The whore known as the American government is FINISHED, it's now a looting machine


Nov 17, 2011
Let's put it this way. I will be blunt.
"all the gold in the world would form a cube that’s just 68 feet on each square, and that it would cost you $10 trillion" So in other words, all the gold in the world would not pay of the US Federal debt.
In other words it matters NOT if the majority of Americans are ass wipes who believe in the demo republic ratic circus, this debt should prove to the rest of us, "the majority" if you like, that the worms who participate in the two party circus who got the government into debt, is no more existant nor meaningful then a crack whore. the debt shows that they are absolutely finished, they have no authority, what so ever, to neither do, nor to re enforce anything - they looted what was the nations bank account - all they can do now is create regulations, give out speeding tickets, harass businesses, threaten the citizens, and so on. the American whore is finished.

Now the question: are there any men in America, who care enough about this nation to form a new government, with the guide lines? or will you allow some proxy movement to spring out with the help of establishment media? the choice is ours.

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