The Worst President Ever?

I used to think Jimmy Carter was the worst President ever but Owe Bama has him beat by a mile.

This is why Obama needs the Marines to help him with the umbrella

Deficit going down.
War ended in Iraq.
Osama Bin Laden Killed.
ACA passed.
Natural Disasters handled without thousands dying.
Financial Industry saved.
Auto Industry saved.

And Conservatives call Obama the worst President ever.


Deficit going down.
War ended in Iraq.
Osama Bin Laden Killed.
ACA passed.
Natural Disasters handled without thousands dying.
Financial Industry saved.
Auto Industry saved.

And Conservatives call Obama the worst President ever.

No, not "ever" speaking for myself; but certainly a failure thus far.
“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
― Woodrow Wilson

That is a Woodrow Wilson quote as he condemns himself for what he did as President. He realized then that creating the Federal Reserve was a huge error. That error has held until today.

No, actually it isn't. It's another unsourced myth-quote. These things have a certain aroma.

The nearest thing I can find to this was from Wilson's book "The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous" published in 1913:

"We have restricted credit, we have restricted opportunity, we have controlled development, and we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - page 201, here

This passage was not about the Federal Reserve, since that didn't yet exist.

Always gotta wonder when people have to make stuff up to prove their point. But if the poster of this quote has a legitimate source, by all means bring it in. The Internet doesn't know of one.

1913 Federal Reserve Act Definition | Investopedia

LOL. It didn't exist. Didn't see this post until now. Wilson SIGNED IT INTO LAW..........

So who's making up stuff you or me?


This is why Obama needs the Marines to help him with the umbrella


Perhaps you can explain why Reagan, King Bush the first and King Bush the second..needed them?

Only one picture shows a Marine holding one. Marines have a Dress code which doesn't allow them to use an Umbrella. Had this been a Female Marine it wouldn't have violated the code.

While to me, it's not a big deal, it's still a violation of PROTOCOL. Obama as the CNC should show more RESPECT to the Protocol's of the military as their Commander N Chief.

Is it the end of the world as we know it? No, but the CNC still needs to get his chit together regarding the Marines Dress code and PROTOCOL.
That is a Woodrow Wilson quote as he condemns himself for what he did as President. He realized then that creating the Federal Reserve was a huge error. That error has held until today.

No, actually it isn't. It's another unsourced myth-quote. These things have a certain aroma.

The nearest thing I can find to this was from Wilson's book "The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous" published in 1913:

"We have restricted credit, we have restricted opportunity, we have controlled development, and we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - page 201, here

This passage was not about the Federal Reserve, since that didn't yet exist.

Always gotta wonder when people have to make stuff up to prove their point. But if the poster of this quote has a legitimate source, by all means bring it in. The Internet doesn't know of one.

1913 Federal Reserve Act Definition | Investopedia

LOL. It didn't exist. Didn't see this post until now. Wilson SIGNED IT INTO LAW..........

So who's making up stuff you or me?.

That would be you. That book was already published in 1913. The FRA wasn't signed into law until December 23 of that year. Duh.

Furthermore, the quote you posted is still bogus. What we're looking at above is not your bogus quote; it's the nearest approximation that was prolly used as a basis FOR that myth. But even this was written before the FRA existed, and that makes your quote bogus, and that makes you a liar.

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This article sums it up rather nicely...Obama, the ugliest, cold human being, most hateful, thuggish WORST President ever in my book

The Worst President Ever? – OpEd

President Barack Obama

By Alan Caruba -- (May 17, 2013)

All through George W. Bush’s two terms, the Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi and others claimed that they represented “a culture of corruption” and yet I cannot recall any significant examples, nor does a look back at those years reveal any scandals resulting from his administration’s governance. It was not perfect, but it was not corrupt.

This term, however, marked Barack Obama’s first term and now his second which is currently imploding from a confluence of scandals involving Benghazi-Gate, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Department of Justice. Let’s not forget “Fast and Furious.”

The very first example of the changes that would mark his administration was the announcement of Obama’s “czars”, a shadowy group of advisors whose power to set and influence government policy without any congressional oversight appears to have transcended that of his cabinet members, many of whom would contribute to lengthening the recession he “inherited” as the result of the 2008 financial crisis while increasing the national debt and deficit to heights never before seen in the history of the nation.

What we have come to learn in his first term was that Obama had scant regard for the Constitution, the guiding instrument of governance. It was in his view an “imperfect” instrument and yet, with amendments, it has guided the nation to superpower status since its ratification in 1791, a process that took four years from the 1786 Annapolis Convention that called for a Constitutional Convention.

What we learned through is first campaign and first term was that Obama lies about everything, starting with his personal life. What we have learned is that his answer to everything is to give another speech, hold another press conference, issue another executive order, and to dismiss any criticism as “a sideshow”, and to host a number of dinners to give the impression he is willing to work with Republicans in Congress. In truth, he rarely interacted even with Democrats in Congress.

In short, Obama has never addressed his duty to govern. He has instead maintained a non-stop process of campaigning and fund-raising. It did not work in 2010 when voters returned power to the Republicans in the House and now he is doing everything he can to regain Democrat control there in 2014.

This is a President who spent his entire first term blaming his predecessor, George W. Bush, for every problem that crossed his desk and demanded his attention.

This is a President whose foreign policy in the Middle East failed to address events there while delegating responsibility to his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton who as of 2 AM the morning of September 12th knew that it was an orchestrated attack by al Qaeda. And then, in concert with the White House, told Americans that it was the result of a video and was a “spontaneous” event.

all of it here
The Worst President Ever? - OpEd

And here I am thinking both Ray Ray and Bush II were the worst. Thanks for the clarification, because I'm pretty sure that Marine holding that umbrella for the President would rather be there alive, vs dying in 2 bullshit wars and one that we were LIED into.

But with smart people like you, I know we're safe...:cuckoo:
So who do we accept as the person or people authorized to rate the presidents?
No, actually it isn't. It's another unsourced myth-quote. These things have a certain aroma.

The nearest thing I can find to this was from Wilson's book "The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous" published in 1913:

"We have restricted credit, we have restricted opportunity, we have controlled development, and we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - page 201, here

This passage was not about the Federal Reserve, since that didn't yet exist.

Always gotta wonder when people have to make stuff up to prove their point. But if the poster of this quote has a legitimate source, by all means bring it in. The Internet doesn't know of one.

1913 Federal Reserve Act Definition | Investopedia

LOL. It didn't exist. Didn't see this post until now. Wilson SIGNED IT INTO LAW..........

So who's making up stuff you or me?.

That would be you. That book was already published in 1913. The FRA wasn't signed into law until December 23 of that year. Duh.

Furthermore, the quote you posted is still bogus. What we're looking at above is not your bogus quote; it's the nearest approximation that was prolly used as a basis FOR that myth. But even this was written before the FRA existed, and that makes your quote bogus, and that makes you a liar.


1. This quote is all over the internet.
2. I've been researching this quote now and have just found out that there is a CONTROVERSY OVER THIS QUOTE. Even Wikipedia has put out this quote.

3. Since many sources on line are still bashing this quote around, it DOESN'T MAKE ME A LIAR. Secondly, this quote may have never come from that particular book. It might have come from a campaign speech, newspaper or whatever. He was alive for 11 years after signing in the Federal Reserve Act.

4. Quotes don't have to published in a book to be real. So basically at this point I can neither confirm or deny that this quote was actually said. I'll keep looking into this to see if anyone every found the original source.


I stand by what I read, HE'S THE WORST IN MY OPINION.

This is why Obama needs the Marines to help him with the umbrella


Perhaps you can explain why Reagan, King Bush the first and King Bush the second..needed them?

Only one picture shows a Marine holding one. Marines have a Dress code which doesn't allow them to use an Umbrella. Had this been a Female Marine it wouldn't have violated the code.

While to me, it's not a big deal, it's still a violation of PROTOCOL. Obama as the CNC should show more RESPECT to the Protocol's of the military as their Commander N Chief.

Is it the end of the world as we know it? No, but the CNC still needs to get his chit together regarding the Marines Dress code and PROTOCOL.

Sorry but the Army has the same regulation. No umbrellas in uniform.......
1913 Federal Reserve Act Definition | Investopedia

LOL. It didn't exist. Didn't see this post until now. Wilson SIGNED IT INTO LAW..........

So who's making up stuff you or me?.

That would be you. That book was already published in 1913. The FRA wasn't signed into law until December 23 of that year. Duh.

Furthermore, the quote you posted is still bogus. What we're looking at above is not your bogus quote; it's the nearest approximation that was prolly used as a basis FOR that myth. But even this was written before the FRA existed, and that makes your quote bogus, and that makes you a liar.


1. This quote is all over the internet.

Ah, it's "all over the internet". Therefore it must be true. What are you, four years old?

2. I've been researching this quote now and have just found out that there is a CONTROVERSY OVER THIS QUOTE. Even Wikipedia has put out this quote.

The time for due diligence is before you post a bogus quote and make an ass of yourself -- not after. In this you failed. And by the way the "Talk" editing page of a Wiki entry isn't there as an unimpeachable source. If it were verified it would have been on the main page.

3. Since many sources on line are still bashing this quote around, it DOESN'T MAKE ME A LIAR. Secondly, this quote may have never come from that particular book. It might have come from a campaign speech, newspaper or whatever. He was alive for 11 years after signing in the Federal Reserve Act.

Uh huh. "I can't prove he said it but he was alive long enough that he could have".
Lame-ass wanker.

Unfortunately this is what you actually posted:

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
― Woodrow Wilson

That is a Woodrow Wilson quote as he condemns himself for what he did as President. He realized then that creating the Federal Reserve was a huge error. That error has held until today.

-- which is complete bullshit.

4. Quotes don't have to published in a book to be real. So basically at this point I can neither confirm or deny that this quote was actually said. I'll keep looking into this to see if anyone every found the original source.

I already did. Which, again, is what you should have done.
To be real a quote has to come from somewhere. But you were so desperate to make a point, you didn't bother fact checking, just ran with the first thing you found lying in the road and then declared it "a Woodrow Wilson quote as he condemns himself" -- something you made up.

-- Which makes you a liar. Not that complex. Next time do your homework.
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.......Which makes you a liar......

Doen't matter what thread you go to, Pogo is there calling someone a "liar." :laugh:

But, there is never a fact link to back up a word he posts. :laugh: :laugh:

I am about ready to put Pogo on "ignore." :clap2: :clap2:


This psycho is averaging posts 31 posts per day, which tells me he needs to turn off the internet, and get a life!

Reading a news magazine would be a good start! :happy-1:
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.......Which makes you a liar......

Doen't matter what thread you go to, Pogo is there calling someone a "liar." :laugh:

But, there is never a fact link to back up a word he posts. :laugh: :laugh:

I am about ready to put Pogo on "ignore." :clap2: :clap2:


This psycho is averaging posts 31 posts per day, which tells me he needs to turn off the internet, and get a life!

Reading a news magazine would be a good start! :happy-1:

I'm close to doing the same and I just met him. The quote I posted is all over the web, and many sites are arguing about it. Not sure if it's real or memorex at this point. However, the quote doesn't matter anyway to our opinion on the thread op.

I guess pogo likes the Federal Reserve or something.

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