the goal posts some more.

Instead of the Saudi Arabian "Modesty Police" we'll have the western style "Imodesty Police". Wouldn't it simply be easier to allow women free choice....that's all we've ever wanted ;)
...and why these sharia law people are going to the beach anyway?

it's not in the Koran.


That comment is offensive!!!


More offensive is that these unwanted hordes come over to the West and try to change our culture when they know we hate it and we know that if we go over there and wear a bikini they might throw us in jail and deport us!

What is also offensive and stupid is, how many naive Westerners are so quick to call everything which makes sense, offensive!

Oh for god's sakes, they're just people Skye. So WHAT if a woman wants to dress more modestly at the beach? Who CARES if they throw you into jail in Saudi Arabia for wearing a bikini. This isn't Saudi Arabia and maybe THAT is why those women are here and not THERE, trying to enjoy the beach. Ever thought of that?

You miss the point.

The reason these women dress "modestly" as you call it, is because their religion ordains it.

Whether you like it or not, we are at war with fundamental Islam, and we don't want to be constantly reminded of these facts by their powerful symbols of their brutal 7th century religion.

Religions "ordain" many things. Is the fact that Orthodox Jewish women keep their bodies and hair covered a "powerful symbol of their brutal 7th century religion" (though, it's much older than that) it free choice?

I'm sorry you do not like seeing women exercising their freedom of choice in a supposedly free western country.
...and why these sharia law people are going to the beach anyway?

it's not in the Koran.


That comment is offensive!!!


More offensive is that these unwanted hordes come over to the West and try to change our culture when they know we hate it and we know that if we go over there and wear a bikini they might throw us in jail and deport us!

What is also offensive and stupid is, how many naive Westerners are so quick to call everything which makes sense, offensive!

Oh for god's sakes, they're just people Skye. So WHAT if a woman wants to dress more modestly at the beach? Who CARES if they throw you into jail in Saudi Arabia for wearing a bikini. This isn't Saudi Arabia and maybe THAT is why those women are here and not THERE, trying to enjoy the beach. Ever thought of that?

They are bringing the Saudi Arabia lifestyle to the west. That's the problem . It wouldn't be a problem if they renounced their crazy behavior and went normal

Just have to add. Normal IS NOT thongs and speedos when your belly dunlops the speedo and the thong disappears into...enough said.

That's crazy
...and why these sharia law people are going to the beach anyway?

it's not in the Koran.


That comment is offensive!!!


More offensive is that these unwanted hordes come over to the West and try to change our culture when they know we hate it and we know that if we go over there and wear a bikini they might throw us in jail and deport us!

What is also offensive and stupid is, how many naive Westerners are so quick to call everything which makes sense, offensive!

Oh for god's sakes, they're just people Skye. So WHAT if a woman wants to dress more modestly at the beach? Who CARES if they throw you into jail in Saudi Arabia for wearing a bikini. This isn't Saudi Arabia and maybe THAT is why those women are here and not THERE, trying to enjoy the beach. Ever thought of that?

You miss the point.

The reason these women dress "modestly" as you call it, is because their religion ordains it.

Whether you like it or not, we are at war with fundamental Islam, and we don't want to be constantly reminded of these facts by their powerful symbols of their brutal 7th century religion.

Religions "ordain" many things. Is the fact that Orthodox Jewish women keep their bodies and hair covered a "powerful symbol of their brutal 7th century religion" (though, it's much older than that) it free choice?

I'm sorry you do not like seeing women exercising their freedom of choice in a supposedly free western country.

How can you possibly compare Judaism to Islam?

Since when are we at war with Judaism?

As mentioned fundamental Islam is the religion that ordains jihad against the non believers by any means which at the moment means terrorism.

So why should we and the French people not be upset when these Islamic symbols are constantly being forced upon us.

It's got nothing to do at all with women's freedom of choice. It all about NOT SUBMITTING TO ISLAM.

It's quite surprising that feminists don't acknowledge how brutally women are treated in Islam.

We are not discussing feminist rights but about trying to stop the spread of this alien culture whose purpose is to take over the host country like a virus.
That comment is offensive!!!


More offensive is that these unwanted hordes come over to the West and try to change our culture when they know we hate it and we know that if we go over there and wear a bikini they might throw us in jail and deport us!

What is also offensive and stupid is, how many naive Westerners are so quick to call everything which makes sense, offensive!

Oh for god's sakes, they're just people Skye. So WHAT if a woman wants to dress more modestly at the beach? Who CARES if they throw you into jail in Saudi Arabia for wearing a bikini. This isn't Saudi Arabia and maybe THAT is why those women are here and not THERE, trying to enjoy the beach. Ever thought of that?

You miss the point.

The reason these women dress "modestly" as you call it, is because their religion ordains it.

Whether you like it or not, we are at war with fundamental Islam, and we don't want to be constantly reminded of these facts by their powerful symbols of their brutal 7th century religion.

Religions "ordain" many things. Is the fact that Orthodox Jewish women keep their bodies and hair covered a "powerful symbol of their brutal 7th century religion" (though, it's much older than that) it free choice?

I'm sorry you do not like seeing women exercising their freedom of choice in a supposedly free western country.

How can you possibly compare Judaism to Islam?

Since when are we at war with Judaism?

As mentioned fundamental Islam is the religion that ordains jihad against the non believers by any means which at the moment means terrorism.

So why should we and the French people not be upset when these Islamic symbols are constantly being forced upon us.

It's got nothing to do at all with women's freedom of choice. It all about NOT SUBMITTING TO ISLAM.

It's quite surprising that feminists don't acknowledge how brutally women are treated in Islam.

We are not discussing feminist rights but about trying to stop the spread of this alien culture whose purpose is to take over the host country like a virus.

This:" trying to stop the spread of this alien culture whose purpose is to take over the host country like a virus."

It is refreshing to see that you did not get fooled by those who bleed PC into everything they think of.
That comment is offensive!!!


More offensive is that these unwanted hordes come over to the West and try to change our culture when they know we hate it and we know that if we go over there and wear a bikini they might throw us in jail and deport us!

What is also offensive and stupid is, how many naive Westerners are so quick to call everything which makes sense, offensive!

Oh for god's sakes, they're just people Skye. So WHAT if a woman wants to dress more modestly at the beach? Who CARES if they throw you into jail in Saudi Arabia for wearing a bikini. This isn't Saudi Arabia and maybe THAT is why those women are here and not THERE, trying to enjoy the beach. Ever thought of that?

You miss the point.

The reason these women dress "modestly" as you call it, is because their religion ordains it.

Whether you like it or not, we are at war with fundamental Islam, and we don't want to be constantly reminded of these facts by their powerful symbols of their brutal 7th century religion.

Religions "ordain" many things. Is the fact that Orthodox Jewish women keep their bodies and hair covered a "powerful symbol of their brutal 7th century religion" (though, it's much older than that) it free choice?

I'm sorry you do not like seeing women exercising their freedom of choice in a supposedly free western country.

How can you possibly compare Judaism to Islam?

Easy. They're both religions. Complex religions, with a lot of rules and laws to follow. In their more conservative sects, women occupy quite traditional roles. Judaism is the parent of Islam and Christianity.

Since when are we at war with Judaism?

Since when are we at war with Islam? Far as I know, we, along with many others including Muslim countries are at war with extremists.

As mentioned fundamental Islam is the religion that ordains jihad against the non believers by any means which at the moment means terrorism.

Which has nothing to do with women's freedom to dress as they choose.

So why should we and the French people not be upset when these Islamic symbols are constantly being forced upon us.

Who forced you to wear a burkini?

It's got nothing to do at all with women's freedom of choice. It all about NOT SUBMITTING TO ISLAM.

So...let's get this straight. You think it's ok to oppress women by forcing them to dress a certain way?

It's quite surprising that feminists don't acknowledge how brutally women are treated in Islam.

Real feminists recognize that women are treated brutally in many cultures, including traditional Islamic cultures, but removing from women their freedom to choose is just another form of subjugation even though you are convinced it's liberation.

We are not discussing feminist rights but about trying to stop the spread of this alien culture whose purpose is to take over the host country like a virus. are saying that forcing women to dress the way YOU think is acceptable is somehow better than other countries forcing women to dress the way THEY think is acceptable?

Geez. So much for freedom.
It's interesting to note another scent entering the fray....the "in your face" argument. It's the same argument you hear about gays. In other words, it's bad enough we have muslim citizens but we don't want to KNOW they are Muslims...because if we know it, it's in our face.
More offensive is that these unwanted hordes come over to the West and try to change our culture when they know we hate it and we know that if we go over there and wear a bikini they might throw us in jail and deport us!

What is also offensive and stupid is, how many naive Westerners are so quick to call everything which makes sense, offensive!

Oh for god's sakes, they're just people Skye. So WHAT if a woman wants to dress more modestly at the beach? Who CARES if they throw you into jail in Saudi Arabia for wearing a bikini. This isn't Saudi Arabia and maybe THAT is why those women are here and not THERE, trying to enjoy the beach. Ever thought of that?

You miss the point.

The reason these women dress "modestly" as you call it, is because their religion ordains it.

Whether you like it or not, we are at war with fundamental Islam, and we don't want to be constantly reminded of these facts by their powerful symbols of their brutal 7th century religion.

Religions "ordain" many things. Is the fact that Orthodox Jewish women keep their bodies and hair covered a "powerful symbol of their brutal 7th century religion" (though, it's much older than that) it free choice?

I'm sorry you do not like seeing women exercising their freedom of choice in a supposedly free western country.

How can you possibly compare Judaism to Islam?

Easy. They're both religions. Complex religions, with a lot of rules and laws to follow. In their more conservative sects, women occupy quite traditional roles. Judaism is the parent of Islam and Christianity.

Since when are we at war with Judaism?

Since when are we at war with Islam? Far as I know, we, along with many others including Muslim countries are at war with extremists.

As mentioned fundamental Islam is the religion that ordains jihad against the non believers by any means which at the moment means terrorism.

Which has nothing to do with women's freedom to dress as they choose.

So why should we and the French people not be upset when these Islamic symbols are constantly being forced upon us.

Who forced you to wear a burkini?

It's got nothing to do at all with women's freedom of choice. It all about NOT SUBMITTING TO ISLAM.

So...let's get this straight. You think it's ok to oppress women by forcing them to dress a certain way?

It's quite surprising that feminists don't acknowledge how brutally women are treated in Islam.

Real feminists recognize that women are treated brutally in many cultures, including traditional Islamic cultures, but removing from women their freedom to choose is just another form of subjugation even though you are convinced it's liberation.

We are not discussing feminist rights but about trying to stop the spread of this alien culture whose purpose is to take over the host country like a virus. are saying that forcing women to dress the way YOU think is acceptable is somehow better than other countries forcing women to dress the way THEY think is acceptable?

Geez. So much for freedom.
There is only one religion who is trying to annihilate everyone who does not believe in their God or attempts to force their religious laws down the throats of the society they choose to enter.

That is the difference.
Oh for god's sakes, they're just people Skye. So WHAT if a woman wants to dress more modestly at the beach? Who CARES if they throw you into jail in Saudi Arabia for wearing a bikini. This isn't Saudi Arabia and maybe THAT is why those women are here and not THERE, trying to enjoy the beach. Ever thought of that?

You miss the point.

The reason these women dress "modestly" as you call it, is because their religion ordains it.

Whether you like it or not, we are at war with fundamental Islam, and we don't want to be constantly reminded of these facts by their powerful symbols of their brutal 7th century religion.

Religions "ordain" many things. Is the fact that Orthodox Jewish women keep their bodies and hair covered a "powerful symbol of their brutal 7th century religion" (though, it's much older than that) it free choice?

I'm sorry you do not like seeing women exercising their freedom of choice in a supposedly free western country.

How can you possibly compare Judaism to Islam?

Easy. They're both religions. Complex religions, with a lot of rules and laws to follow. In their more conservative sects, women occupy quite traditional roles. Judaism is the parent of Islam and Christianity.

Since when are we at war with Judaism?

Since when are we at war with Islam? Far as I know, we, along with many others including Muslim countries are at war with extremists.

As mentioned fundamental Islam is the religion that ordains jihad against the non believers by any means which at the moment means terrorism.

Which has nothing to do with women's freedom to dress as they choose.

So why should we and the French people not be upset when these Islamic symbols are constantly being forced upon us.

Who forced you to wear a burkini?

It's got nothing to do at all with women's freedom of choice. It all about NOT SUBMITTING TO ISLAM.

So...let's get this straight. You think it's ok to oppress women by forcing them to dress a certain way?

It's quite surprising that feminists don't acknowledge how brutally women are treated in Islam.

Real feminists recognize that women are treated brutally in many cultures, including traditional Islamic cultures, but removing from women their freedom to choose is just another form of subjugation even though you are convinced it's liberation.

We are not discussing feminist rights but about trying to stop the spread of this alien culture whose purpose is to take over the host country like a virus. are saying that forcing women to dress the way YOU think is acceptable is somehow better than other countries forcing women to dress the way THEY think is acceptable?

Geez. So much for freedom.
There is only one religion who is trying to annihilate everyone who does not believe in their God or attempts to force their religious laws down the throats of the society they choose to enter.

That is the difference.

Unfortunately that is not accurate. But keep trying.

And while you're at it, enlighten us as to why it's somehow progressive to remove free choice from women.
You miss the point.

The reason these women dress "modestly" as you call it, is because their religion ordains it.

Whether you like it or not, we are at war with fundamental Islam, and we don't want to be constantly reminded of these facts by their powerful symbols of their brutal 7th century religion.

Religions "ordain" many things. Is the fact that Orthodox Jewish women keep their bodies and hair covered a "powerful symbol of their brutal 7th century religion" (though, it's much older than that) it free choice?

I'm sorry you do not like seeing women exercising their freedom of choice in a supposedly free western country.

How can you possibly compare Judaism to Islam?

Easy. They're both religions. Complex religions, with a lot of rules and laws to follow. In their more conservative sects, women occupy quite traditional roles. Judaism is the parent of Islam and Christianity.

Since when are we at war with Judaism?

Since when are we at war with Islam? Far as I know, we, along with many others including Muslim countries are at war with extremists.

As mentioned fundamental Islam is the religion that ordains jihad against the non believers by any means which at the moment means terrorism.

Which has nothing to do with women's freedom to dress as they choose.

So why should we and the French people not be upset when these Islamic symbols are constantly being forced upon us.

Who forced you to wear a burkini?

It's got nothing to do at all with women's freedom of choice. It all about NOT SUBMITTING TO ISLAM.

So...let's get this straight. You think it's ok to oppress women by forcing them to dress a certain way?

It's quite surprising that feminists don't acknowledge how brutally women are treated in Islam.

Real feminists recognize that women are treated brutally in many cultures, including traditional Islamic cultures, but removing from women their freedom to choose is just another form of subjugation even though you are convinced it's liberation.

We are not discussing feminist rights but about trying to stop the spread of this alien culture whose purpose is to take over the host country like a virus. are saying that forcing women to dress the way YOU think is acceptable is somehow better than other countries forcing women to dress the way THEY think is acceptable?

Geez. So much for freedom.
There is only one religion who is trying to annihilate everyone who does not believe in their God or attempts to force their religious laws down the throats of the society they choose to enter.

That is the difference.

Unfortunately that is not accurate. But keep trying.

And while you're at it, enlighten us as to why it's somehow progressive to remove free choice from women.
Right....more like a nightmare.:rolleyes:

Religions "ordain" many things. Is the fact that Orthodox Jewish women keep their bodies and hair covered a "powerful symbol of their brutal 7th century religion" (though, it's much older than that) it free choice?

I'm sorry you do not like seeing women exercising their freedom of choice in a supposedly free western country.

How can you possibly compare Judaism to Islam?

Easy. They're both religions. Complex religions, with a lot of rules and laws to follow. In their more conservative sects, women occupy quite traditional roles. Judaism is the parent of Islam and Christianity.

Since when are we at war with Judaism?

Since when are we at war with Islam? Far as I know, we, along with many others including Muslim countries are at war with extremists.

As mentioned fundamental Islam is the religion that ordains jihad against the non believers by any means which at the moment means terrorism.

Which has nothing to do with women's freedom to dress as they choose.

So why should we and the French people not be upset when these Islamic symbols are constantly being forced upon us.

Who forced you to wear a burkini?

It's got nothing to do at all with women's freedom of choice. It all about NOT SUBMITTING TO ISLAM.

So...let's get this straight. You think it's ok to oppress women by forcing them to dress a certain way?

It's quite surprising that feminists don't acknowledge how brutally women are treated in Islam.

Real feminists recognize that women are treated brutally in many cultures, including traditional Islamic cultures, but removing from women their freedom to choose is just another form of subjugation even though you are convinced it's liberation.

We are not discussing feminist rights but about trying to stop the spread of this alien culture whose purpose is to take over the host country like a virus. are saying that forcing women to dress the way YOU think is acceptable is somehow better than other countries forcing women to dress the way THEY think is acceptable?

Geez. So much for freedom.
There is only one religion who is trying to annihilate everyone who does not believe in their God or attempts to force their religious laws down the throats of the society they choose to enter.

That is the difference.

Unfortunately that is not accurate. But keep trying.

And while you're at it, enlighten us as to why it's somehow progressive to remove free choice from women.
Right....more like a nightmare.:rolleyes:


Oh yes, bring on the 9/11 imagery (as if it's the fault of all the world's Muslims and not a bunch of terrorists) - your use of it in this way cheapens the tragedy.

In the meantime, enlighten us as to why it's somehow progressive to remove free choice from women.
How can you possibly compare Judaism to Islam?

Easy. They're both religions. Complex religions, with a lot of rules and laws to follow. In their more conservative sects, women occupy quite traditional roles. Judaism is the parent of Islam and Christianity.

Since when are we at war with Judaism?

Since when are we at war with Islam? Far as I know, we, along with many others including Muslim countries are at war with extremists.

As mentioned fundamental Islam is the religion that ordains jihad against the non believers by any means which at the moment means terrorism.

Which has nothing to do with women's freedom to dress as they choose.

So why should we and the French people not be upset when these Islamic symbols are constantly being forced upon us.

Who forced you to wear a burkini?

It's got nothing to do at all with women's freedom of choice. It all about NOT SUBMITTING TO ISLAM.

So...let's get this straight. You think it's ok to oppress women by forcing them to dress a certain way?

It's quite surprising that feminists don't acknowledge how brutally women are treated in Islam.

Real feminists recognize that women are treated brutally in many cultures, including traditional Islamic cultures, but removing from women their freedom to choose is just another form of subjugation even though you are convinced it's liberation.

We are not discussing feminist rights but about trying to stop the spread of this alien culture whose purpose is to take over the host country like a virus. are saying that forcing women to dress the way YOU think is acceptable is somehow better than other countries forcing women to dress the way THEY think is acceptable?

Geez. So much for freedom.
There is only one religion who is trying to annihilate everyone who does not believe in their God or attempts to force their religious laws down the throats of the society they choose to enter.

That is the difference.

Unfortunately that is not accurate. But keep trying.

And while you're at it, enlighten us as to why it's somehow progressive to remove free choice from women.
Right....more like a nightmare.:rolleyes:


Oh yes, bring on the 9/11 imagery (as if it's the fault of all the world's Muslims and not a bunch of terrorists) - your use of it in this way cheapens the tragedy.

In the meantime, enlighten us as to why it's somehow progressive to remove free choice from women.
Your inability to grasp the actual threat and harm it has caused world wide cheapens both the religion your protect the the unfortunate victims who lost their lives.
Easy. They're both religions. Complex religions, with a lot of rules and laws to follow. In their more conservative sects, women occupy quite traditional roles. Judaism is the parent of Islam and Christianity.

Since when are we at war with Islam? Far as I know, we, along with many others including Muslim countries are at war with extremists.

Which has nothing to do with women's freedom to dress as they choose.

Who forced you to wear a burkini?

So...let's get this straight. You think it's ok to oppress women by forcing them to dress a certain way?

Real feminists recognize that women are treated brutally in many cultures, including traditional Islamic cultures, but removing from women their freedom to choose is just another form of subjugation even though you are convinced it's liberation. are saying that forcing women to dress the way YOU think is acceptable is somehow better than other countries forcing women to dress the way THEY think is acceptable?

Geez. So much for freedom.
There is only one religion who is trying to annihilate everyone who does not believe in their God or attempts to force their religious laws down the throats of the society they choose to enter.

That is the difference.

Unfortunately that is not accurate. But keep trying.

And while you're at it, enlighten us as to why it's somehow progressive to remove free choice from women.
Right....more like a nightmare.:rolleyes:


Oh yes, bring on the 9/11 imagery (as if it's the fault of all the world's Muslims and not a bunch of terrorists) - your use of it in this way cheapens the tragedy.

In the meantime, enlighten us as to why it's somehow progressive to remove free choice from women.
Your inability to grasp the actual threat and harm it has caused world wide cheapens both the religion your protect the the unfortunate victims who lost their lives.

Threat and harm Islam has caused or the actions of extremists? Seriously dude - don't use 9/11 imagery as a cheap means to score hate points.

So allowing women free choice in what they want to wear to the beach causes threat and harm worldwide?

A nuclear burkini?
There is only one religion who is trying to annihilate everyone who does not believe in their God or attempts to force their religious laws down the throats of the society they choose to enter.

That is the difference.

Unfortunately that is not accurate. But keep trying.

And while you're at it, enlighten us as to why it's somehow progressive to remove free choice from women.
Right....more like a nightmare.:rolleyes:


Oh yes, bring on the 9/11 imagery (as if it's the fault of all the world's Muslims and not a bunch of terrorists) - your use of it in this way cheapens the tragedy.

In the meantime, enlighten us as to why it's somehow progressive to remove free choice from women.
Your inability to grasp the actual threat and harm it has caused world wide cheapens both the religion your protect the the unfortunate victims who lost their lives.

Threat and harm Islam has caused or the actions of extremists? Seriously dude - don't use 9/11 imagery as a cheap means to score hate points.

So allowing women free choice in what they want to wear to the beach causes threat and harm worldwide?

A nuclear burkini?
I cannot make you understand what is in front of your eyes, what has been demonstrated through history and what is occurring in the world today.
Below is listed signs and abuser tricks related to domestic violence. How many of these relate to normal Islam....

We can easily trace every single one of these to the way Islam wants their women treated.

I got these from this site. Abuser tricks and warning signs of domestic abuse. - New Hope for Women

At the start of the relationship, an abuser will equate jealously with love. The abuser will question the victim about who the victim talks to, accuse the victim of flirting, or become jealous of time spent with others. The abuser may call the victim frequently during the day, drop by unexpectedly, refuse to let the victim work, check the car mileage, or ask friends to watch the victim.

Controlling behavior
In the beginning an abuser will attribute controlling behavior to concern for the victim (for example, the victim's safety or decision-making skills). As this behavior progresses the situation will worsen, and the abuser may assume all control of finances or prevent the victim from coming and going freely.

Quick involvement
A victim often has known or dated the abuser for a brief period of time before getting engaged or living together. The abuser will pressure the victim to commit to the relationship. A victim may be made to feel guilty for wanting to slow the pace or end the relationship.

Unrealistic expectations
An abuser expects the victim to meet all of the abuser's needs, to take care of everything emotionally and domestically.

An abuser will attempt to isolate the victim by severing the victim's ties to outside support and resources. The batterer will accuse the victim's friends and family of being "trouble makers." The abuser may block the victim's access to use of a vehicle, work, or telephone service in the home.

Blames others for problems
An abuser will blame others for all problems or for the abuser's own shortcomings. Someone is always out to get the abuser or is an obstacle to the abuser's achievements. The victim or potential victim will be blamed for almost anything.

Blames others for feelings
An abuser will use feelings to manipulate the victim. Common phrases to look for: "You're hurting me by not doing what I want." "You control how I feel."

An abusive person is easily insulted, perceiving the slightest setbacks as personal attacks.

Cruelty to animals or children
This is a person who punishes animals brutally or is insensitive to their pain. The abuser may expect children to perform beyond their capability (for example whipping a two-year-old for wetting a diaper or teasing children or siblings until they cry).

"Playful" use of force in sex
This behavior includes restraining partners against their will during sex, acting out fantasies in which the partner is helpless, initiating sex when the partner is asleep, or demanding sex when the partner is ill or tired. The abuser may show little concern for his partner's wishes and will use sulking and anger to manipulate compliance.

Verbal abuse
This behavior involves saying things that are intended to be cruel and hurtful, cursing or degrading the victim, or putting down the victim's accomplishments.

Rigid sex roles
The victim, almost always a woman, will be expected to serve. For instance, a male abuser will see women as inferior to men, responsible for menial tasks, stupid, and unable to be a whole person without a relationship.

Dual personality "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"
Explosive behavior and moodiness, which can shift quickly to congeniality, are typical of people who beat their partners.

Past battering
An abuser will beat any partner if the individual is involved with the abuser long enough for the cycle of abuse to begin. Circumstances do not make a person an abusive personality.

Threats of violence
This consists of any threat of physical force meant to control the partner. Most people do not threaten their mates but an abuser will excuse this behavior by claiming "everyone talks like that."

Breaking or striking objects
This behavior is used as punishment (breaking sentimental possessions) or to terrorize the victim into submission.

Any force during an argument
This may involve an abuser holding down his the victim, physically restraining the victim from leaving, or pushing or shoving. Holding someoneback in order to make demands, such as "You will listen to me!" is also a show of force.

None of the above occur in "normal Islam" relationships. There is a huge erroneous assumption being made based on the thought that all marriages involving "traditional" women's roles constitute abuse.

If a woman chooses to be a homemaker - is she abused?

Don't confuse a westernized Muslim for one of the crazies. Majority of the westernized ones don't force this nonsense on their women.

Europe has a crazy Muslim problem.
How do you identify the 'crazies' and chase them off the beach?

The ones oppressing their women
Was the woman in the photos being made to remove her clothing in France oppressed?

Post the photo.

Btw it's hilarious to see you try the petty Alinsky tactics. It just shows that you really have nothing to offer. Coyote at least can discuss this topic and not waste our time with Alinsky tactic after tactic
So you have no problems when the victims of DV return home to their abusers?

You don't consider the years of mental punishment they have experienced that is clouding their judgement?

Why the assumption that all Muslim women are abused? That's ridiculous. Just for a bit of perspective....

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Are you going to ban all of these people from enjoying the beach? Are they all abused?

Does anyone see how utterly ridiculous this is? A supposedly free society is suddenly mandating what a woman can wear! How is that for oppression?

None of those you posted cover up their heads or below their knees.

Which is a perfect example that there is conservative alternatives already on the market for the Muslims
Is that the criteria you'd use to kick women off the beach?
They mustn't cover their heads or lower legs?
Just trying to get a handle on the rules here.

Does it apply to men as well?

Its interesting that you are so hell bent on making sure these women can be forced to be covered head to toe.

I would rather we dial it back to normal western standards and if they decide to go modest then there are plenty of options.
No, I disagree with you telling them that the must dress a certain way.
They should be able to dress any way they like...why do you want to oppress them?

Oh so we should respect others religious choices now?

Where were you in the gay wedding cake thread?
None of the above occur in "normal Islam" relationships. There is a huge erroneous assumption being made based on the thought that all marriages involving "traditional" women's roles constitute abuse.

If a woman chooses to be a homemaker - is she abused?

Don't confuse a westernized Muslim for one of the crazies. Majority of the westernized ones don't force this nonsense on their women.

Europe has a crazy Muslim problem.
How do you identify the 'crazies' and chase them off the beach?

The ones oppressing their women
Was the woman in the photos being made to remove her clothing in France oppressed?

Post the photo.

Btw it's hilarious to see you try the petty Alinsky tactics. It just shows that you really have nothing to offer. Coyote at least can discuss this topic and not waste our time with Alinsky tactic after tactic
French police make woman remove clothing on Nice beach following burkini ban

'Alinsky tactics'?

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