Zone1 The woke have jumped the shark

It does get tiresome. I'm fine with a subtle campaign to provide a realistic view of society. Not every ad family should be the Cleavers. But for fuck sake, watching TV this days feels like participating in sociology experiment in college. Or, more accurately, just being targeted with propaganda.

I despise racists and racism, but we need to give up on the idea that government is there to "mold" society - to dictate social norms and biases. We need to ensure it doesn't go the other way, and that social biases don't interfere with equal protection of the law, but beyond that, people are entitled to their biases, no matter how repugnant and misguided they may be.
It does get tiresome. I'm fine with a subtle campaign to provide a realistic view of society. Not every ad family should be the Cleavers. But for fuck sake, watching TV this days feels like participating in sociology experiment in college. Or, more accurately, just being targeted with propaganda.

I despise racists and racism, but we need to give up on the idea that government is there to "mold" society - to dictate social norms and biases. We need to ensure it doesn't go the other way, and that social biases don't interfere with equal protection of the law, but beyond that, people are entitled to their biases, no matter how repugnant and misguided they may be.
I’ve noticed lately that in commercials, the homeowners of the large house are black in the majority of cases, and the tradesperson or delivery driver is usually white.
Captured this from Quora - Maybe IM2 can come along and tell us why it's all wrong:

What is your opinion on the push for diversity in media?
This is the view of a minority (aka not white)
I hate it, to put it bluntly. Let me explain.
As a minority growing up, it’s a given that the lead is always going to be a white male. He’s charismatic, fit, outgoing, macho, guy’s guy etc.
Minorities were just the token character; either just the sake of being politically correct, to satisfy the African American population or to poke fun of a foreigner and his culture.
Over 90% of the time if a minority is represented it’s going to be an African American, who’s the best friend; has nil real story line, nil character development and just there for diversity sake.
Now over the past few years, there’s even a greater push for diversity. Sounds good right?
Ironically from a minority point of view, it’s just gotten worse and it’s completely unbearable.
It feels extremely forced, disingenuous and fake. You’re feeling like it’s just patronizing. We’re still not being looked at being equals or human beings but still like ‘those minorities that need representation and help’.
For starters, movies that have non white leads perform poorly (those that are geared towards the general public) because people in general want to see a white male lead.
There’s a feeling that those non white actors who are placed in roles in movies are just being put there just to be politically correct which is worse than being racist. They often have very poor character development; those characters are still being written by white male writers behind the scenes who have no idea how it is like from a minority POV.
This leads to either two directions: They’re completely white washed OR fall into a cesspool of stereotypes.
A good example of this is that show Jesse that aired on Disney Channel. A family adopts a group of kids from various ethnic backgrounds…sounds great right?
Well even though being diverse, they were still just blatant stereotypes. Being of Indian background, the character Ravi was so insulting. The actor was born and grown in the US not India. He had a fake obnoxious Indian accent; was portrayed as thin and weak, cowardly, always wearing Indian clothing (which most Indians DO NOT) and always talking about some made up Indian superstition. I coudn’t stand that show.
The other extreme is trying to put diverse casts but it seems extremely forced and not natural. You have the feeling ‘oh he’s there because he’s black’ ‘oh he’s there because they wanted to make a statement that he’s latino’. In turn these characters are just complete perfect human beings with no faults. I mean seriously…from one extreme to the next?
We’re human beings; we can be good, we can be bad, we can be in the middle as one of the other answers brilliantly put it.
I much rather watch a tv series or a movie with a completely white cast that has good acting, good plot and good direction than a forced movie/tv show with diversity any day.
Before "woke" became a thing, I characterized it as "freak of the week" civil rights. Most liberals don't want equal rights. They want special rights for special people.
It does get tiresome. I'm fine with a subtle campaign to provide a realistic view of society. Not every ad family should be the Cleavers. But for fuck sake, watching TV this days feels like participating in sociology experiment in college. Or, more accurately, just being targeted with propaganda.

I despise racists and racism, but we need to give up on the idea that government is there to "mold" society - to dictate social norms and biases. We need to ensure it doesn't go the other way, and that social biases don't interfere with equal protection of the law, but beyond that, people are entitled to their biases, no matter how repugnant and misguided they may be.
You guys really can't see the irony in your commentary. The government molded society into white dominant thinking that has people like you and lisa whining because commercials show blacks inlarge houses and whites as delivery drves in ads done by whiteowned companies. It's pathetic thr racism yu guys dsay and the daily examples of straight up white fragility.
Captured this from Quora - Maybe IM2 can come along and tell us why it's all wrong:
Your attitude is stupid. This nation became diverse when whites first landed here. This is not a white nation and never has been. The all white shit we grew up seeing was fake and the push for diversity in media is a push to display reality.
Before "woke" became a thing, I characterized it as "freak of the week" civil rights. Most liberals don't want equal rights. They want special rights for special people.
Whites have always been given special rights. You have had that privilege for so long that you believe equal rights for non whites is special rights. This opposition to whatever you call woke is just more white backlash coming from racists.
Your attitude is stupid. This nation became diverse when whites first landed here. This is not a white nation and never has been. The all white shit we grew up seeing was fake and the push for diversity in media is a push to display reality.
I never claimed otherwise. But I think the kind of propaganda we see now is tasteless and counterproductive.
Whites have always been given special rights.
And to the extent that's true, it was a mistake. We should strive for equal rights.
You have had that privilege for so long that you believe equal rights for non whites is special rights. This opposition to whatever you call woke is just more white backlash coming from racists.
No. What I'm talking about is the protected classes approach to civil rights. Where the goal has nothing at all to do with rights, and is merely an attempt to squelch unpopular biases in society.
You guys really can't see the irony in your commentary. The government molded society into white dominant thinking that has people like you and lisa whining because commercials show blacks inlarge houses and whites as delivery drves in ads done by whiteowned companies. It's pathetic thr racism yu guys dsay and the daily examples of straight up white fragility.
Whites were always dominant in the western world because we developed western civilization. In China, Han Chinese were dominant, in North Africa the Muslims were dominant. The primary race is always dominant. The government had nothing to do with white dominant thinking.
I never claimed otherwise. But I think the kind of propaganda we see now is tasteless and counterproductive.
What is propaganda was the old way.
And to the extent that's true, it was a mistake. We should strive for equal rights.
It has been true since America started. What it seems is that some whites want to try getting to equality without fixing the inequality. All that does is keep things unequal.

No. What I'm talking about is the protected classes approach to civil rights. Where the goal has nothing at all to do with rights, and is merely an attempt to squelch unpopular biases in society.
And you actually believe what you said here makes sense. Civil Rights is supposed to squelch unpopular biases that caused the rights of some to not be respected or given equal protection. You are unable to reconcile that whites have been the most protected class in this country. This kind of cognitive disonance is the problem. When whites, specificaly on the right, can begin to be honest about things, you will understand how I can say that you don't make any sense.
It has been true since America started. What it seems is that some whites want to try getting to equality without fixing the inequality. All that does is keep things unequal.
Whoa! Hold on there. I'm talking about equal rights, not equality. Very different things. I have no interest in trying to make everyone equal. Certainly not with government.
It has been true since America started. What it seems is that some whites want to try getting to equality without fixing the inequality. All that does is keep things unequal.

And you actually believe what you said here makes sense. Civil Rights is supposed to squelch unpopular biases that caused the rights of some to not be respected or given equal protection. You are unable to reconcile that whites have been the most protected class in this country. This kind of cognitive disonance is the problem. When whites, specificaly on the right, can begin to be honest about things, you will understand how I can say that you don't make any sense.
Wrong, civil rights was and is not designed to squelch "unpopular bias'". It's not the government's place to decide what thinking is appropriate. The civil rights movement was to make blacks and other minorities EQUAL UNDER THE LAW. It was about equality, NOT EQUITY.

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