The way to keep burkini's off the beaches

It's not a good thing to go onto the beach in that weather with just a bikini either, you can get skin cancer.

Lots of things are stupid. Go to Malaysia and they're dipping in the sea in their clothes.

Just because you're used to something, doesn't mean others are. In Victorian England people wouldn't have gone in a skimpy bikini. They'd have been mostly covered up.



Or covered up and their nipples showing off....

If Muslims want to wear the bathing suit in that bottom photo then that's fine.

Surely it's fine if Muslims where what they want. Isn't that freedom?

So we are ok if all husbands tell their wives what they can and can not wear?

This is an issue where religion and social acceptance comes cross.

You didn't seem to care about religious freedom when it came to the wedding baker and the gay cake.

According to that its been set that we favour societal norms over religious freedom. So are we going back to religious freedom now? Or are we telling the religious people to get over it and evolve? Just like we did the bakers.......

Yes, I'm okay with husbands telling their wives what to wear. It happens all the time. An ex of mine, her uncle was color blind almost totally, couldn't tell the difference between almost any color, saw perhaps two colors. His wife told him what to wear.

In an ideal world relationships would be based on equality, love, trust, all of that stuff, but so many aren't. In Islam, in Christianity, in nothing, there are people who will dominate others.

I don't like Islam, I don't like any religion, and the fact that men use it as a way of keeping women down makes me angry. However sometimes you have to accept what you don't like.

If I can do everything I want, it's anarchy, which means murder is okay, which means I can be murdered. I don't like this. So.... I prefer a limited amount of freedom where murder is wrong and I don't get murdered so I can enjoy my limited freedom.

This is life.

If we want freedom we have to accept that some people won't have that freedom, because they've "chosen" to not to have it. The woman has had many chances to get away, but she didn't, for whatever reasons.

Well that's the difference between you and I. I don't stand for anyone who bullies a woman. Our women are our queens and if we don't stand up for them then who will?

As men it's our job.

Mate I've got SIX daughters...blended family. As a minority I know my place.

Katie Hopkins: Why I Back The Ban On Burkinis

Katie Hopkins: Why I Back The Ban On Burkinis

Saturday 27th August 2016

Whatever your stance on the burkini ban, Katie Hopkins' strident take on it will spark a reaction in you.

Speaking after France's highest court suspended the ban on the full-body swimsuits worn by Muslim women at the beach, Katie was insistent it was a good idea.

Her reason why? The morning after the horrific attack on Nice.

"Try thinking about that picture of that little teddy bear on the ground next to a body covered over with a sheet.

"Try thinking about the guy behind that wheel, swerving left and right in a monster truck to run people over.

"And then think why this ban might be in place.

"Just a temporary ban against a uniform that identifies with a religion associated with extremist acts. I support the ban."

The LBC presenter continued: "If you don't like it, don't go to the beach!

"What joy is there being on a beach with only your eyeballs being on display?"

The issue has been championed by some feminists who say it's emancipating for women to be able to cover themselves up.

Katie took aim at them too: "You cannot tell me that wearing a burkini is liberating for women.

"Boy oh boy, it's going to be a strange woman that thinks a burkini is a good option!"


No: I will NOT think of that in relation to a swimsuit. It's emotive tosh.

Don't they have beaches in the Arabian Peninsula? or thereabouts Islamic territories?

do they have to go and pollute the Western world with their Sharia Law??

enough is enough me thinks!:dunno:
If someone wants to go the beach fully clothed...should they be required to get a permit?

No....if the person is not a Sharia Law Islamist.

Fuck Islamic terrorists.

Islamic terrorists wear burkinis?? Mixing it up a bit methinks.

1860's plantation owner - -"Just look at all thems happy little house slaves all content with their lot. Some of 'em even think of themselves as part of our family. Now, why would we want to take away this system that gives them so much security, huh?"

2016 hip and modern "progressive" -- "Just look at all thems happy little Muslim women all covered from head to toe so they don't get beat up or raped. Some of 'em even claim this is their choice. Now, why would we want to go and do something so awful as to take away this system that gives them so much security, huh?

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Interesting. Feel sorry for the police.

French mayors refuse to lift burkini ban despite court ruling

A majority of mayors who have banned burkinis in about 30 French coastal resorts are refusing to lift the restrictions despite the country’s highest administrative court ruling that the bans are illegal, leaving the state facing a dilemma about how to react.

More than 20 mayors have defiantly kept in place decrees under which municipal police can stop and fine any women in full-body swimsuits at the beach despite the ruling from the state council that the burkini bans are a “serious and manifestly illegal violation of fundamental freedoms”....

Only two mayors lifted their bans in the wake of the Villeneuve-Loubet ruling: the Socialist mayor of Oye-Plages near Calais and the centrist mayor of Eze in the Alpes-Maritimes. Mayors from the rightwing Les Républicains party and from the far-right Front National are keeping their bans in place, insisting that the Villeneuve-Loubet case does not apply to them...

The Socialist prime minister, Manuel Valls, who had caused divisions in his party by supporting the mayors’ bans, insisted that the political debate on burkinis must continue. In a written statement on Facebook, he said the burkini was “the affirmation of political Islam in the public space”....

The short-term burkini bans, which began to be issued by mayors at the end of July, have sparked a heated political row about the French principle of laïcité – secularism built on the strict separation of church and state – amid accusations by rights groups that politicians are twisting and distorting the principle for political gain, and using it to deliberately target Muslims following a series of terrorist attacks...

French mayors refuse to lift burkini ban despite court ruling
Good for those mayors. They have to stand up for the protection of their cities

They are only temporary bans anyway.

The courts shouldn't even have been involved.
Some people seem to think that removing woman's choice on what to wear swimming is freeing her from "oppression".

Allowing her choice = oppression
Forcing her to wear a revealing swim suit = freedom

If a woman chooses to be a homemaker, is she oppressed?
If she is banned from being a homemaker and forced to she free?
Don't they have beaches in the Arabian Peninsula? or thereabouts Islamic territories?

do they have to go and pollute the Western world with their Sharia Law??

enough is enough me thinks!:dunno:
If someone wants to go the beach fully clothed...should they be required to get a permit?

Public beaches have standards. It's a hygienic risk to be fully clothed.

Not exactly, this is swimwear...and, frankly I've gone swimming in shorts and a tank top. And less. Lots less. Beaches are outdoors, I doubt there are hygiene standards - the water is full of stuff anyway. You might be thinking of swimming pools.
Some people seem to think that removing woman's choice on what to wear swimming is freeing her from "oppression".

Allowing her choice = oppression
Forcing her to wear a revealing swim suit = freedom

If a woman chooses to be a homemaker, is she oppressed?
If she is banned from being a homemaker and forced to she free?

When a battered woman chooses to stay with her abuser is she oppressed?

You are comparing apples to oranges
Some people seem to think that removing woman's choice on what to wear swimming is freeing her from "oppression".

Allowing her choice = oppression
Forcing her to wear a revealing swim suit = freedom

If a woman chooses to be a homemaker, is she oppressed?
If she is banned from being a homemaker and forced to she free?

When a battered woman chooses to stay with her abuser is she oppressed?

You are comparing apples to oranges
Why, in your world, can't a woman choose to cover up at the beach?
Muslim women are best compared to another group of women who are oppressed and forced into a lifestyle by years of mental and physical beat downs.

They are most closely compared with battered women. Last I checked we do not just co-sign A battered woman's choice to go back to her abuser. Why are we co-signing the Muslim woman's abuse?
Some people seem to think that removing woman's choice on what to wear swimming is freeing her from "oppression".

Allowing her choice = oppression
Forcing her to wear a revealing swim suit = freedom

If a woman chooses to be a homemaker, is she oppressed?
If she is banned from being a homemaker and forced to she free?

When a battered woman chooses to stay with her abuser is she oppressed?

You are comparing apples to oranges
Why, in your world, can't a woman choose to cover up at the beach?

Is it a choice when you are compelled at the threat of mental or physical violence?
Don't they have beaches in the Arabian Peninsula? or thereabouts Islamic territories?

do they have to go and pollute the Western world with their Sharia Law??

enough is enough me thinks!:dunno:
If someone wants to go the beach fully clothed...should they be required to get a permit?

Public beaches have standards. It's a hygienic risk to be fully clothed.

Not exactly, this is swimwear...and, frankly I've gone swimming in shorts and a tank top. And less. Lots less. Beaches are outdoors, I doubt there are hygiene standards - the water is full of stuff anyway. You might be thinking of swimming pools.

Our beaches right here have standards of dress.
Some people seem to think that removing woman's choice on what to wear swimming is freeing her from "oppression".

Allowing her choice = oppression
Forcing her to wear a revealing swim suit = freedom

If a woman chooses to be a homemaker, is she oppressed?
If she is banned from being a homemaker and forced to she free?

When a battered woman chooses to stay with her abuser is she oppressed?

You are comparing apples to oranges
Why, in your world, can't a woman choose to cover up at the beach?

Is it a choice when you are compelled at the threat of mental or physical violence?
Of course not.
How do you know that a woman, lying on the beach, who is covered up has been forced to wear that clothing?
Don't they have beaches in the Arabian Peninsula? or thereabouts Islamic territories?

do they have to go and pollute the Western world with their Sharia Law??

enough is enough me thinks!:dunno:
If someone wants to go the beach fully clothed...should they be required to get a permit?

Public beaches have standards. It's a hygienic risk to be fully clothed.

Not exactly, this is swimwear...and, frankly I've gone swimming in shorts and a tank top. And less. Lots less. Beaches are outdoors, I doubt there are hygiene standards - the water is full of stuff anyway. You might be thinking of swimming pools.

Our beaches right here have standards of dress.
Do women have to wear revealing swimming costumes on your beaches...or are they allowed to wear covering clothing?
Some people seem to think that removing woman's choice on what to wear swimming is freeing her from "oppression".

Allowing her choice = oppression
Forcing her to wear a revealing swim suit = freedom

If a woman chooses to be a homemaker, is she oppressed?
If she is banned from being a homemaker and forced to she free?

When a battered woman chooses to stay with her abuser is she oppressed?

You are comparing apples to oranges
Why, in your world, can't a woman choose to cover up at the beach?

Is it a choice when you are compelled at the threat of mental or physical violence?
Of course not.
How do you know that a woman, lying on the beach, who is covered up has been forced to wear that clothing?

Because no woman goes to the beach to expose only her eyeballs in 95 degree heat.
Don't they have beaches in the Arabian Peninsula? or thereabouts Islamic territories?

do they have to go and pollute the Western world with their Sharia Law??

enough is enough me thinks!:dunno:
If someone wants to go the beach fully clothed...should they be required to get a permit?

Public beaches have standards. It's a hygienic risk to be fully clothed.

Not exactly, this is swimwear...and, frankly I've gone swimming in shorts and a tank top. And less. Lots less. Beaches are outdoors, I doubt there are hygiene standards - the water is full of stuff anyway. You might be thinking of swimming pools.

Our beaches right here have standards of dress.
Do women have to wear revealing swimming costumes on your beaches...or are they allowed to wear covering clothing?

Why is it always either a string bikini or a burqa?

There are a wide variety of acceptable swimwear.

Case in point.... My wife wears a scarf in church but seems to be able to manage at the beach by just not wearing it there.

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