The worst terrorist threat in the U.S. today is the Southern Poverty Law Center

The SPLC makes outrageously false accusations with the express intent of destroying any person and any organization which does not embrace their agenda. It's nice to see that the bill for their crimes has finally come due...
“Well, honey, welcome to the Poverty Palace,” she said. “I can guaran-damn-tee that you will never step foot in a more contradictory place as long as you live.”
The organization has been corrupt from top to bottom since it was founded. The entire point of the organization was to make money, spread disinformation, and destroy anything that refused to bow to their radical left-wing ideology.

The Reckoning of Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center

Buttsoiler needs to look up what the word "terrorist" means. :itsok:
Damn you you beat me to the punch...Next thing you know a little equal of equal velocity will punch Patirot in the nuts(terroristically) because she sees the delicate nature of his politics..
The SPLC is anti-White!
Correction: Anti-white supremacist. There is a difference. I once had the misfortune of living across the street from a bunch of ex-convict Aryan nation bikers. They dealt drugs, pimped out their girlfriends and pretty much made themselves a nuisance. If these are the white people you like you suck just as bad as they did. BTW when they finally got raided the cops had to shoot one in the face because he would not drop his gun, fine upstanding white people.
No! They're anti-White, PERIOD! Their goal is to destroy anything pro-White or anything that benefits the White race.
So you do like drug dealing, human trafficking, violent criminals if they happen to hate black people. Got it.
You mean like the black gangs in Chicago?
You'll never see me picking and choosing what organized crime group I like better based on their race yet the Trumpbots seem to like people who like Hitler and hate those who stand against them.
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The SPLC is anti-White!
Correction: Anti-white supremacist. There is a difference. I once had the misfortune of living across the street from a bunch of ex-convict Aryan nation bikers. They dealt drugs, pimped out their girlfriends and pretty much made themselves a nuisance. If these are the white people you like you suck just as bad as they did. BTW when they finally got raided the cops had to shoot one in the face because he would not drop his gun, fine upstanding white people.
No! They're anti-White, PERIOD! Their goal is to destroy anything pro-White or anything that benefits the White race.
So you do like drug dealing, human trafficking, violent criminals if they happen to hate black people. Got it.
You mean like the black gangs in Chicago?
You'll never see me picking and choosing what organized crime group I like better based on their race yet the Trumpbots seem to like people to like Hitler and hate those who stand against them.
So why do Democrats tolerate the black gangs in Chicago and other cities where Democrats are in control?
Correction: Anti-white supremacist. There is a difference. I once had the misfortune of living across the street from a bunch of ex-convict Aryan nation bikers. They dealt drugs, pimped out their girlfriends and pretty much made themselves a nuisance. If these are the white people you like you suck just as bad as they did. BTW when they finally got raided the cops had to shoot one in the face because he would not drop his gun, fine upstanding white people.
No! They're anti-White, PERIOD! Their goal is to destroy anything pro-White or anything that benefits the White race.
So you do like drug dealing, human trafficking, violent criminals if they happen to hate black people. Got it.
You mean like the black gangs in Chicago?
You'll never see me picking and choosing what organized crime group I like better based on their race yet the Trumpbots seem to like people to like Hitler and hate those who stand against them.
So why do Democrats tolerate the black gangs in Chicago and other cities where Democrats are in control?
So what's your final solution to the problem?
No! They're anti-White, PERIOD! Their goal is to destroy anything pro-White or anything that benefits the White race.
So you do like drug dealing, human trafficking, violent criminals if they happen to hate black people. Got it.
You mean like the black gangs in Chicago?
You'll never see me picking and choosing what organized crime group I like better based on their race yet the Trumpbots seem to like people to like Hitler and hate those who stand against them.
So why do Democrats tolerate the black gangs in Chicago and other cities where Democrats are in control?
So what's your final solution to the problem?
Stop voting for Democrats, duh!
The SPLC makes outrageously false accusations with the express intent of destroying any person and any organization which does not embrace their agenda. It's nice to see that the bill for their crimes has finally come due...
“Well, honey, welcome to the Poverty Palace,” she said. “I can guaran-damn-tee that you will never step foot in a more contradictory place as long as you live.”
The organization has been corrupt from top to bottom since it was founded. The entire point of the organization was to make money, spread disinformation, and destroy anything that refused to bow to their radical left-wing ideology.

The Reckoning of Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center
A lot of us wonder...Where did this conceit that has become the " progressive liberal social justice warrior" Democrats ACTUALY come from? ? I am having a intuition, that the left is not a spontaneous homegrown American outgrowth. And this is world wide phenomena. I don't know if there is some agent provocateurs subtly manipulating the left, or of this is just some contagious mental aberration. But something smells rotten in the state of Denmark.
The SPLC makes outrageously false accusations with the express intent of destroying any person and any organization which does not embrace their agenda. It's nice to see that the bill for their crimes has finally come due...
“Well, honey, welcome to the Poverty Palace,” she said. “I can guaran-damn-tee that you will never step foot in a more contradictory place as long as you live.”
The organization has been corrupt from top to bottom since it was founded. The entire point of the organization was to make money, spread disinformation, and destroy anything that refused to bow to their radical left-wing ideology.

The Reckoning of Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center

Buttsoiler needs to look up what the word "terrorist" means. :itsok:
Damn you you beat me to the punch...Next thing you know a little equal of equal velocity will punch Patirot in the nuts(terroristically) because she sees the delicate nature of his politics..

Predictably enough, Buttsoiler has abandoned his own thread after his little meltdown. Prolly embarrassed himself into yet another name change. I bet he's trying to re-register as friggin' "Captain America" or some wanky shit.
The SPLC makes outrageously false accusations with the express intent of destroying any person and any organization which does not embrace their agenda. It's nice to see that the bill for their crimes has finally come due...
“Well, honey, welcome to the Poverty Palace,” she said. “I can guaran-damn-tee that you will never step foot in a more contradictory place as long as you live.”
The organization has been corrupt from top to bottom since it was founded. The entire point of the organization was to make money, spread disinformation, and destroy anything that refused to bow to their radical left-wing ideology.

The Reckoning of Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center

Buttsoiler needs to look up what the word "terrorist" means. :itsok:
Damn you you beat me to the punch...Next thing you know a little equal of equal velocity will punch Patirot in the nuts(terroristically) because she sees the delicate nature of his politics..

Predictably enough, Buttsoiler has abandoned his own thread after his little meltdown. Prolly embarrassed himself into yet another name change. I bet he's trying to re-register as friggin' "Captain America" or some wanky shit.
He's trying to figure out how he can categorize English definitions and tell us of the horrific calamity between a terroristic invasion of his pants when he craps them from fear..and just plain old crapping them..
As far as Southern Poverty I believe they do some good for the rights of the individual.
I know. The SPLC is so jaw-droppingly full of shit, they will NEVER condemn white/Westerner-hating violent filth like Black Lives Fecal Matter, Nation of Islam, or any of the other arrogant, entitled, demanding groups of syphilitic muslim, non-human, fungal monstrosities who are not real, carbon-based lifeforms.
A lot of us wonder...Where did this conceit that has become the " progressive liberal social justice warrior" Democrats ACTUALY come from? ? I am having a intuition, that the left is not a spontaneous homegrown American outgrowth. And this is world wide phenomena. I don't know if there is some agent provocateurs subtly manipulating the left, or of this is just some contagious mental aberration. But something smells rotten in the state of Denmark.
If you look at the Communist Manifesto, you’ll see that much of it mirrors the actions the left has taken. I don’t think any of it is an accident or coincidence.
We know who the terrorists are. Are you have to do is look at the statistics.
So the fake chart is cute and all...but can you give me a couple of actual examples? For instance, I can give James Hodgkinson - the left-wing lunatic who tried to kill many Republican Congressmen in a single shooting. How come nobody can give me a name and an event of the alleged “right-wing terrorism”?

And no...Charlottesville was not “terrorism”. It was self-defense. After moneys of ANTIFA assaults and more that day, someone finally snapped.
To the Trumpbots there can never be such a thing as right wing extremism no matter what they do or who they kill.
Not true at all. I support President Trump and I condemn all Sovereign Citizens and their violent actions.
A lot of us wonder...Where did this conceit that has become the " progressive liberal social justice warrior" Democrats ACTUALY come from? ? I am having a intuition, that the left is not a spontaneous homegrown American outgrowth. And this is world wide phenomena. I don't know if there is some agent provocateurs subtly manipulating the left, or of this is just some contagious mental aberration. But something smells rotten in the state of Denmark.
If you look at the Communist Manifesto, you’ll see that much of it mirrors the actions the left has taken. I don’t think any of it is an accident or coincidence.
Communist, not so much. But whoever these "globalists" pushing this anti nationalist agenda are, I doubt they are humanitarians or liberals or have any specific cause we have a name for. I don't think this progressive liberal SJW stuff spontaneously happened out of happenstance.
[Muslims - bad
Mexicans - bad
MSM - bad

Russians - good.
For like the thousandth time Siete - it was your messiah MaObama who worshipped Putin and Russia. It was your messiah MaObama who wanted to make nice-nice with Putin and Russia. It was your messiah MaObama who said Putin and Russia were NOT a threat. It was your messiah MaObama who mocked Mitt Romney for recognizing that Putin and Russia were the current greatest geopolitical threat to the United States. It was your idiot messiah MaObama who said “the 80’s called and they want their foreign policy back”.

And now all you do is cry about Russia even though you cheered the entire thing on (like the uninformed nitwit that you are) simply because you can’t bring yourself to accept the fact that President Trump made Hitlery is bitch in the election.
You mad because they call out the racists?
No, snowflake. I’m mad because they falsely accuse racism for anyone who will not bow to a radical left-wing agenda (among other immoral things).

You should try reading the article before commenting.
To the Trumpbots there can never be such a thing as right wing extremism no matter what they do or who they kill.
Not true at all. I support President Trump and I condemn all Sovereign Citizens and their violent actions.
Well what is it then? Do you oppose the domestic terrorists AND the people who oppose them as well? There is literally no one except th SPLC keeping tabs on the various whacko doomday cults and goosesteppers in this country, the government included.
So what's your final solution to the problem?
The U.S. Constitution. Specifically, the 2nd Amendment. Black people in Chicago wouldn’t be slaughtering people at a record pace if they knew their victims were armed. wouldn’t hurt if the piece of shit Dumbocrats in Chicago would actually prosecute felonies against their voter base instead of dismissing them.
The SPLC makes outrageously false accusations with the express intent of destroying any person and any organization which does not embrace their agenda. It's nice to see that the bill for their crimes has finally come due...
“Well, honey, welcome to the Poverty Palace,” she said. “I can guaran-damn-tee that you will never step foot in a more contradictory place as long as you live.”
The organization has been corrupt from top to bottom since it was founded. The entire point of the organization was to make money, spread disinformation, and destroy anything that refused to bow to their radical left-wing ideology.

The Reckoning of Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center
Far Right terrorist organizations, I'm sure, would not be happy with SPLC.

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