The worst terrorist threat in the U.S. today is the Southern Poverty Law Center

AGAIN --- what "evil actions" are these? I've been asking this all day, got nothing but crickets.
The entire board is laughing at you. I’ve answered that question all day. I can’t tell if you’re ignoring it because you’re a typical left-wing asshole who refuses to accept reality or if you’re just too stupid and illiterate to realize it. I’m guessing it’s the latter.

Incidentally, we are still waiting for you to answer post #57. It’s the same question your dumb ass has been unable to answer for like 6 pages now. When you answer that, I’ll answer your question here again with even more details (and I’ll humiliate you as always).
EchoBubble tactic #591: when running away from an inconvenient question, claim you already did and don't know where you put the answer. Also known as "my dog ate my homework".
Bwahahahahaha! Fag-o just openly admitted the tactic he is using to post #57!!! I’ve asked him over and over and he can’t answer.
Where does anything at SPLC say the groups committed violence? Being labeled a hate group does not require physical violence.
Really?!? Then just what is the requirement?

(Psst...their requirement is not being willing to bow to the radical left-wing agenda)
Hate, duh. Let's take the FRC for example.
  • FRC states on its website that: "Family Research Council believes that homosexual conduct is harmful to the persons who engage in it and to society at large, and can never be affirmed. It is by definition unnatural, and as such is associated with negative physical and psychological health effects."
Oh my goodness! The organization states that “homosexual conduct is harmful” and that it has “associated negative physical and psychological health effects”. Oh the humanity! The “hate”!

Just curious if you even think or read before posting? You literally just obliterated your own clam.

Thank you for unequivocally proving that the Southern Poverty Law Center is the greatest domestic terrorist threat in the U.S. today. Their sole purpose is to attempt to destroy anyone who refuses to bow to a radical left-wing agenda.

Oh NoEs!! i HaVe BeEn CrItIcIzEd I aM "dEsTrOyEd"!! aaaaaaahhhhh!

Buttsoiler, you are a trip and a half of Snowflake City. "Proving" the SPLC is a "terrorist threat" has been YOUR assigned task since you crapped out this turd of a thread, and you STILL can't do it.
Those aren't reputable medical groups by any stretch of the imagination.
Where do you get groups? As in plural? The American College of Pediatricians is unquestionably one of the most reputable and respected organization in the world.

No, it is not. You're confusing them with the American Academy of Pediatrics (, an actual reputable organization. The American College of Pediatrics is not reputable.
I’m not confusing them at all. Unlike the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Pediatrics places promotes actual medical science rather than a political agenda.

Not on any planet, fake patriot. They exist as a reputable organization only in the minds of the bigoted and homophobic. Oh, I guess that's you...
Where does anything at SPLC say the groups committed violence? Being labeled a hate group does not require physical violence.
Really?!? Then just what is the requirement?

(Psst...their requirement is not being willing to bow to the radical left-wing agenda)
Hate, duh. Let's take the FRC for example.
  • FRC states on its website that: "Family Research Council believes that homosexual conduct is harmful to the persons who engage in it and to society at large, and can never be affirmed. It is by definition unnatural, and as such is associated with negative physical and psychological health effects."
Oh my goodness! The organization states that “homosexual conduct is harmful” and that it has “associated negative physical and psychological health effects”. Oh the humanity! The “hate”!

Just curious if you even think or read before posting? You literally just obliterated your own clam.

Thank you for unequivocally proving that the Southern Poverty Law Center is the greatest domestic terrorist threat in the U.S. today. Their sole purpose is to attempt to destroy anyone who refuses to bow to a radical left-wing agenda.

Oh my goodness, the fake patriot is selectively editing my post to provide only the least innocuous of the hatefulness FRC spews. How deceitful and dishonest. Oh yeah, that's you...
AGAIN --- what "evil actions" are these? I've been asking this all day, got nothing but crickets.
Fag-o believes that if you ignore an answer, you can convince people that the answer was never given.

I answered the question in post #1 (“The SPLC makes outrageously false accusations with the express intent of destroying...”) - before you even posed it. I answered it again in post #2 (“viewed civil-rights work mainly as a marketing tool for bilking gullible Northern liberals”). I answered it for a third time in post #37 (“they falsely accuse racism”) - and you still hadn’t posed your question yet. See, unlike you’re very ignorant ass, I make informed, accurate, and thorough posts which covers the “what”.

But...I’m not going to stop there. I so enjoy exposing your idiocy, that I’m going to answer yet again. Ready?
“He came in here to kill as many of us as possible because he found us listed as a hate group on the Southern Poverty Law Center website,”
A gunman came into the Family Research Council and emptied his gun because the SPLC had told him that the Family Research Council was a “hate group”. If the SPLC doesn’t have that outstanding organization falsely listed as a “hate group”, that doesn’t happen. The shooter admitted why he tried to kill everybody.

The State of Hate

It’s ok ‘lil buddy. Everyone here already knew you were my personal bitch :itsok:
Oh my goodness, the fake patriot is selectively editing my post to provide only the least innocuous of the hatefulness FRC spews.
Sweetie...I have 0 ability to “edit” your posts. USMB does not provide that kind of capability to the user community. Your post is still very much there in its entirety for anyone to read.

The fact is, your lies were exposed.
I’m not confusing them at all. Unlike the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Pediatrics places promotes actual medical science rather than a political agenda.
Not on any planet, fake patriot. They exist as a reputable organization only in the minds of the bigoted and homophobic. Oh, I guess that's you...
Boom! Just like I said. Wytch ignores medical science and is all about the political agenda of advancing homosexuality and sexual deviance.

Once again you defeat your own position. We thank you.
AGAIN --- what "evil actions" are these? I've been asking this all day, got nothing but crickets.
After already completely destroying you in posts #105 and #109, I have decided to have even more fun at your expense.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has created a list of its adversaries which it calls “hate groups.” This list includes champions of marriage and the family, including our name and those of some of our UN pro-life and pro-family coalition members.
The real purpose of this list is to silence opponents, to isolate them. It is a kind of weaponized political correctness. It is also about raising money for the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has more than $300 million dollars in the bank and rakes in more than $50 million every year.
All of those are very evil actions. But Fag-o will pretend like he didn’t see this response to his “question”. A pitiful tactic.

The Truth about SPLC - C-Fam
AGAIN --- what "evil actions" are these? I've been asking this all day, got nothing but crickets.
Ok snowflake, one more. After already completely obliterating you in posts #105, #109, and #110, I have decided to hammer the nail in your coffin.
“See that?” he asks, now indicating a cratered fire alarm panel near the reception desk. “That’s a bullet hole. That’s the first round. The second went through the arm of the building manager. The third round hit the ceiling. … Fired on August 15th, 2012, by Floyd Lee Corkins.”
Asked by an FBI agent how he came to single out the FRC, Corkins replied: “Southern Poverty Law lists anti-gay groups.”
“He came in here to kill as many of us as possible because he found us listed as a hate group on the Southern Poverty Law Center website,” continues Boykin, FRC’s executive vice president, who is dressed today in a leather vest over a shirt and tie. “We and others like us who are on this ‘hate map’ believe that this is very reckless behavior. … The only thing that we have in common is that we are all conservative organizations. … You know, it would be okay if they just criticized us. … If they wrote op-eds about us and all that. But listing us as a hate group is just a step too far because they put us in the same category as the Ku Klux Klan. And who are they to have a hate-group list anyhow?”
The SPLC’s definition of a hate group is “an organization that — based on its official statements or principles, the statements of its leaders, or its activities — has beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics,” including race, religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation. Does an alliance of lawyers with conservative Christian leanings that has won nine cases before the U.S. Supreme Court in the past seven years meet that criteria?
All of those are very evil actions. But Fag-o will of course pretend like he didn’t see this response to his “question” because that’s all he can do.

In any case Fag-o, you’re trolling has grown stale and tiresome. Not sure why you find trolling so amusing (pretending like someone hasn’t answered the question is pure trolling) so back on ignore you go. It was a pleasure owning you once again!

The State of Hate
The SPLC makes outrageously false accusations with the express intent of destroying any person and any organization which does not embrace their agenda. It's nice to see that the bill for their crimes has finally come due...
“Well, honey, welcome to the Poverty Palace,” she said. “I can guaran-damn-tee that you will never step foot in a more contradictory place as long as you live.”
The organization has been corrupt from top to bottom since it was founded. The entire point of the organization was to make money, spread disinformation, and destroy anything that refused to bow to their radical left-wing ideology.

The Reckoning of Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center

You mad because they call out the racists?
The propagandists accuse others of being racists. The SPLU and the ACLU are frauds. Give a crumb back in the movement to Prog tyranny.
AGAIN --- what "evil actions" are these? I've been asking this all day, got nothing but crickets.
Fag-o believes that if you ignore an answer, you can convince people that the answer was never given.

I answered the question in post #1 (“The SPLC makes outrageously false accusations with the express intent of destroying...”) - before you even posed it. I answered it again in post #2 (“viewed civil-rights work mainly as a marketing tool for bilking gullible Northern liberals”). I answered it for a third time in post #37 (“they falsely accuse racism”) - and you still hadn’t posed your question yet. See, unlike you’re very ignorant ass, I make informed, accurate, and thorough posts which covers the “what”.

But...I’m not going to stop there. I so enjoy exposing your idiocy, that I’m going to answer yet again. Ready?
“He came in here to kill as many of us as possible because he found us listed as a hate group on the Southern Poverty Law Center website,”
A gunman came into the Family Research Council and emptied his gun because the SPLC had told him that the Family Research Council was a “hate group”. If the SPLC doesn’t have that outstanding organization falsely listed as a “hate group”, that doesn’t happen. The shooter admitted why he tried to kill everybody.

The State of Hate

It’s ok ‘lil buddy. Everyone here already knew you were my personal bitch :itsok:

A guy was going to blow up the Tides foundation for Glenn Beck. Is your hero Glen Beck responsible for the actions of Byron Williams?
Last edited:
I’m not confusing them at all. Unlike the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Pediatrics places promotes actual medical science rather than a political agenda.
Not on any planet, fake patriot. They exist as a reputable organization only in the minds of the bigoted and homophobic. Oh, I guess that's you...
Boom! Just like I said. Wytch ignores medical science and is all about the political agenda of advancing homosexuality and sexual deviance.

Once again you defeat your own position. We thank you.
No, puppy, it is you who thinks a quack organization like the American College of Pediatrics is more legitimate than real ones like the American Academy of Pediatrics. Their membership numbers alone tell the story...AAP - 60,000, ACP - 200.
Oh my goodness, the fake patriot is selectively editing my post to provide only the least innocuous of the hatefulness FRC spews.
Sweetie...I have 0 ability to “edit” your posts. USMB does not provide that kind of capability to the user community. Your post is still very much there in its entirety for anyone to read.

The fact is, your lies were exposed.

What lies, puppy? I listed a number of things that FRC does and has done. You pulled the least innocuous out of that already shortened list but ignored the others.

The SPLC’s definition of hate speech does not require an explicit incitement to violence. According to the group’s website, a hate group must have “beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.” Being named as a hate group “does not imply a group advocates or engages in violence or other criminal activity.”

Disagreement with the SPLC’s definition of “hate” permeates the conservative criticism of the group, such as Gallagher’s distaste that the SPLC does not distinguish between groups like the FRC and white supremacists. Concern about that definition does not come exclusively from right-wing blogs; there is disagreement among experts who study extremist activity over what exactly makes a hate group.

Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, said there was a “fine line” where a political group’s promotion of bigotry becomes hateful. He said that violent events often lead to “hate” terminology being used as “political battering rams" against mainstream groups, when the reality is much more complicated. Levin, who formerly worked for the SPLC, said he believed their definition of hate was defensible, but that his center does not consider FRC a hate group.

“[FRC’s] use of pseudoscience and wild allegations about gays certainly brings them up to the line, and a reasonable person could make that argument,” he said. “I do believe they promote bigotry; however for me, it has to be something more—not just falsehoods, but conspiratorial falsehoods, some kind of violence, and some kind of goal of destroying institutions of liberal democracy.” FRC, he added, works through the political system rather than encouraging its members to subvert it. “They’re in D.C., they’re a lobbying group.”

racist pseudoscience and skewed studies designed to confirm to their beliefs. A majority of those populating Internet forums like Stormfront are not personally violent, but their online postings leave no doubt that they are hateful.

Similarly, evangelical “pro-family” groups like the FRC and the AFA promote both skewed and long-discredited studies on sexual orientation to support a narrative that homosexuality is a threat to society. One only needs to take a brief glance at the Twitter feed of Bryan Fischer, the issues analysis director for the AFA, to confirm that he is overcome with hate for a wide variety of groups he perceives as threats to his religious and political views. While statements from the FRC’s leaders are significantly less vitriolic than Fischer’s rantings, they contain many of the same debunked facts and discredited narratives. Their factual failings and hostile rhetoric is so extreme that even Albert Mohler, the president of the deeply conservative Southern Baptist Convention, characterizedevangelicals’ reaction to homosexuality as “rooted in ignorance and fear” and “consigning homosexuals to a theological and moral category all their own.”

Ignorance and bigotry, as well as sincere religious belief, can lead to bad science. But do bad facts equal hate? Reasonable people can disagree about that, but what’s clear is that the definition of “hate” remains a deeply political question. Most groups engaged in political activity on contentious issues regularly face sharp criticism—conservative groups consistently demonize the SPLC, and gay-rights groups dole out the same to groups like the FRC—without becoming targets of actual violence. As Brian Levin put it, “Criticism can be a validator for what a violent person is going to do anyway, but that’s not grounds for curbing free speech.”

Whether or not one disagrees with the SPLC’s definition of hate, the FRC cannot wage an all-out rhetorical war against the “gay agenda” and then accuse its critics of being too harsh. On the culture-war battlefield, calling someone a “hate group” is a political move—and so is whining about it.

Is the Family Research Council Really a Hate Group?
AGAIN --- what "evil actions" are these? I've been asking this all day, got nothing but crickets.
After already completely destroying you in post #105, I decided to have a little more fun (at your expense).

:laugh2: Plugger "U"! :rofl: Buttsoiler has reached such a level of desperation he's going to Plugger "U"! :laughing0301:

Which of course is a "U" in the same sense that Rump's Fraud University was, except it doesn't even pretend to have classes.

Your recurring theme remains "OH NOES!! SPLC is making lists!! And maps!! We can't plot in secrecy with these lists going on, they have no right to make lists!! This is terraism!! Call da FBI!!

I keep asking you why you want terrorists kept in the dark. And you can't answer that either. There's a reason they call it the "Invisible Empire", and every time somebody makes it visible you wet your pants.

Why is that, Buttsoiler? :eusa_think:

The SPLC makes outrageously false accusations with the express intent of destroying any person and any organization which does not embrace their agenda. It's nice to see that the bill for their crimes has finally come due...
“Well, honey, welcome to the Poverty Palace,” she said. “I can guaran-damn-tee that you will never step foot in a more contradictory place as long as you live.”
The organization has been corrupt from top to bottom since it was founded. The entire point of the organization was to make money, spread disinformation, and destroy anything that refused to bow to their radical left-wing ideology.

The Reckoning of Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center

You mad because they call out the racists?
The propagandists accuse others of being racists. The SPLU and the ACLU are frauds. Give a crumb back in the movement to Prog tyranny.

ACLU does more to protect our rights than anyone. If you are against the aclu, you are against freedom .
A guy was going to blow up the Tides foundation for Glenn Beck. Is your hero Glen Beck responsible for the actions of Byron Williams?
Well that depends...did Glenn Beck create a HATE list for his listeners, claiming the Tides Foundation engaged in violence?

Oops. Stop saying stupid shit.
I listed a number of things that FRC does and has done. You pulled the least innocuous out of that already shortened list but ignored the others.

The SPLC’s definition of hate speech does not require an explicit incitement to violence. According to the group’s website, a hate group must have “beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.”​
Bwahahaha! By the Southern Poverty Law Center’s own criteria, they are a hate group. :lmao:

Holy shit is that priceless. The SPLC holds the “belief” that any and all people or groups should be targeted, attacked, and maligned simply for holding the “immutable characteristics” of being conservative.

Priceless. Fucking priceless. Dadgum that is great. Like all liberals (who are low IQ) you didn’t even understand what you were reading. No wonder you’re left-wing. So easy to dupe.

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