"The World Stands Disgraced by Israel"

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Don't Jewish people claim to be religious people? Isn't that what being jewish is all about? Well you can put all these murder/death/kills on religion. Religious people can't help themselves. They love to pollute this planet and murder as many people who are different than them. Being religious doesn't seem to help make people get along either. If it did then the Jews and Muslims wouldn't be killing each other. And don't try to put this all on the Muslims. Jews and Christians are great at killing/murder/death/too.

When Zionism began calling for a Jewish homeland over a hundred years ago, many of the most religious Jews objected since the Jews were not supposed to return to Palestine until the coming of their Messiah. Today, there are devoutly religious killers on both sides in Palestine, but much of what's driving the killing is the amount of money being made from arms sales and oil sales. Until there's a global "Death Tax" on all war profits made after the first child dies, those who get rich from war will continue controlling all governments on the planet. If that's ever to change, it will probably have to start in the USA; right now, it doesn't look too promising. "Choosing" between Democrat OR Republican changes nothing in that regard.

Really, Dhimmi George, could you tell us how many Jews didn't want a homeland. It seems that the ones who object to this are the ones who now are buddy buddy with those crazy Ayatollahs in Iran. These are the Jews who are some of the most popular Jews on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. Don't worry, Dhimmi George, the people making money are the ones paying taxes to cover your subsidized apartment. Meanwhile, you are posting the same stuff you have posted over and over and over before.

Meanwhile, as an aside to Sealybooboo, perhaps he can tell us what religion those were who were responsible for the "Killing Fields." Maybe Sealybooboo thinks that Mao had a particular religion, and that is why millions and millions of people were killed.

Why do your people do such things?
When Zionism began calling for a Jewish homeland over a hundred years ago, many of the most religious Jews objected since the Jews were not supposed to return to Palestine until the coming of their Messiah. Today, there are devoutly religious killers on both sides in Palestine, but much of what's driving the killing is the amount of money being made from arms sales and oil sales. Until there's a global "Death Tax" on all war profits made after the first child dies, those who get rich from war will continue controlling all governments on the planet. If that's ever to change, it will probably have to start in the USA; right now, it doesn't look too promising. "Choosing" between Democrat OR Republican changes nothing in that regard.

Really, Dhimmi George, could you tell us how many Jews didn't want a homeland. It seems that the ones who object to this are the ones who now are buddy buddy with those crazy Ayatollahs in Iran. These are the Jews who are some of the most popular Jews on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. Don't worry, Dhimmi George, the people making money are the ones paying taxes to cover your subsidized apartment. Meanwhile, you are posting the same stuff you have posted over and over and over before.

Meanwhile, as an aside to Sealybooboo, perhaps he can tell us what religion those were who were responsible for the "Killing Fields." Maybe Sealybooboo thinks that Mao had a particular religion, and that is why millions and millions of people were killed.

Why do your people do such things?

Just whom do you think you are kidding that you actually care about that baby? If you don't care about the over 10,000 children (among whom were tiny babies) killed in Syria, then you certianly don't care about any Arab children and are just using these children as pawns in your fight against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Has anyone ever seen Dhimmi George mention or show any pictures of dead Arab children in the rest of the Middle East? If so, can someone please find his post.

Children very young are being killed by your new masters not only in the Mkddle East but also Africa and Southeast Asia, but of course these children also don't mean anything to you unless you can figure out a way to use them as your pawns in your fight against the jews.
When Zionism began calling for a Jewish homeland over a hundred years ago, many of the most religious Jews objected since the Jews were not supposed to return to Palestine until the coming of their Messiah. Today, there are devoutly religious killers on both sides in Palestine, but much of what's driving the killing is the amount of money being made from arms sales and oil sales. Until there's a global "Death Tax" on all war profits made after the first child dies, those who get rich from war will continue controlling all governments on the planet. If that's ever to change, it will probably have to start in the USA; right now, it doesn't look too promising. "Choosing" between Democrat OR Republican changes nothing in that regard.

Really, Dhimmi George, could you tell us how many Jews didn't want a homeland. It seems that the ones who object to this are the ones who now are buddy buddy with those crazy Ayatollahs in Iran. These are the Jews who are some of the most popular Jews on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. Don't worry, Dhimmi George, the people making money are the ones paying taxes to cover your subsidized apartment. Meanwhile, you are posting the same stuff you have posted over and over and over before.

Meanwhile, as an aside to Sealybooboo, perhaps he can tell us what religion those were who were responsible for the "Killing Fields." Maybe Sealybooboo thinks that Mao had a particular religion, and that is why millions and millions of people were killed.

Why do your people do such things?
Ask Hamas why they set up situations that make them necessary.
Tell Hamas to surrender and give up the notion of pushing Israel into the sea.
If Jews don't want all the land between the River and the sea, why is it every Jew of legal age living there has a vote to determine who writes the laws she lives under and less than half of all Arabs have the same privilege?

Jews have been stealing Palestine since 1948, and since 1967 they've systematically deprived Arabs of their land and water rights while filling the territories they occupy with hundreds of thousands of civilians, in violation of international law.

Jews withdrew settlers and military from Gaza but maintain control over Gaza's borders, airspace, coastal waters, and population registry; they prohibit any exports from leaving Gaza; they routinely fire on children and other civilians engaged in non-hostile actions, like farming or fishing.

You are badly mistaken if you honestly believe Jews are not trying to drive non-Jews from Palestine.

They are, and they've never made much of an attempt to hide it.

Arabs have voting rights in Israel if they want to vote. If less than half of them choose not to vote, it is their choice not to vote. You have to be a citizen of Israel to have the right to vote, just as it is in the United States and most other nations that allow voting.

They have representation in the Israeli government as well.

Palestinian Arabs sat in the state's first parliamentary assembly; as of 2011, 13 of the 120 members of the Israeli Parliament are Arab citizens, most representing Arab political parties, and one of Israel's Supreme Court judges is a Palestinian Arab.
20% of citizens of Israel are Arabs, about a million people.
Those of voting age have the right to vote in Israeli elections.
However, Jewish law covers all the land between the River and the sea, including the occupied territories where there are millions of Arabs living under Israel's boot with no way of influencing state policy.
If Israel wasn't primarily concerned with ruling all of Palestine for the benefits of Jews, it would extend the vote to all living under its laws, civil and military.
But it won't.

Why should the Palestinians who live in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank get to vote in Israeli elections? That would be like allowing Mexicans that live in Mexico vote in US election.

In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank.

As you can see, they have their own elections. And I assure you, no Israelis wanted to vote for Hamas, even if they were allowed to, which they weren't.
As an aside, I wonder if Dhimmi George believes that China is entitled to all of Tibet and that the Turks have a right to part of Cyprus. Does he ever post against these two issues on other forums, or does he feel it would take time away from his busily posting against his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.
China's actions in Tibet and Turkey's actions in Cyprus have absolutely no compromising effect on the U.S. But the entire Arab world perceives the U.S. as an extension of Israel and our unmitigated support of Israel was the primary provocation for the 9/11 attack. And that provocation is far from satisfied.
Some would argue we've done little since 911 than ensure an entire generation of Muslims grow up with a simmering hatred for the US and Israel.

Another 911 would likely end the Republic if Republicans AND Democrats are still in charge.

On a hopeful note, there are AP reports out that reveal Israel is beginning the withdrawal (redeployment?) of some of its troops from Gaza.

Israeli troops being redeployed, not withdrawn from Gaza: Netanyahu

Wonder if they'll lift the occupation, too:lol:

Some would argue we've done little since 911 than ensure an entire generation of Muslims grow up with a simmering hatred for the US and Israel.

You're right, they were all so friendly and loving before 911. Idiot.
Really, Dhimmi George, could you tell us how many Jews didn't want a homeland. It seems that the ones who object to this are the ones who now are buddy buddy with those crazy Ayatollahs in Iran. These are the Jews who are some of the most popular Jews on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. Don't worry, Dhimmi George, the people making money are the ones paying taxes to cover your subsidized apartment. Meanwhile, you are posting the same stuff you have posted over and over and over before.

Meanwhile, as an aside to Sealybooboo, perhaps he can tell us what religion those were who were responsible for the "Killing Fields." Maybe Sealybooboo thinks that Mao had a particular religion, and that is why millions and millions of people were killed.

Why do your people do such things?

Just whom do you think you are kidding that you actually care about that baby? If you don't care about the over 10,000 children (among whom were tiny babies) killed in Syria, then you certianly don't care about any Arab children and are just using these children as pawns in your fight against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Has anyone ever seen Dhimmi George mention or show any pictures of dead Arab children in the rest of the Middle East? If so, can someone please find his post.

Children very young are being killed by your new masters not only in the Mkddle East but also Africa and Southeast Asia, but of course these children also don't mean anything to you unless you can figure out a way to use them as your pawns in your fight against the jews.
Does it make you proud to know your people are so greedy they use abortion to cleanse the land between the River and the sea of all the "little snakes?" What does it feel like to know your people murder innocent human beings for their land and water rights? Is that what makes you "chosen?" Or is that what makes you rabid, bat-shit baby killing crazies?
'Jew suck, $al; maybe you should self-abort?:lol:
Really, Dhimmi George, could you tell us how many Jews didn't want a homeland. It seems that the ones who object to this are the ones who now are buddy buddy with those crazy Ayatollahs in Iran. These are the Jews who are some of the most popular Jews on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. Don't worry, Dhimmi George, the people making money are the ones paying taxes to cover your subsidized apartment. Meanwhile, you are posting the same stuff you have posted over and over and over before.

Meanwhile, as an aside to Sealybooboo, perhaps he can tell us what religion those were who were responsible for the "Killing Fields." Maybe Sealybooboo thinks that Mao had a particular religion, and that is why millions and millions of people were killed.

Why do your people do such things?
Ask Hamas why they set up situations that make them necessary.
Tell Hamas to surrender and give up the notion of pushing Israel into the sea.
Tell the Jews to end their illegal occupation of Palestine.
Jews are the ones violating international law.
End the occupation and Hamas goes back to social work.
Arabs have voting rights in Israel if they want to vote. If less than half of them choose not to vote, it is their choice not to vote. You have to be a citizen of Israel to have the right to vote, just as it is in the United States and most other nations that allow voting.

They have representation in the Israeli government as well.
20% of citizens of Israel are Arabs, about a million people.
Those of voting age have the right to vote in Israeli elections.
However, Jewish law covers all the land between the River and the sea, including the occupied territories where there are millions of Arabs living under Israel's boot with no way of influencing state policy.
If Israel wasn't primarily concerned with ruling all of Palestine for the benefits of Jews, it would extend the vote to all living under its laws, civil and military.
But it won't.

Why should the Palestinians who live in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank get to vote in Israeli elections? That would be like allowing Mexicans that live in Mexico vote in US election.

In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank.

As you can see, they have their own elections. And I assure you, no Israelis wanted to vote for Hamas, even if they were allowed to, which they weren't.
You don't seem to understand Mexicans living in Mexico don't have to ask the US Army for permission to see their doctors; Palestinians living in Gaza have to ask Jews for permission to travel, and most of the time the answer is "no."

Every Arab living between the River and the sea lives under Jewish law, civilian or military.
There are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs currently living there.
The two-state solution has been rendered null and void by 500,000 Jewish settlers squatting on the West Bank.
The only other option is one state from the Mediterranean to the Jordan with equal rights for Jew and Arab.
Guess which Semites have the biggest problem with that?
20% of citizens of Israel are Arabs, about a million people.
Those of voting age have the right to vote in Israeli elections.
However, Jewish law covers all the land between the River and the sea, including the occupied territories where there are millions of Arabs living under Israel's boot with no way of influencing state policy.
If Israel wasn't primarily concerned with ruling all of Palestine for the benefits of Jews, it would extend the vote to all living under its laws, civil and military.
But it won't.

Why should the Palestinians who live in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank get to vote in Israeli elections? That would be like allowing Mexicans that live in Mexico vote in US election.

In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank.

As you can see, they have their own elections. And I assure you, no Israelis wanted to vote for Hamas, even if they were allowed to, which they weren't.
You don't seem to understand Mexicans living in Mexico don't have to ask the US Army for permission to see their doctors; Palestinians living in Gaza have to ask Jews for permission to travel, and most of the time the answer is "no."

Every Arab living between the River and the sea lives under Jewish law, civilian or military.
There are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs currently living there.
The two-state solution has been rendered null and void by 500,000 Jewish settlers squatting on the West Bank.
The only other option is one state from the Mediterranean to the Jordan with equal rights for Jew and Arab.
Guess which Semites have the biggest problem with that?

There will never be a two state solution until Hamas recognizes Israel as a state. I don't believe Palestinians that live in Gaza have to ask permission from Israel to go anywhere in Gaza. They would need permission to travel into Israeli, just as Canadians need permission to enter the US.

Why do your people do such things?
Ask Hamas why they set up situations that make them necessary.
Tell Hamas to surrender and give up the notion of pushing Israel into the sea.
Tell the Jews to end their illegal occupation of Palestine.
Jews are the ones violating international law.
End the occupation and Hamas goes back to social work.

Israel is not occupied Palestine it is the land of the Jews.
20% of citizens of Israel are Arabs, about a million people.
Those of voting age have the right to vote in Israeli elections.
However, Jewish law covers all the land between the River and the sea, including the occupied territories where there are millions of Arabs living under Israel's boot with no way of influencing state policy.
If Israel wasn't primarily concerned with ruling all of Palestine for the benefits of Jews, it would extend the vote to all living under its laws, civil and military.
But it won't.

Why should the Palestinians who live in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank get to vote in Israeli elections? That would be like allowing Mexicans that live in Mexico vote in US election.

In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank.

As you can see, they have their own elections. And I assure you, no Israelis wanted to vote for Hamas, even if they were allowed to, which they weren't.
You don't seem to understand Mexicans living in Mexico don't have to ask the US Army for permission to see their doctors; Palestinians living in Gaza have to ask Jews for permission to travel, and most of the time the answer is "no."

Every Arab living between the River and the sea lives under Jewish law, civilian or military.
There are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs currently living there.
The two-state solution has been rendered null and void by 500,000 Jewish settlers squatting on the West Bank.
The only other option is one state from the Mediterranean to the Jordan with equal rights for Jew and Arab.
Guess which Semites have the biggest problem with that?

Why should the Jews give Gazans permission to enter Israel when they are firing rockets into Israel almost daily. Seal the borders. If Gazans want a doctor they need to find one in Gaza.
China's actions in Tibet and Turkey's actions in Cyprus have absolutely no compromising effect on the U.S. But the entire Arab world perceives the U.S. as an extension of Israel and our unmitigated support of Israel was the primary provocation for the 9/11 attack. And that provocation is far from satisfied.
Some would argue we've done little since 911 than ensure an entire generation of Muslims grow up with a simmering hatred for the US and Israel.

Another 911 would likely end the Republic if Republicans AND Democrats are still in charge.

On a hopeful note, there are AP reports out that reveal Israel is beginning the withdrawal (redeployment?) of some of its troops from Gaza.

Israeli troops being redeployed, not withdrawn from Gaza: Netanyahu

Wonder if they'll lift the occupation, too:lol:

Some would argue we've done little since 911 than ensure an entire generation of Muslims grow up with a simmering hatred for the US and Israel.

You're right, they were all so friendly and loving before 911. Idiot.
Do you think that might have had anything to do with US support for Israel's occupation of Palestine, Troll?
It's a war. If Hamas stops using civilians as shields, Palestinian civilians won't be killed.
Hamas is made up of Palestinian citizens...
There are countless Palestinians who want nothing to do with Hamas. They need Hamas like they need a hole in the head. It's commonly known that Hamas has been categorized as a terrorist organization by both the U.S. State Department, and the European Union. This means that they have no credibility and they are open target since terrorists are expendable. Anyone who associates with or harbors a terrorist is just as guilty. The war on terror is back in full swing.

Palestinians need to revolt and rid themselves of Hamas. No one wants to have terrorists call the shots and no civilian wants to be used as a human shield during a war. Not to mention Hamas being responsible for deliberately breaking the 72 hour ceasefire, thereby denying Palestinian civilians from receiving humanitarian aid.
Some would argue we've done little since 911 than ensure an entire generation of Muslims grow up with a simmering hatred for the US and Israel.

Another 911 would likely end the Republic if Republicans AND Democrats are still in charge.

On a hopeful note, there are AP reports out that reveal Israel is beginning the withdrawal (redeployment?) of some of its troops from Gaza.

Israeli troops being redeployed, not withdrawn from Gaza: Netanyahu

Wonder if they'll lift the occupation, too:lol:

Some would argue we've done little since 911 than ensure an entire generation of Muslims grow up with a simmering hatred for the US and Israel.

You're right, they were all so friendly and loving before 911. Idiot.
Do you think that might have had anything to do with US support for Israel's occupation of Palestine, Troll?

Israel is not an occupation, it is the land of the Jews and Jerusalem is her capital. Get over it or get dead.
Why should the Palestinians who live in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank get to vote in Israeli elections? That would be like allowing Mexicans that live in Mexico vote in US election.

In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank.

As you can see, they have their own elections. And I assure you, no Israelis wanted to vote for Hamas, even if they were allowed to, which they weren't.
You don't seem to understand Mexicans living in Mexico don't have to ask the US Army for permission to see their doctors; Palestinians living in Gaza have to ask Jews for permission to travel, and most of the time the answer is "no."

Every Arab living between the River and the sea lives under Jewish law, civilian or military.
There are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs currently living there.
The two-state solution has been rendered null and void by 500,000 Jewish settlers squatting on the West Bank.
The only other option is one state from the Mediterranean to the Jordan with equal rights for Jew and Arab.
Guess which Semites have the biggest problem with that?

There will never be a two state solution until Hamas recognizes Israel as a state. I don't believe Palestinians that live in Gaza have to ask permission from Israel to go anywhere in Gaza. They would need permission to travel into Israeli, just as Canadians need permission to enter the US.
The US, Canada, and Israel are all sovereign states.
Gaza is not; it's an occupied territory, and Israel is its occupying power.
You're right, I believe, about the two state solution because Israel has already stolen too much Arab land and water for a Palestinian state to be viable.
Ask Hamas why they set up situations that make them necessary.
Tell Hamas to surrender and give up the notion of pushing Israel into the sea.
Tell the Jews to end their illegal occupation of Palestine.
Jews are the ones violating international law.
End the occupation and Hamas goes back to social work.

Israel is not occupied Palestine it is the land of the Jews.
Are the West Bank and Gaza part of Israel?
Some would argue we've done little since 911 than ensure an entire generation of Muslims grow up with a simmering hatred for the US and Israel.

You're right, they were all so friendly and loving before 911. Idiot.
Do you think that might have had anything to do with US support for Israel's occupation of Palestine, Troll?

Israel is not an occupation, it is the land of the Jews and Jerusalem is her capital. Get over it or get dead.
Israel is a racist, apartheid state that will either change its ways or go the way of White South Africa; maybe you should sign up for a cruise(don't forget your snorkel):D
Do you think that might have had anything to do with US support for Israel's occupation of Palestine, Troll?

Israel is not an occupation, it is the land of the Jews and Jerusalem is her capital. Get over it or get dead.

Israel is a racist, apartheid state that will either change its ways or go the way of White South Africa; maybe you should sign up for a cruise(don't forget your snorkel):D

Meanwhile, Dhimmi George hasn't a care in the world about how his new masters treat non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects. Does anyone think that Dhimmi George ever cares when he hears about all those murders committed by his new masters? Just be glad, Dhimmi George, that you don't have to sit in the back of the bus anymore.
Israel is not an occupation, it is the land of the Jews and Jerusalem is her capital. Get over it or get dead.

Israel is a racist, apartheid state that will either change its ways or go the way of White South Africa; maybe you should sign up for a cruise(don't forget your snorkel):D

Meanwhile, Dhimmi George hasn't a care in the world about how his new masters treat non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects. Does anyone think that Dhimmi George ever cares when he hears about all those murders committed by his new masters? Just be glad, Dhimmi George, that you don't have to sit in the back of the bus anymore.
Aren't 'jew proud?
Israel is a racist, apartheid state that will either change its ways or go the way of White South Africa; maybe you should sign up for a cruise(don't forget your snorkel):D

Meanwhile, Dhimmi George hasn't a care in the world about how his new masters treat non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects. Does anyone think that Dhimmi George ever cares when he hears about all those murders committed by his new masters? Just be glad, Dhimmi George, that you don't have to sit in the back of the bus anymore.
Aren't 'jew proud?

I'm beginning to think that Dhimmi George's only enjoyment in life is looking at pictures of dead people. I feel like going to the Pico-Union area and saying "Donde es El Gringo." I am sure some of the Central Americans living there can point out the apartment. Then I would call the Psych Ward at Los Angeles County Hospital to take Dhimmi George in for an evaluation. There is certainly something wrong if a person sits in front of his computer from early morning to late at night getting off on dead people.
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