The Worst Thing President Trump has done Politically


Dim Bulb

is to create demeaning cartoon characters out of fellow Republicans. Why? Because any time Rubio or Cruz or Ryan are mentioned, people dismiss them as losers and nicknames just like President Trump has done. So when the President inevitably leaves the scene he will have undermined our bench strength. The Cult of Trump supporters won't support anyone who the President has derided. He is sowing the seeds of our future electoral issues. Sad.

Instead he should save his fire for Democrats.
is to create demeaning cartoon characters out of fellow Republicans. Why? Because any time Rubio or Cruz or Ryan are mentioned, people dismiss them as losers and nicknames just like President Trump has done. So when the President inevitably leaves the scene he will have undermined our bench strength. The Cult of Trump supporters won't support anyone who the President has derided. He is sowing the seeds of our future electoral issues. Sad.

Instead he should save his fire for Democrats.
Trump ran on a drain the swamp platform. to be true to this, not all the swamp monsters are democrats
Here is the only thing Trump has done publicly that they can NEVER forgive.


He stole Hillary's book.
Wait til President Trump launches The MAGA party and washes the repub party down the drain
To be fair ... Hillary wouldn't be sworn in on a Bible ... but on a Necronomican.

is to create demeaning cartoon characters out of fellow Republicans. Why? Because any time Rubio or Cruz or Ryan are mentioned, people dismiss them as losers and nicknames just like President Trump has done. So when the President inevitably leaves the scene he will have undermined our bench strength. The Cult of Trump supporters won't support anyone who the President has derided. He is sowing the seeds of our future electoral issues. Sad.

Instead he should save his fire for Democrats.
Trump ran on a drain the swamp platform. to be true to this, not all the swamp monsters are democrats
Scorched earth, eh? When you pursue a scorched earth policy all you are left with in the end is cockroaches.
is to create demeaning cartoon characters out of fellow Republicans. Why? Because any time Rubio or Cruz or Ryan are mentioned, people dismiss them as losers and nicknames just like President Trump has done. So when the President inevitably leaves the scene he will have undermined our bench strength. The Cult of Trump supporters won't support anyone who the President has derided. He is sowing the seeds of our future electoral issues. Sad.

Instead he should save his fire for Democrats.


I thought Cruz, Rubio, and Ryan were losers long before Trump came on the scene.

Wouldn't have voted for any of them
is to create demeaning cartoon characters out of fellow Republicans. Why? Because any time Rubio or Cruz or Ryan are mentioned, people dismiss them as losers and nicknames just like President Trump has done. So when the President inevitably leaves the scene he will have undermined our bench strength. The Cult of Trump supporters won't support anyone who the President has derided. He is sowing the seeds of our future electoral issues. Sad.

Instead he should save his fire for Democrats.

But this is a good thing. You need to remember, trump diddnt win on ideas or past performance, he won because he was not a politician. It's going to be a rough ride for awhile for political junkies.
is to create demeaning cartoon characters out of fellow Republicans. Why? Because any time Rubio or Cruz or Ryan are mentioned, people dismiss them as losers and nicknames just like President Trump has done. So when the President inevitably leaves the scene he will have undermined our bench strength. The Cult of Trump supporters won't support anyone who the President has derided. He is sowing the seeds of our future electoral issues. Sad.

Instead he should save his fire for Democrats.


I thought Cruz, Rubio, and Ryan were losers long before Trump cam on the scene.

Wouldn't have voted for any of them

Why though?
is to create demeaning cartoon characters out of fellow Republicans. Why? Because any time Rubio or Cruz or Ryan are mentioned, people dismiss them as losers and nicknames just like President Trump has done. So when the President inevitably leaves the scene he will have undermined our bench strength. The Cult of Trump supporters won't support anyone who the President has derided. He is sowing the seeds of our future electoral issues. Sad.

Instead he should save his fire for Democrats.
Trump ran on a drain the swamp platform. to be true to this, not all the swamp monsters are democrats

To drain the swamp you say?

Trump’s Watered-Down Ethics Rules Let a Lobbyist Help Run an Agency He Lobbied — ProPublica

Trump Campaigned Against Lobbyists, but Now They’re on His Transition Team

Is Donald Trump Draining the Swamp?

Donors and lobbyists already shaping Trump’s ‘drain the swamp’ administration

Trump Names Mortgage Industry Lobbyist to HUD Transition Team

Donald Trump Puts Coal Lobbyist in Charge of Prosecuting Environmental Crimes

Another of Don’s Swamp Rats Bails …

... just before publication of this New Yorker article. Must be "fake" n shit.

Icahn’s role was novel. He would be an adviser with a formal title, but he would not receive a salary, and he would not be required to divest himself of any of his holdings, or to make any disclosures about potential conflicts of interest. “Carl Icahn will be advising the President in his individual capacity,” Trump’s transition team asserted.

In the months after the election, the stock price of CVR, Icahn’s refiner, nearly doubled—a surge that is difficult to explain without acknowledging the appointment of the company’s lead shareholder to a White House position. The rally meant a personal benefit for Icahn, at least on paper, of half a billion dollars. There was an expectation in the market—an expectation created, in part, by Icahn’s own remarks—that, with Trump in the White House and Icahn playing consigliere, the rules were about to change, and not just at the E.P.A. Icahn’s empire ranges across many economic sectors, from energy to pharmaceuticals to auto supplies to mining, and all of them are governed by the types of regulations about which he would now potentially be advising Trump.

Janet McCabe, who left the E.P.A. in January, and now works at the Environmental Law and Policy Center, told me, “I’m not naïve. People in business try to influence the government. But the job of the government is to serve the American people, not the specific business interests of the President’s friends. To think that you have somebody with that kind of agenda bending the President’s ear is troubling.”

Conflicts of interest have been a defining trait of the Trump Administration. The President has not only refused to release his tax returns; he has declined to divest from his companies, instead putting them in a trust managed by his children. Questions have emerged about the ongoing business ties of his daughter and son-in-law, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, who, since Trump took office, have reaped nearly two hundred million dollars from the Trump hotel in Washington, D.C., and from other investments. Although Trump promised to “drain the swamp,” he has assembled a Cabinet of ultra-rich Americans, including two billionaires: Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education, and Wilbur Ross, the Secretary of Commerce.

But Icahn is worth more than the Trump family and all the members of the Cabinet combined—and, with no constraint on his license to counsel the President on regulations that might help his businesses, he was poised to become much richer. Robert Weissman, who runs the watchdog group Public Citizen, told me, “This kind of self-enrichment and influence over decision-making by an individual mogul who is simultaneously inside and outside the Administration is unprecedented. In terms of corruption, there’s nothing like it. Maybe ever.” In conversations with me, financiers who have worked with Icahn described his appointment as a kind of corporate raid on Washington. One said, “It’s the cheapest takeover Carl’s ever done.”
is to create demeaning cartoon characters out of fellow Republicans. Why? Because any time Rubio or Cruz or Ryan are mentioned, people dismiss them as losers and nicknames just like President Trump has done. So when the President inevitably leaves the scene he will have undermined our bench strength. The Cult of Trump supporters won't support anyone who the President has derided. He is sowing the seeds of our future electoral issues. Sad.

Instead he should save his fire for Democrats.


I thought Cruz, Rubio, and Ryan were losers long before Trump cam on the scene.

Wouldn't have voted for any of them

Why though?

Ryan didn't want Speaker, but took it anyway, made a poor showing when running as VP.

Cruz too religious for my taste.

Rubio doesn't appear old enough to be in Congress, much less run tor President
is to create demeaning cartoon characters out of fellow Republicans. Why? Because any time Rubio or Cruz or Ryan are mentioned, people dismiss them as losers and nicknames just like President Trump has done. So when the President inevitably leaves the scene he will have undermined our bench strength. The Cult of Trump supporters won't support anyone who the President has derided. He is sowing the seeds of our future electoral issues. Sad.

Instead he should save his fire for Democrats.
Trump ran on a drain the swamp platform. to be true to this, not all the swamp monsters are democrats
Just as many Rs as Ds, are swamp monsters.
is to create demeaning cartoon characters out of fellow Republicans. Why? Because any time Rubio or Cruz or Ryan are mentioned, people dismiss them as losers and nicknames just like President Trump has done. So when the President inevitably leaves the scene he will have undermined our bench strength. The Cult of Trump supporters won't support anyone who the President has derided. He is sowing the seeds of our future electoral issues. Sad.

Instead he should save his fire for Democrats.


I thought Cruz, Rubio, and Ryan were losers long before Trump cam on the scene.

Wouldn't have voted for any of them

Why though?

Ryan didn't want Speaker, but took it anyway, made a poor showing when running as VP.

Cruz too religious for my taste.

Rubio doesn't appear old enough to be in Congress, much less run tor President

Yeah, I can see all that. Are there policy issues? As far as Cruz go's, I'm sure he is cool, but I'm 100% certain I will not be voting for him again.
is to create demeaning cartoon characters out of fellow Republicans. Why? Because any time Rubio or Cruz or Ryan are mentioned, people dismiss them as losers and nicknames just like President Trump has done. So when the President inevitably leaves the scene he will have undermined our bench strength. The Cult of Trump supporters won't support anyone who the President has derided. He is sowing the seeds of our future electoral issues. Sad.

Instead he should save his fire for Democrats.


I thought Cruz, Rubio, and Ryan were losers long before Trump cam on the scene.

Wouldn't have voted for any of them

Why though?

Ryan didn't want Speaker, but took it anyway, made a poor showing when running as VP.

Cruz too religious for my taste.

Rubio doesn't appear old enough to be in Congress, much less run tor President

Yeah, I can see all that. Are there policy issues? As far as Cruz go's, I'm sure he is cool, but I'm 100% certain I will not be voting for him again.


as Congressmen, no.

as president?

Dont' want to find out
is to create demeaning cartoon characters out of fellow Republicans. Why? Because any time Rubio or Cruz or Ryan are mentioned, people dismiss them as losers and nicknames just like President Trump has done. So when the President inevitably leaves the scene he will have undermined our bench strength. The Cult of Trump supporters won't support anyone who the President has derided. He is sowing the seeds of our future electoral issues. Sad.

Instead he should save his fire for Democrats.


I thought Cruz, Rubio, and Ryan were losers long before Trump cam on the scene.

Wouldn't have voted for any of them

Why though?

Ryan didn't want Speaker, but took it anyway, made a poor showing when running as VP.

Cruz too religious for my taste.

Rubio doesn't appear old enough to be in Congress, much less run tor President

Yeah, I can see all that. Are there policy issues? As far as Cruz go's, I'm sure he is cool, but I'm 100% certain I will not be voting for him again.


as Congressmen, no.

as president?

Dont' want to find out

Wouldn't have mattered. Whoever would have won would be going through this. As for.
is to create demeaning cartoon characters out of fellow Republicans. Why? Because any time Rubio or Cruz or Ryan are mentioned, people dismiss them as losers and nicknames just like President Trump has done. So when the President inevitably leaves the scene he will have undermined our bench strength. The Cult of Trump supporters won't support anyone who the President has derided. He is sowing the seeds of our future electoral issues. Sad.

Instead he should save his fire for Democrats.
Rubio, Ryan, and McConnell were losers well before Trumparrived...

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