The Whatever Heard Round The World: Thank You Jonathan Gruber

I'll tell you. It might be unconstitutional for states to not have their own exchanges. If so, we'll loan them one. Big fucking deal.

So, "teacher" you actually read it. There is no "might" here (especially after Gruber's revelations) dumbass. Watch and see - they will throw the whole law out to be rewritten. Watch and see. Either the entire nation follows the same "plan" or it doesn't. Either the "wealthy people" pay for the "sick people" or they don't. You can't have it both ways "teacher".

Your law will soon be toast. Sit back and watch. Thanks "professor" Gruber!!!! :dance:
Once an adult is set back int he Executive branch, the entire law will be scrapped. Along with the Propaganda Laws of the Roosevelt era, that obama re-instituted. Allowing the Media to lie, distort and defraud the public.

The simple truth is that all regulations regarding insurance and medical treatment should be lifted and all laws regarding fraud, theft and tort should be enforced to the HILT. And never less so than in cases regarding the media... .
Question for you Liberals: Do you reject his comments or do you reject him for exposing the truth by " speaking off the cuff in an academic environment"? The level of arrogance and elitism knows no limits with you people and your idols.
Question for you Liberals: Do you reject his comments or do you reject him for exposing the truth by " speaking off the cuff in an academic environment"? The level of arrogance and elitism knows no limits with you people and your idols.

You will not get an honest answer to your question. And this is because Left-think, the species of reasoning which comprises "Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Communism"... rests entirely upon Relativism. And relativism axiomatically rejects objectivity and, objectivity is the essential element of truth.

So the individual "Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Communism" doesn't give a red rats rear about the truth.

They literally have no means to discern such... .
I'll tell you. It might be unconstitutional for states to not have their own exchanges. If so, we'll loan them one. Big fucking deal.

So, "teacher" you actually read it. There is no "might" here (especially after Gruber's revelations) dumbass. Watch and see - they will throw the whole law out to be rewritten. Watch and see. Either the entire nation follows the same "plan" or it doesn't. Either the "wealthy people" pay for the "sick people" or they don't. You can't have it both ways "teacher".

Your law will soon be toast. Sit back and watch. Thanks "professor" Gruber!!!! :dance:
No, I didn't read it. Unlike you, I knew what it was about and could explain it. The law might have to be adapted DUH. What an exciting world you hater dupe nutjobs live in. That's bs infotainment!
Question for you Liberals: Do you reject his comments or do you reject him for exposing the truth by " speaking off the cuff in an academic environment"? The level of arrogance and elitism knows no limits with you people and your idols.

You will not get an honest answer to your question. And this is because Left-think, the species of reasoning which comprises "Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Communism"... rests entirely upon Relativism. And relativism axiomatically rejects objectivity and, objectivity is the essential element of truth.

So the individual "Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Communism" doesn't give a red rats rear about the truth.

They literally have no means to discern such... .
Obviously, we reject his stupid comments, how they're taken out of context, and how you morons have been brainwashed with them. DUH.
Question for you Liberals: Do you reject his comments or do you reject him for exposing the truth by " speaking off the cuff in an academic environment"? The level of arrogance and elitism knows no limits with you people and your idols.

You will not get an honest answer to your question. And this is because Left-think, the species of reasoning which comprises "Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Communism"... rests entirely upon Relativism. And relativism axiomatically rejects objectivity and, objectivity is the essential element of truth.

So the individual "Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Communism" doesn't give a red rats rear about the truth.

They literally have no means to discern such... .
One stupid (Beckbot?) talking point for everything! lol
Question for you Liberals: Do you reject his comments or do you reject him for exposing the truth by " speaking off the cuff in an academic environment"? The level of arrogance and elitism knows no limits with you people and your idols.

You will not get an honest answer to your question. And this is because Left-think, the species of reasoning which comprises "Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Communism"... rests entirely upon Relativism. And relativism axiomatically rejects objectivity and, objectivity is the essential element of truth.

So the individual "Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Communism" doesn't give a red rats rear about the truth.

They literally have no means to discern such... .
One stupid (Beckbot?) talking point for everything! lol

Who is Beck? Gruber will never allow you to have talking points outside of what who are being fed. No questions.
Franco is a mini-Groob.

Just sayin'.
Question for you Liberals: Do you reject his comments or do you reject him for exposing the truth by " speaking off the cuff in an academic environment"? The level of arrogance and elitism knows no limits with you people and your idols.
T the liberal mind it is "whatever it takes because we know best." So they're fine with lyng, cheating, stealing. Because in the end they know what's best.
Question for you Liberals: Do you reject his comments or do you reject him for exposing the truth by " speaking off the cuff in an academic environment"? The level of arrogance and elitism knows no limits with you people and your idols.
T the liberal mind it is "whatever it takes because we know best." So they're fine with lyng, cheating, stealing. Because in the end they know what's best.

And funny how they always find a way to personally profit from the "Beneficial Programs" they force on the knuckle dragging Stupid Voters.
The GruberGate Video Smash Up! It's pretty much the Cliff Note version of The Groob.


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