"The World Stands Disgraced by Israel"

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They say a thousand Palestinians have been killed in the recent flare-up. That is the equivalent of more than 150,000 people in the US.

You should have seen what we did when only 3,000 were killed!
I'm listening to a Palestinian civil rights activist whose lived in Gaza for sixty years right this minute. He says they have never seen Israel target entire neighborhoods with the sort of firepower they are using today; he also points out it is very likely there are literally hundreds more dead civilian bodies beneath the rubble.
"Palestinian civil rights activist".

That's an oxymoron.
When Zionism began calling for a Jewish homeland over a hundred years ago, many of the most religious Jews objected since the Jews were not supposed to return to Palestine until the coming of their Messiah. Today, there are devoutly religious killers on both sides in Palestine, but much of what's driving the killing is the amount of money being made from arms sales and oil sales. Until there's a global "Death Tax" on all war profits made after the first child dies, those who get rich from war will continue controlling all governments on the planet. If that's ever to change, it will probably have to start in the USA; right now, it doesn't look too promising. "Choosing" between Democrat OR Republican changes nothing in that regard.

Really, Dhimmi George, could you tell us how many Jews didn't want a homeland. It seems that the ones who object to this are the ones who now are buddy buddy with those crazy Ayatollahs in Iran. These are the Jews who are some of the most popular Jews on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. Don't worry, Dhimmi George, the people making money are the ones paying taxes to cover your subsidized apartment. Meanwhile, you are posting the same stuff you have posted over and over and over before.

Meanwhile, as an aside to Sealybooboo, perhaps he can tell us what religion those were who were responsible for the "Killing Fields." Maybe Sealybooboo thinks that Mao had a particular religion, and that is why millions and millions of people were killed.

Why do your people do such things?
These people have to be the sickest most disgusting on this planet ever, to parade a dead baby like this for media consumption. The depths of their depravity never ceases to amaze.

Keep it up George, you're doing a good job showing us who they really are. :clap2:
Really, Dhimmi George, could you tell us how many Jews didn't want a homeland. It seems that the ones who object to this are the ones who now are buddy buddy with those crazy Ayatollahs in Iran. These are the Jews who are some of the most popular Jews on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. Don't worry, Dhimmi George, the people making money are the ones paying taxes to cover your subsidized apartment. Meanwhile, you are posting the same stuff you have posted over and over and over before.

Meanwhile, as an aside to Sealybooboo, perhaps he can tell us what religion those were who were responsible for the "Killing Fields." Maybe Sealybooboo thinks that Mao had a particular religion, and that is why millions and millions of people were killed.

Why do your people do such things?
These people have to be the sickest most disgusting on this planet ever, to parade a dead baby like this for media consumption. The depths of their depravity never ceases to amaze.

Keep it up George, you're doing a good job showing us who they really are. :clap2:
The Jews who murdered the baby and her mother are much, much sicker.
Who can imagine baby killers so greedy they want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves?
Hasbara can.:eusa_boohoo:
You don't seem to understand Mexicans living in Mexico don't have to ask the US Army for permission to see their doctors; Palestinians living in Gaza have to ask Jews for permission to travel, and most of the time the answer is "no."

Every Arab living between the River and the sea lives under Jewish law, civilian or military.
There are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs currently living there.
The two-state solution has been rendered null and void by 500,000 Jewish settlers squatting on the West Bank.
The only other option is one state from the Mediterranean to the Jordan with equal rights for Jew and Arab.
Guess which Semites have the biggest problem with that?

There will never be a two state solution until Hamas recognizes Israel as a state. I don't believe Palestinians that live in Gaza have to ask permission from Israel to go anywhere in Gaza. They would need permission to travel into Israeli, just as Canadians need permission to enter the US.
The US, Canada, and Israel are all sovereign states.
Gaza is not; it's an occupied territory, and Israel is its occupying power.
You're right, I believe, about the two state solution because Israel has already stolen too much Arab land and water for a Palestinian state to be viable.

To most of us, occupied territory means there are troops in the country being occupied. We agree that there will not be a two state solution, merely the three reason why I believe that to be a fact.

1. As long as Hamas exists and continues firing rockets at the civilian population of Israel it can’t happen.

2. Hamas refuses to recognize Israel as a state, and Israel would have to be one of the two states.

3. As long as this paragraph is in the Hamas Charter, there can be no two state solution.

The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad, which is a Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim).
There will never be a two state solution until Hamas recognizes Israel as a state. I don't believe Palestinians that live in Gaza have to ask permission from Israel to go anywhere in Gaza. They would need permission to travel into Israeli, just as Canadians need permission to enter the US.
The US, Canada, and Israel are all sovereign states.
Gaza is not; it's an occupied territory, and Israel is its occupying power.
You're right, I believe, about the two state solution because Israel has already stolen too much Arab land and water for a Palestinian state to be viable.

To most of us, occupied territory means there are troops in the country being occupied. We agree that there will not be a two state solution, merely the three reason why I believe that to be a fact.

1. As long as Hamas exists and continues firing rockets at the civilian population of Israel it can’t happen.

2. Hamas refuses to recognize Israel as a state, and Israel would have to be one of the two states.

3. As long as this paragraph is in the Hamas Charter, there can be no two state solution.

The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad, which is a Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim).
Hamas is not the government of a sovereign state and it's charter is not a constitution.
Hamas leaders consistently state Palestinians deserve the right of self-determination to decide their relationship with Israel. Neither Hamas nor a majority of Palestinians have any problem with dealing as an equal with a Jewish neighbor, but they will not accept dealing with Jews as occupiers.

You really stretch credibility when you try to claim a Palestinian state with no army, navy or air force represents any security threat to a nuclear-armed Israel.
When Zionism began calling for a Jewish homeland over a hundred years ago, many of the most religious Jews objected since the Jews were not supposed to return to Palestine until the coming of their Messiah. Today, there are devoutly religious killers on both sides in Palestine, but much of what's driving the killing is the amount of money being made from arms sales and oil sales. Until there's a global "Death Tax" on all war profits made after the first child dies, those who get rich from war will continue controlling all governments on the planet. If that's ever to change, it will probably have to start in the USA; right now, it doesn't look too promising. "Choosing" between Democrat OR Republican changes nothing in that regard.

Really, Dhimmi George, could you tell us how many Jews didn't want a homeland. It seems that the ones who object to this are the ones who now are buddy buddy with those crazy Ayatollahs in Iran. These are the Jews who are some of the most popular Jews on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. Don't worry, Dhimmi George, the people making money are the ones paying taxes to cover your subsidized apartment. Meanwhile, you are posting the same stuff you have posted over and over and over before.

Meanwhile, as an aside to Sealybooboo, perhaps he can tell us what religion those were who were responsible for the "Killing Fields." Maybe Sealybooboo thinks that Mao had a particular religion, and that is why millions and millions of people were killed.

Why do your people do such things?
How do you know whodunit, George?
Really, Dhimmi George, could you tell us how many Jews didn't want a homeland. It seems that the ones who object to this are the ones who now are buddy buddy with those crazy Ayatollahs in Iran. These are the Jews who are some of the most popular Jews on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. Don't worry, Dhimmi George, the people making money are the ones paying taxes to cover your subsidized apartment. Meanwhile, you are posting the same stuff you have posted over and over and over before.

Meanwhile, as an aside to Sealybooboo, perhaps he can tell us what religion those were who were responsible for the "Killing Fields." Maybe Sealybooboo thinks that Mao had a particular religion, and that is why millions and millions of people were killed.

Why do your people do such things?
How do you know whodunit, George?
Why would you care?
As tragic as it is for babies to be killed in war, collateral damage is not murder.

Georgie boy, do you think NOW would be a good time to stop launching rockets at Israel?
As tragic as it is for babies to be killed in war, collateral damage is not murder.

Georgie boy, do you think NOW would be a good time to stop launching rockets at Israel?

Is Dhimmi George still getting off on that one picture? I think anyone with brains realizes that he doesn't care one bit about the over 10,000 children killed in Syria by his new masters. Meanwhile, let us celebrate the birth of this child. Too bad the father had to die defending his country.

Widow of soldier killed by Hamas gives birth to a girl | The Times of Israel
As tragic as it is for babies to be killed in war, collateral damage is not murder.

Georgie boy, do you think NOW would be a good time to stop launching rockets at Israel?
When 'jew stop shelling kids on peaceful Gaza beaches, Toastie.:evil:

Since this happens to be the Middle East forum, can you tell us, Dhimmi George, why your new masters have murdered innocent Arab kids in the other Middle East countries? My goodness, over 10,000 plus children killed is certainly not an insignificant number.
As tragic as it is for babies to be killed in war, collateral damage is not murder.

Georgie boy, do you think NOW would be a good time to stop launching rockets at Israel?
When 'jew stop shelling kids on peaceful Gaza beaches, Toastie.:evil:

Since this happens to be the Middle East forum, can you tell us, Dhimmi George, why your new masters have murdered innocent Arab kids in the other Middle East countries? My goodness, over 10,000 plus children killed is certainly not an insignificant number.
Need a hand, Ha$bara $al?
When 'jew stop shelling kids on peaceful Gaza beaches, Toastie.:evil:

Since this happens to be the Middle East forum, can you tell us, Dhimmi George, why your new masters have murdered innocent Arab kids in the other Middle East countries? My goodness, over 10,000 plus children killed is certainly not an insignificant number.
Need a hand, Ha$bara $al?

Oh look, Dhimmi George is showing us with his use of the dollar sign once again that he is still hurting for money so will not be getting out at all today to enjoy anything Los Angeles has to offer. So tell us, Dhimmi George, did you look at all the dead Syrian children from that Google site I posted, or would that be wasting your time since you can't use these dead children as pawns in your fight against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Scapegoat Theory
Don't really intervene in these thread, but as a very-nominal member of the Christian faith, I see the disgrace todaybeing of Islam.
Islam has much to answer for in today's world.
In Palestine, I believe, Muslims are the victims of Christian/Jewish persecution.
The war in Palestine is over the land.
Jews want control over all the land with very few Muslims living there.
Their problem is simple: there are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs on the land today.
Christians in America get rich selling weapons to Jews and oil from neighboring Arab states.
The solution will not be painless or simple, I think.
Since this happens to be the Middle East forum, can you tell us, Dhimmi George, why your new masters have murdered innocent Arab kids in the other Middle East countries? My goodness, over 10,000 plus children killed is certainly not an insignificant number.
Need a hand, Ha$bara $al?

Oh look, Dhimmi George is showing us with his use of the dollar sign once again that he is still hurting for money so will not be getting out at all today to enjoy anything Los Angeles has to offer. So tell us, Dhimmi George, did you look at all the dead Syrian children from that Google site I posted, or would that be wasting your time since you can't use these dead children as pawns in your fight against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Scapegoat Theory
Do you ever wear black gloves?
Need a hand, Ha$bara $al?

Oh look, Dhimmi George is showing us with his use of the dollar sign once again that he is still hurting for money so will not be getting out at all today to enjoy anything Los Angeles has to offer. So tell us, Dhimmi George, did you look at all the dead Syrian children from that Google site I posted, or would that be wasting your time since you can't use these dead children as pawns in your fight against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Scapegoat Theory

Do you ever wear black gloves?

The big question is -- do you ever get out of the house or does Medicare or MediCal (for poor people) send a nurse over to your apartment to give you your rabies shot?
The US, Canada, and Israel are all sovereign states.
Gaza is not; it's an occupied territory, and Israel is its occupying power.
You're right, I believe, about the two state solution because Israel has already stolen too much Arab land and water for a Palestinian state to be viable.

To most of us, occupied territory means there are troops in the country being occupied. We agree that there will not be a two state solution, merely the three reason why I believe that to be a fact.

1. As long as Hamas exists and continues firing rockets at the civilian population of Israel it can’t happen.

2. Hamas refuses to recognize Israel as a state, and Israel would have to be one of the two states.

3. As long as this paragraph is in the Hamas Charter, there can be no two state solution.

The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad, which is a Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim).
Hamas is not the government of a sovereign state and it's charter is not a constitution.
Hamas leaders consistently state Palestinians deserve the right of self-determination to decide their relationship with Israel. Neither Hamas nor a majority of Palestinians have any problem with dealing as an equal with a Jewish neighbor, but they will not accept dealing with Jews as occupiers.

You really stretch credibility when you try to claim a Palestinian state with no army, navy or air force represents any security threat to a nuclear-armed Israel.
Hamas is the government in Gaza, thus it's charter matters.
To most of us, occupied territory means there are troops in the country being occupied. We agree that there will not be a two state solution, merely the three reason why I believe that to be a fact.

1. As long as Hamas exists and continues firing rockets at the civilian population of Israel it can’t happen.

2. Hamas refuses to recognize Israel as a state, and Israel would have to be one of the two states.

3. As long as this paragraph is in the Hamas Charter, there can be no two state solution.
Hamas is not the government of a sovereign state and it's charter is not a constitution.
Hamas leaders consistently state Palestinians deserve the right of self-determination to decide their relationship with Israel. Neither Hamas nor a majority of Palestinians have any problem with dealing as an equal with a Jewish neighbor, but they will not accept dealing with Jews as occupiers.

You really stretch credibility when you try to claim a Palestinian state with no army, navy or air force represents any security threat to a nuclear-armed Israel.
Hamas is the government in Gaza, thus it's charter matters.
Israel occupies Gaza by controlling its airspace, coastal waters, land borders, population registry, and electromagnetic sphere. Nothing gets in or out of Gaza without Israel's permission since the tunnels with Egypt were sealed by the military dictatorship. Hamas has said it is up to Palestinians to decide their relationship with Israel. For that to happen Israel will have to lift its belligerent occupation of Gaza. Jews will never agree unless the world imposes economic sanctions on the Jewish state like those on Iran, and that isn't likely as long as US voters continue "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in their voting booths.
Hamas is not the government of a sovereign state and it's charter is not a constitution.
Hamas leaders consistently state Palestinians deserve the right of self-determination to decide their relationship with Israel. Neither Hamas nor a majority of Palestinians have any problem with dealing as an equal with a Jewish neighbor, but they will not accept dealing with Jews as occupiers.

You really stretch credibility when you try to claim a Palestinian state with no army, navy or air force represents any security threat to a nuclear-armed Israel.
Hamas is the government in Gaza, thus it's charter matters.
Israel occupies Gaza by controlling its airspace, coastal waters, land borders, population registry, and electromagnetic sphere. Nothing gets in or out of Gaza without Israel's permission since the tunnels with Egypt were sealed by the military dictatorship. Hamas has said it is up to Palestinians to decide their relationship with Israel. For that to happen Israel will have to lift its belligerent occupation of Gaza. Jews will never agree unless the world imposes economic sanctions on the Jewish state like those on Iran, and that isn't likely as long as US voters continue "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in their voting booths.

If Israel controls everything in Gaza, then...
Wait a second!
I'm taking george seriously!
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