Theater shooters gun was not purchased legally, despite what the press says...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I heard this last night, that the shooter bought his gun legally though he could not get a concealed carry permit.....and this is wrong.....leave it to the anti gun press to get it wrong...

Who knew......a man intent on mass murder would lie to get his hands on a gun........color me shocked.........

Lafayette Theater Shooter s Pistol Purchase Was Not In Fact Legal - The Truth About Guns

In order to purchase the handgun, the person in question would have completed the ATF’s “Firearms Transaction Record” paperwork, affectionately known as an ATF Form 4473. Anyone who has ever bought a gun from a FFL license holder should recognize question 11 (F):

Have you ever been adjudicated mentally defective (which includes a determination by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that you are a danger to yourself or to others or are incompetent to manage your own affairs) OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?

As we already know, the attacker in this case was involuntarily committed to a mental institution after being judged a danger to himself and others in 2008. Legally, the person filling out the form would be required to tick the “YES” box — anything else would constitute a felony, as stated on the declaration that the buyer is required to sign. The problem in this case is that the attacker most likely lied, checked the “NO” box, and the subsequent NICS background check didn’t include that nugget of information.

And even if the ATF had discovered Houser’s lie, there’s almost no chance they would have done anything about it.

So this isn’t a story of broken gun laws, but one of a broken system.

Just as in the case of the Charleston church shooting, the attacker in question purchased his firearm from a law-abiding gun dealer who dutifully followed the law to the best of their abilities.

Where things broke down in both instances was that the NICS system apparently did not have the relevant information at hand, and as a result the individuals (who should have otherwise been barred from purchasing firearms under existing laws) walked out with a brand new handgun
we need more no gun zones. that will cure it.
Or, how about no criminal zones. that will cover everything.
we need more no gun zones. that will cure it.
Or, how about no criminal zones. that will cover everything.

I would opt for the "No Criminal Zones" I think that would cover more bases...and catch people wether they were career criminals, criminal hobbyists or just decided to commit mass murder on a lark.
If the pawn shop he bought the gun at broke the law, they should be jailed and fined and probably sued.

This also goes to show how gun control is only useful in disarming good people.

There's no reason to believe the store broke the law. HE did, by not being honest about his long history of mental problems.

Once again, we have a mass shooting case that highlights not the need for more and stricter gun control, but mental illness control.
If the pawn shop he bought the gun at broke the law, they should be jailed and fined and probably sued.

This also goes to show how gun control is only useful in disarming good people.

There's no reason to believe the store broke the law. HE did, by not being honest about his long history of mental problems.

Once again, we have a mass shooting case that highlights not the need for more and stricter gun control, but mental illness control.
HEPA laws allow him not to disclose medical issues.
I heard this last night, that the shooter bought his gun legally though he could not get a concealed carry permit.....and this is wrong.....leave it to the anti gun press to get it wrong...

Who knew......a man intent on mass murder would lie to get his hands on a gun........color me shocked.........

Lafayette Theater Shooter s Pistol Purchase Was Not In Fact Legal - The Truth About Guns

In order to purchase the handgun, the person in question would have completed the ATF’s “Firearms Transaction Record” paperwork, affectionately known as an ATF Form 4473. Anyone who has ever bought a gun from a FFL license holder should recognize question 11 (F):

Have you ever been adjudicated mentally defective (which includes a determination by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that you are a danger to yourself or to others or are incompetent to manage your own affairs) OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?

As we already know, the attacker in this case was involuntarily committed to a mental institution after being judged a danger to himself and others in 2008. Legally, the person filling out the form would be required to tick the “YES” box — anything else would constitute a felony, as stated on the declaration that the buyer is required to sign. The problem in this case is that the attacker most likely lied, checked the “NO” box, and the subsequent NICS background check didn’t include that nugget of information.

And even if the ATF had discovered Houser’s lie, there’s almost no chance they would have done anything about it.

So this isn’t a story of broken gun laws, but one of a broken system.

Just as in the case of the Charleston church shooting, the attacker in question purchased his firearm from a law-abiding gun dealer who dutifully followed the law to the best of their abilities.

Where things broke down in both instances was that the NICS system apparently did not have the relevant information at hand, and as a result the individuals (who should have otherwise been barred from purchasing firearms under existing laws) walked out with a brand new handgun

Who gives a flying shit how he got it?

Does it make his victims somehow "less dead"? Or is this one of your ploys to put points on that message board scoreboard?
So, I guess the question to be asked is: How do we get that information into the system?
Some way has to be found to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people. I recently bought a rifle and had to fill out a form, take a written test on gun safety and wait 10 days to pick up the rifle.

If the form is never looked at and my answers checked for truthfulness, what's the point of all that paper work? We are not safer.

It's time for gun owners to abandon the NRA. They have become a lobbying force for gun manufacturers, not an organization for gun owners.

By knee jerk rejection of any sane regulation they will get us saddled with onerous regulations no one wants.

The time is coming when the public will have had enough of this mindless gun violence. If people knowledgeable
about guns refuse to take part in drafting responsible regulations the work will be done by politicians who don't know a target rifle from an AK47. Ruger's handy 44 mag semi-auto was a victim of the last round of assault weapon legislation.

Limiting center fire rifles to 5 round magazines would be a start. This would not hurt hunters or target shooters and would have lessened the number of victims in some of the recent attacks.

Cooperate or lose it all.
Some way has to be found to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people. I recently bought a rifle and had to fill out a form, take a written test on gun safety and wait 10 days to pick up the rifle.

If the form is never looked at and my answers checked for truthfulness, what's the point of all that paper work? We are not safer.

It's time for gun owners to abandon the NRA. They have become a lobbying force for gun manufacturers, not an organization for gun owners.

By knee jerk rejection of any sane regulation they will get us saddled with onerous regulations no one wants.

The time is coming when the public will have had enough of this mindless gun violence. If people knowledgeable
about guns refuse to take part in drafting responsible regulations the work will be done by politicians who don't know a target rifle from an AK47. Ruger's handy 44 mag semi-auto was a victim of the last round of assault weapon legislation.

Limiting center fire rifles to 5 round magazines would be a start. This would not hurt hunters or target shooters and would have lessened the number of victims in some of the recent attacks.

Cooperate or lose it all.

Who's fault is it if the info isnt checked?
Some way has to be found to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people. I recently bought a rifle and had to fill out a form, take a written test on gun safety and wait 10 days to pick up the rifle.

If the form is never looked at and my answers checked for truthfulness, what's the point of all that paper work? We are not safer.

It's time for gun owners to abandon the NRA. They have become a lobbying force for gun manufacturers, not an organization for gun owners.

By knee jerk rejection of any sane regulation they will get us saddled with onerous regulations no one wants.

The time is coming when the public will have had enough of this mindless gun violence. If people knowledgeable
about guns refuse to take part in drafting responsible regulations the work will be done by politicians who don't know a target rifle from an AK47. Ruger's handy 44 mag semi-auto was a victim of the last round of assault weapon legislation.

Limiting center fire rifles to 5 round magazines would be a start. This would not hurt hunters or target shooters and would have lessened the number of victims in some of the recent attacks.

Cooperate or lose it all.

Who's fault is it if the info isnt checked?

I guess it's the fault of the politicians who passed a law that makes you fill out forms (so they can claim to be doing something) but has no provision for doing anything with the forms

Why ask? Do you have a point?.
Some way has to be found to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people. I recently bought a rifle and had to fill out a form, take a written test on gun safety and wait 10 days to pick up the rifle.

If the form is never looked at and my answers checked for truthfulness, what's the point of all that paper work? We are not safer.

It's time for gun owners to abandon the NRA. They have become a lobbying force for gun manufacturers, not an organization for gun owners.

By knee jerk rejection of any sane regulation they will get us saddled with onerous regulations no one wants.

The time is coming when the public will have had enough of this mindless gun violence. If people knowledgeable
about guns refuse to take part in drafting responsible regulations the work will be done by politicians who don't know a target rifle from an AK47. Ruger's handy 44 mag semi-auto was a victim of the last round of assault weapon legislation.

Limiting center fire rifles to 5 round magazines would be a start. This would not hurt hunters or target shooters and would have lessened the number of victims in some of the recent attacks.

Cooperate or lose it all.

It's time for gun owners to abandon the NRA. They have become a lobbying force for gun manufacturers, not an organization for gun owners. of the most successful groups fighting off people trying to limit our right to guns....yeah right.............we need the NRA, The2nd Amendment foundation and the other groups to keep fools like you from giving away our right to arms.....

And how would limiting magazines do anything to stop the last two mass shooters......really, are you that used to be 10 rounds and now you anti gun extremists have moved on to can never, ever compromise with these nut jobs........

Not one more gun, not one more bullet not one more piece of equipment.....

Whatever the military has for the standard infantry soldier than the citizens, who pay the salaries and equip the soldiers from their hard earned money....they get those weapons too.....
I heard this last night, that the shooter bought his gun legally though he could not get a concealed carry permit.....and this is wrong.....leave it to the anti gun press to get it wrong...

Who knew......a man intent on mass murder would lie to get his hands on a gun........color me shocked.........

Lafayette Theater Shooter s Pistol Purchase Was Not In Fact Legal - The Truth About Guns

In order to purchase the handgun, the person in question would have completed the ATF’s “Firearms Transaction Record” paperwork, affectionately known as an ATF Form 4473. Anyone who has ever bought a gun from a FFL license holder should recognize question 11 (F):

Have you ever been adjudicated mentally defective (which includes a determination by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that you are a danger to yourself or to others or are incompetent to manage your own affairs) OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?

As we already know, the attacker in this case was involuntarily committed to a mental institution after being judged a danger to himself and others in 2008. Legally, the person filling out the form would be required to tick the “YES” box — anything else would constitute a felony, as stated on the declaration that the buyer is required to sign. The problem in this case is that the attacker most likely lied, checked the “NO” box, and the subsequent NICS background check didn’t include that nugget of information.

And even if the ATF had discovered Houser’s lie, there’s almost no chance they would have done anything about it.

So this isn’t a story of broken gun laws, but one of a broken system.

Just as in the case of the Charleston church shooting, the attacker in question purchased his firearm from a law-abiding gun dealer who dutifully followed the law to the best of their abilities.

Where things broke down in both instances was that the NICS system apparently did not have the relevant information at hand, and as a result the individuals (who should have otherwise been barred from purchasing firearms under existing laws) walked out with a brand new handgun

Who gives a flying shit how he got it?

Does it make his victims somehow "less dead"? Or is this one of your ploys to put points on that message board scoreboard?

Yeah it does moron. Because assholes like you and warf keep pushing for more useless gun laws that won't keep guns out of the hands of these guys, but will keep law abiding citizens from owning and carrying assholes insist on background checks....we have them...we gave that to you anti gun extremists....and all of the mass shooters got around them...even the most recent...the South Carolina church shooter and now the guy at the theater....

You have background them...they were given up to you because you said they would keep guns out of the hands of these were either lying or stupid, or both...I bet both......
If the pawn shop he bought the gun at broke the law, they should be jailed and fined and probably sued.

This also goes to show how gun control is only useful in disarming good people.

There's no reason to believe the store broke the law. HE did, by not being honest about his long history of mental problems.

Once again, we have a mass shooting case that highlights not the need for more and stricter gun control, but mental illness control.
HEPA laws allow him not to disclose medical issues.

HIPPA doesn't allow him to lie on a federal form.
And how would limiting magazines do anything to stop the last two mass shooters......really, are you that used to be 10 rounds and now you anti gun extremists have moved on to can never, ever compromise with these nut jobs........

Limiting center fire rifle magazines wouldn't do anything about pistol shooters. It's pretty stupid to say that since mag size limits on rifles wouldn't help stop pistols we shouldn't even try to stop any useless deaths.

But such limits would have lessened the casualties in Colorado and maybe in Chattanooga.

What kind of freak needs a 30 round magazine? Of what practical use is it?

Your post shows that non-thinking idiots will fight reasonable gun regs until society gets fed up and demands draconian bans.
And how would limiting magazines do anything to stop the last two mass shooters......really, are you that used to be 10 rounds and now you anti gun extremists have moved on to can never, ever compromise with these nut jobs........

Limiting center fire rifle magazines wouldn't do anything about pistol shooters. It's pretty stupid to say that since mag size limits on rifles wouldn't help stop pistols we shouldn't even try to stop any useless deaths.

But such limits would have lessened the casualties in Colorado and maybe in Chattanooga.

What kind of freak needs a 30 round magazine? Of what practical use is it?

Your post shows that non-thinking idiots will fight reasonable gun regs until society gets fed up and demands draconian bans.

It wouldn't stop useless deaths. It is a stupid idea......each one of these mass shootings that was actually committed with a rifle will just as easily be done with no....they don't get to limit our magazine size for our rifles. It is a stupid idea....and pointless. A 30 round magazine is a standard issue is the magazine used by our military and therefore belongs in the hands of the civilians who employ the military. The practical don't have to spend your time constantly reloading magazines at the range.......and if there ever is a need to resist government murder...those magazines will be important...and you don't have the right to deny our descendants that tool.

It is not a reasonable regulation.....deaths by rifle are about 500 a year....all rifles....that includes rifles that use 30 round magazines.......vs. ......knives and empty hands that kill far more people....

In a country of over 320 million people with only 500 deaths by all rifles is not reasonable to limit the magazines law abiding people can own.
And how would limiting magazines do anything to stop the last two mass shooters......really, are you that used to be 10 rounds and now you anti gun extremists have moved on to can never, ever compromise with these nut jobs........

Limiting center fire rifle magazines wouldn't do anything about pistol shooters. It's pretty stupid to say that since mag size limits on rifles wouldn't help stop pistols we shouldn't even try to stop any useless deaths.

But such limits would have lessened the casualties in Colorado and maybe in Chattanooga.

What kind of freak needs a 30 round magazine? Of what practical use is it?

Your post shows that non-thinking idiots will fight reasonable gun regs until society gets fed up and demands draconian bans.

You are the non thinking idiot......each one of the mass shootings that used a rifle could just as easily have been done with pistols.....limiting magazine capacity is stupid, and pointless and simply one more thing the anti gun extremists want to cross off of their list.....
And how would limiting magazines do anything to stop the last two mass shooters......really, are you that used to be 10 rounds and now you anti gun extremists have moved on to can never, ever compromise with these nut jobs........

Limiting center fire rifle magazines wouldn't do anything about pistol shooters. It's pretty stupid to say that since mag size limits on rifles wouldn't help stop pistols we shouldn't even try to stop any useless deaths.

But such limits would have lessened the casualties in Colorado and maybe in Chattanooga.

What kind of freak needs a 30 round magazine? Of what practical use is it?

Your post shows that non-thinking idiots will fight reasonable gun regs until society gets fed up and demands draconian bans.

This is exactly how stupid your idea is...I have the actual stats for 2013.....from the FBI table 8...

AR-15s are used in fewer crimes than knives or hands and feet....far fewer..

FBI table 8 2013...

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Murder by weapon 2013:

All rifles: 285 (that means AR-15s kill even fewer than that)

Knives: 1,490

Hands and feet: 687

And gun murders by rifle...been going down....






After the assault ban was lifted in a country of over 320 million people with 90 million homes with guns

And over 1 million AR-15s in private hands.........

1 million legal AR-15s....less than 285 murders and we don't have the actual number for just AR-15s

you are an anti gun nut extremist.....

People own AR-15s and do not use them to murder people...the total again in case you missed it is only 285 deaths by all rifles in 2013 and that number has been going down as even more people by the rifle........

And if the media would stop glamorizing the AR-15 and making it the go to gun for killers, they would use it less often......
And I note that with knives killing way more people each year than all rifles, and way, way more than AR-15s, you make no call for knives to be banned, or limited to Non-stab knives like the British are doing...because they are anti gun extremist nuts too........

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