The way to keep burkini's off the beaches

It's not a good thing to go onto the beach in that weather with just a bikini either, you can get skin cancer.

Lots of things are stupid. Go to Malaysia and they're dipping in the sea in their clothes.

Just because you're used to something, doesn't mean others are. In Victorian England people wouldn't have gone in a skimpy bikini. They'd have been mostly covered up.



Or covered up and their nipples showing off....

If Muslims want to wear the bathing suit in that bottom photo then that's fine.

Surely it's fine if Muslims where what they want. Isn't that freedom?

So we are ok if all husbands tell their wives what they can and can not wear?

This is an issue where religion and social acceptance comes cross.

You didn't seem to care about religious freedom when it came to the wedding baker and the gay cake.

According to that its been set that we favour societal norms over religious freedom. So are we going back to religious freedom now? Or are we telling the religious people to get over it and evolve? Just like we did the bakers.......

Yes, I'm okay with husbands telling their wives what to wear. It happens all the time. An ex of mine, her uncle was color blind almost totally, couldn't tell the difference between almost any color, saw perhaps two colors. His wife told him what to wear.

In an ideal world relationships would be based on equality, love, trust, all of that stuff, but so many aren't. In Islam, in Christianity, in nothing, there are people who will dominate others.

I don't like Islam, I don't like any religion, and the fact that men use it as a way of keeping women down makes me angry. However sometimes you have to accept what you don't like.

If I can do everything I want, it's anarchy, which means murder is okay, which means I can be murdered. I don't like this. So.... I prefer a limited amount of freedom where murder is wrong and I don't get murdered so I can enjoy my limited freedom.

This is life.

If we want freedom we have to accept that some people won't have that freedom, because they've "chosen" to not to have it. The woman has had many chances to get away, but she didn't, for whatever reasons.

Well that's the difference between you and I. I don't stand for anyone who bullies a woman. Our women are our queens and if we don't stand up for them then who will?

As men it's our job.

I don't stand for people who bully women either. However what can I do? Bullying is a fine line. If you ban bullying then people are going to be more repressed than if they were bullied.

I once worked in a restaurant/bar (the restaurant was illegal as I found out when the inspectors turned up in town and the restaurant disappeared for a while) and a big group of people came in. The wife of one went and ordered food. One of the orders was wrong, probably not the woman's fault. But her husband started verbally laying into her. I basically told him to stop it, his response was that this whole thing should stay in the family and they never came back again.

Did I tolerate? No I didn't.

Then again I went into a restaurant recently and a boy started hitting his grandmother quite hard. His mother did nothing about it, the father did nothing about it. What could I do? Nothing.
Can you imagine go swimming like that?

where is the joy? I mean why bother for Heaven's sake?

do they take showers at home like that too?

Mercy Lord!:shock:

Can you imagine go swimming like that?

where is the joy? I mean why bother for Heaven's sake?

do they take showers at home like that too?

Mercy Lord!:shock:

I always thought the purpose of religion was to make you miserable... surely this is perfect.
Bring the burkini back


It serves good purpose sometimes.
There was a great cartoon I saw on Twitter. It was in French. Was hilarious. I will try and find this mofo.
It's a fine line

Cover up those cheeks on South Carolina beaches or face criminal charges. Tiara Monique Garness, 22, learned this lesson while vacationing at Myrtle Beach over the Memorial Day weekend. The High Point, N.C. resident was arrested and charged with indecent exposure for wearing a thong bikini that exposed her buttocks.

Authorities allege Garness was warned that she would be detained if she didn’t don a cover-up, but she ignored police. She was arrested at 5 a.m. Friday and is being held on a $469 cash bond.

Several other trippers met the same fate. Latosha Faye Collins, 27; Tenisha Blair, 34; and Latoya Michen, 31 were all arrested for the same offense between 7:20 p.m. Friday and 2:30 a.m. Saturday.

South Carolina Police Arrest Four Women for Wearing Thong Bikinis at Myrtle Beach
And before you talk about how liberating it is for women to wear what they wish.... There is zero way that a wearing a Burkini is liberating for any woman..... It would be a strange woman who thinks wearing a Burkini is a great option.
Again, who the fuck are you to determine other people's opinions?
If Muslims want to wear the bathing suit in that bottom photo then that's fine.

Surely it's fine if Muslims where what they want. Isn't that freedom?

So we are ok if all husbands tell their wives what they can and can not wear?

This is an issue where religion and social acceptance comes cross.

You didn't seem to care about religious freedom when it came to the wedding baker and the gay cake.

According to that its been set that we favour societal norms over religious freedom. So are we going back to religious freedom now? Or are we telling the religious people to get over it and evolve? Just like we did the bakers.......

Yes, I'm okay with husbands telling their wives what to wear. It happens all the time. An ex of mine, her uncle was color blind almost totally, couldn't tell the difference between almost any color, saw perhaps two colors. His wife told him what to wear.

In an ideal world relationships would be based on equality, love, trust, all of that stuff, but so many aren't. In Islam, in Christianity, in nothing, there are people who will dominate others.

I don't like Islam, I don't like any religion, and the fact that men use it as a way of keeping women down makes me angry. However sometimes you have to accept what you don't like.

If I can do everything I want, it's anarchy, which means murder is okay, which means I can be murdered. I don't like this. So.... I prefer a limited amount of freedom where murder is wrong and I don't get murdered so I can enjoy my limited freedom.

This is life.

If we want freedom we have to accept that some people won't have that freedom, because they've "chosen" to not to have it. The woman has had many chances to get away, but she didn't, for whatever reasons.

Well that's the difference between you and I. I don't stand for anyone who bullies a woman. Our women are our queens and if we don't stand up for them then who will?

As men it's our job.

I don't stand for people who bully women either. However what can I do? Bullying is a fine line. If you ban bullying then people are going to be more repressed than if they were bullied.

I once worked in a restaurant/bar (the restaurant was illegal as I found out when the inspectors turned up in town and the restaurant disappeared for a while) and a big group of people came in. The wife of one went and ordered food. One of the orders was wrong, probably not the woman's fault. But her husband started verbally laying into her. I basically told him to stop it, his response was that this whole thing should stay in the family and they never came back again.

Did I tolerate? No I didn't.

Then again I went into a restaurant recently and a boy started hitting his grandmother quite hard. His mother did nothing about it, the father did nothing about it. What could I do? Nothing.

It's a shame there is so much quoted here that your ridiculous statement gets missed.

You don't stand for people who bully women ..... But you ask what can you do.....

Here is what a man does.... He stands up and calls out this behavior and takes the criticism because it's the right thing to stand up against.

Cowards make excuses While Men just stand up.

Part of being a man is having the character and courage to stand up for women everywhere.
And before you talk about how liberating it is for women to wear what they wish.... There is zero way that a wearing a Burkini is liberating for any woman..... It would be a strange woman who thinks wearing a Burkini is a great option.
Again, who the fuck are you to determine other people's opinions?

Apparently I am part of the courageous group on here that is willing to stand up for women.

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