The woman Behind The Notorious LibsofTikTok Account Has Been Unmasked And Conservatives Are Furious

And it's amazing what your side will go through to make sure your just and righteous division pimping goes on.
This woman got outed. Too bad.

Again, used to be you had to have proof before you went spouting conspiracy theory laden bullshit.

So your little Gestapo social media fucks can try to ruin her life now, and you sit there jerking off to the thought of it.

What conspiracy stuff? She re-posts SJW tick-tock videos, maybe adding some snarky comment to it. It's the SJW's own posts.

Are you trying to walk-back your editing accusation?
Why should there be "consequences" for re-posting the content of people and making snarky comments about it?

So basically you are supporting mob enforced thoughtcrime punishment, got it.

Are you so unsure of your own views that anyone countering them has to be destroyed?
It was the Framers' intent that private citizens in the context of private society determine the merits of public speech.
Again, the double edged sword of misinformation cuts both ways. You want your 15 minutes? Sorry, there's no law that says there are no consequences to your use of speech. Let's face it, it's not about "countering" or "questioning". It's about your perceived right to continue to spout conspiracy theories and division pimping without being saddled with having to prove your ridiculous assertions. Used to be in this country, you had to have proof of your accusations before you opened your mouth...or typed a character on your keyboard.

But, you don't really care about accuracy or honesty do you?
Long Live the Alt-Right! So just, so righteous. Stories that must be told! :auiqs.jpg:
My God your pathetic.
Fame is a sharp, double-edged sword.
She's had her 15 minutes..and it's likely going to cost her.
For some reason, people seem to believe that there are no consequences for their right to "free" speech.
You’re an asshole and a hypocrite. In a nation now consumed with the leftards’ efforts to silence speech and punish those with whom they disagree, what possible reason would anyone have to make use of their real name?

In the real world, folks are too polite to call you an asshole to your face — usually. Societal conventions like simple civility usually govern. Here in the interwebz, we get to be a bit freer. So what? If you say I’m a retard, you’re only trying to besmirch a username. If I say you’re an asshole, I’m only expressing my disdain for your sub-cretin views; but only the views expressed by some other username.

Why shouldn’t she be allowed to avoid nasty personal real life consequences from misguided asshole libtards? You scumbag libtard piles of shit only seek to engage in the politics of personal destruction.
It was the Framers' intent that private citizens in the context of private society determine the merits of public speech.
Bullshit. The Founders and the Framers valued free speech which could be expressed on their merits. The “free marketplace of ideas” entailed disagreement and debate.

You libtards seek to subject your opponents to personal abuse and attack. If you don’t like the notions expressed by a conservative, you should respond to the message and stop seeking opportunities to “cancel” the speaker.
Considering most of social media still won't let him have accounts, your tu quo que attempt is as usual pathetic, par for your usual posting.

Always with the excuses. This was well before anyone stopped him from posting his lies.
Bullshit. The Founders and the Framers valued free speech which could be expressed on their merits. The “free marketplace of ideas” entailed disagreement and debate.

You libtards seek to subject your opponents to personal abuse and attack. If you don’t like the notions expressed by a conservative, you should respond to the message and stop seeking opportunities to “cancel” the speaker.

There is a long history of anonymous political speech being protected or even encouraged.

At least encouraged by the voiceless.
Always with the excuses. This was well before anyone stopped him from posting his lies.

Always with deflections and pointless TDS cuckery.

If you can't talk about the issue in the thread, kindly take a long walk on a short pier.
Always with deflections and pointless TDS cuckery.

If you can't talk about the issue in the thread, kindly take a long walk on a short pier.

You posted a blindly partisan statement. I am free to address your statements. But are you telling me to shut up? Trying to shut me down?
You’re an asshole and a hypocrite. In a nation now consumed with the leftards’ efforts to silence speech and punish those with whom they disagree, what possible reason would anyone have to make use of their real name?

In the real world, folks are too polite to call you an asshole to your face — usually. Societal conventions like simple civility usually govern. Here in the interwebz, we get to be a bit freer. So what? If you say I’m a retard, you’re only trying to besmirch a username. If I say you’re an asshole, I’m only expressing my disdain for your sub-cretin views; but only the views expressed by some other username.

Why shouldn’t she be allowed to avoid nasty personal real life consequences from misguided asshole libtards? You scumbag libtard piles of shit only seek to engage in the politics of personal destruction.
Another bitter, alt-right whiner. That First Amendment is not..and I repeat NOT a blanket protection for repercussions or consequences resulting from your use of your right to free speech. You have the right to type and say whatever you like. But there are no protections from the results of your communications. This woman was looking for her 15 minutes. Well, she got them. Deal with it.

BTW, I am an asshole. :auiqs.jpg:
The "Libs of TikTok" account posted video of a woman teach sexual education to children in Kentucky, branding the woman a "predator," and the same clip appeared the next night on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News program, and its tweets reach millions of social media users and helps set the agenda in right-wing discourse online -- but the Washington Post has tracked down and identified the account's owner.

The account was created in early November 2020 by Brooklyn real estate agent Chaya Raichik, who cycled through Twitter handles and areas of interest -

Conservatives quickly lashed out at The Washington Post for publishing Raichik's name.The Washington Post 'exposed' @libsoftiktok for what crime exactly? For the sin of showing America exactly what leftists have in store for their children. If you're effective and anonymous, you can expect to be doxxed. It's a last-ditch effort to intimidate you into silence," addedBreitbart reporter Alana Mastrangelo.

If she thinks her cause is so righteous, what’s she afraid of? You wanted fame and fortune sweetheart? You got it.
Fucking fascist punk.
So your little Gestapo social media fucks can try to ruin her life now, and you sit there jerking off to the thought of it.

What conspiracy stuff? She re-posts SJW tick-tock videos, maybe adding some snarky comment to it. It's the SJW's own posts.

Are you trying to walk-back your editing accusation?
She ruined her own life re-posting stories that needed to be simpering alt-right lemmings that need things to pimp division and to be outraged about.

Why would I care one iota about this bucket of human effluence?
Before she changed her handle for the umpteenth time, she pushed anti-vaxx and election conspiracy theories.

She made her own bed. Now, she can lie in it.
Once you made it on to Tucker and were quoted and pimped by politicians and alt-right media figures, she gave up the right to privacy. Stop whining about it.
What she did isn't a "countering" view. It's retweeting unsubstantiated bullshit.
She has the right to. But that does not mean there aren't consequences for it.
If there are, you put yourself out there because you wanted the notoriety.
Ive said it numerous times before but God dammit you're an idiot lol

America's most trusted news source to the rescue

Another bitter, alt-right whiner. That First Amendment is not..and I repeat NOT a blanket protection for repercussions or consequences resulting from your use of your right to free speech. You have the right to type and say whatever you like. But there are no protections from the results of your communications. This woman was looking for her 15 minutes. Well, she got them. Deal with it.

BTW, I am an asshole. :auiqs.jpg:
That you are an asshole was never in doubt. And your jackoff label doesn’t apply. I’m not “alt right” you flaming asshole scumbag. I’m a conservative.

And while it is true (and I never denied) that free speech can come with certain costs, it is also true as I said (but you won’t acknowledge or admit) that there is no reason to impose your retarded cancel culture bullshit on a speaker. And there’s no reason to dox any anonymous speaker — except for the libtards’ fervent desire to impose sanctions on those with whom you disagree. You suck ass in hell — and like it.
You keep running to the law and ignore the sheer amount of hubris shown by your side that thinks anyone that thinks differently from them needs to be destroyed.
Your 'side' does the exact same shit, fucking hypocrite.

Wanna be a productive member of society? Avoid social media. I have zero fucks to give about people suffering from the consequences of it.
It is my understanding that all libs of tiktok was, was just someone re posting videos that liberals already publicly posted themselves. If that's the case, then why are they so upset about it?

Then, of course, there is taylor Lorenz, who is the one doing the doxxing here, who, recently, had her own bout of being doxxed, and she didn't like it too much:

It's terrible that people would post pictures of her kids then, why did she think it was a good idea to doxx this libs of tiktok person, and then start sending people to their relatives house???

You would have thought if she, just a few weeks ago, was on msnbc complaining about being doxxed, that she herself wouldn't be doxxing people! Geez..

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