Zone1 The woke have jumped the shark

el midgetron

Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2023
DEI and CRT are meant to divide us. That is their liberal ideological position. If you don’t judge someone through the lens of their skin color, then you are “part of the problem”. “Decolonize” the “whiteness“ of everything. It’s all meant to divide us. Make no mistake, more racism is an absolutely obvious out come to these ideas.

The cultural fulcrum has tilted, and the kool-aid haired Karens are cultural losers.

The liberals have suppressed comedy for over a decade. I credit Dave Chappelle with standing up to these bullies. They are paper tiger soy boys who nobody really likes.

That said, this MF’er is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. This is what subversion looks like.

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DEI and CRT are meant to divide us. That is their liberal ideological position. If you don’t judge someone through the lens of their skin color, then you are “part of the problem”. “Decolonize” the “whiteness“ of everything. It’s all meant to divide us. Make no mistake, more racism is an absolutely obvious out come to these ideas.

The cultural fulcrum has tilted, and the kool-aid haired Karens are cultural losers.

The liberals have suppressed comedy for over a decade. I credit Dave Chappelle with standing up to these bullies. They are paper tiger soy boys who nobody really likes.

That said, this MF’er is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. This is what subversion looks like.

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Gee, a female IM2. She actually believes that concentrating on race will eliminate racism. The reverse is actually the truth, as long as race is the most important thing to some people, they will be racists regardless of race.
This is bs. And whites like you 2 need to stop lying about not concentrating on race. You aren't going to fix damage creatted by white racism without focusing on race. But that's the trick here, you guys don't want to fix anything, you just want to carry on reaping the benefits of white preference.

We are already divided and what is keeping us divided are whites like you 2 who think that only what you think about things count. We will stay divided until whites like you 2 get out of your delusion.

Whites do not have anything based on merit alone. Your skin color is the ONLY reason.
Ok, this is like a super-size double cheese burger :)

This is bs. And whites like you 2 need to stop lying about not concentrating on race.
I do not care about the color of your skin. Beauty, in both body and spirit transcends skin color. I care about your character, who you really are.

You think I’m a racist for the simple fact that I disagree with you.
You aren't going to fix damage creatted by white racism without focusing on race.
Says the black dude who can’t shut up about what a victim he is. We get it, you take no ownership.
But that's the trick here, you guys don't want to fix anything, you just want to carry on reaping the benefits of white preference.
Says the guy who is literally repeating 1950’s segregation talking points.

We are already divided and what is keeping us divided are whites like you 2 who think that only what you think about things count. We will stay divided until whites like you 2 get out of your delusion.
Not the liberal assholes calling for the destruction of the white race?

"Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as 'the white race' is destroyed—not 'deconstructed' but destroyed."

Book excerpt from “When Race Becomes Real" | Harvard Magazine

Whites do not have anything based on merit alone. Your skin color is the ONLY reason.

I really would have preferred you credited aliens or something more more believeble.

“Whites” can’t GIVE away their technology to black people.

DEI and CRT are meant to divide us. That is their liberal ideological position. If you don’t judge someone through the lens of their skin color, then you are “part of the problem”. “Decolonize” the “whiteness“ of everything. It’s all meant to divide us. Make no mistake, more racism is an absolutely obvious out come to these ideas.

The cultural fulcrum has tilted, and the kool-aid haired Karens are cultural losers.

The liberals have suppressed comedy for over a decade. I credit Dave Chappelle with standing up to these bullies. They are paper tiger soy boys who nobody really likes.

That said, this MF’er is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. This is what subversion looks like.

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People have always been judged by their looks, attire, sex, and yes skin pigment.....
DEI and CRT are meant to divide us. That is their liberal ideological position. If you don’t judge someone through the lens of their skin color, then you are “part of the problem”. “Decolonize” the “whiteness“ of everything. It’s all meant to divide us. Make no mistake, more racism is an absolutely obvious out come to these ideas.

The cultural fulcrum has tilted, and the kool-aid haired Karens are cultural losers.

The liberals have suppressed comedy for over a decade. I credit Dave Chappelle with standing up to these bullies. They are paper tiger soy boys who nobody really likes.

That said, this MF’er is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. This is what subversion looks like.

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These racists WANT people to see color because they want to discriminate against whites. How can they do that if people don’t see color?
I read a piece in the local paper where dems in the Virginia legislature are trying to get rid of legacy admissions at UVA and other Virginia state schools citing DIE.

Democratic lawmakers are seeking to ban Virginia public colleges and universities’ practice of providing special admission treatment to student applicants related to alumni and donors.

The proposed legacy admissions ban stems from the recent fall of affirmative action on college campuses nationwide. Since the Supreme Court ruled last June that race-conscious admission policies at Harvard College and the University of North Carolina were unconstitutional, schools in Virginia have already taken action to change their admissions policies, which have commonly favored student applicants who are white and are from higher-income families.
This is bs. And whites like you 2 need to stop lying about not concentrating on race. You aren't going to fix damage creatted by white racism without focusing on race. But that's the trick here, you guys don't want to fix anything, you just want to carry on reaping the benefits of white preference.

We are already divided and what is keeping us divided are whites like you 2 who think that only what you think about things count. We will stay divided until whites like you 2 get out of your delusion.

Whites do not have anything based on merit alone. Your skin color is the ONLY reason.
Where were all the Negro boys when I was studying Engineering in college?

They were smoking pot, drinking Colt Malt Liquor and playing hood basketball.

I was hired because I knew what the hell what I was doing.

DEI shitheads are hired because of their race, gender and sexual orientation.
This is bs. And whites like you 2 need to stop lying about not concentrating on race. You aren't going to fix damage creatted by white racism without focusing on race. But that's the trick here, you guys don't want to fix anything, you just want to carry on reaping the benefits of white preference.
Name one thing a white person can do you that you can't?
This is bs. And whites like you 2 need to stop lying about not concentrating on race. You aren't going to fix damage creatted by white racism without focusing on race. But that's the trick here, you guys don't want to fix anything, you just want to carry on reaping the benefits of white preference.

We are already divided and what is keeping us divided are whites like you 2 who think that only what you think about things count. We will stay divided until whites like you 2 get out of your delusion.

Whites do not have anything based on merit alone. Your skin color is the ONLY reason.
By the time I was in the third grade I had learned that skin color wasn’t important. I grew up in an integrated ghetto just west of downtown Los Angeles, the police called it Rampart Division, you may have heard of it. Whites were a minority, blacks were a minority as were Latinos. The majority of people were Asians. I grew up with friends of all races, we ran the streets together, we played sports together we did everything together. Many of my friends joined gangs and turned to crime together. What I learned all my life was that character, good or bad, has nothing to do with skin color. Merit has nothing to do with skin color.
Yes. "Woke" has jumped the shark. It's now promoting more backlash against fringe groups than acceptance.
Whites do not have anything based on merit alone. Your skin color is the ONLY reason.

It has long been known that lighter skin correlates with more intelligence This is because cold climates select genetically for lighter skin and more intelligence.
This is bs. And whites like you 2 need to stop lying about not concentrating on race. You aren't going to fix damage creatted by white racism without focusing on race. But that's the trick here, you guys don't want to fix anything, you just want to carry on reaping the benefits of white preference.

We are already divided and what is keeping us divided are whites like you 2 who think that only what you think about things count. We will stay divided until whites like you 2 get out of your delusion.

Whites do not have anything based on merit alone. Your skin color is the ONLY reason.
Oh, yeah? So you’re saying my parents, who studied their butts off to win a college education - at colleges ALSO open to blacks, by the way - got in and then graduated near the top of their class, and then worked hard in their chosen professions so they could afford to buy a house (where Jews were welcome, that is) got where they are because….they‘re white?

People like you will continue to engender racism while accomplishing nothing. Better you follow the example of persecuted minorities who rose from abject poverty to the middle-class in the space of 10 or 15 years - there are MILLIONS of examples.

But you’ve got to put in the work. Screaming “so what are you going to do about racism, white boy?” will get you NOWHERE.

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