The World's DUMBEST 'Religion'

“Smallpox, the bubonic plague, the Spanish flu — those are some of the diseases that have changed the course of history over the last few thousand years,” Carlson said. “Here’s a new one … Trump Derangement Syndrome is a particularly insidious illness because it doesn’t affect individuals but entire entire political parties, rendering them unrecognizable. Until about 20 minutes ago, for example, the Democrats saw themselves as the party of reason, resistant to superstition and mass hysteria.”

“They were, as they often told you, the party that fought McCarthyism. Now, it’s the party that engages in McCarthyism, enthusiastically.”

“Trump Derangement Syndrome” sufferers are willing to take any position, as long as it’s the opposite of President Trump’s.

“Their only remaining principal is hatred of the president”

“To anyone who remembers the Democrats of the 1960s, the ’90s or even three years ago, it’s all very confusing. That party is dead,” Carlson concluded. “It’s been replaced by a new one whose entire platform could be, say no to Trump.

This isn’t politics anymore; it’s the world’s dumbest religion.”

View attachment 207805

Tucker Carlson: Democratic Party Is ‘Unrecognizable’
It's a religion now? Cool...we can make use of the Supreme Court decision and it's totally ok to refuse service to trumpanzees and any trump minion. Very cool.
The dumb religion is the Trump Cult . They act as if he is a deity and believe any stupid lie he spews .

I wonder if any of them follow him on Twitter?

Of course, it's the endless babblings of a man whose time is almost up, but nonetheless, you would think they would post some of his bullshit here.

Like this little gem:

""Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump

The globalist Koch Brothers, who have become a total joke in real Republican circles, are against Strong Borders and Powerful Trade. I never sought their support because I don’t need their money or bad ideas.""

So someone who isn't a Trumpanzee posted this in response:


And another posted this:

Palmer Report
Verified account @PalmerReport

Replying to @realDonaldTrump
"When you’re too corrupt for the Koch Brothers..."

LMAO. I love Twitter.
For years Conservatives who cannot frame an argument on empirical evidence have fallen back on this clumsy claim that Liberalism is a religion. Ah shucks, that sure sounds neat.

The simplest reason this argument fails is religion requires doctrine. Look up the definition of doctrine. If you won't take it back - ignorance is bliss right?

Liberalism is a political, not a doctrinal position. Factually incorrect.

People can and most often and most constructively do compromise in politics. Compromise is why America is great. The constitution itself is a document of, for and by compromise. OK

One does not compromise with one's God. Compromising God, in any religion, is false doctrine. Heresy. Blasphemy. OK

Conservatives who are less than intellectually capable fall back on this, the slenderest reed, in a ham handed attempt at scoring cheap political points. Golly you sound intellectual. You a professor? Say, what would "this" be?

Those points are scored intramurally. Neat word

as Liberals and Independents and Conservatives who recognize the straw man pit up by the weaker minds and reject them out of hand. Wholly fuck
Hard to tell. Are you in agreement or are you critical?

Sorry for the confusion. I think you're full of shit.
For years Conservatives who cannot frame an argument on empirical evidence have fallen back on this clumsy claim that Liberalism is a religion.
I completely disagree with Carlson, though what he said is pretty much on point, except for the 'religion' comment.

Liberalism is NOT a 'Religion'. It is a 'DISEASE'! :p

View attachment 207811
If you cannot frame a legitimate intellectual argument due to insufficient intellectual capacity, it might be fun to frame the argument the way you did. But it is too easy to reject your sad little premise.
I used the same investigative techniques Mueller and snowflakes used to come to the conclusion that President Trump is guilty of illegal collusion with Russians to come to the revelation that Liberalism is a disease!


Bwuhahahahaha :p
Is "Specious" the only brand of logic on your shelf?
“Smallpox, the bubonic plague, the Spanish flu — those are some of the diseases that have changed the course of history over the last few thousand years,” Carlson said. “Here’s a new one … Trump Derangement Syndrome is a particularly insidious illness because it doesn’t affect individuals but entire entire political parties, rendering them unrecognizable. Until about 20 minutes ago, for example, the Democrats saw themselves as the party of reason, resistant to superstition and mass hysteria.”

“They were, as they often told you, the party that fought McCarthyism. Now, it’s the party that engages in McCarthyism, enthusiastically.”

“Trump Derangement Syndrome” sufferers are willing to take any position, as long as it’s the opposite of President Trump’s.

“Their only remaining principal is hatred of the president”

“To anyone who remembers the Democrats of the 1960s, the ’90s or even three years ago, it’s all very confusing. That party is dead,” Carlson concluded. “It’s been replaced by a new one whose entire platform could be, say no to Trump.

This isn’t politics anymore; it’s the world’s dumbest religion.”

View attachment 207805

Tucker Carlson: Democratic Party Is ‘Unrecognizable’
For years Conservatives who cannot frame an argument on empirical evidence have fallen back on this clumsy claim that Liberalism is a religion.

The simplest reason this argument fails is religion requires doctrine. Liberalism is a political, not a doctrinal position.

People can and most often and most constructively do compromise in politics. Compromise is why America is great. The constitution itself is a document of, for and by compromise.

One does not compromise with one's God. Compromising God, in any religion, is false doctrine. Heresy. Blasphemy.

Conservatives who are less than intellectually capable fall back on this, the slenderest reed, in a ham handed attempt at scoring cheap political points. Those points are scored intramurally as Liberals and Independents and Conservatives who recognize the straw man pit up by the weaker minds and reject them out of hand.

Proof the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet!
Only bigots see religion as danger. And only those who cannot form an independent opinion see politics as religion.

Be gone! You ignorance is intolerable.
For years Conservatives who cannot frame an argument on empirical evidence have fallen back on this clumsy claim that Liberalism is a religion. Ah shucks, that sure sounds neat.

The simplest reason this argument fails is religion requires doctrine. Look up the definition of doctrine. If you won't take it back - ignorance is bliss right?

Liberalism is a political, not a doctrinal position. Factually incorrect.

People can and most often and most constructively do compromise in politics. Compromise is why America is great. The constitution itself is a document of, for and by compromise. OK

One does not compromise with one's God. Compromising God, in any religion, is false doctrine. Heresy. Blasphemy. OK

Conservatives who are less than intellectually capable fall back on this, the slenderest reed, in a ham handed attempt at scoring cheap political points. Golly you sound intellectual. You a professor? Say, what would "this" be?

Those points are scored intramurally. Neat word

as Liberals and Independents and Conservatives who recognize the straw man pit up by the weaker minds and reject them out of hand. Wholly fuck
Hard to tell. Are you in agreement or are you critical?
I’d go with retarded. Definitely retarded. And possibly 12 yrs old :dunno:
“Smallpox, the bubonic plague, the Spanish flu — those are some of the diseases that have changed the course of history over the last few thousand years,” Carlson said. “Here’s a new one … Trump Derangement Syndrome is a particularly insidious illness because it doesn’t affect individuals but entire entire political parties, rendering them unrecognizable. Until about 20 minutes ago, for example, the Democrats saw themselves as the party of reason, resistant to superstition and mass hysteria.”

“They were, as they often told you, the party that fought McCarthyism. Now, it’s the party that engages in McCarthyism, enthusiastically.”

“Trump Derangement Syndrome” sufferers are willing to take any position, as long as it’s the opposite of President Trump’s.

“Their only remaining principal is hatred of the president”

“To anyone who remembers the Democrats of the 1960s, the ’90s or even three years ago, it’s all very confusing. That party is dead,” Carlson concluded. “It’s been replaced by a new one whose entire platform could be, say no to Trump.

This isn’t politics anymore; it’s the world’s dumbest religion.”

View attachment 207805

Tucker Carlson: Democratic Party Is ‘Unrecognizable’
For years Conservatives who cannot frame an argument on empirical evidence have fallen back on this clumsy claim that Liberalism is a religion.

The simplest reason this argument fails is religion requires doctrine. Liberalism is a political, not a doctrinal position.

People can and most often and most constructively do compromise in politics. Compromise is why America is great. The constitution itself is a document of, for and by compromise.

One does not compromise with one's God. Compromising God, in any religion, is false doctrine. Heresy. Blasphemy.

Conservatives who are less than intellectually capable fall back on this, the slenderest reed, in a ham handed attempt at scoring cheap political points. Those points are scored intramurally as Liberals and Independents and Conservatives who recognize the straw man pit up by the weaker minds and reject them out of hand.

Proof the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet!
Only bigots see religion as danger. And only those who cannot form an independent opinion see politics as religion.

Be gone! You ignorance is intolerable.

So you admit to being a bigot then? Like all far left drones!

When will the far left left compromise? When will the far left accept that Hilary lost because of Hilary?
Only bigots see religion as danger.

Liberalism isn't so much a 'religion' as it is a CULT!

Taught to believe and parrot anything they are told (evidence not required)
Holds their meetings (Secret Society)
Violently Intolerant to those who disagree with them....

The sad thing is this is not a parody or a meme ....

It really happened. :p
Fox doesnt know the definition of religion SO they're qualified to talk about it. ??????????


Sadly, this, too, is not a parody or a meme...

This also happened. And snowflakes will try to claim
this is the actions of a sane, intelligent individual.

Conservatism is the dumbest religion.
Not the dumbest but in the top 5. I would say
international socialism

christ it could be a LONG list....technically liberalism is a mental disease and a few of those are off shoots of that so...conservatives for some damn reason want to conserve what we have (which SUCKS and continues to get worse) and want to be rich.....I am not so much into material things I prefer preserving much more important things.
For years Conservatives who cannot frame an argument on empirical evidence have fallen back on this clumsy claim that Liberalism is a religion. Ah shucks, that sure sounds neat.

The simplest reason this argument fails is religion requires doctrine. Look up the definition of doctrine. If you won't take it back - ignorance is bliss right?

Liberalism is a political, not a doctrinal position. Factually incorrect.

People can and most often and most constructively do compromise in politics. Compromise is why America is great. The constitution itself is a document of, for and by compromise. OK

One does not compromise with one's God. Compromising God, in any religion, is false doctrine. Heresy. Blasphemy. OK

Conservatives who are less than intellectually capable fall back on this, the slenderest reed, in a ham handed attempt at scoring cheap political points. Golly you sound intellectual. You a professor? Say, what would "this" be?

Those points are scored intramurally. Neat word

as Liberals and Independents and Conservatives who recognize the straw man pit up by the weaker minds and reject them out of hand. Wholly fuck
Hard to tell. Are you in agreement or are you critical?

Apparently, you are not as intellectually superior as you believe yourself to be, or you could figure that out for yourself.

Religion is faith based. A belief, firmly held, with little or no evidence to support that belief.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    • a particular system of faith and worship.
      plural noun: religions
      "the world's great religions"
    • a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
      "consumerism is the new religion"
“Smallpox, the bubonic plague, the Spanish flu — those are some of the diseases that have changed the course of history over the last few thousand years,” Carlson said. “Here’s a new one … Trump Derangement Syndrome is a particularly insidious illness because it doesn’t affect individuals but entire entire political parties, rendering them unrecognizable. Until about 20 minutes ago, for example, the Democrats saw themselves as the party of reason, resistant to superstition and mass hysteria.”

“They were, as they often told you, the party that fought McCarthyism. Now, it’s the party that engages in McCarthyism, enthusiastically.”

“Trump Derangement Syndrome” sufferers are willing to take any position, as long as it’s the opposite of President Trump’s.

“Their only remaining principal is hatred of the president”

“To anyone who remembers the Democrats of the 1960s, the ’90s or even three years ago, it’s all very confusing. That party is dead,” Carlson concluded. “It’s been replaced by a new one whose entire platform could be, say no to Trump.

This isn’t politics anymore; it’s the world’s dumbest religion.”

View attachment 207805

Tucker Carlson: Democratic Party Is ‘Unrecognizable’
It's a religion now? Cool...we can make use of the Supreme Court decision and it's totally ok to refuse service to trumpanzees and any trump minion. Very cool.

It has always been legal to refuse service to anyone you desire to not serve, except those more equal than others, such as the protected classes.
Only bigots see religion as danger.

Liberalism isn't so much a 'religion' as it is a CULT!

Taught to believe and parrot anything they are told (evidence not required)
Holds their meetings (Secret Society)
Violently Intolerant to those who disagree with them....

I wouldn't even say cult, though it probably is a better description than religion. I get Tucker's meaning, but I'm not sure you can label this business religion, when its members are ALL OVER the fucking map until they can't tell which end's up. To me they're just bat-shit crazy.

Liberal is a misnomer, IMO. "Liberals" are aggressively being replaced by progressives (OKA bat shit crazy).

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