The 'why'd God Do That' Thread


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Why'd God make the universe and time/space curved? If you travel at unlimited velocity, any direction you go would return you to your starting point.

Why'd God make so many things sinful that we enjoy? Masturbation, sex, pork, visual appreciation of the human form, etc.

Why'd God give Adam and Eve free will, but then punish them for exercising it?

Why'd God make the universe so big then impose an absolute speed limit of light ensuring you can never get around in it? (even at light-speed it'd take 4 years to get to the next nearest star system, then another 4 to hear back from the astronauts. For the astronauts oweing to relativistic time dilation the trip would be much shorter since time slows down considerably near the speed of light, at precise c it stops completely.)

Some to get ya started. :)
Assuming sometimes both science and religion are correct about things, if God made the Earth 4.5 billion years ago, but humans are only about 20,000 years old, who'd God make first to populate and administer the planet? Why'd God only make humans tens of thousands of years ago, but the planet's 4.5 billion, and life's existed on it for at least a billion.
Why'd God made premarital sex a sin then not give us any ceremonial definition or requirement for marriage? (look it up, Bible has no ceremony or ritual to solemnize a marriage.)
These threads are all the same. They wanna' blame God for everything bad yet NEVER wanna' acknowledge the fact that Satan has dominion over the Earth.
You wanna' know why jerkin yer gherkin is a bad thing OP? You see all these "Forever Alone" types who sit in front of their Computers jerkin' it to simulated people? Don't ya' think you're meant for something bigger than just navel gazing and self pleasure?

Look at Japan. Internet Sex is King over there and look at what's happening to the population. It's shrinking. Why? Because they think that Internet Sex and Relations is a valid substitute for Human Relations.

It isn't.
These threads are all the same. They wanna' blame God for everything bad yet NEVER wanna' acknowledge the fact that Satan has dominion over the Earth.
Are they? Sorry, didn't see the thread blaming God for an overly large curved universe. :)
And then they deflect.

Sorry, didn't figure you'd forget what you'd just asked the day before.

You wrote "Why'd God make so many things sinful that we enjoy? Masturbation, sex, pork, visual appreciation of the human form, etc."

Remember now?
These threads are all the same. They wanna' blame God for everything bad yet NEVER wanna' acknowledge the fact that Satan has dominion over the Earth.
Are they? Sorry, didn't see the thread blaming God for an overly large curved universe. :)
And then they deflect.

Sorry, didn't figure you'd forget what you'd just asked the day before.

You wrote "Why'd God make so many things sinful that we enjoy? Masturbation, sex, pork, visual appreciation of the human form, etc."

Remember now?

Uh ya, as examples amongst the other ones. If you wanna fixate on some in particular fine. Thread works just fine without them though.

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