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Theft and Thuggery, Jewish Style.

The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine
The Transfer Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edwin Black realizes that the anti-Semites are constantly bringing up his book The Transfer, which they originally found on the NeoNazi/Islamofacist hate sites or else they would never have heard of this book, because they can't stand to see that some equipment was given to the Nazis in exchange for the freedom of some Jews. The Jew haters like Yousef Mohammed here wish these Jews would have been sent to the concentration camps instead. By the way, Edwin Black wishes that the anti-Semites would push this book instead.

Thanks, Mr. 'Fly.
From one side of the Nazi's mouths we get "the Joooos did nothing to resist their extermination" (Seal) and from the other side we get "the Joooos collaborated with the Nazis" (Jos) to escape an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe. As always with Nazis, Joooos are damed if they do and damned if they don't. It's just how Nazis roll :D
The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine
The Transfer Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edwin Black realizes that the anti-Semites are constantly bringing up his book The Transfer, which they originally found on the NeoNazi/Islamofacist hate sites or else they would never have heard of this book, because they can't stand to see that some equipment was given to the Nazis in exchange for the freedom of some Jews. The Jew haters like Yousef Mohammed here wish these Jews would have been sent to the concentration camps instead. By the way, Edwin Black wishes that the anti-Semites would push this book instead.
I gave a link to Wiki, is that in your view a "NeoNazi/Islamofacist hate site"?
zionists dont like anyone to point out that they sided with Hitler, their only interest was the rich jews, the fate of the poor ones was the work camps

Hoss did not refer to Wiki as a hate site but rather to the Stormfronts and Nazi slimeballs who attempt to paint Jewish efforts to escape an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe as "rich jews" who "sided with Hitler." :D
Does anyone believe the lies and garbage coming out of this Jew hating piece of shit? Ireland sided with the Nazis and enabled them. Face it, or not. Who gives a fuck.

But I know one thing, I wouldn't be boasting my "Nazi fighting credentials" while claiming to be Irish at the same time.

Not all or even most Irish aided the Nazis, Roudy, and in this case it is important not to slide into Seal ("Kikes, blah, blah, blah...") mode. That said, I don't believe any of the lies, including all that self-serving pap he posted about his "brave Irish-American daddy."
Seal's monumental cowardice and lack of integrity had to come from somewhere and I figure it's genetic. :D
I have said many times that Seal, and that other cocksucking asshole Patrick do not represent Irish people. Unfortunately there are those who are holdouts whether its those who want to return to the from the pre Vatican II "Jews killed Christ" days or those who still believe in some of the Nazi ideology. It would be most likely be due to upbringing and childhood environment and / or the religious teachings they were exposed to. Whatever it may be these garbages of humanity see today's Islamists as a tool to vent their hatreds and intentions for the Jews, and I seriously doubt they give a damn about the fate of the so called "Palestinians".

of course caturday and i do not represent the irish at all. the irish are the staunchest supporters of israel and zionist jews you could ever find.

ya know what...jews, as a culture, may want to ask themselves exactly why so many different peoples for such a long time...thousands of years...have allegedly rejected them or alloegedly discriminated against them when these cultures throughout the world have had, for the most part, accepted so many other peoples and cultures. why is it that ews, who are pretty much white boys, so discriminated against, even among european cultures.

why is it that other minorities rise up and overcome the animosity directed at them that prevents those of the jewish culture from doing the same.

ya know, i myself am a pretty self confident person but i can tell you this, if everybody is telling me i am wrong about something, i am going to take a very long and very hard look at myself.

do ews ever wonder why they are always right and the entire world is wrong?

maybe roudy would search irish murals regarding israel if he wants to cast aspersions upon caturday and me as being atypical irish men.
what a fookin' idiot. there were maybe five irishmen who collaborated with there NAZIs, far less than many other countries, including the USA.

but you, an arrogant jew, whose ancestors ran away from the NAZIs or stood behind their children, praying that the boxcars would fill up their own kids before they had get on, had people collaborating with them big time so you could drink sugary wine in al quds.

why the hell should the irish align with the british and turn over her ports, yes, the very same ports that food was exported from, in part making jewish commodity traders rich, while the people of ireland starved...there very same ports that had been liberaated from britain just 20 years earlier.

what a fucking whiner. wah, wah, wah. the paddies hate us. no cheese wad, the paddies hate injustice, and zionism is injustice epitomised...

"Foreign Ministry sources said Ireland had undoubtedly become the most hostile country to Israel in the European Union, "pushing all of Europe's countries to a radical and uncompromising approach."

'Ireland most hostile country in Europe' - Israel News, Ynetnews

I'm not a bit surprised a raging coward like you would attempt to change the subject and I not only don't blame the Irish for snuggling up to Hitler, I find the effort understandable given the circumstances. I'm also not surprised that a scummy like you would have no understanding of the Jew's efforts to survive in Nazi Europe. Anyway, I brought you a bit of Irish/Nazi history. I'm certain one such as you will enjoy it:

"Collaboration between the IRA and Abwehr during World War II ranged in intensity during the period 1937–1943 and ended permanently around 1944. The Irish Republican Army (IRA), a paramilitary body active in Ireland, seeking to unify the island of Ireland, removing Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom, shared intelligence with the Abwehr, the intelligence service of Nazi Germany."

Irish Republican Army

too funny...six irishmen...at best...yeah, we really collaborated with the germans.

maybe, i nstead of discussing the alleged "anti-semitic" inclinations of the irish peopl,e, we should instead be talking about the histrionic tendencies of the jewish people.

Discussing what you claim are "the histrionic tendencies of the jewish people" is what you do all day, everyday, NaziBoy, and histrionic is a fine description of your shrill, hateful venom. Why not take a break for one day and read a bit about all the efforts of Europeans, including those of the Church, to avoid having befall their flocks the fate Hitler had in mind for Europe's Jews. Throwing their Jews under the bus was the major European sport for years. You Nazi types are just pissy because Hitler's Reich didn't last long enough to complete the job. :D
The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine
The Transfer Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edwin Black realizes that the anti-Semites are constantly bringing up his book The Transfer, which they originally found on the NeoNazi/Islamofacist hate sites or else they would never have heard of this book, because they can't stand to see that some equipment was given to the Nazis in exchange for the freedom of some Jews. The Jew haters like Yousef Mohammed here wish these Jews would have been sent to the concentration camps instead. By the way, Edwin Black wishes that the anti-Semites would push this book instead.

Thanks, Mr. 'Fly.
From one side of the Nazi's mouths we get "the Joooos did nothing to resist their extermination" (Seal) and from the other side we get "the Joooos collaborated with the Nazis" (Jos) to escape an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe. As always with Nazis, Joooos are damed if they do and damned if they don't. It's just how Nazis roll :D

And from SAYIT, we find a poster who does not even have the mental capacity to know how to spell the word Jews!

what a fookin' idiot. there were maybe five irishmen who collaborated with there NAZIs, far less than many other countries, including the USA.

but you, an arrogant jew, whose ancestors ran away from the NAZIs or stood behind their children, praying that the boxcars would fill up their own kids before they had get on, had people collaborating with them big time so you could drink sugary wine in al quds.

That hateful Nazi screed is from one whose hate for Jews is his only reason for living. Pathetic, but as his own words - words he will one day deny having said - reveal, that hate is all he has:
"...ya friggin' smarmy little **** boy."
"yeah, and "****" ain't a slur either if you trace it back."
"the jew bitch brought it up..."
"naw, i don't believe in kosher slaughter. free range jews are more sporting."
"TCB-Jewish Style."
"and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
"the jewish penchant for potty humour"
"filthy jew pockets"
"when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"

and again, it is hard not to direct some animosity towards individual jews when people such as sayit give us such bigoted gems as this:

"if patties are so stupid they can't figure out how to grow a potato, they deserved to starve" in a thread about benjamin disraeli.

"the irish were so drunk they couldn't figure out that potatoes grow underground, even when they fell flat on their face in a field full of them."

and not to mention his constant use of the ethnic slur of "patty" and "paddy".

You don't know who here is Jewish (you directed much animosity at Dreyfussran - Skit - when you believed he was "a retired Jewish professor") and you don't direct your unvarnished hate for Jooos at individuals, Princess ... you're all about spewing your hate for all Jooos, period:
"...ya friggin' smarmy little **** boy."
"yeah, and "****" ain't a slur either if you trace it back."
"the jew bitch brought it up..."
"naw, i don't believe in kosher slaughter. free range jews are more sporting."
"TCB-Jewish Style."
"and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
"the jewish penchant for potty humour"
"filthy jew pockets"
"when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"
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I'm not a bit surprised a raging coward like you would attempt to change the subject and I not only don't blame your ancestors for snuggling up to Hitler, I find the effort understandable given the circumstances. I'm also not surprised that a scummy like you would have no understanding of my ancestor's efforts to survive in Nazi Europe. Anyway, I brought you a bit of Irish/Nazi history. I'm certain one such as you will enjoy it:

"Collaboration between the IRA and Abwehr during World War II ranged in intensity during the period 1937–1943 and ended permanently around 1944. The Irish Republican Army (IRA), a paramilitary body active in Ireland, seeking to unify the island of Ireland, removing Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom, shared intelligence with the Abwehr, the intelligence service of Nazi Germany."

Irish Republican Army

au contrare, my little pissant. while my irish-american daddy was being awarded a silver star, a bronze star with a V for valor and oak leaf cluster, a purple herat with oak lea cluster and a CIB during the rhineland campaign, you and yours were failing to hold their piss and letting their shit waft away in the wind. he died early from one of those wounds, which affected him for years. his irish wife, who was in the red cross, was left alone to raise five kids, me being the oldest.

meanwhile, let us talk about the jewish ancestors who survived those camps...

Concentration camps were controlled by the SS, but day-to-day organization was supplemented by the system of functionary prisoners, a second hierarchy that made it easier for the Nazis to control the camps. These prisoners made it possible for the camps to function with fewer SS personnel, which saved the Third Reich money[citation needed]. The prisoner functionaries were sometimes as much as 10% of the inmates.[4][5] The Nazis were able to keep the number of SS personnel who had direct contact with the prisoners very low in comparison to normal prisons today. Without the functionary prisoners, the SS camp administrations would not have been able to keep the day-to-day operations of the camps running smoothly.[6][7] The kapos often did this work for extra food, cigarettes, alcohol or other privileges.


i wonder how many packs of smokes chucking a little jewish kid into a shower cost, anyway? i wonder if they put some sugar in that wine and raised a glass saying "next year in jerusalem."

one thing the irish know...sometimes the price of survival is too dear. sometimes it is better to stand and fight.

too bad some six million jews couldn't figure that out. maybe, had they, i could have enjoyed my father a few more years.

put that in your little collection of slurs. be sure to leave out the context of your accusation about how my ancestors collaborated with the NAZIs.
Does anyone believe the lies and garbage coming out of this Jew hating piece of shit? Ireland sided with the Nazis and enabled them. Face it, or not. Who gives a fuck.

But I know one thing, I wouldn't be boasting my "Nazi fighting credentials" while claiming to be Irish at the same time. While Ireland was busy appeasing and sucking up to the Nazis and betraying their British brothers and sisters, the rest of Europe was suffering and dying at the hands of the Nazis.

Maybe that's why their offspring like Seal suck Nazi dick, except now, it's IslamoNazi dick. Following in the footsteps of their Nazi loving ancestors maybe, who knows. Some traditions die hard.

i wasn't boasting about my "nazi fighting credentials". i have none. my father was a decorated infantry officer in the rhine campaign in WWII. he was a better man than i, and i am very proud of him, not only for that, but his entire life. all i ever did was show up and did my job when needed. it was not fun. i was honorably discharged. with nothing but some campaign ribbon and not even a good conduct medal.

the courage in battle of the irish is legendary. it is what we do. visit the gettysburg battlefield, the memorial to the san patricios in vera cruz, mexico, the tribute to them at there del la plata mouth in argentina. their names fill the list of heroes and patrioutes on the arch de triomphe in paris. thwo thirds of the congressional medal of honor recipients are of irish descent. over 150 of those were born in ireland...i think the exact figure is 187.

the irish do what they do, and they do it well...and are respected, honoured, and loved for it. and what they do right noew is stand up for justice for the palestinian people against the oppresdsion of greedy, european colonialists.

oh, and i got a master gunner certificate. cool. i suppose i could have hung around and signed the paperwork for the good conduct, but i wanted to get laid.
That hateful Nazi screed is from one whose hate for Jews is his only reason for living. Pathetic, but as his own words - words he will one day deny having said - reveal, that hate is all he has:
"...ya friggin' smarmy little **** boy."
"yeah, and "****" ain't a slur either if you trace it back."
"the jew bitch brought it up..."
"naw, i don't believe in kosher slaughter. free range jews are more sporting."
"TCB-Jewish Style."
"and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
"the jewish penchant for potty humour"
"filthy jew pockets"
"when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"

and again, it is hard not to direct some animosity towards individual jews when people such as sayit give us such bigoted gems as this:

"if patties are so stupid they can't figure out how to grow a potato, they deserved to starve" in a thread about benjamin disraeli.

"the irish were so drunk they couldn't figure out that potatoes grow underground, even when they fell flat on their face in a field full of them."

and not to mention his constant use of the ethnic slur of "patty" and "paddy".

You don't know who here is Jewish (you directed much animosity at Dreyfussran (Skit) when you believed he was "a retired Jewish professor") and you don't direct your unvarnished hate for Jooos at individuals, Princess ... you're all about spewing your hate for all Jooos, period:
"...ya friggin' smarmy little **** boy."
"yeah, and "****" ain't a slur either if you trace it back."
"the jew bitch brought it up..."
"naw, i don't believe in kosher slaughter. free range jews are more sporting."
"TCB-Jewish Style."
"and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
"the jewish penchant for potty humour"
"filthy jew pockets"
"when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"

actually, the jews were so terrified of me they looked to skit as their messiah, particularly you and MJB.

he and i developed a loose truce later but you all hung on his every word and worshipped at his feet.

lol...skit, i think, will be the first to admit that i always knew who he was when he appeared in his various guises. he would yank your chain, and i would give it an extra tug.

the trouble with stupid, pandering asses like you is that you mistake my animosity that is directed at jewish individuals as an overall anti-semitism. not true at all. you use "anti-semitism" as a catch all to cover for your own inadequacies and personality flaws....and then deny you have any. that is OK. some people are like that.
Edwin Black realizes that the anti-Semites are constantly bringing up his book The Transfer, which they originally found on the NeoNazi/Islamofacist hate sites or else they would never have heard of this book, because they can't stand to see that some equipment was given to the Nazis in exchange for the freedom of some Jews. The Jew haters like Yousef Mohammed here wish these Jews would have been sent to the concentration camps instead. By the way, Edwin Black wishes that the anti-Semites would push this book instead.

Thanks, Mr. 'Fly.
From one side of the Nazi's mouths we get "the Joooos did nothing to resist their extermination" (Seal) and from the other side we get "the Joooos collaborated with the Nazis" (Jos) to escape an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe. As always with Nazis, Joooos are damed if they do and damned if they don't. It's just how Nazis roll :D

And from SAYIT, we find a poster who does not even have the mental capacity to know how to spell the word Jews!

Go figure. A troll like Sherri has no comment on the blatant anti-Semitism of her co-workers here but does comment on my literary license. Where is your "Christian" soul when your boy posts Nazi crap like the following:

"...ya friggin' smarmy little **** boy."
"yeah, and "****" ain't a slur either if you trace it back."
"the jew bitch brought it up..."
"naw, i don't believe in kosher slaughter. free range jews are more sporting."
"TCB-Jewish Style."
"and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
"the jewish penchant for potty humour"
"filthy jew pockets"
"when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"
and again, it is hard not to direct some animosity towards individual jews when people such as sayit give us such bigoted gems as this:

"if patties are so stupid they can't figure out how to grow a potato, they deserved to starve" in a thread about benjamin disraeli.

"the irish were so drunk they couldn't figure out that potatoes grow underground, even when they fell flat on their face in a field full of them."

and not to mention his constant use of the ethnic slur of "patty" and "paddy".

You don't know who here is Jewish (you directed much animosity at Dreyfussran (Skit) when you believed he was "a retired Jewish professor") and you don't direct your unvarnished hate for Jooos at individuals, Princess ... you're all about spewing your hate for all Jooos, period:
"...ya friggin' smarmy little **** boy."
"yeah, and "****" ain't a slur either if you trace it back."
"the jew bitch brought it up..."
"naw, i don't believe in kosher slaughter. free range jews are more sporting."
"TCB-Jewish Style."
"and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
"the jewish penchant for potty humour"
"filthy jew pockets"
"when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"

actually, the jews were so terrified of me they looked to skit as their messiah, particularly you and MJB.

Yeah, you're a very scary Nazi, Princess ... a regular legend in your own very small mind. I still se you as you described yourself ... rolled in a ball on your kitchen floor ... unable to face your cowardice.
The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine
The Transfer Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edwin Black realizes that the anti-Semites are constantly bringing up his book The Transfer, which they originally found on the NeoNazi/Islamofacist hate sites or else they would never have heard of this book, because they can't stand to see that some equipment was given to the Nazis in exchange for the freedom of some Jews. The Jew haters like Yousef Mohammed here wish these Jews would have been sent to the concentration camps instead. By the way, Edwin Black wishes that the anti-Semites would push this book instead.
I gave a link to Wiki, is that in your view a "NeoNazi/Islamofacist hate site"?
zionists dont like anyone to point out that they sided with Hitler, their only interest was the rich jews, the fate of the poor ones was the work camps
Ha ha ha....the scumbag said "Jewish Palestine". Clear evidence that there was no such thing as an Arab Palestine or Palestinian pre 1967. It fun watching them put their foot in their filthy mouths.
and again, it is hard not to direct some animosity towards individual jews when people such as sayit give us such bigoted gems as this:

"if patties are so stupid they can't figure out how to grow a potato, they deserved to starve" in a thread about benjamin disraeli.

"the irish were so drunk they couldn't figure out that potatoes grow underground, even when they fell flat on their face in a field full of them."

and not to mention his constant use of the ethnic slur of "patty" and "paddy".

You don't know who here is Jewish (you directed much animosity at Dreyfussran (Skit) when you believed he was "a retired Jewish professor") and you don't direct your unvarnished hate for Jooos at individuals, Princess ... you're all about spewing your hate for all Jooos, period:
"...ya friggin' smarmy little **** boy."
"yeah, and "****" ain't a slur either if you trace it back."
"the jew bitch brought it up..."
"naw, i don't believe in kosher slaughter. free range jews are more sporting."
"TCB-Jewish Style."
"and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
"the jewish penchant for potty humour"
"filthy jew pockets"
"when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"

actually, the jews were so terrified of me they looked to skit as their messiah, particularly you and MJB.

he and i developed a loose truce later but you all hung on his every word and worshipped at his feet.

lol...skit, i think, will be the first to admit that i always knew who he was when he appeared in his various guises. he would yank your chain, and i would give it an extra tug.

the trouble with stupid, pandering asses like you is that you mistake my animosity that is directed at jewish individuals as an overall anti-semitism. not true at all. you use "anti-semitism" as a catch all to cover for your own inadequacies and personality flaws....and then deny you have any. that is OK. some people are like that.

You can try to justify your mindless hate for Jews and lying about me if it helps you look yourself in the mirror, Princess, but you fool no one here, least of all me. :D
You don't know who here is Jewish (you directed much animosity at Dreyfussran (Skit) when you believed he was "a retired Jewish professor") and you don't direct your unvarnished hate for Jooos at individuals, Princess ... you're all about spewing your hate for all Jooos, period:
"...ya friggin' smarmy little **** boy."
"yeah, and "****" ain't a slur either if you trace it back."
"the jew bitch brought it up..."
"naw, i don't believe in kosher slaughter. free range jews are more sporting."
"TCB-Jewish Style."
"and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
"the jewish penchant for potty humour"
"filthy jew pockets"
"when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"

actually, the jews were so terrified of me they looked to skit as their messiah, particularly you and MJB.

he and i developed a loose truce later but you all hung on his every word and worshipped at his feet.

lol...skit, i think, will be the first to admit that i always knew who he was when he appeared in his various guises. he would yank your chain, and i would give it an extra tug.

the trouble with stupid, pandering asses like you is that you mistake my animosity that is directed at jewish individuals as an overall anti-semitism. not true at all. you use "anti-semitism" as a catch all to cover for your own inadequacies and personality flaws....and then deny you have any. that is OK. some people are like that.

You can try to justify your mindless hate for Jews and lying about me if it helps you look yourself in the mirror, Princess, but you fool no one here, least of all me. :D

you are so predictable...not to mention stupid.

why do you call other men "princess"? it is kind of weird. does it make you feel superior, macho. if so, then by all means. i find it mildly irritating...occcasionally, but if it bolsters your ego, have fun.
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actually, the jews were so terrified of me they looked to skit as their messiah, particularly you and MJB.

he and i developed a loose truce later but you all hung on his every word and worshipped at his feet.

lol...skit, i think, will be the first to admit that i always knew who he was when he appeared in his various guises. he would yank your chain, and i would give it an extra tug.

the trouble with stupid, pandering asses like you is that you mistake my animosity that is directed at jewish individuals as an overall anti-semitism. not true at all. you use "anti-semitism" as a catch all to cover for your own inadequacies and personality flaws....and then deny you have any. that is OK. some people are like that.

You can try to justify your mindless hate for Jews and lying about me if it helps you look yourself in the mirror, Princess, but you fool no one here, least of all me. :D

you are so predictable...not to mention stupid.

why do you call other men "princess"? it is kind of weird. does it make you feel superior, macho. if so, then by all means. i find it mildly irritating...occcasionally, but if it bolsters your ego, have fun.

Thanks, Princess. :D
Seal, are you holding up okay on your disposable diapers?

actually, the jews were so terrified of me they looked to skit as their messiah, particularly you and MJB.

he and i developed a loose truce later but you all hung on his every word and worshipped at his feet.

lol...skit, i think, will be the first to admit that i always knew who he was when he appeared in his various guises. he would yank your chain, and i would give it an extra tug.

the trouble with stupid, pandering asses like you is that you mistake my animosity that is directed at jewish individuals as an overall anti-semitism. not true at all. you use "anti-semitism" as a catch all to cover for your own inadequacies and personality flaws....and then deny you have any. that is OK. some people are like that.

You can try to justify your mindless hate for Jews and lying about me if it helps you look yourself in the mirror, Princess, but you fool no one here, least of all me. :D

you are so predictable...not to mention stupid.

why do you call other men "princess"? it is kind of weird. does it make you feel superior, macho. if so, then by all means. i find it mildly irritating...occcasionally, but if it bolsters your ego, have fun.
Not all or even most Irish aided the Nazis, Roudy, and in this case it is important not to slide into Seal ("Kikes, blah, blah, blah...") mode. That said, I don't believe any of the lies, including all that self-serving pap he posted about his "brave Irish-American daddy."
Seal's monumental cowardice and lack of integrity had to come from somewhere and I figure it's genetic. :D
I have said many times that Seal, and that other cocksucking asshole Patrick do not represent Irish people. Unfortunately there are those who are holdouts whether its those who want to return to the from the pre Vatican II "Jews killed Christ" days or those who still believe in some of the Nazi ideology. It would be most likely be due to upbringing and childhood environment and / or the religious teachings they were exposed to. Whatever it may be these garbages of humanity see today's Islamists as a tool to vent their hatreds and intentions for the Jews, and I seriously doubt they give a damn about the fate of the so called "Palestinians".

of course caturday and i do not represent the irish at all. the irish are the staunchest supporters of israel and zionist jews you could ever find.

ya know what...jews, as a culture, may want to ask themselves exactly why so many different peoples for such a long time...thousands of years...have allegedly rejected them or alloegedly discriminated against them when these cultures throughout the world have had, for the most part, accepted so many other peoples and cultures. why is it that ews, who are pretty much white boys, so discriminated against, even among european cultures.

why is it that other minorities rise up and overcome the animosity directed at them that prevents those of the jewish culture from doing the same.

ya know, i myself am a pretty self confident person but i can tell you this, if everybody is telling me i am wrong about something, i am going to take a very long and very hard look at myself.

do ews ever wonder why they are always right and the entire world is wrong?

maybe roudy would search irish murals regarding israel if he wants to cast aspersions upon caturday and me as being atypical irish men.
Nazi Collaborators: The Dublin Connection : Video : Military Channel
I have said many times that Seal, and that other cocksucking asshole Patrick do not represent Irish people. Unfortunately there are those who are holdouts whether its those who want to return to the from the pre Vatican II "Jews killed Christ" days or those who still believe in some of the Nazi ideology. It would be most likely be due to upbringing and childhood environment and / or the religious teachings they were exposed to. Whatever it may be these garbages of humanity see today's Islamists as a tool to vent their hatreds and intentions for the Jews, and I seriously doubt they give a damn about the fate of the so called "Palestinians".

of course caturday and i do not represent the irish at all. the irish are the staunchest supporters of israel and zionist jews you could ever find.

ya know what...jews, as a culture, may want to ask themselves exactly why so many different peoples for such a long time...thousands of years...have allegedly rejected them or alloegedly discriminated against them when these cultures throughout the world have had, for the most part, accepted so many other peoples and cultures. why is it that ews, who are pretty much white boys, so discriminated against, even among european cultures.

why is it that other minorities rise up and overcome the animosity directed at them that prevents those of the jewish culture from doing the same.

ya know, i myself am a pretty self confident person but i can tell you this, if everybody is telling me i am wrong about something, i am going to take a very long and very hard look at myself.

do ews ever wonder why they are always right and the entire world is wrong?

maybe roudy would search irish murals regarding israel if he wants to cast aspersions upon caturday and me as being atypical irish men.
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Not all or even most Irish aided the Nazis, Roudy, and in this case it is important not to slide into Seal ("Kikes, blah, blah, blah...") mode. That said, I don't believe any of the lies, including all that self-serving pap he posted about his "brave Irish-American daddy."
Seal's monumental cowardice and lack of integrity had to come from somewhere and I figure it's genetic. :D
I have said many times that Seal, and that other cocksucking asshole Patrick do not represent Irish people. Unfortunately there are those who are holdouts whether its those who want to return to the from the pre Vatican II "Jews killed Christ" days or those who still believe in some of the Nazi ideology. It would be most likely be due to upbringing and childhood environment and / or the religious teachings they were exposed to. Whatever it may be these garbages of humanity see today's Islamists as a tool to vent their hatreds and intentions for the Jews, and I seriously doubt they give a damn about the fate of the so called "Palestinians".

ya know what...jews, as a culture, may want to ask themselves exactly why so many different peoples for such a long time...thousands of years...have allegedly rejected them or alloegedly discriminated against them when these cultures throughout the world have had, for the most part, accepted so many other peoples and cultures. why is it that ews, who are pretty much white boys, so discriminated against, even among european cultures.

The answers are not all that difficult to find, Princess, not that your question is sincere. Rather it's how a Nazi slimeball like you learns to live with the hate which oozes from his every pore ... just blame the Joooos for your mindless hate you pathetic pussy. :D
Thanks, Mr. 'Fly.
From one side of the Nazi's mouths we get "the Joooos did nothing to resist their extermination" (Seal) and from the other side we get "the Joooos collaborated with the Nazis" (Jos) to escape an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe. As always with Nazis, Joooos are damed if they do and damned if they don't. It's just how Nazis roll :D

And from SAYIT, we find a poster who does not even have the mental capacity to know how to spell the word Jews!

Go figure. A troll like Sherri has no comment on the blatant anti-Semitism of her co-workers here but does comment on my literary license. Where is your "Christian" soul when your boy posts Nazi crap like the following:

"...ya friggin' smarmy little **** boy."
"yeah, and "****" ain't a slur either if you trace it back."
"the jew bitch brought it up..."
"naw, i don't believe in kosher slaughter. free range jews are more sporting."
"TCB-Jewish Style."
"and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
"the jewish penchant for potty humour"
"filthy jew pockets"
"when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"

As expected, Sherri's silence is deafening! :D

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