The Whatever Heard Round The World: Thank You Jonathan Gruber

Gruber exemplifies the attitude of the Democratic Party. They see the American people as stupid and they see the Constitution as an obstacle.
Gruber threads will eventually pass Benghazi threads in number. The RWnuts still have it when it comes to fake scandal hysteria.
There is no scandal here. He said what he said. He was calling Americans stupid. There's no scandal nor misunderstanding.

There is a scandal. Gruber was paid by the Obama Administration and did not disclose his bias when he advocated for ObamaCare. The way ObamaCare was passed into law is in and of itself a scandal.
Gruber threads will eventually pass Benghazi threads in number. The RWnuts still have it when it comes to fake scandal hysteria.
There is no scandal here. He said what he said. He was calling Americans stupid. There's no scandal nor misunderstanding.

There is a scandal. Gruber was paid by the Obama Administration and did not disclose his bias when he advocated for ObamaCare. The way ObamaCare was passed into law is in and of itself a scandal.

It's not a scandal if we apply your standards, which insist that Bush's lying us into the Iraq war wasn't a scandal.

Fair enough?
Gruber threads will eventually pass Benghazi threads in number. The RWnuts still have it when it comes to fake scandal hysteria.
There is no scandal here. He said what he said. He was calling Americans stupid. There's no scandal nor misunderstanding.

There is a scandal. Gruber was paid by the Obama Administration and did not disclose his bias when he advocated for ObamaCare. The way ObamaCare was passed into law is in and of itself a scandal.

Add it to the list in the Auto Scandal Rotation Tool the echo chamber uses......
Gruber threads will eventually pass Benghazi threads in number. The RWnuts still have it when it comes to fake scandal hysteria.
There is no scandal here. He said what he said. He was calling Americans stupid. There's no scandal nor misunderstanding.

There is a scandal. Gruber was paid by the Obama Administration and did not disclose his bias when he advocated for ObamaCare. The way ObamaCare was passed into law is in and of itself a scandal.

It's not a scandal if we apply your standards, which insist that Bush's lying us into the Iraq war wasn't a scandal.

Fair enough?

So predictable - playing the BOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHH card.

There was bipartisan support for the Iraq war. I actually had the opportunity to speak with Diane Feinstein about her vote in favor of the war. She said that the Senate Committee reviewed very credible and compelling evidence which supported the decision.

As for ObamaCare, it's Lies All The Way Down.
Gruber threads will eventually pass Benghazi threads in number. The RWnuts still have it when it comes to fake scandal hysteria.
There is no scandal here. He said what he said. He was calling Americans stupid. There's no scandal nor misunderstanding.

There is a scandal. Gruber was paid by the Obama Administration and did not disclose his bias when he advocated for ObamaCare. The way ObamaCare was passed into law is in and of itself a scandal.

It's not a scandal if we apply your standards, which insist that Bush's lying us into the Iraq war wasn't a scandal.

Fair enough?

So predictable - playing the BOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHH card.

There was bipartisan support for the Iraq war. I actually had the opportunity to speak with Diane Feinstein about her vote in favor of the war. She said that the Senate Committee reviewed very credible and compelling evidence which supported the decision.

As for ObamaCare, it's Lies All The Way Down.

Irrelevant. We were lied into a war that killed 4500 Americans and wounded tens of thousands more.

THAT is a scandal. When you admit THAT is a scandal, that will be your first step towards making an argument that Gruber is a scandal.

This is a taste of your own medicine. Enjoy.
The isue is not that Gruber called Americans stupid. Lots of people have.
The issue is that he admitted they put the legislation together in such a way as to conceal its real meaning, its real effect, and its real cost. When conservatives questioned all of these things we were told we were being paranoid/stupid/hateful/racist etc. Turns out we were right. Everything claimed for Obamacare is a lie.
Gruber threads will eventually pass Benghazi threads in number. The RWnuts still have it when it comes to fake scandal hysteria.
There is no scandal here. He said what he said. He was calling Americans stupid. There's no scandal nor misunderstanding.

There is a scandal. Gruber was paid by the Obama Administration and did not disclose his bias when he advocated for ObamaCare. The way ObamaCare was passed into law is in and of itself a scandal.

It's not a scandal if we apply your standards, which insist that Bush's lying us into the Iraq war wasn't a scandal.

Fair enough?

So predictable - playing the BOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHH card.

There was bipartisan support for the Iraq war. I actually had the opportunity to speak with Diane Feinstein about her vote in favor of the war. She said that the Senate Committee reviewed very credible and compelling evidence which supported the decision.

As for ObamaCare, it's Lies All The Way Down.

Irrelevant. We were lied into a war that killed 4500 Americans and wounded tens of thousands more.

THAT is a scandal. When you admit THAT is a scandal, that will be your first step towards making an argument that Gruber is a scandal.

This is a taste of your own medicine. Enjoy.

Scuze moi, but methinks it's the Progs who are swallowing the Bitter Pills, bub.
After years of conservatives calling the American people stupid for electing Obama,

you'd think they wouldn't mind if someone borrowed their assessment of the American people once in awhile.

You people are so funny.
I bet he wears a blue plaid footie onesie.
There is no scandal here. He said what he said. He was calling Americans stupid. There's no scandal nor misunderstanding.

There is a scandal. Gruber was paid by the Obama Administration and did not disclose his bias when he advocated for ObamaCare. The way ObamaCare was passed into law is in and of itself a scandal.

It's not a scandal if we apply your standards, which insist that Bush's lying us into the Iraq war wasn't a scandal.

Fair enough?

So predictable - playing the BOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHH card.

There was bipartisan support for the Iraq war. I actually had the opportunity to speak with Diane Feinstein about her vote in favor of the war. She said that the Senate Committee reviewed very credible and compelling evidence which supported the decision.

As for ObamaCare, it's Lies All The Way Down.

Irrelevant. We were lied into a war that killed 4500 Americans and wounded tens of thousands more.

THAT is a scandal. When you admit THAT is a scandal, that will be your first step towards making an argument that Gruber is a scandal.

This is a taste of your own medicine. Enjoy.

Scuze moi, but methinks it's the Progs who are swallowing the Bitter Pills, bub.

Osama is dead, Obamacare is alive.
I could almost kiss that Gruber boy. :) He's doing more to collapse the big DEMOCRAT LIE than millions of pissed off people all put together.

AND if you think they're laughing at how STUPID Americans are for buying Obamacare, just wait if they pull off "Net Neutrality."

Gruber: "So we told them that radically changing the law would leave the internet like it is, BWAHAHAHA and the stupid fuckers bought it!"
Gruber threads will eventually pass Benghazi threads in number. The RWnuts still have it when it comes to fake scandal hysteria.
There is no scandal here. He said what he said. He was calling Americans stupid. There's no scandal nor misunderstanding.

There is a scandal. Gruber was paid by the Obama Administration and did not disclose his bias when he advocated for ObamaCare. The way ObamaCare was passed into law is in and of itself a scandal.

It's not a scandal if we apply your standards, which insist that Bush's lying us into the Iraq war wasn't a scandal.

Fair enough?

No scandal. Your Bush Lied Iraq theories are irrelevant. This is simply about the truth. Truth is that Conservatives argued that there was no transparency and that Democrats were depending on the ignorance of their supporters to get this through. Jonathan Gruber, an advisor with insight and access to the process simply validated the claim made by Conservatives in 2009.

No scandal nor is it relative to Bush.
After years of conservatives calling the American people stupid for electing Obama,

you'd think they wouldn't mind if someone borrowed their assessment of the American people once in awhile.

You people are so funny.
They were both right. Gruber was calling Obamacare supporters ignorant. Conservatives were calling Obama voters ignorant. It is certainly a exceedingly difficult distinction.
After years of conservatives calling the American people stupid for electing Obama,

you'd think they wouldn't mind if someone borrowed their assessment of the American people once in awhile.

You people are so funny.
They were both right. Gruber was calling Obamacare supporters ignorant. Conservatives were calling Obama voter ignorant. It is certainly a exceedingly difficult distinction.

See? I told you it wasn't a scandal, unless of course the RWnuts are scandalizing themselves.

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