The Whatever Heard Round The World: Thank You Jonathan Gruber

BTW- your sig is a joke, and Pogo is right.

The mere fact that it pisses people like you off is all the reward I need. Incidentally, TEACHER, my Sig is from a prominent democrat in the 60s. You'd think a learned person such as yourself (haha) would KNOW who wrote that. He was predicting the future and the future is now.
So Franco, why are you so defensive, exposure and transparency are what you do expect out of politicians right? The end does not justify the means, regardless of what you believe, when the truth surfaces the harm done is more often than not catastrophic. Now its time for disavowing association and ownership which doesn't look too promising considering the number of lies told.
"A liberal doesn't believe in government controlling people's personal lives; a Nazi does" - POGO

Doesn't piss me off at all.
Dems try to help people. Pubs feq with gays, women,are all over people's bedrooms and morals that are none of their business (pot, religion etc etc), fool.
The purpose of this thread is to provide a Big Thank You Shout Out to Jonathan "Whatever" Gruber for pulling aside the curtain behind which the Elite Disdain for the American Voter has been hidden.

Thanks to Professor Whatever Gruber's arrogant verbal diarrhea, the evidence of that disdain is an unfolding delight and a gift to freedom lovers everywhere.

So: Thank You Gruber for being such a Smarty Pants DumbFuck Hypocrite!

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Why has he now apologized for his comments?
I could almost kiss that Gruber boy. :) He's doing more to collapse the big DEMOCRAT LIE than millions of pissed off people all put together.

How so? He's apologized for his comments, unless you're a little behind on things....

Sounds like he's a little unsure of himself.

RONAN FARROW: First of all, you haven't publicly commented on this so far. Do you stand by the comments in that video?

JONATHAN GRUBER: The comments on that video were made at an academic conference. I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.

FARROW: But your point that you were making underneath the choice of words was actually quite nuanced. You were saying essentially, correct me if I am wrong, that due to political pressures, the language of Obamacare had to be somewhat opaque, somewhat lacking in transparency, is that correct?

GRUBER: This is something that you've seen actually going back into the Clinton and Bush presidencies which is that public policy that involves spending is typically less political palatable than policy that involves doing things for the tax code. It would have made more sense to do Obamacare the way we did in Massachusetts, which would be to just give people money to offset the cost of their health insurance.

That was politically infeasible and instead it was done through the tax code and that's the only point I was making.
Obamacare Architect Apologizes I Regret Having Made Those Comments Video RealClearPolitics
The purpose of this thread is to provide a Big Thank You Shout Out to Jonathan "Whatever" Gruber for pulling aside the curtain behind which the Elite Disdain for the American Voter has been hidden.

Thanks to Professor Whatever Gruber's arrogant verbal diarrhea, the evidence of that disdain is an unfolding delight and a gift to freedom lovers everywhere.

So: Thank You Gruber for being such a Smarty Pants DumbFuck Hypocrite!

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Why has he now apologized for his comments?

He apologized for getting caught.
So Franco, why are you so defensive, exposure and transparency are what you do expect out of politicians right? The end does not justify the means, regardless of what you believe, when the truth surfaces the harm done is more often than not catastrophic. Now its time for disavowing association and ownership which doesn't look too promising considering the number of lies told.
The truth is ACA is working great and transparent. This Gruber bs is crappe 100%. CHANGE THE CHANNEL, chumps of the greedy idiot rich and giant corporations.
Possibly the fact that Gruber disclosed the disdain the left has for the average voter is a shock to some, yet it tends to repeat itself time and time again, yet some keep voting for the candidate promising a rose garden at the expense of the minority that actually do pay taxes without fear of the consequences.
BTW- your sig is a joke, and Pogo is right.

The mere fact that it pisses people like you off is all the reward I need. Incidentally, TEACHER, my Sig is from a prominent democrat in the 60s. You'd think a learned person such as yourself (haha) would KNOW who wrote that. He was predicting the future and the future is now.
"A liberal doesn't believe in government controlling people's personal lives; a Nazi does" - POGO

Doesn't piss me off at all.
Dems try to help people. Pubs feq with gays, women,are all over people's bedrooms and morals that are none of their business (pot, religion etc etc), fool.
Possibly the fact that Gruber disclosed the disdain the left has for the average voter is a shock to some, yet it tends to repeat itself time and time again, yet some keep voting for the candidate promising a rose garden at the expense of the minority that actually do pay taxes without fear of the consequences.
He's an idiot, but that was last year and totally out of context. The people who really disdain the public and screw them nonstop is the greedy megarich idiot GOP, who have brainwashed YOU.
The only explanation for your position is possibly your experience with the ACA is rather limited. My insurance increased 15%, my daughter 10%, and yet where she lives in California most doctors refuse to accept her insurance. But hell we work so I guess we should pay more for nothing right?
BTW- your sig is a joke, and Pogo is right.

The mere fact that it pisses people like you off is all the reward I need. Incidentally, TEACHER, my Sig is from a prominent democrat in the 60s. You'd think a learned person such as yourself (haha) would KNOW who wrote that. He was predicting the future and the future is now.
"A liberal doesn't believe in government controlling people's personal lives; a Nazi does" - POGO

Doesn't piss me off at all.
Dems try to help people. Pubs feq with gays, women,are all over people's bedrooms and morals that are none of their business (pot, religion etc etc), fool.

Bullshit. Democrats (liberal Nazis) want to control EVERY facet of the American People's lives. They prove that over and over every day of the week and 8 times on Sunday.
Everyone in world knows that but Foxbots, Rushbots, Beckbots,etc, and the careless fools that believe the myth that the GOP is for small gov't, good business, and family values. see sig- all proven fact.
So Franco, why are you so defensive, exposure and transparency are what you do expect out of politicians right? The end does not justify the means, regardless of what you believe, when the truth surfaces the harm done is more often than not catastrophic. Now its time for disavowing association and ownership which doesn't look too promising considering the number of lies told.
The truth is ACA is working great and transparent. This Gruber bs is crappe 100%. CHANGE THE CHANNEL, chumps of the greedy idiot rich and giant corporations.

You goofy fuck. Go ahead and change the channel. I promise you this: The SCOTUS won't be changing the damned channel. Your boy Gruber will be directly responsible for KILLING Obarrycare. I say - God bless this pointed-headed fucker!!! :}
The only explanation for your position is possibly your experience with the ACA is rather limited. My insurance increased 15%, my daughter 10%, and yet where she lives in California most doctors refuse to accept her insurance. But hell we work so I guess we should pay more for nothing right?

Please take this into consideration when dealing with this guy - he is a staunch liberal. In his mind - Obama can do no wrong. His philosophy? To hell with the facts - they don't matter.
So who is the idiot here, Gruber or the people that believed his boss and voted for him? But lets not talk about the Senators and House members that voted for ACA without first reading the bill.
The only explanation for your position is possibly your experience with the ACA is rather limited. My insurance increased 15%, my daughter 10%, and yet where she lives in California most doctors refuse to accept her insurance. But hell we work so I guess we should pay more for nothing right?
It went up an average 12% UNDER BUSH, FOR SCAMS. IT'S GOING UP 5.9% FOR 2015, and DOWN in many places. No more cutoffs, bankruptcies. You're welcome.
The purpose of this thread is to provide a Big Thank You Shout Out to Jonathan "Whatever" Gruber for pulling aside the curtain behind which the Elite Disdain for the American Voter has been hidden.

Thanks to Professor Whatever Gruber's arrogant verbal diarrhea, the evidence of that disdain is an unfolding delight and a gift to freedom lovers everywhere.

So: Thank You Gruber for being such a Smarty Pants DumbFuck Hypocrite!

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Why has he now apologized for his comments?
He wasnt sorry for the comments. He was sorry he got caught.

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