The world backs America and Trump.

Oh please, if the Chosen One tried to create ISIS they'd have burned themelves alive trying to figure out how to pump gas.

"ISIS they'd have burned themelves alive trying to figure out how to pump gas."

No actually ISIS have been pulling in about a billion dollars a year due to their control of specific oilfields in the areas they've taken over, they've been selling the oil on the Black Market, also they've been selling a variety of Antiquities also on the Black Market.
GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.

No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
Wow, one missile strike and you claim to see the history of the world for the next fifty years. You must win a lottery jackpot every week.

No I use history repeating itself, have you forgotten Iraq, Afghanistan, is this going to be ANY different?

Have I Triggered you or something? Good.

I would hope that the sane people prevail and this stays at only a one off happening from Trump lobbing Tomahawks on Syria and he isn't FORCED to escalate things....he needs to reread his OWN fucking words going right back to 2012 and what he said himself about military intervention in Syria and that it would "lead to bad things happening"
Three very different situations. Iraq has been turned into a functioning democracy. Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven from which terrorists can launch attacks against America. Libya was just a pointless mistake. However none of these has anything to do with Syria.

Under Obama's small stick foreign policy bad things were already getting worse across the ME, and the vacuum created by America's absence had encouraged Russia and Iran to move in to fill it. President Trump had just been wrong about Syria and Assad's chemical attack just days after the US indicated it could live with Assad in power showed that America's neglect of the ME had led Assad and Russia to think there were no red lines they couldn't cross with impunity. Now they have learned there are.
Oh please, if the Chosen One tried to create ISIS they'd have burned themelves alive trying to figure out how to pump gas.
He did not personally create it. He made it possible when he could have stopped if he weren't on the Global Elite's payroll...
After eight years, America is back and Secretary Tillerson will be going to Moscow next week to explain to the Russians how the new world order works.
The Russians know exactly how the world works, that's why they kicked out subversive NGO-s and most of the Global Elitists...
Russia knew how the world worked under Obama. Russia is now learning how the world works under President Trump.
After eight years, America is back and Secretary Tillerson will be going to Moscow next week to explain to the Russians how the new world order works.
The Russians know exactly how the world works, that's why they kicked out subversive NGO-s and most of the Global Elitists...
Russia knew how the world worked under Obama. Russia is now learning how the world works under President Trump.
You need to get rid of the notion that Russia is in some way our enemy. Your antagonistic behaviour toward Russia suggests that you bought into the Global Elite's propaganda...
After eight years, America is back and Secretary Tillerson will be going to Moscow next week to explain to the Russians how the new world order works.
The Russians know exactly how the world works, that's why they kicked out subversive NGO-s and most of the Global Elitists...
Russia knew how the world worked under Obama. Russia is now learning how the world works under President Trump.
You need to get rid of the notion that Russia is in some way our enemy. Your antagonistic behaviour toward Russia suggests that you bought into the Global Elite's propaganda...
Russia is not an enemy, but it is an adversary in some situations. And you need to get rid of the belief everyone has bought into one ideology or another.

Strange they HATED him UNTIL he BOMBED someone, so WTF does that say?
Sunni Side Up, Sane Side Down

It says that he should never have cared about what those doomed globalist fossils thought of him. Let Assad win his war against the Sunni terrorists and mercenaries in the quickest way possible. Trump's ignorant and war-extending interference meekly followed the air-conditioned ethics of the Geneva Convention, where snobs and pacifists handcuffed fighting men for a century. We need to drive those unmanly weaklings from power wherever they hold high positions. Warriors won't win and bring lasting peace until the rope is lifted from them and put on the rulers' necks.
GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.

No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
Wow, one missile strike and you claim to see the history of the world for the next fifty years. You must win a lottery jackpot every week.

No I use history repeating itself, have you forgotten Iraq, Afghanistan, is this going to be ANY different?

Have I Triggered you or something? Good.

I would hope that the sane people prevail and this stays at only a one off happening from Trump lobbing Tomahawks on Syria and he isn't FORCED to escalate things....he needs to reread his OWN fucking words going right back to 2012 and what he said himself about military intervention in Syria and that it would "lead to bad things happening"
Three very different situations. Iraq has been turned into a functioning democracy. Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven from which terrorists can launch attacks against America. Libya was just a pointless mistake. However none of these has anything to do with Syria.

Under Obama's small stick foreign policy bad things were already getting worse across the ME, and the vacuum created by America's absence had encouraged Russia and Iran to move in to fill it. President Trump had just been wrong about Syria and Assad's chemical attack just days after the US indicated it could live with Assad in power showed that America's neglect of the ME had led Assad and Russia to think there were no red lines they couldn't cross with impunity. Now they have learned there are.

"Iraq has been turned into a functioning democracy."

Except that half of Iraq is in the control of ISIS and the battle to attempt to regain control of Mosul at about the fourth attempt is still ongoing.

Also where are the Warmongers today, ISIS TODAY has used chemical weapons on civilians in Mosul in the districts of Yarmouk and Matahin, this is according to Abdul Sattar al-Habbo, he's the municipality chief in Mosul, he said that ISIS have shelled the above two districts with shells containing poisonous gas, exactly what poisonous gas they're not sure of as of yet.

So....NOTHING from the frothing at the mouth Warmongers or the Principle War Drum Bangers in the MSM.

Also prior to the POINTLESS invasion of Iraq, in Iraq's entire HISTORY they had never had ONE suicide bomb, since about 2004 they've had suicide bombs on a daily basis.

"Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven from which terrorists can launch attacks against America."

Afghanistan is a complete mess, it is now far worse than it was prior to the military intervention.

Those who funded those particular 9/11 terrorist attacks had little to do with Afghanistan and EVERYTHING to do with Saudi Arabia, Al-Qaeda had their training camps in Afghanistan but the money with which to plan and carry out the 9/11 attacks came from Saudi Arabia.

"Libya was just a pointless mistake."

We agree on this yes.

"President Trump had just been wrong about Syria and Assad's chemical attack just days after the US indicated it could live with Assad in power showed that America's neglect of the ME had led Assad and Russia to think there were no red lines they couldn't cross with impunity. Now they have learned there are."

As long as it stays at that yes, a warning and a reestablishing of the red line, but nobody should want an escalation and with that another war, Syria ISN'T WORTH IT, just like Iraq and Afghanistan were NOT WORTH IT.

The WHOLE Middle East ISN'T WORTH IT. The West needs to STOP meddling in the Middle East, if they want to have local arguments and Civil Wars, let them, let them kill each other, it should be none of the West's business.

Trump needs to rid the WH of Priebus,His whore jewess daughter and her zionist husband. If he kicks Bannon to the curb which is what I am hearing he wants to do he will drop faster than a stone in the polls. Bannon CONTROLS Breitbart and is part of the reason Trump is president. I won't back Trump in 2020 not a chance if this all keeps up.What kind of moron brings in establishment cuck (priebus),zionist CONS (Ivanka and Jared Kushner) and an American Nationalist (Bannon) into his inner circle....should have known it was not going to end well.
Jeb's ready to step in for Rince and Bannon!
Dynasties Die Nasty

The Miami Dauphin. Who will be the Joan of Arc to make sure Jebbie Firstbro gets the crown his family ties entitle him to? Will Calamity Carly lead the cavalry charge? A two-headed horse will frighten away Trump's forces.
GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.

No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
Wow, one missile strike and you claim to see the history of the world for the next fifty years. You must win a lottery jackpot every week.

World War 1 started with one assassination. Let's not forget.
GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.

No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
Wow, one missile strike and you claim to see the history of the world for the next fifty years. You must win a lottery jackpot every week.

No I use history repeating itself, have you forgotten Iraq, Afghanistan, is this going to be ANY different?

Have I Triggered you or something? Good.

I would hope that the sane people prevail and this stays at only a one off happening from Trump lobbing Tomahawks on Syria and he isn't FORCED to escalate things....he needs to reread his OWN fucking words going right back to 2012 and what he said himself about military intervention in Syria and that it would "lead to bad things happening"
Three very different situations. Iraq has been turned into a functioning democracy. Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven from which terrorists can launch attacks against America. Libya was just a pointless mistake. However none of these has anything to do with Syria.

Under Obama's small stick foreign policy bad things were already getting worse across the ME, and the vacuum created by America's absence had encouraged Russia and Iran to move in to fill it. President Trump had just been wrong about Syria and Assad's chemical attack just days after the US indicated it could live with Assad in power showed that America's neglect of the ME had led Assad and Russia to think there were no red lines they couldn't cross with impunity. Now they have learned there are.

Iraq was never a "functioning democracy" - it just had the outward appearances of one. The cronyism, tribal/ethnic/religion fractures, the corruption - all that was still in place. The reason Iraq fractured was not because we left, but because it lacked the institutions and culture to sustain a real democracy, and we - in our incredible arrogance thought that toppling a Middle East dictator was all it would take. Oy ve.

The reality is that people think it's a simple problem and simple solutions are what is needed but they don't have a clue about the Middle East and what's worse, many don't want to learn. You can blame Obama for a "small stick" policy, but Obama had a better understanding of the realities in that region.

For example - Assad is unsupportable. But WHO IS in the plethora of rebel groups? In terms of human rights violations to Syrian civilians - many of those rebal groups aren't a whole lot better than Assad. WHO can hold and stabilize Syria if Assad is taken down? WHAT happens if Assad stays?

Who are the players here? Just a trailer....Iran, Russia, Turkey, ISIS, Hezbollah, various groups of Kurds, Syrian rebel groups. Turkey hates the Kurds and is worried about Kurdish uprising and violence in it's own country. Russia is persuing a scorched earth policy to prop up Assad who is becoming increasingy more brutal.

But Obama should have done what? Boots on the ground? Without a clear idea of the end game that is unsupportable.
Republicans support the decision / strike.
Democrats support the decision / strike.
World leaders support the strike.
The only ones who don't support the strike are Syria, Russia, and Iran.

So why are snowflakes siding with a dictator who gasses women and children, the communists who were complicit in doing so, and our enemies who throw homosexuals off roof tops?
Republicans support the decision / strike.
Democrats support the decision / strike.
World leaders support the strike.
The only ones who don't support the strike are Syria, Russia, and Iran.

So why are snowflakes siding with a dictator who gasses women and children, the communists who were complicit in doing so, and our enemies who throw homosexuals off roof tops?

No one is siding with Assad. But I'm worried we don't have a plan for where to go from here.
No one is siding with Assad. But I'm worried we don't have a plan for where to go from here.

Where to go from here? we're done. It's over. Message sent.

No invading Syria...damn, Obama already did that....

GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.

No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
Wow, one missile strike and you claim to see the history of the world for the next fifty years. You must win a lottery jackpot every week.

No I use history repeating itself, have you forgotten Iraq, Afghanistan, is this going to be ANY different?

Have I Triggered you or something? Good.

I would hope that the sane people prevail and this stays at only a one off happening from Trump lobbing Tomahawks on Syria and he isn't FORCED to escalate things....he needs to reread his OWN fucking words going right back to 2012 and what he said himself about military intervention in Syria and that it would "lead to bad things happening"
Three very different situations. Iraq has been turned into a functioning democracy. Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven from which terrorists can launch attacks against America. Libya was just a pointless mistake. However none of these has anything to do with Syria.

Under Obama's small stick foreign policy bad things were already getting worse across the ME, and the vacuum created by America's absence had encouraged Russia and Iran to move in to fill it. President Trump had just been wrong about Syria and Assad's chemical attack just days after the US indicated it could live with Assad in power showed that America's neglect of the ME had led Assad and Russia to think there were no red lines they couldn't cross with impunity. Now they have learned there are.

"Iraq has been turned into a functioning democracy."

Except that half of Iraq is in the control of ISIS and the battle to attempt to regain control of Mosul at about the fourth attempt is still ongoing.

Also where are the Warmongers today, ISIS TODAY has used chemical weapons on civilians in Mosul in the districts of Yarmouk and Matahin, this is according to Abdul Sattar al-Habbo, he's the municipality chief in Mosul, he said that ISIS have shelled the above two districts with shells containing poisonous gas, exactly what poisonous gas they're not sure of as of yet.

So....NOTHING from the frothing at the mouth Warmongers or the Principle War Drum Bangers in the MSM.

Also prior to the POINTLESS invasion of Iraq, in Iraq's entire HISTORY they had never had ONE suicide bomb, since about 2004 they've had suicide bombs on a daily basis.

"Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven from which terrorists can launch attacks against America."

Afghanistan is a complete mess, it is now far worse than it was prior to the military intervention.

Those who funded those particular 9/11 terrorist attacks had little to do with Afghanistan and EVERYTHING to do with Saudi Arabia, Al-Qaeda had their training camps in Afghanistan but the money with which to plan and carry out the 9/11 attacks came from Saudi Arabia.

"Libya was just a pointless mistake."

We agree on this yes.

"President Trump had just been wrong about Syria and Assad's chemical attack just days after the US indicated it could live with Assad in power showed that America's neglect of the ME had led Assad and Russia to think there were no red lines they couldn't cross with impunity. Now they have learned there are."

As long as it stays at that yes, a warning and a reestablishing of the red line, but nobody should want an escalation and with that another war, Syria ISN'T WORTH IT, just like Iraq and Afghanistan were NOT WORTH IT.

The WHOLE Middle East ISN'T WORTH IT. The West needs to STOP meddling in the Middle East, if they want to have local arguments and Civil Wars, let them let them kill each other, it should be none of the West's business.

Iraq today is a functioning democracy that is also involved in a civil war with ISIS and the US is fully committed to helping the Iraqis defeat ISIS, so I'm not sure what more you would want us to do there.

While bin Laden and most of the 911 terrorists were Saudis, al Qaeda had its headquarters and training camps in Afghanistan under the protection of the Taliban government. When the US requested the Taliban government shut them down, it refused, so to protect ourselves we intervened in Afghanistan to shut down al Qaeda, and while the Afghans are still involved in a civil war, because US troops are there, neither al Qaeda nor ISIS nor any other terrorist organization can safely use Afghanistan to plot attacks on America as they could before, so in that respect the intervention has been a success but at a heavy price. It is neither a complete success nor a complete failure.

A red line means nothing unless you are willing to enforce it, so it may lead to an escalation, but that means the choice may be no red lines at all or a possible escalation. Neither is a good choice, but that's the point, there aren't always good choices to make. Sometimes you can only make the one that is marginally better, but even then, is what is marginally better in the short run the same as is marginally better in the long run?

So how should a president choose among this array of unappealing options? Imo, he should decide what he wants to achieve in the long run and then work backward to see what he has to do to get there and if the cost is feasible. If it is not feasible, go to his second choice goal and so on until he finds one that is feasible. If he bases his decisions on what might go wrong, he will always be reacting, never have the initiaitive, never be actively pursuing any of his goals, never, effectively, have an affirmative foreign policy.

What happens in the ME does effect us in the US and its other allies. Obama stopped "meddling" in the ME and the result was the wars in Syria and Iraq that have flooded Europe with refugees that are already threatening to bring down the EU. If these wars go unchecked eventually they will effect the ME oil supply and that will effect the global economy which will negatively effect the US economy. While we have no good choices to make in the ME today, then our options will be much worse. So to protect our own interests here at home, America has to take action to stabilize the ME.
GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.

No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
Wow, one missile strike and you claim to see the history of the world for the next fifty years. You must win a lottery jackpot every week.

World War 1 started with one assassination. Let's not forget.
Actually, WWI was caused by increasing globalism which led to a series of mutual defense treaties intended to prevent war; much like NATO, in fact.
GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.

No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
Wow, one missile strike and you claim to see the history of the world for the next fifty years. You must win a lottery jackpot every week.

No I use history repeating itself, have you forgotten Iraq, Afghanistan, is this going to be ANY different?

Have I Triggered you or something? Good.

I would hope that the sane people prevail and this stays at only a one off happening from Trump lobbing Tomahawks on Syria and he isn't FORCED to escalate things....he needs to reread his OWN fucking words going right back to 2012 and what he said himself about military intervention in Syria and that it would "lead to bad things happening"
Three very different situations. Iraq has been turned into a functioning democracy. Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven from which terrorists can launch attacks against America. Libya was just a pointless mistake. However none of these has anything to do with Syria.

Under Obama's small stick foreign policy bad things were already getting worse across the ME, and the vacuum created by America's absence had encouraged Russia and Iran to move in to fill it. President Trump had just been wrong about Syria and Assad's chemical attack just days after the US indicated it could live with Assad in power showed that America's neglect of the ME had led Assad and Russia to think there were no red lines they couldn't cross with impunity. Now they have learned there are.

Iraq was never a "functioning democracy" - it just had the outward appearances of one. The cronyism, tribal/ethnic/religion fractures, the corruption - all that was still in place. The reason Iraq fractured was not because we left, but because it lacked the institutions and culture to sustain a real democracy, and we - in our incredible arrogance thought that toppling a Middle East dictator was all it would take. Oy ve.

The reality is that people think it's a simple problem and simple solutions are what is needed but they don't have a clue about the Middle East and what's worse, many don't want to learn. You can blame Obama for a "small stick" policy, but Obama had a better understanding of the realities in that region.

For example - Assad is unsupportable. But WHO IS in the plethora of rebel groups? In terms of human rights violations to Syrian civilians - many of those rebal groups aren't a whole lot better than Assad. WHO can hold and stabilize Syria if Assad is taken down? WHAT happens if Assad stays?

Who are the players here? Just a trailer....Iran, Russia, Turkey, ISIS, Hezbollah, various groups of Kurds, Syrian rebel groups. Turkey hates the Kurds and is worried about Kurdish uprising and violence in it's own country. Russia is persuing a scorched earth policy to prop up Assad who is becoming increasingy more brutal.

But Obama should have done what? Boots on the ground? Without a clear idea of the end game that is unsupportable.
Iraq today is functioning democracy which recently had a peaceful transfer of power after an election. That is the ultimate test of whether it has a functioning democracy.

In 2011, Iraq was just a fledgling democracy and as you noted not ready to take care of itself. That's exactly what the Pentagon and the diplomats told Obama. They said if he pulled out our troops and ended the close guidance the Bush administration was giving to the Iraq government, Iraq would go up in flames. He ignored their advice and told the American people Iraq was ready to take care of itself and that's why he was able to pull out our troops. He knew it was a lie when he said it, but he believed he had to make good on his most important 2008 election promise to win a second term in 2012. He made a choice that his election was more important than the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been lost and the millions of refugees that have been created to get him a second term.

Keeping Assad in power has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and made millions homeless refugees, so if you're saying, let's keep Assad because we're afraid of what the next guy might do, you're also saying let's let hundreds of thousands more be killed and millions more become refugees because we are afraid of what the next guy might do. I say let's get rid of this son of a bitch and then get rid of the next son of a bitch if he does the same thing. The slaughter has got to stop.

What it is IS for eight years you supported someone who thought that the terrorist were justified in killing innocent Americans with their terrorist actions, HIS INITIALS were BHO. remember him???

GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.

No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
Wow, one missile strike and you claim to see the history of the world for the next fifty years. You must win a lottery jackpot every week.

No I use history repeating itself, have you forgotten Iraq, Afghanistan, is this going to be ANY different?

Have I Triggered you or something? Good.

I would hope that the sane people prevail and this stays at only a one off happening from Trump lobbing Tomahawks on Syria and he isn't FORCED to escalate things....he needs to reread his OWN fucking words going right back to 2012 and what he said himself about military intervention in Syria and that it would "lead to bad things happening"
Three very different situations. Iraq has been turned into a functioning democracy. Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven from which terrorists can launch attacks against America. Libya was just a pointless mistake. However none of these has anything to do with Syria.

Under Obama's small stick foreign policy bad things were already getting worse across the ME, and the vacuum created by America's absence had encouraged Russia and Iran to move in to fill it. President Trump had just been wrong about Syria and Assad's chemical attack just days after the US indicated it could live with Assad in power showed that America's neglect of the ME had led Assad and Russia to think there were no red lines they couldn't cross with impunity. Now they have learned there are.

Iraq was never a "functioning democracy" - it just had the outward appearances of one. The cronyism, tribal/ethnic/religion fractures, the corruption - all that was still in place. The reason Iraq fractured was not because we left, but because it lacked the institutions and culture to sustain a real democracy, and we - in our incredible arrogance thought that toppling a Middle East dictator was all it would take. Oy ve.

The reality is that people think it's a simple problem and simple solutions are what is needed but they don't have a clue about the Middle East and what's worse, many don't want to learn. You can blame Obama for a "small stick" policy, but Obama had a better understanding of the realities in that region.

For example - Assad is unsupportable. But WHO IS in the plethora of rebel groups? In terms of human rights violations to Syrian civilians - many of those rebal groups aren't a whole lot better than Assad. WHO can hold and stabilize Syria if Assad is taken down? WHAT happens if Assad stays?

Who are the players here? Just a trailer....Iran, Russia, Turkey, ISIS, Hezbollah, various groups of Kurds, Syrian rebel groups. Turkey hates the Kurds and is worried about Kurdish uprising and violence in it's own country. Russia is persuing a scorched earth policy to prop up Assad who is becoming increasingy more brutal.

But Obama should have done what? Boots on the ground? Without a clear idea of the end game that is unsupportable.

No one is siding with Assad. But I'm worried we don't have a plan for where to go from here.

Where to go from here? we're done. It's over. Message sent.

No invading Syria...damn, Obama already did that....


1. Is using chemical weapons a war crime, yes or no?

2. How did Trump vote in the Senate or House to help create this mess left him, just like the mess Obama was left with the economy?

3. Which administration cut a deal with the Russians to have all chemical weapons removed from Syria, and then made the United States, one of the entities responsible for this?

There are a few more questions you can ask, but these 3 tell you that Trump was correct. Nobody wants war, not a one of us, and if truth be told, neither do most people in Washington. But this the hand President Trump was dealt, and do not blame it all on Obama...............we didn't hear to many Republicans saying much either besides Mcain and Graham.

And know what else he has to deal with? North Korea. Now some people on here like Coyote, MIGHT think we should ignore the whole Korean peninsula situation. We have gone through at least 3 Presidents, Clinton, GW, and Obama, and now these clowns are telling you that they have nukes, and all they need is a delivery system to drop one in our back yard, and want to do it. Once North Korea has it, so does Iran since they are helping fund them.

Now just like all of you, I only know what I read in the newspaper, or hear on the news. But the President(s) are privy to far more than we are. What did Mr Obama tell Mr Trump about the one situation he was most worried about? Do YOU know, or is it speculation on YOUR part?

Do you Democrats know why Mr Obama was so successful in moving the country in the direction he wanted it to go? ANSWER---------->because he basically ignored foreign policy. We can create any kind of country we want if we do that! Problem is, at some point in time we are going to find ourselves at the end of a long bayonet at our throats.

Wars suck, they suck big time, and we all want peace. We like our little country here, and all we want to do is go to work, buy our stuff, watch our sports, and argue about Trump and Obama on USMB, right! But that isn't the way the world works, and it isn't going to stop working like it does for us, so we can do what we want.

For you lefty Democrats, let me give you a clue-------------> is Iran expanding its sphere of influence? How about Russia? How about China? And when I say "sphere of influence," I mean when they say crap, the country's in their sphere say, "how high, and what color." Now what about the United States? Not even Israel does what we say, and that was proven with Obama. Do we control Canada? Switzerland? The UK?

So what you are seeing is basic tyrannies rising and gobbling up other places, making them STRONGER. They are doing everything in their power to get nuclear weapons to hold US hostage, and some want to put their heads in the sand. You people show us all one example of where Iran has said it wants to work with America, not destroy her. Same goes for that little inbred in North Korea. And you think Trump is crazy? You thought Reagan was crazy?

I am sorry Democrats, but my tax dollars has helped build the strongest military this world has ever been witness to, and if push comes to shove I want them shooting in Iran or North Korea, before those bastards can drop a bomb on New York or LA. I may not like lefties, but they are our lefties, and American citizens. I can agree to disagree with other Americans, but I will be damned if I am willing to allow a totalitarian regime to hold ANY of us hostage, because some little inbred can push a button!

What it is IS for eight years you supported someone who thought that the terrorist were justified in killing innocent Americans with their terrorist actions, HIS INITIALS were BHO. remember him???

No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
Wow, one missile strike and you claim to see the history of the world for the next fifty years. You must win a lottery jackpot every week.

No I use history repeating itself, have you forgotten Iraq, Afghanistan, is this going to be ANY different?

Have I Triggered you or something? Good.

I would hope that the sane people prevail and this stays at only a one off happening from Trump lobbing Tomahawks on Syria and he isn't FORCED to escalate things....he needs to reread his OWN fucking words going right back to 2012 and what he said himself about military intervention in Syria and that it would "lead to bad things happening"
Three very different situations. Iraq has been turned into a functioning democracy. Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven from which terrorists can launch attacks against America. Libya was just a pointless mistake. However none of these has anything to do with Syria.

Under Obama's small stick foreign policy bad things were already getting worse across the ME, and the vacuum created by America's absence had encouraged Russia and Iran to move in to fill it. President Trump had just been wrong about Syria and Assad's chemical attack just days after the US indicated it could live with Assad in power showed that America's neglect of the ME had led Assad and Russia to think there were no red lines they couldn't cross with impunity. Now they have learned there are.

Iraq was never a "functioning democracy" - it just had the outward appearances of one. The cronyism, tribal/ethnic/religion fractures, the corruption - all that was still in place. The reason Iraq fractured was not because we left, but because it lacked the institutions and culture to sustain a real democracy, and we - in our incredible arrogance thought that toppling a Middle East dictator was all it would take. Oy ve.

The reality is that people think it's a simple problem and simple solutions are what is needed but they don't have a clue about the Middle East and what's worse, many don't want to learn. You can blame Obama for a "small stick" policy, but Obama had a better understanding of the realities in that region.

For example - Assad is unsupportable. But WHO IS in the plethora of rebel groups? In terms of human rights violations to Syrian civilians - many of those rebal groups aren't a whole lot better than Assad. WHO can hold and stabilize Syria if Assad is taken down? WHAT happens if Assad stays?

Who are the players here? Just a trailer....Iran, Russia, Turkey, ISIS, Hezbollah, various groups of Kurds, Syrian rebel groups. Turkey hates the Kurds and is worried about Kurdish uprising and violence in it's own country. Russia is persuing a scorched earth policy to prop up Assad who is becoming increasingy more brutal.

But Obama should have done what? Boots on the ground? Without a clear idea of the end game that is unsupportable.

No one is siding with Assad. But I'm worried we don't have a plan for where to go from here.

Where to go from here? we're done. It's over. Message sent.

No invading Syria...damn, Obama already did that....


1. Is using chemical weapons a war crime, yes or no?

Yes, it is and the more I think of it, the more I support the strike. But we NEED a policy, not just a reaction.

2. How did Trump vote in the Senate or House to help create this mess left him, just like the mess Obama was left with the economy?

Not blaming him for that.

3. Which administration cut a deal with the Russians to have all chemical weapons removed from Syria, and then made the United States, one of the entities responsible for this?

There are a few more questions you can ask, but these 3 tell you that Trump was correct. Nobody wants war, not a one of us, and if truth be told, neither do most people in Washington. But this the hand President Trump was dealt, and do not blame it all on Obama...............we didn't hear to many Republicans saying much either besides Mcain and Graham.

And know what else he has to deal with? North Korea. Now some people on here like Coyote, MIGHT think we should ignore the whole Korean peninsula situation. We have gone through at least 3 Presidents, Clinton, GW, and Obama, and now these clowns are telling you that they have nukes, and all they need is a delivery system to drop one in our back yard, and want to do it. Once North Korea has it, so does Iran since they are helping fund them.

Excuse me? Don't put words in my mouth.

You seem to think that there's an easy answer to the NK situation and if one doesn't go for it (bomb them) then one is guilty of "ignoring it".

What solution do you think would have been better than what's been done so far considering:
- NK is in China's back yard, any action we take would be analogous to something like the Bay of Pigs.
- If NK falls apart, China and SK will be flooded with refugees
- NK nuclear facilities are scattered and well hidden.
- Independent action on our part could lead to war with China.

Now just like all of you, I only know what I read in the newspaper, or hear on the news. But the President(s) are privy to far more than we are. What did Mr Obama tell Mr Trump about the one situation he was most worried about? Do YOU know, or is it speculation on YOUR part?


Do you Democrats know why Mr Obama was so successful in moving the country in the direction he wanted it to go? ANSWER---------->because he basically ignored foreign policy. We can create any kind of country we want if we do that! Problem is, at some point in time we are going to find ourselves at the end of a long bayonet at our throats.

Wars suck, they suck big time, and we all want peace. We like our little country here, and all we want to do is go to work, buy our stuff, watch our sports, and argue about Trump and Obama on USMB, right! But that isn't the way the world works, and it isn't going to stop working like it does for us, so we can do what we want.

For you lefty Democrats, let me give you a clue-------------> is Iran expanding its sphere of influence? How about Russia? How about China? And when I say "sphere of influence," I mean when they say crap, the country's in their sphere say, "how high, and what color." Now what about the United States? Not even Israel does what we say, and that was proven with Obama. Do we control Canada? Switzerland? The UK?

So what you are seeing is basic tyrannies rising and gobbling up other places, making them STRONGER. They are doing everything in their power to get nuclear weapons to hold US hostage, and some want to put their heads in the sand. You people show us all one example of where Iran has said it wants to work with America, not destroy her. Same goes for that little inbred in North Korea. And you think Trump is crazy? You thought Reagan was crazy?

I am sorry Democrats, but my tax dollars has helped build the strongest military this world has ever been witness to, and if push comes to shove I want them shooting in Iran or North Korea, before those bastards can drop a bomb on New York or LA. I may not like lefties, but they are our lefties, and American citizens. I can agree to disagree with other Americans, but I will be damned if I am willing to allow a totalitarian regime to hold ANY of us hostage, because some little inbred can push a button!
No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
Wow, one missile strike and you claim to see the history of the world for the next fifty years. You must win a lottery jackpot every week.

No I use history repeating itself, have you forgotten Iraq, Afghanistan, is this going to be ANY different?

Have I Triggered you or something? Good.

I would hope that the sane people prevail and this stays at only a one off happening from Trump lobbing Tomahawks on Syria and he isn't FORCED to escalate things....he needs to reread his OWN fucking words going right back to 2012 and what he said himself about military intervention in Syria and that it would "lead to bad things happening"
Three very different situations. Iraq has been turned into a functioning democracy. Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven from which terrorists can launch attacks against America. Libya was just a pointless mistake. However none of these has anything to do with Syria.

Under Obama's small stick foreign policy bad things were already getting worse across the ME, and the vacuum created by America's absence had encouraged Russia and Iran to move in to fill it. President Trump had just been wrong about Syria and Assad's chemical attack just days after the US indicated it could live with Assad in power showed that America's neglect of the ME had led Assad and Russia to think there were no red lines they couldn't cross with impunity. Now they have learned there are.

Iraq was never a "functioning democracy" - it just had the outward appearances of one. The cronyism, tribal/ethnic/religion fractures, the corruption - all that was still in place. The reason Iraq fractured was not because we left, but because it lacked the institutions and culture to sustain a real democracy, and we - in our incredible arrogance thought that toppling a Middle East dictator was all it would take. Oy ve.

The reality is that people think it's a simple problem and simple solutions are what is needed but they don't have a clue about the Middle East and what's worse, many don't want to learn. You can blame Obama for a "small stick" policy, but Obama had a better understanding of the realities in that region.

For example - Assad is unsupportable. But WHO IS in the plethora of rebel groups? In terms of human rights violations to Syrian civilians - many of those rebal groups aren't a whole lot better than Assad. WHO can hold and stabilize Syria if Assad is taken down? WHAT happens if Assad stays?

Who are the players here? Just a trailer....Iran, Russia, Turkey, ISIS, Hezbollah, various groups of Kurds, Syrian rebel groups. Turkey hates the Kurds and is worried about Kurdish uprising and violence in it's own country. Russia is persuing a scorched earth policy to prop up Assad who is becoming increasingy more brutal.

But Obama should have done what? Boots on the ground? Without a clear idea of the end game that is unsupportable.
Iraq today is functioning democracy which recently had a peaceful transfer of power after an election. That is the ultimate test of whether it has a functioning democracy.

In 2011, Iraq was just a fledgling democracy and as you noted not ready to take care of itself. That's exactly what the Pentagon and the diplomats told Obama. They said if he pulled out our troops and ended the close guidance the Bush administration was giving to the Iraq government, Iraq would go up in flames. He ignored their advice and told the American people Iraq was ready to take care of itself and that's why he was able to pull out our troops. He knew it was a lie when he said it, but he believed he had to make good on his most important 2008 election promise to win a second term in 2012. He made a choice that his election was more important than the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been lost and the millions of refugees that have been created to get him a second term.

Keeping Assad in power has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and made millions homeless refugees, so if you're saying, let's keep Assad because we're afraid of what the next guy might do, you're also saying let's let hundreds of thousands more be killed and millions more become refugees because we are afraid of what the next guy might do. I say let's get rid of this son of a bitch and then get rid of the next son of a bitch if he does the same thing. The slaughter has got to stop.

Aren't you ignoring the fact that in 2008 the UN told the Bush Administration that the Occupation Mandate was not going to be renewed in 2009. That forced President Bush to negotiate the SOFA agreement that laid out the time table for our withdrawal from Iraq by 2012. Why wasn't President Bush able to negotiate a residual force? He certainly tried didn't he?

By that agreement President Obama could have removed all our troops at any time. Why didn't he? Why did he embark on a year long negotiation to keep a residual force in Iraq in 2011?

Fact is both sides wanted us out so they could go after each other. It's what they do.

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