The year is 1775,would Obama, Clintons & Hollywood be British Loyalists?

The British freed the slaves. Obama would have had to be really dumb to fight for his slavers.
The British bought the slaves and ruled them in America. It wasn't till 70 years after American indepedence that the slaves were freed. For 150 yearrs blacks were slaves of the Crown.
Was the American Revolution Fought to Save Slavery?
Educate yourself.

Shortly after the Sommerset decision, the American Revolutionary War against the British began in 1775. As the British were beginning to lose battles in the North early in 1775, they began to look to the South. The British knew, however, that the plantation owners in the South were nervous about the slave rebellions elsewhere and about possible insurrections on their own turf. They wanted to make them feel even more nervous. In light of that, somewhat like the Spanish, Lord Dunsmore issued a proclamation offering enslaved Africans freedom and land if they left the plantations and joined the British in battle. Dunsmore’s decision backfired. But first some statistics.

Schama states that it is estimated that after Dunsmore’s call some 30,000 slaves had left Virginia; it is also estimated that two-thirds of all slaves in South Carolina had escaped. Schama notes that some of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence that stated “all men are born free and equal” and who lost slaves were: Thomas Jefferson (lost 30 slaves); James Madison, Benjamin Harrison (lost 20 slaves), Arthur Middleton (lost 50 slaves), Edward Rutledge (the youngest signatory who lost slaves as well). Then there was General George Washington. “?while George Washington was encamped in early 1776 on Cambridge Common, wrestling with arguments, pro and con, about the desirability of recruiting blacks, his own slave, Henry Washington, born in West Africa, was finding his way to the king’s lines. In exile with other black loyalists in Birchtown, Nova Scotia, Washington would describe himself, movingly, as a “farmer”, but it was the Union Jack that protected his forty acres and his freedom.”

Not all of the escaped slaves fought for the British, and some fought for the Patriots, but they clearly left the plantations in droves.
Conservatives wanted to stay with "mother England" and liberals wanted revolution.
Modern day Democrat certainly would have cheered the government troops marching on Concord and Lexington to take firearms away from the citizens and they would have loved the increased taxation. They would have hated the Tea Party back then just like they hate Tea Party nowadays. They would have liked the idea of the government censoring free speech because we see how they like to shut down free expression nowadays, don't we?

Democrats love big government and in those days the Loyalists were the big government supporter weenies. Liberals hate the idea of individual Liberty, which is the mainstay of what our country was founded upon. They like the idea of government collectivism and control, which is what the Brits represented back then.
If it was 1775 Obama be bringin' Clinton his coffee while Hollyweird tried to clean up his image as a sexual predator and make lots of money off of their phony creation.
Conservatives wanted to stay with "mother England" and liberals wanted revolution.
that's funny, considering you think you are like the liberal Founders.

you have nothing in common with them

You are mostly correct. I know more than they did. They actually believed black people to be animals and not human. They didn't think women should have a voice or rights.

No, I am not like the Founding Fathers, I'm better...thanks to the progressive government they designed.

And my statement is still true. Conservatives wanted to stay with England and liberals revolted.
Conservatives wanted to stay with "mother England" and liberals wanted revolution.
that's funny, considering you think you are like the liberal Founders.

you have nothing in common with them

You are mostly correct. I know more than they did. They actually believed black people to be animals and not human. They didn't think women should have a voice or rights.

No, I am not like the Founding Fathers, I'm better...thanks to the progressive government they designed.

And my statement is still true. Conservatives wanted to stay with England and liberals revolted.
The believed in an armed society, you hate the 2nd
small government, vast government
no taxes, higher and higher taxes
free speech, only speech you agree with

you are not better, your tyranny has just been moved from one group to another.
New York State remained a loyalist state all through the revolutionary war, so these Hollywood types would definitely be loyalists. Besides, they all know that the revolutionary war is bullshit, because the USA was created by Russian Jew loan capital. A new capital market, like the modern new capital markets too, paper only.
The British freed the slaves. Obama would have had to be really dumb to fight for his slavers.

You should read U.S. History before commenting.

No one like your country, food nor your women ( well usually on the women )

Apparently someone doesn't like their grammar either.

Awww, are you going to be the grammar and syntax police?

Truth is either Obama would have been a Slave or Free Slave during that time and shun by both the white and slave society.

Now I know you will cry about my grammar because you hate reality and believe America was never great until Obama became President and believe Obama would have set the world on fire back then but he would have been nothing...
The British freed the slaves. Obama would have had to be really dumb to fight for his slavers.

You should read U.S. History before commenting.

No one like your country, food nor your women ( well usually on the women )

Apparently someone doesn't like their grammar either.

Awww, are you going to be the grammar and syntax police?

Truth is either Obama would have been a Slave or Free Slave during that time and shun by both the white and slave society.

Now I know you will cry about my grammar because you hate reality and believe America was never great until Obama became President and believe Obama would have set the world on fire back then but he would have been nothing...

No, Obama would have been an excellent pastor. Maybe even an investor. Black stock markets existed those days, until the federal government shut them down in the 20th century.
The British freed the slaves. Obama would have had to be really dumb to fight for his slavers.

You should read U.S. History before commenting.

No one like your country, food nor your women ( well usually on the women )

Apparently someone doesn't like their grammar either.

Awww, are you going to be the grammar and syntax police?

Truth is either Obama would have been a Slave or Free Slave during that time and shun by both the white and slave society.

Now I know you will cry about my grammar because you hate reality and believe America was never great until Obama became President and believe Obama would have set the world on fire back then but he would have been nothing...

No, Obama would have been an excellent pastor. Maybe even an investor. Black stock markets existed those days, until the federal government shut them down in the 20th century.

Maybe, maybe not but he most likely would have been born in slavery and shun.

White Master love child was never popular...
I believe they would. George Washington would have had a fight on his hands as these Loyalists worked hard to place their new Queen on the throne in the U.S Monarchy they founded...

Works on the assumption that the Founders were the "good guys".

They were a bunch of rich slave owners who didn't want to pay their fair share, and they conspired with the French and Spanish (enemies of the crown) to do it.

The majority was actually against rebelling against England.

So I guess you could make that claim, if Trump had people as competent around him as Washington did to manage the aftermath.

He doesn't.

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