The Worst President

Reagan has been deified by a lot of the conservatives, as well as the tea baggers.

Sorry, but Reagan almost broke the U.S. Navy (his 500 ship navy was a failure. I served during that time and saw carriers going out at only 85 percent manning. If you served, you'd know what that means).

Wanna talk about Iran Contra? Most of that bullshit that happened during that ignorant idiot's term has happened to go and have events happen now.

Sorry, but Reagan and Bush Jr. (aka Shrub) have done a lot of taking down this country.

I'm still wondering why they support them?

Me? I think that Reagan and Shrub sucked as presidents. Clinton at least put money in my pocket, and it seems that Obama is doing the same.

If you hate Obama, you're a bigot who doesn't like someone that is the same as they are.

Obama has done a lot for this country.

Check out the stock market. Check out the job market.

Obama brought us up from 7,000 on the stock market to upwards of 17,000.

Obama has also brought jobs back to this country, wanna talk about the 52 months of positive job growth?
I know people who still argue about Nixon.

Obama isn't going to been seen as a great president.

Even the left thinks he sold out.

History, I am afraid, will judge him to be to detached.

He will be remembered as a great campaigner (the Denver speech was a classic).

He'll also be remembered as a big liar (see same speech).
I know people who still argue about Nixon.

Obama isn't going to been seen as a great president.

Even the left thinks he sold out.

History, I am afraid, will judge him to be to detached.

He will be remembered as a great campaigner (the Denver speech was a classic).

He'll also be remembered as a big liar (see same speech).

he will also be remembered as having a large number of scandals

and having a record number of losses at the Supreme Court
Reagan best!!!! Too too funny.

Ronnie is a myth on top of a myth, his bad ideas or the bad ideas of his advisers continues, but his tax hikes, social security support, and his actual separation of religion from government are forgotten. The theocrats did not like the fact he didn't go after women's rights, that may have been Nancy's doing. Reagan could not even be a republican candidate today, he was not married to America's theocratic corporatism of present America.

Every single Reagan supporter will ignore this or make excuses for it.

Reagan was a terrorist.
I know people who still argue about Nixon.

Obama isn't going to been seen as a great president.

Even the left thinks he sold out.

History, I am afraid, will judge him to be to detached.

He will be remembered as a great campaigner (the Denver speech was a classic).

He'll also be remembered as a big liar (see same speech).

he will also be remembered as having a large number of scandals

and having a record number of losses at the Supreme Court

In the long run, people will look at Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and realize that Obama was like a running back with no line.....a sucky running back....but still no line.
Reagan best!!!! Too too funny.

Ronnie is a myth on top of a myth, his bad ideas or the bad ideas of his advisers continues, but his tax hikes, social security support, and his actual separation of religion from government are forgotten. The theocrats did not like the fact he didn't go after women's rights, that may have been Nancy's doing. Reagan could not even be a republican candidate today, he was not married to America's theocratic corporatism of present America.

Every single Reagan supporter will ignore this or make excuses for it.

Reagan was a terrorist.

I was around to see Reagan give the country a backbone. I never defended his mistakes.

American almost gave him a 50 state sweep in 1984.

We do that for terrorists, ya know. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I was around to see Reagan give the country a backbone.
Yeah attacking tiny countries like Grenada and Nicaragua gives America a backbone. I call it cowardice.

I never defended his mistakes.
Most his supporters do.

American almost gave him a 50 state sweep in 1984.
The american media kept his terrorist activities underwrap for the most part.

We do that for terrorists, ya know. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Yes you do.
It took over forty years to win the Cold War. Obama forfeited that win in less than five years. Civil Rights has been set back fifty years by the segregationist-in-chief. Every average American household loses $8,000+ annually because of his green energy scam.
Watergate is shoplifting in comparison to Benghazi and several other coverup scams by this hack president. Only political and racist bigots defend Obama.
How have you come up with the conclusion that he is the worst president in the history of this country? I think that he is a much better president than the previous one George Bush who left office with an approval rating below 30%.

Obama's approval rating is at 29%, and he still has 2 years.

Cherry picking one poll that shows his approval rating that low doesn't hold water except to the loons who can't stand the black president. Rasmussen has his approval rating at 46%.

don't you really mean MULATTO ?

old Western lingo, Half Breed
Great troll thread. This idea that he has been a horrible president works well for the nutters on the right, but the rest of America realizes most of this is just hatred from the right. Has Obama been a great president? Nah. Has he been a terrible president? Nah. In the long run he will be remembered for his success at moving our healthcare system on a better track for the future. The ACA is only the beginning, but we will not go back to the way it was. While we have just seen the true beginning of healthcare reform in the US, this will be Obama's greatest legacy.

Ubungacare is the biggest fucking farce perpetrated on the citizens of this once great United States of America. his legacy.., if you can call it that is a huge bundle of bullshit, lies and hatred of US citizens......., ooooooh ! BTW, i do not consider liberscum as citizens, they too are aliens. :up:

Your arrogance and the arrogance of the right is leading to its complete collapse. It's just a matter of time. Real Americans are fed up with you crackpots.

Real Americans which is about 85% of US are fed up with the fucking bullshit your mulatto presidunce is doing to our* country.

*your kind excluded, your kind are advocating the downfall of THE United States of America !!
please admit you are a commie shill.
Reagan has been deified by a lot of the conservatives, as well as the tea baggers.

Sorry, but Reagan almost broke the U.S. Navy (his 500 ship navy was a failure. I served during that time and saw carriers going out at only 85 percent manning. If you served, you'd know what that means).

Wanna talk about Iran Contra? Most of that bullshit that happened during that ignorant idiot's term has happened to go and have events happen now.

Sorry, but Reagan and Bush Jr. (aka Shrub) have done a lot of taking down this country.

I'm still wondering why they support them?

Me? I think that Reagan and Shrub sucked as presidents. Clinton at least put money in my pocket, and it seems that Obama is doing the same.

If you hate Obama, you're a bigot who doesn't like someone that is the same as they are.

Obama has done a lot for this country.

Check out the stock market. Check out the job market.

Obama brought us up from 7,000 on the stock market to upwards of 17,000.

Obama has also brought jobs back to this country, wanna talk about the 52 months of positive job growth?

85%, simply means the air group has not embarked.., do you know what that means ?

how does that work.., money in your pocket, must have been stolen from the Military retired community, my annual pay raises for the past 5 years have been on the negative side.

Ubama has done a lot for this countries demise by allowing millions of illegals into the USA, then distributing them all across this once great country.

exactly what jobs has the fucking mulatto brought to the USA ? welfare workers :lmao: wanna talk about the 52+ months of unemployment, "job growth", yaa those burger flippers are really happy about their $15.95 minimum wage, which increases the price of a plain burger to $4.99 each, small soda, $2.98

i hope i live to read his obit. :dig:
Reagan best!!!! Too too funny.

Ronnie is a myth on top of a myth, his bad ideas or the bad ideas of his advisers continues, but his tax hikes, social security support, and his actual separation of religion from government are forgotten. The theocrats did not like the fact he didn't go after women's rights, that may have been Nancy's doing. Reagan could not even be a republican candidate today, he was not married to America's theocratic corporatism of present America.

[img/][/img/][/quote/]Every single Reagan supporter will ignore this or make excuses for it.

Reagan was a terrorist.

America's Enemies Are Not Mine

I will not respond to:

They are not worth my time

will you respond to me you fucking far left wing POS ?

Reagan was the best President of modern times. he broke the USSR down to just Russia !!

if reagan was a terrorist your presidunce is a TRAITOR who should be hung for his crimes against the Constitution of the United States of America :up:

oooooh!! BTW :fu:
It will be interesting to see how Obama acts post presidency. Wanna bet he demands 300,000 dollars per speaking gig.

Though he can't run again...legally...he can influence the Democratic primaries greatly. The bulk of the Democrat marching force worships Obama's persona and would do lewd and lascivious things in public places to gain his favor. They will vote for whomever the master wants, including...God forbid...his wife!

Rumor has it he's chucking Hillary under the bus...again!

Obama Reportedly Ready to Back Elizabeth Warren for President | Opinion - Conservative

Elizabeth Warren will be glamorized from now 'til the primaries.
It will be interesting to see how Obama acts post presidency. Wanna bet he demands 300,000 dollars per speaking gig.

Though he can't run again...legally...he can influence the Democratic primaries greatly. The bulk of the Democrat marching force worships Obama's persona and would do lewd and lascivious things in public places to gain his favor. They will vote for whomever the master wants, including...God forbid...his wife!

Rumor has it he's chucking Hillary under the bus...again!

Obama Reportedly Ready to Back Elizabeth Warren for President | Opinion - Conservative

Elizabeth Warren will be glamorized from now 'til the primaries.

Hell, I don't listen to him speak now. It's all lies. Who in the Sam hell would pay to hear a liar tell lies?
I was around to see Reagan give the country a backbone.
Yeah attacking tiny countries like Grenada and Nicaragua gives America a backbone. I call it cowardice.

I never defended his mistakes.
Most his supporters do.

American almost gave him a 50 state sweep in 1984.
The american media kept his terrorist activities underwrap for the most part.

We do that for terrorists, ya know. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Yes you do.

Except for probably carter, ford, and clinton, all presidents since LBJ are terrorists. Obama, the drone bomber, is no exception. War is a business and business is good. It's good for image also. bush1 was dealing with his wimp factor and desert storm helped. Panama was most likely about either wimp factor or noriega taking too big a cut in the drug trade, shorting poppy's share of the action. Even baby bush's image was inflated. He loved bragging about being a war prezident.
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Whichever president is in office always gets voted worst. When Bush was in office, polls defined him as "worst president ever". That's the nature of partisan politics. The party out of power always unites to declare the president in power is "worst president ever".

(And those who fail to understand such a simply thing are pretty 'effin stupid.)
Whichever president is in office always gets voted worst. When Bush was in office, polls defined him as "worst president ever". That's the nature of partisan politics. The party out of power always unites to declare the president in power is "worst president ever".

(And those who fail to understand such a simply thing are pretty 'effin stupid.)

this wasn't a poll of the party out of power, it was a poll of the general public.
Whichever president is in office always gets voted worst. When Bush was in office, polls defined him as "worst president ever". That's the nature of partisan politics. The party out of power always unites to declare the president in power is "worst president ever".

(And those who fail to understand such a simply thing are pretty 'effin stupid.)

this wasn't a poll of the party out of power, it was a poll of the general public.

Who thinks the general public actually knows anything? Look at the horrible people we send to Washington.

The general public (and most of the posters here) make their decisions with emotion, not real facts.

Reading these posts it seems most arguments are based on false talking points, not reality.

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