The Worst President

Though he can't run again...legally...he can influence the Democratic primaries greatly. The bulk of the Democrat marching force worships Obama's persona and would do lewd and lascivious things in public places to gain his favor. They will vote for whomever the master wants, including...God forbid...his wife!

Rumor has it he's chucking Hillary under the bus...again!

Obama Reportedly Ready to Back Elizabeth Warren for President | Opinion - Conservative

Elizabeth Warren will be glamorized from now 'til the primaries.
Great troll thread. This idea that he has been a horrible president works well for the nutters on the right, but the rest of America realizes most of this is just hatred from the right. Has Obama been a great president? Nah. Has he been a terrible president? Nah. In the long run he will be remembered for his success at moving our healthcare system on a better track for the future. The ACA is only the beginning, but we will not go back to the way it was. While we have just seen the true beginning of healthcare reform in the US, this will be Obama's greatest legacy.
Great troll thread. This idea that he has been a horrible president works well for the nutters on the right, but the rest of America realizes most of this is just hatred from the right. Has Obama been a great president? Nah. Has he been a terrible president? Nah. In the long run he will be remembered for his success at moving our healthcare system on a better track for the future. The ACA is only the beginning, but we will not go back to the way it was. While we have just seen the true beginning of healthcare reform in the US, this will be Obama's greatest legacy.

the fact that their little poll found reagan to be the "best" modern president indicates what a joke it is.

as to your assessment of this president, i'd say that's probably right. i think his problem though was not squashing the wing nut loons from day one. he underestimated their insanity and the fact that they'd let this country deteriorate before they would work with the black guy in the office.

but it's not like it's about race or anything.
Reagan best!!!! Too too funny.

Ronnie is a myth on top of a myth, his bad ideas or the bad ideas of his advisers continues, but his tax hikes, social security support, and his actual separation of religion from government are forgotten. The theocrats did not like the fact he didn't go after women's rights, that may have been Nancy's doing. Reagan could not even be a republican candidate today, he was not married to America's theocratic corporatism of present America.

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Great troll thread. This idea that he has been a horrible president works well for the nutters on the right, but the rest of America realizes most of this is just hatred from the right. Has Obama been a great president? Nah. Has he been a terrible president? Nah. In the long run he will be remembered for his success at moving our healthcare system on a better track for the future. The ACA is only the beginning, but we will not go back to the way it was. While we have just seen the true beginning of healthcare reform in the US, this will be Obama's greatest legacy.

Why You Feel Poorer

You feel poorer because you are poorer.

In the last fourteen years, has your income increased over 50%? If you think it has, has it done so after taxes? Even if it has, you likely have not kept up in terms of inflation.

If you are a retiree, living on fixed income, a pension or bonds, you certainly have become poorer. If you had bought the Dow-Jones on 12/31/1999 you would have entered at about 11,500. It closed last week at less than 17,100. That would have been an appreciation of 6,600, better than 50%. But, of course, that was before taxes.


As a retiree, you have seen your purchasing power stolen by Fed policies. Whether you invested in fixed income or equities, you lost ground. Anyone in that position has seen their lives become poorer despite a lifetime of successful work and careful financial planning.

For those still working, most are losing purchasing power each year. Wages are not keeping up with inflation, even the understated numbers reported by government. In short, the decline of a once-great economic power is well underway. The country is no longer growing enough to raise everyone’s standard of living.

Government has killed the golden goose and in an attempt to hide the obvious is debauching the dollars. Government tries to hide their own failure with phony statistics and a welfare state designed to placate the masses. Bread and circuses are deceptions not progress.

This charade will not work! It is merely a futile attempt to prolong the Ponzi scheme for a little longer. While the process continues, the parasites who plunder the productive ready expand in numbers. The productive either give up or remove their capital from the country. Those who stay build compounds with the walls around them to protect against the soon-to-become enraged masses. Bread and circuses precede poverty. They don’t continue through it.

Read the rest here: Why You Feel Poorer | Zero Hedge
In history.

Obama has a lock on it. There's no doubt about it now! :eusa_clap: congratulations democrats.

How have you come up with the conclusion that he is the worst president in the history of this country? I think that he is a much better president than the previous one George Bush who left office with an approval rating below 30%.
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In history.

Obama has a lock on it. There's no doubt about it now! :eusa_clap: congratulations democrats.

How have you come up with the conclusion that he is the worst president? I think that he is a much better president than the previous one George Bush who left office with an approval rating below 30%.

Really? Why? Just a couple bullet points for us who are uninformed about such accomplishments

In history.

Obama has a lock on it. There's no doubt about it now! :eusa_clap: congratulations democrats.

How have you come up with the conclusion that he is the worst president in the history of this country? I think that he is a much better president than the previous one George Bush who left office with an approval rating below 30%.

Obama's approval rating is at 29%, and he still has 2 years.
Great troll thread. This idea that he has been a horrible president works well for the nutters on the right, but the rest of America realizes most of this is just hatred from the right. Has Obama been a great president? Nah. Has he been a terrible president? Nah. In the long run he will be remembered for his success at moving our healthcare system on a better track for the future. The ACA is only the beginning, but we will not go back to the way it was. While we have just seen the true beginning of healthcare reform in the US, this will be Obama's greatest legacy.

Ubungacare is the biggest fucking farce perpetrated on the citizens of this once great United States of America. his legacy.., if you can call it that is a huge bundle of bullshit, lies and hatred of US citizens......., ooooooh ! BTW, i do not consider liberscum as citizens, they too are aliens. :up:
Great troll thread. This idea that he has been a horrible president works well for the nutters on the right, but the rest of America realizes most of this is just hatred from the right. Has Obama been a great president? Nah. Has he been a terrible president? Nah. In the long run he will be remembered for his success at moving our healthcare system on a better track for the future. The ACA is only the beginning, but we will not go back to the way it was. While we have just seen the true beginning of healthcare reform in the US, this will be Obama's greatest legacy.

The worst President ever. The biggest liar ever. Congratulations democrats.
Reagan best!!!! Too too funny.

Ronnie is a myth on top of a myth, his bad ideas or the bad ideas of his advisers continues, but his tax hikes, social security support, and his actual separation of religion from government are forgotten. The theocrats did not like the fact he didn't go after women's rights, that may have been Nancy's doing. Reagan could not even be a republican candidate today, he was not married to America's theocratic corporatism of present America.


Reagan was talked as a conservative and governed as a pragmatist. That is why he was actually a decent president.
In history.

Obama has a lock on it. There's no doubt about it now! :eusa_clap: congratulations democrats.

How have you come up with the conclusion that he is the worst president in the history of this country? I think that he is a much better president than the previous one George Bush who left office with an approval rating below 30%.

Obama's approval rating is at 29%, and he still has 2 years.

Cherry picking one poll that shows his approval rating that low doesn't hold water except to the loons who can't stand the black president. Rasmussen has his approval rating at 46%.
Great troll thread. This idea that he has been a horrible president works well for the nutters on the right, but the rest of America realizes most of this is just hatred from the right. Has Obama been a great president? Nah. Has he been a terrible president? Nah. In the long run he will be remembered for his success at moving our healthcare system on a better track for the future. The ACA is only the beginning, but we will not go back to the way it was. While we have just seen the true beginning of healthcare reform in the US, this will be Obama's greatest legacy.

Ubungacare is the biggest fucking farce perpetrated on the citizens of this once great United States of America. his legacy.., if you can call it that is a huge bundle of bullshit, lies and hatred of US citizens......., ooooooh ! BTW, i do not consider liberscum as citizens, they too are aliens. :up:

Your arrogance and the arrogance of the right is leading to its complete collapse. It's just a matter of time. Real Americans are fed up with you crackpots.

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