The Whatever Heard Round The World: Thank You Jonathan Gruber

There is a scandal. Gruber was paid by the Obama Administration and did not disclose his bias when he advocated for ObamaCare. The way ObamaCare was passed into law is in and of itself a scandal.

It's not a scandal if we apply your standards, which insist that Bush's lying us into the Iraq war wasn't a scandal.

Fair enough?

So predictable - playing the BOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHH card.

There was bipartisan support for the Iraq war. I actually had the opportunity to speak with Diane Feinstein about her vote in favor of the war. She said that the Senate Committee reviewed very credible and compelling evidence which supported the decision.

As for ObamaCare, it's Lies All The Way Down.

Irrelevant. We were lied into a war that killed 4500 Americans and wounded tens of thousands more.

THAT is a scandal. When you admit THAT is a scandal, that will be your first step towards making an argument that Gruber is a scandal.

This is a taste of your own medicine. Enjoy.

Scuze moi, but methinks it's the Progs who are swallowing the Bitter Pills, bub.

Osama is dead, Obamacare is alive.

How pathetic. If that's all you got, that ain't much.

BTW, you are likely unaware that ISIS and Al Qaeda has joined forces. So much for the JV league....
The purpose of this thread is to provide a Big Thank You Shout Out to Jonathan "Whatever" Gruber for pulling aside the curtain behind which the Elite Disdain for the American Voter has been hidden.

Thanks to Professor Whatever Gruber's arrogant verbal diarrhea, the evidence of that disdain is an unfolding delight and a gift to freedom lovers everywhere.

So: Thank You Gruber for being such a Smarty Pants DumbFuck Hypocrite!

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!!" - Wizard Of Oz
After years of conservatives calling the American people stupid for electing Obama,

you'd think they wouldn't mind if someone borrowed their assessment of the American people once in awhile.

You people are so funny.
They were both right. Gruber was calling Obamacare supporters ignorant. Conservatives were calling Obama voter ignorant. It is certainly a exceedingly difficult distinction.

See? I told you it wasn't a scandal, unless of course the RWnuts are scandalizing themselves.
You didn't need to tell me it wasn't a scandal. Certainly it is not by definition. It was, however, an architect of Obamacare expressing his views of the gullibility of the American public.

Expressing one's views or opinions is not scandal in our society.
The purpose of this thread is to provide a Big Thank You Shout Out to Jonathan "Whatever" Gruber for pulling aside the curtain behind which the Elite Disdain for the American Voter has been hidden.

Thanks to Professor Whatever Gruber's arrogant verbal diarrhea, the evidence of that disdain is an unfolding delight and a gift to freedom lovers everywhere.

So: Thank You Gruber for being such a Smarty Pants DumbFuck Hypocrite!

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!!" - Wizard Of Oz

Gruber is certainly a moral and ethical Munchkin.
One jackass mouthing off about only cadillac plans LAST YEAR means NOTHING, dupes.

36% turnout, and most of those brainwashed twits, means we ARE pretty stupid. see sig for the big secret lol...

NOBODY saw ISIS coming. Did you notice the CIA suqs the last 50 years?
One jackass mouthing off about only cadillac plans LAST YEAR means NOTHING, dupes.

36% turnout, and most of those brainwashed twits, means we ARE pretty stupid. see sig for the big secret lol...

NOBODY saw ISIS coming. Did you notice the CIA suqs the last 50 years?

^^^ Speaking of STOOPID ^^^
It's not a scandal if we apply your standards, which insist that Bush's lying us into the Iraq war wasn't a scandal.

Fair enough?

So predictable - playing the BOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHH card.

There was bipartisan support for the Iraq war. I actually had the opportunity to speak with Diane Feinstein about her vote in favor of the war. She said that the Senate Committee reviewed very credible and compelling evidence which supported the decision.

As for ObamaCare, it's Lies All The Way Down.

Irrelevant. We were lied into a war that killed 4500 Americans and wounded tens of thousands more.

THAT is a scandal. When you admit THAT is a scandal, that will be your first step towards making an argument that Gruber is a scandal.

This is a taste of your own medicine. Enjoy.

Scuze moi, but methinks it's the Progs who are swallowing the Bitter Pills, bub.

Osama is dead, Obamacare is alive.

How pathetic. If that's all you got, that ain't much.

BTW, you are likely unaware that ISIS and Al Qaeda has joined forces. So much for the JV league....

They don't come any dumber and more pathetic than Carb.

He's pretending that Grubergate doesn't bother him but deep down he's unraveling pretty fast.
After years of conservatives calling the American people stupid for electing Obama,

you'd think they wouldn't mind if someone borrowed their assessment of the American people once in awhile.

You people are so funny.

Here little pathetic idiot, let me school you on why people are pissed about Gruber.


Now shut the fuck up and crawl back into your snake pit.
One jackass mouthing off about only cadillac plans LAST YEAR means NOTHING, dupes.

36% turnout, and most of those brainwashed twits, means we ARE pretty stupid. see sig for the big secret lol...

NOBODY saw ISIS coming. Did you notice the CIA suqs the last 50 years?

^^^ Speaking of STOOPID ^^^
ANY argument AT ALL, brainwashed hater dupe dingbat?
I could almost kiss that Gruber boy. :) He's doing more to collapse the big DEMOCRAT LIE than millions of pissed off people all put together.

Indeed. The way I see it, the only "stupid" person in that room is Gruber. Or perhaps MIT - that they haven't fired his worthless ass by now. Just another faculty lounge communist like Barry Obama, Ward Churchill and now Gruber.

Jesus - why would any right-thinking mother or father send their kids to University these days? My God - they leave school with mush for brains. I am so damned thankful that I got my degree way back in the dark ages when they actually TAUGHT you something...... :(

I full expect to hear that some guy followed this Gruber Nazi into a bar and kicks the shit out of him.....he DEFINITELY has it coming.
After years of conservatives calling the American people stupid for electing Obama,

you'd think they wouldn't mind if someone borrowed their assessment of the American people once in awhile.

You people are so funny.

Here little pathetic idiot, let me school you on why people are pissed about Gruber.


Now shut the fuck up and crawl back into your snake pit.
We know, you're pissed because you're an ignorant hater dupe.What was he actually talking about, and when, brainwashed dingbat? CHANGE THE CHANNEL, get some fresh air...
After years of conservatives calling the American people stupid for electing Obama,

you'd think they wouldn't mind if someone borrowed their assessment of the American people once in awhile.

You people are so funny.

Here little pathetic idiot, let me school you on why people are pissed about Gruber.


Now shut the fuck up and crawl back into your snake pit.
We know, you're pissed because you're an ignorant hater dupe.What was he actually talking about, and when, brainwashed dingbat? CHANGE THE CHANNEL, get some fresh air...

Didn't you claim to be a teacher, or some other bullshit? NOW I know why I despise public schools. Idiots like you.

MEANWHILE, on planet Earth, O-Care is working GREAT, and everyone always knew about the penalties Gruber was talking about- and he was talking about Cadillac plans last year.
MEANWHILE, on planet Earth, O-Care is working GREAT, and everyone always knew about the penalties Gruber was talking about- and he was talking about Cadillac plans last year.

Stupid fucker you are......The SCOTUS will ream O-Care out of existence.....
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After years of conservatives calling the American people stupid for electing Obama,

you'd think they wouldn't mind if someone borrowed their assessment of the American people once in awhile.

You people are so funny.

Here little pathetic idiot, let me school you on why people are pissed about Gruber.


Now shut the fuck up and crawl back into your snake pit.
We know, you're pissed because you're an ignorant hater dupe.What was he actually talking about, and when, brainwashed dingbat? CHANGE THE CHANNEL, get some fresh air...

Didn't you claim to be a teacher, or some other bullshit? NOW I know why I despise public schools. Idiots like you.

I was a private school teacher, oh ye who hates all lol...kinds of things and people for idiotic reasons lol...but I'm sure you're not a hater dupe
After years of conservatives calling the American people stupid for electing Obama,

you'd think they wouldn't mind if someone borrowed their assessment of the American people once in awhile.

You people are so funny.

Here little pathetic idiot, let me school you on why people are pissed about Gruber.


Now shut the fuck up and crawl back into your snake pit.
We know, you're pissed because you're an ignorant hater dupe.What was he actually talking about, and when, brainwashed dingbat? CHANGE THE CHANNEL, get some fresh air...

Didn't you claim to be a teacher, or some other bullshit? NOW I know why I despise public schools. Idiots like you.

I was a private school teacher, oh ye who hates all lol...kinds of things and people for idiotic reasons lol...but I'm sure you're not a hater dupe

And so you are unemployed now - got it. See? Private Schools know what a fool you are.......
After years of conservatives calling the American people stupid for electing Obama,

you'd think they wouldn't mind if someone borrowed their assessment of the American people once in awhile.

You people are so funny.

Here little pathetic idiot, let me school you on why people are pissed about Gruber.


Now shut the fuck up and crawl back into your snake pit.
We know, you're pissed because you're an ignorant hater dupe.What was he actually talking about, and when, brainwashed dingbat? CHANGE THE CHANNEL, get some fresh air...

Didn't you claim to be a teacher, or some other bullshit? NOW I know why I despise public schools. Idiots like you.

I was a private school teacher, oh ye who hates all lol...kinds of things and people for idiotic reasons lol...but I'm sure you're not a hater dupe

And so you are unemployed now - got it. See? Private Schools know what a fool you are.......

I'm 63, and retired, hater. lol
Here little pathetic idiot, let me school you on why people are pissed about Gruber.


Now shut the fuck up and crawl back into your snake pit.
We know, you're pissed because you're an ignorant hater dupe.What was he actually talking about, and when, brainwashed dingbat? CHANGE THE CHANNEL, get some fresh air...

Didn't you claim to be a teacher, or some other bullshit? NOW I know why I despise public schools. Idiots like you.

I was a private school teacher, oh ye who hates all lol...kinds of things and people for idiotic reasons lol...but I'm sure you're not a hater dupe

And so you are unemployed now - got it. See? Private Schools know what a fool you are.......

I'm 63, and retired, hater. lol caught with the little girls, heh? Guess your screen name should be "Chester the Molester", right?

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