The woman Behind The Notorious LibsofTikTok Account Has Been Unmasked And Conservatives Are Furious

But that does not mean there aren't consequences for it.

Again, used to be you had to have proof before you went spouting conspiracy theory laden bullshit.

Damn, you need to follow what is going on, she hasn't accused anyone of anything. All she did, was re-post crazy videos from an anonymous account. If some liberal re-posted Neo-Nazis, racists, and KKKlan folks' videos, spewing anger and hatred and looking all silly on videos from their own an anonymous account, would you support them being outed by some establishment conservative paper?

Somehow? I doubt that.

WashPost's Doxing of @LibsOfTikTok Reveals Who Corporate Journalists See as Their Targets​

Again, the double edged sword of misinformation cuts both ways. You want your 15 minutes? Sorry, there's no law that says there are no consequences to your use of speech. Let's face it, it's not about "countering" or "questioning". It's about your perceived right to continue to spout conspiracy theories and division pimping without being saddled with having to prove your ridiculous assertions. Used to be in this country, you had to have proof of your accusations before you opened your mouth...or typed a character on your keyboard.

But, you don't really care about accuracy or honesty do you?
Long Live the Alt-Right! So just, so righteous. Stories that must be told! :auiqs.jpg:

She accurately reposted other people showing the world who they are. There have been zero accusations that the videos she posted were altered in any way. So just STFU commie.

I have mentioned many times that Conservatives and Dissident Liberals should take every reasonable legal step to impose maximum consequences on Progressive Enemies of Freedom.

I am grateful to Conservatives for their defense of Freedom. Sadly, even Conservatives do not value Freedom enough to impose consequences on Progressive Enemies of Freedom. Dissident Liberals are too few to do anything.
It was the Framers' intent that private citizens in the context of private society determine the merits of public speech.

And freedom of the press was granted to allow the press to hold government accountable, not set out to destroy the lives of private citizens who holds the wrong opinion in their view. So just STFU.

Always with deflections and pointless TDS cuckery.

If you can't talk about the issue in the thread, kindly take a long walk on a short pier.

The founders used pennames when they wrote the Federalist and Anit-federalist papers and published them. Expressing opinions anonymously is an American tradition. At least it was till the commies came along.

Fame is a sharp, double-edged sword.
She's had her 15 minutes..and it's likely going to cost her.
For some reason, people seem to believe that there are no consequences for their right to "free" speech.
Consequences for posting the facts? Why aren't you communist/marxist libs vengeful little pricks---a common characteristic in psychopaths and sociopaths.
What hubris are you referring to? She is retweeting and re-posting heavily edited alt-right opinion, misinformation, and conspiracy theories. Again, used to be you had to provide proof of your silly accusations before you posted it, verbal or otherwise.

I'm sorry. This woman is just spreading cancer. Consequences are the only way to get through to people like this.
This is a lie. You should be doxxed for this lie.
The "Libs of TikTok" account posted video of a woman teach sexual education to children in Kentucky, branding the woman a "predator," and the same clip appeared the next night on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News program, and its tweets reach millions of social media users and helps set the agenda in right-wing discourse online -- but the Washington Post has tracked down and identified the account's owner.

The account was created in early November 2020 by Brooklyn real estate agent Chaya Raichik, who cycled through Twitter handles and areas of interest -

Conservatives quickly lashed out at The Washington Post for publishing Raichik's name.The Washington Post 'exposed' @libsoftiktok for what crime exactly? For the sin of showing America exactly what leftists have in store for their children. If you're effective and anonymous, you can expect to be doxxed. It's a last-ditch effort to intimidate you into silence," addedBreitbart reporter Alana Mastrangelo.

If she thinks her cause is so righteous, what’s she afraid of? You wanted fame and fortune sweetheart? You got it.
Libs is back up posting deranged progressive school teachers....OK groomer

Weiwu...has hit the mods radar ....whoever that is is histerical...

America's most trusted news source comments

This is the type of person Disney wants your kids to be listening to day in and day out... people obsessed with preaching modern sexual theory to toddlers.

We're not talking about even preschoolers here. We're talking about those who toddle – those unsteady 2-year-olds who have no problem marinating in their own dirty diapers and have the coordination of a drunk Koala.

What a (gross) time to be alive.


America's most trusted news source comments

This is the type of person Disney wants your kids to be listening to day in and day out... people obsessed with preaching modern sexual theory to toddlers.

We're not talking about even preschoolers here. We're talking about those who toddle – those unsteady 2-year-olds who have no problem marinating in their own dirty diapers and have the coordination of a drunk Koala.

What a (gross) time to be alive.

That thing looks evil.
This is a lie. You should be doxxed for this lie.
It is amazing how absolutely certain some of these people are about things that they have no way of knowing is even correct. It would seem that they see a headline designed to get them all mad about stuff and they believe it.

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