The worst terrorist threat in the U.S. today is the Southern Poverty Law Center

The SPLC never burned a cross in someone's yard or dragged anyone behind a truck. They never blew up a building or amassed a stockpile of weapons and explosives.
No, they’ve done far worse. They’ve ruined people’s lives and livelihoods. And their propaganda has caused others to intimidate and “drag people behind a truck”.

This is one for the archives....Rottweiler the fake patriot thinks the Southern Poverty Law Center is worse than the KKK. Jaw officially dropped.
That's a matter of debate but you seem to be confused. A hate group is not defined as a group you hate.
It is when the Southern Poverty Law Center is making the list. That’s the entire point of this thread. A point that you cannot bring yourself to accept.

So what groups are you saying need removed?
Uh...hundreds of religious groups whose “crime” is merely believing in traditional marriage. They’ve been labeled as a “hate” group for following the Bible and believing in science. That’s it. That’s all they’ve done. No violence. No intimidation. Nothing.
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The SPLC never burned a cross in someone's yard or dragged anyone behind a truck. They never blew up a building or amassed a stockpile of weapons and explosives.
No, they’ve done far worse. They’ve ruined people’s lives and livelihoods. And their propaganda has caused others to intimidate and “drag people behind a truck”.
This is one for the archives....Rottweiler the fake patriot thinks the Southern Poverty Law Center is worse than the KKK. Jaw officially dropped.
Well, you are a simpleton, so it’s rather easy to make your jaw drop.
To the Trumpbots there can never be such a thing as right wing extremism no matter what they do or who they kill.
Right-wing extremism?

Do you know what that is?

That is when losers -- like yourself -- move so far to the left, that what is normal and moderate is looked at as extreme.

No amount of left-wing extremism is too much for people like you.
That's a matter of debate but you seem to be confused. A hate group is not defined as a group you hate.
It is when the Southern Poverty Law Center is making the list. That’s the entire point of this thread. A point that you cannot bring yourself to accept.

So what groups are you saying need removed?
Uh...hundreds of religious groups whose “crime” is merely believing in traditional marriage. They’ve been labeled as a “hate” group for following the Bible and believing in science. That’s it. That’s all they’ve done. No violence. No intimidation. Nothing.

Oh yes, those groups are fine if that is all they do.

The ones who use hate speech though trying to create a myth that LGBT are more dangerous to kids, more violent relationships, or push for the criminalization of homosexuality, or legal discrimination are the ones SPLC lists.

If a group is going to try and lie and say that the purpose of the homosexual movement is to get the age of consent laws revoked because they believe pedophiles are the "prophets of a new sexual order" and make that claim without any factual data to support it, but rather as a hate speech against homosexuals, they make the list.

Just like there's nothing wrong with the religion of Islam. But groups like the nation of Islam which go beyond the religion into hate, get on the list.
That's a matter of debate but you seem to be confused. A hate group is not defined as a group you hate.
It is when the Southern Poverty Law Center is making the list. That’s the entire point of this thread. A point that you cannot bring yourself to accept.

So what groups are you saying need removed?
Uh...hundreds of religious groups whose “crime” is merely believing in traditional marriage. They’ve been labeled as a “hate” group for following the Bible and believing in science. That’s it. That’s all they’ve done. No violence. No intimidation. Nothing.

So which groups?

PJI? The group founded by the anti-LBGT activist who fought that stoning homosexuals was a religious right?

Westboro Baptist?

Ruth Institute which has used false data to say homosexuality increases sex abuse?

Liberty Counsel who wants the criminalization of homosexuals?

AFA which still says gays should be at best "separate but equal" and tried revising history that the 3rd reich was mostly gay men?

ACPeds which fights against legal adoption by gay families?

Liberty Counsel who advocated for Civil Disobedience after Supreme Court ruling Gay Marriage Constitutional?

Religion shouldn't be a shield to hide behind hate speech and hate groups. It was the same exact thing used in the mid 1860's when churches argued that the ownership of slaves was a "God-given right to the white man".
AGAIN --- what "evil actions" are these? I've been asking this all day, got nothing but crickets.
The entire board is laughing at you. I’ve answered that question all day. I can’t tell if you’re ignoring it because you’re a typical left-wing asshole who refuses to accept reality or if you’re just too stupid and illiterate to realize it. I’m guessing it’s the latter.

Incidentally, we are still waiting for you to answer post #57. It’s the same question your dumb ass has been unable to answer for like 6 pages now. When you answer that, I’ll answer your question here again with even more details (and I’ll humiliate you as always).

EchoBubble tactic #591: when running away from an inconvenient question, claim you already did and don't know where you put the answer. Also known as "my dog ate my homework".

Poor Buttsoiler. Reduced to Fingerboy level. :itsok:

As I already said, you were presented with a challenge to back up your shit, and you CAN'T DO IT.
That's a matter of debate but you seem to be confused. A hate group is not defined as a group you hate.
It is when the Southern Poverty Law Center is making the list. That’s the entire point of this thread. A point that you cannot bring yourself to accept.

So what groups are you saying need removed?
Uh...hundreds of religious groups whose “crime” is merely believing in traditional marriage. They’ve been labeled as a “hate” group for following the Bible and believing in science. That’s it. That’s all they’ve done. No violence. No intimidation. Nothing.

Which group's "only crime" is "believing in traditional marriage"?
So what groups are you saying need removed?
Uh...hundreds of religious groups whose “crime” is merely believing in traditional marriage. They’ve been labeled as a “hate” group for following the Bible and believing in science. That’s it. That’s all they’ve done. No violence. No intimidation. Nothing.
Which group's "only crime" is "believing in traditional marriage"?
Almost every single religious group on their list, sweetie. You couldn't show me a single instance of actual violence by 98% of them (possibly more).
  • Alliance Defending Freedom
  • American College of Pediatricians (are you fucking kidding me?!?)
  • American Family Association (Franklin, Pennsylvania)
  • Center for Family and Human Rights
  • Family Research Council
I could literally post almost a hundred of these. They are actually labeling true medical professionals with impeccable records as a "hate group". And your disgusting ass perpetuates that lie.
So what groups are you saying need removed?
Uh...hundreds of religious groups whose “crime” is merely believing in traditional marriage. They’ve been labeled as a “hate” group for following the Bible and believing in science. That’s it. That’s all they’ve done. No violence. No intimidation. Nothing.
Which group's "only crime" is "believing in traditional marriage"?
Almost every single religious group on their list, sweetie. You couldn't show me a single instance of actual violence by 98% of them (possibly more).
  • Alliance Defending Freedom
  • American College of Pediatricians (are you fucking kidding me?!?)
  • American Family Association (Franklin, Pennsylvania)
  • Center for Family and Human Rights
  • Family Research Council
I could literally post almost a hundred of these. They are actually labeling true medical professionals with impeccable records as a "hate group". And your disgusting ass perpetuates that lie.

It's not a domestic terror list. It's a hate group list.

Nice attempt to move the goalpost liar.

And yes I've given the reasons why they are on the list.
So what groups are you saying need removed?
Uh...hundreds of religious groups whose “crime” is merely believing in traditional marriage. They’ve been labeled as a “hate” group for following the Bible and believing in science. That’s it. That’s all they’ve done. No violence. No intimidation. Nothing.
Which group's "only crime" is "believing in traditional marriage"?
Almost every single religious group on their list, sweetie. You couldn't show me a single instance of actual violence by 98% of them (possibly more).
  • Alliance Defending Freedom
  • American College of Pediatricians (are you fucking kidding me?!?)
  • American Family Association (Franklin, Pennsylvania)
  • Center for Family and Human Rights
  • Family Research Council
I could literally post almost a hundred of these. They are actually labeling true medical professionals with impeccable records as a "hate group". And your disgusting ass perpetuates that lie.

You listed a group that says blacks "rut like rabbits" Hispanics are all socialists, all Nazi major leaders were gay, gays in the military killed the Jews (Hitler specifically chose gays to be his Stormtroopers), Hitler created the 3rd Reich in a gay bar, that the Jews are "the worst enemies of the country", Muslims are parasites that must convert or die, Jews and Muslims shouldn't be protected by 1st amendment rights, and supported kidnapping cases against same sex parents.

So that's why the AFA was listed as a hate group. For promoting known falsehoods to demonize a group of Americans.

That is hate speech. This they get listed as a hate group. Don't like it, don't join the group that says kidnappers are good people if they kidnap kids from gay couples. If you need to support that, so be it, but don't get all triggered at being part of a hate group when you support the hate speech hate groups say.
So what groups are you saying need removed?
Uh...hundreds of religious groups whose “crime” is merely believing in traditional marriage. They’ve been labeled as a “hate” group for following the Bible and believing in science. That’s it. That’s all they’ve done. No violence. No intimidation. Nothing.
Which group's "only crime" is "believing in traditional marriage"?
Almost every single religious group on their list, sweetie. You couldn't show me a single instance of actual violence by 98% of them (possibly more).
  • Alliance Defending Freedom
  • American College of Pediatricians (are you fucking kidding me?!?)
  • American Family Association (Franklin, Pennsylvania)
  • Center for Family and Human Rights
  • Family Research Council
I could literally post almost a hundred of these. They are actually labeling true medical professionals with impeccable records as a "hate group". And your disgusting ass perpetuates that lie.
Frc is interesting too. Pushing lies that homosexuality is the cause of pedophilia without any factual data. And that homosexuals goals is to remove age of consent laws... Again without any actual data.

Kind of ironic isnt it. They say homosexuality causes pedophilia, make Josh Duggar their executive director, then find out he raped a bunch of little girls.

That's what you support? Ewww gross. Sorry that's beyond sickening.
So what groups are you saying need removed?
Uh...hundreds of religious groups whose “crime” is merely believing in traditional marriage. They’ve been labeled as a “hate” group for following the Bible and believing in science. That’s it. That’s all they’ve done. No violence. No intimidation. Nothing.
Which group's "only crime" is "believing in traditional marriage"?
Almost every single religious group on their list, sweetie. You couldn't show me a single instance of actual violence by 98% of them (possibly more).
  • Alliance Defending Freedom
  • American College of Pediatricians (are you fucking kidding me?!?)
  • American Family Association (Franklin, Pennsylvania)
  • Center for Family and Human Rights
  • Family Research Council
I could literally post almost a hundred of these. They are actually labeling true medical professionals with impeccable records as a "hate group". And your disgusting ass perpetuates that lie.
Where does anything at SPLC say the groups committed violence? Being labeled a hate group does not require physical violence.

Those aren't reputable medical groups by any stretch of the imagination.
Where does anything at SPLC say the groups committed violence? Being labeled a hate group does not require physical violence.
Really?!? Then just what is the requirement?

(Psst...their requirement is not being willing to bow to the radical left-wing agenda)
Those aren't reputable medical groups by any stretch of the imagination.
Where do you get groups? As in plural? The American College of Pediatricians is unquestionably one of the most reputable and respected organization in the world.
Where does anything at SPLC say the groups committed violence? Being labeled a hate group does not require physical violence.
Really?!? Then just what is the requirement?

(Psst...their requirement is not being willing to bow to the radical left-wing agenda)

Hate, duh. Let's take the FRC for example.

10 things you need to know about Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council

Just a sampling...

  • FRC was designated an anti-LGBT hate group in 2010 for decades of demonizing LGBT people and spreading harmful pseudoscience about them. Over the years, the organization has published books, reports and brochures that have linked homosexuality to pedophilia, claimed that LGBT people are dangerous to children and claimed that LGBT people are promiscuous and violent.
  • FRC states on its website that: "Family Research Council believes that homosexual conduct is harmful to the persons who engage in it and to society at large, and can never be affirmed. It is by definition unnatural, and as such is associated with negative physical and psychological health effects."
  • In 2010, FRC senior fellow for policy studies Peter Sprigg appeared on Hardball with Chris Matthews where he voiced support for the criminalization of homosexual conduct, stating that, “I think there would be a place for criminal sanctions against homosexual behavior.” In 2008 Hardball appearance, Sprigg stated, in reference to legislation that would allow same-sex partners of U.S. citizens to be united legally through the immigration process, that he preferred that homosexuals be exported from the United States rather than imported, “because we believe that homosexuality is destructive to society.” Sprigg apologized a week later after an outcry.
Those aren't reputable medical groups by any stretch of the imagination.
Where do you get groups? As in plural? The American College of Pediatricians is unquestionably one of the most reputable and respected organization in the world.

No, it is not. You're confusing them with the American Academy of Pediatrics (, an actual reputable organization. The American College of Pediatrics is not reputable.
Those aren't reputable medical groups by any stretch of the imagination.
Where do you get groups? As in plural? The American College of Pediatricians is unquestionably one of the most reputable and respected organization in the world.

No, it is not. You're confusing them with the American Academy of Pediatrics (, an actual reputable organization. The American College of Pediatrics is not reputable.
I’m not confusing them at all. Unlike the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Pediatrics places promotes actual medical science rather than a political agenda.
Where does anything at SPLC say the groups committed violence? Being labeled a hate group does not require physical violence.
Really?!? Then just what is the requirement?

(Psst...their requirement is not being willing to bow to the radical left-wing agenda)
Hate, duh. Let's take the FRC for example.
  • FRC states on its website that: "Family Research Council believes that homosexual conduct is harmful to the persons who engage in it and to society at large, and can never be affirmed. It is by definition unnatural, and as such is associated with negative physical and psychological health effects."
Oh my goodness! The organization states that “homosexual conduct is harmful” and that it has “associated negative physical and psychological health effects”. Oh the humanity! The “hate”!

Just curious if you even think or read before posting? You literally just obliterated your own clam.

Thank you for unequivocally proving that the Southern Poverty Law Center is the greatest domestic terrorist threat in the U.S. today. Their sole purpose is to attempt to destroy anyone who refuses to bow to a radical left-wing agenda.

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