The Worst President

Whichever president is in office always gets voted worst. When Bush was in office, polls defined him as "worst president ever". That's the nature of partisan politics. The party out of power always unites to declare the president in power is "worst president ever".

(And those who fail to understand such a simply thing are pretty 'effin stupid.)

this wasn't a poll of the party out of power, it was a poll of the general public.

Who thinks the general public actually knows anything? Look at the horrible people we send to Washington.

The general public (and most of the posters here) make their decisions with emotion, not real facts.

Reading these posts it seems most arguments are based on false talking points, not reality.

Here is what the general public knows.

A. they have been lied to

B. A good majority of them are unemployed or underemployed

C. Scandals one after the other followed by coverups. including the IRS, the VA. the Benghazi, The fast and Furious,

D Their groceries, gas, energy costs, are all up, their pay has gone down

E. This administration cannot protect America from invading hordes of illegals.

F. So, he lied about the border being secure too..

Need more?
Whichever president is in office always gets voted worst. When Bush was in office, polls defined him as "worst president ever". That's the nature of partisan politics. The party out of power always unites to declare the president in power is "worst president ever".

(And those who fail to understand such a simply thing are pretty 'effin stupid.)

this wasn't a poll of the party out of power, it was a poll of the general public.

A third of which were members of the party out of power, and who all chanted in unison that the president in power was the worst president ever. Exactly the same as happened when Bush was in office.
this wasn't a poll of the party out of power, it was a poll of the general public.

Who thinks the general public actually knows anything? Look at the horrible people we send to Washington.

The general public (and most of the posters here) make their decisions with emotion, not real facts.

Reading these posts it seems most arguments are based on false talking points, not reality.

Here is what the general public knows.

A. they have been lied to

B. A good majority of them are unemployed or underemployed

C. Scandals one after the other followed by coverups. including the IRS, the VA. the Benghazi, The fast and Furious,

D Their groceries, gas, energy costs, are all up, their pay has gone down

E. This administration cannot protect America from invading hordes of illegals.

F. So, he lied about the border being secure too..

Need more?

Why is all that the fault of this administration?

A. they have been lied to
This is new? Remember the Golf of Tonkin lie? The Iraq weapons of mass destruction lie?

B. A good majority of them are unemployed or underemployed
Yes they are. You can go back to Nixon for opening China, Pappa Bush and Clinton for Trade agreements that destroyed our manufacturing base and sent away our good paying jobs.

C. Scandals one after the other followed by coverups. including the IRS, the VA. the Benghazi, The fast and Furious,
Were there never before scandals in Washington?
How many were killed in Benghazi, compared to Iraq. And Obama didn't engineer Benghazi like Bush did for Iraq.

The other points you listed are not worth comment. There is plenty you can blame on Obama. These ain't it.
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In history.

Obama has a lock on it. There's no doubt about it now! :eusa_clap: congratulations democrats.

we've been telling them this for years. good to see a poll validating our assessment

The November 2012 poll did not, most who think Obama is so terrible cannot name 15 Presidents if they tried, so far he is middling, however.
Who thinks the general public actually knows anything? Look at the horrible people we send to Washington.

The general public (and most of the posters here) make their decisions with emotion, not real facts.

Reading these posts it seems most arguments are based on false talking points, not reality.

Here is what the general public knows.

A. they have been lied to

B. A good majority of them are unemployed or underemployed

C. Scandals one after the other followed by coverups. including the IRS, the VA. the Benghazi, The fast and Furious,

D Their groceries, gas, energy costs, are all up, their pay has gone down

E. This administration cannot protect America from invading hordes of illegals.

F. So, he lied about the border being secure too..

Need more?

Why is all that the fault of this administration?

A. they have been lied to
This is new? Remember the Golf of Tonkin lie? The Iraq weapons of mass destruction lie?

B. A good majority of them are unemployed or underemployed
Yes they are. You can go back to Nixon for opening China, Pappa Bush and Clinton for Trade agreements that destroyed our manufacturing base and sent away our good paying jobs.

C. Scandals one after the other followed by coverups. including the IRS, the VA. the Benghazi, The fast and Furious,
Were there never before scandals in Washington?
How many were killed in Benghazi, compared to Iraq. And Obama didn't engineer Benghazi like Bush did for Iraq.

The other points you listed are not worth comment. There is plenty you can blame on Obama. These ain't it.

Live in the past if that's what suits you. But those of us who live in the here and now know that the buck stops at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Get a grip.
Btw. President Bush went to war in Iraq with bipartisan approval.
A. Johnson
(Bush II, too soon to rank ANY President before 1974, but he is contender.)
Except for probably carter, ford, and clinton, all presidents since LBJ are terrorists. Obama, the drone bomber, is no exception. War is a business and business is good. It's good for image also. bush1 was dealing with his wimp factor and desert storm helped. Panama was most likely about either wimp factor or noriega taking too big a cut in the drug trade, shorting poppy's share of the action. Even baby bush's image was inflated. He loved bragging about being a war prezident.
I agree with you although Clinton did some dirty work too. He dropped many bombs on innocent people but conservatives were more worried about the BJ he recieved. Priorities are out the window.
Btw. President Bush went to war in Iraq with bipartisan approval.

You're right Shallow Skeeve. Shrub (aka Bush Jr.) went to war with Iraq with bipartisan approval.

He got that bipartisan approval shortly after lying to Congress and the Senate.

But....................we're seeing how much the GOP lies to those who they claim to lead.

Only trouble is...................people can use the Internet, and have an interest in seeing what those who claim to support them are doing.

The GOP is going to lose badly in 2014, and they're going to lose even worse in 2016.
Btw. President Bush went to war in Iraq with bipartisan approval.

You're right Shallow Skeeve. Shrub (aka Bush Jr.) went to war with Iraq with bipartisan approval.

He got that bipartisan approval shortly after lying to Congress and the Senate.

But....................we're seeing how much the GOP lies to those who they claim to lead.

Only trouble is...................people can use the Internet, and have an interest in seeing what those who claim to support them are doing.

The GOP is going to lose badly in 2014, and they're going to lose even worse in 2016.
He didn't lie about a damn thing you worthless piece of piss poor protoplasm.
Btw. President Bush went to war in Iraq with bipartisan approval.

You're right Shallow Skeeve. Shrub (aka Bush Jr.) went to war with Iraq with bipartisan approval.

He got that bipartisan approval shortly after lying to Congress and the Senate.

But....................we're seeing how much the GOP lies to those who they claim to lead.

Only trouble is...................people can use the Internet, and have an interest in seeing what those who claim to support them are doing.

The GOP is going to lose badly in 2014, and they're going to lose even worse in 2016.

After reading this I have the urge to go to the reading room and give birth to a Boatswains mate and send him off to sea duty :lol:

Btw. President Bush went to war in Iraq with bipartisan approval.

You're right Shallow Skeeve. Shrub (aka Bush Jr.) went to war with Iraq with bipartisan approval.

He got that bipartisan approval shortly after lying to Congress and the Senate.

But....................we're seeing how much the GOP lies to those who they claim to lead.

Only trouble is...................people can use the Internet, and have an interest in seeing what those who claim to support them are doing.

The GOP is going to lose badly in 2014, and they're going to lose even worse in 2016.[/QUOTE]

and now we can see you are lying too

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