Their moment is fast coming to and end.

Mr. MAGA has become Mr. MAGoo

Fucking blind as a bat.
You are blind as a bat.

Ura dingbat

"Donald Trump, the Mr. Magoo of geopolitics, has shot his big mouth off again and incited warfare between Egypt and Ethiopia.

Trump said, according to the BBC, that Egypt cannot accept the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that is being built on the Blue Nile, which the government of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi believes will reduce water flow to Egypt. Trump went on to crack that Egypt might “blow it up.”

The head of state of a superpower cannot afford to speak this way. What Addis Abbaba heard was that al-Sisi likely said some such thing to Trump, which the blabber-mouth-in-chief was now inadvertently making public.

Ethiopia’s foreign minister, Gedu Andargachew, angrily summoned the US ambassador in Addis Ababa, Michael Raynor, on the mat to explain Trump’s wild comments. Raynor is a career foreign service professional and must be really tired of having to explain Trump to people. Andargachew told Raynor, “It is unacceptable for the current American president to incite war between Ethiopia and Egypt.”

Joe Hitler is the one who sounds like a Nazis DemNazi. Is he possessed with the Demon Spirit of Hitler? I think so. Joe Biden is just as illegitimate in 2020 as was Hitler in 1933.

Rush Limpbaugh sure did a fine job NaziFying all things in the Realm of the Rabid Right. Femi-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi Dem-Nazi. Nazi this Nazi that. They've become very sad MAGoo's
you still have no idea what a Nazi actually is do you?

The Nazis swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. They were murderous fascists who outlawed all opposing political parties including the Communist and Socialist who were imprisoned and persecuted.

Why? Do you still think they were progressive liberal socialist or something?

Our Trump Lumpers are confused obviously. They probably think that the Nazis were an earlier version of AntiFa. :D
so you do know that Antifa, and I'll add along with BLM, are the true new Nazi. about friggen time.

Anti-Fascist are the fascist in Trumpyspeak.
Mr. MAGA has become Mr. MAGoo

Fucking blind as a bat.
You are blind as a bat.

Ura dingbat

"Donald Trump, the Mr. Magoo of geopolitics, has shot his big mouth off again and incited warfare between Egypt and Ethiopia.

Trump said, according to the BBC, that Egypt cannot accept the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that is being built on the Blue Nile, which the government of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi believes will reduce water flow to Egypt. Trump went on to crack that Egypt might “blow it up.”

The head of state of a superpower cannot afford to speak this way. What Addis Abbaba heard was that al-Sisi likely said some such thing to Trump, which the blabber-mouth-in-chief was now inadvertently making public.

Ethiopia’s foreign minister, Gedu Andargachew, angrily summoned the US ambassador in Addis Ababa, Michael Raynor, on the mat to explain Trump’s wild comments. Raynor is a career foreign service professional and must be really tired of having to explain Trump to people. Andargachew told Raynor, “It is unacceptable for the current American president to incite war between Ethiopia and Egypt.”

Joe Hitler is the one who sounds like a Nazis DemNazi. Is he possessed with the Demon Spirit of Hitler? I think so. Joe Biden is just as illegitimate in 2020 as was Hitler in 1933.

Rush Limpbaugh sure did a fine job NaziFying all things in the Realm of the Rabid Right. Femi-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi Dem-Nazi. Nazi this Nazi that. They've become very sad MAGoo's
you still have no idea what a Nazi actually is do you?

The Nazis swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. They were murderous fascists who outlawed all opposing political parties including the Communist and Socialist who were imprisoned and persecuted.

Why? Do you still think they were progressive liberal socialist or something?
How did their economic policies differ from those of the "progressive liberal socialists?"

The Fascist Nazi's form of the security blanket for the poor was a bullet in the head!
Quick question...would like an honest answer.

When Georgia certifies the election...will you accept the election results or are you still going to insist there was widespread voter fraud? I pick Georgia because it was recently a red state but the same goes for Arizona.

Put another way, are you just blabbering about fraud--no widespread fraud has been proven--or do you honestly believe that there was fraud and something more sinister is making Republican lawmakers ignore it?
There is no doubt about whether there was voter fraud in this election. The evidence is overwhelming at this point. Democrats have made it hard to detect though with extended deadlines, no signatures, no signature match, expanded mail in voting, etc,etc.

But, that's where the biggest fraud was committed, what they done BEFORE the election.

Voting lawsuits pile up across US as election approaches

Your statement of "no voter fraud proven" is a flat out lie.
^ the evidence is overwhelming, he queefs.

evidently, you do not know what these words mean. lol
well again, the mail in process is the fraud. no chain of custody on a ballot. There's that.
there there, full retard.
I'm right here dipstick. prove me wrong. you can't.
trumptard has no idea how the burden of proof works, queefs and flails, film at 11.
Mr. MAGA has become Mr. MAGoo

Fucking blind as a bat.
You are blind as a bat.

Ura dingbat

"Donald Trump, the Mr. Magoo of geopolitics, has shot his big mouth off again and incited warfare between Egypt and Ethiopia.

Trump said, according to the BBC, that Egypt cannot accept the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that is being built on the Blue Nile, which the government of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi believes will reduce water flow to Egypt. Trump went on to crack that Egypt might “blow it up.”

The head of state of a superpower cannot afford to speak this way. What Addis Abbaba heard was that al-Sisi likely said some such thing to Trump, which the blabber-mouth-in-chief was now inadvertently making public.

Ethiopia’s foreign minister, Gedu Andargachew, angrily summoned the US ambassador in Addis Ababa, Michael Raynor, on the mat to explain Trump’s wild comments. Raynor is a career foreign service professional and must be really tired of having to explain Trump to people. Andargachew told Raynor, “It is unacceptable for the current American president to incite war between Ethiopia and Egypt.”

Joe Hitler is the one who sounds like a Nazis DemNazi. Is he possessed with the Demon Spirit of Hitler? I think so. Joe Biden is just as illegitimate in 2020 as was Hitler in 1933.

Rush Limpbaugh sure did a fine job NaziFying all things in the Realm of the Rabid Right. Femi-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi Dem-Nazi. Nazi this Nazi that. They've become very sad MAGoo's
you still have no idea what a Nazi actually is do you?

The Nazis swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. They were murderous fascists who outlawed all opposing political parties including the Communist and Socialist who were imprisoned and persecuted.

Why? Do you still think they were progressive liberal socialist or something?
How did their economic policies differ from those of the "progressive liberal socialists?"

The Fascist Nazi's form of the security blanket for the poor was a bullet in the head!
Thanks for admitting that there was no difference.
Nearly ALL instigated by the Proud Boys. Your team loser. ;)

Oh BS---you know damn well that anti-fa and BLM are getting their marching orders from soros and the communists---they went there hoping to silence Trump supporters as they try to sneak Biden into office pretending that Trump is not a very very popular president.

The proud boys are the boogie men-----Be thankful they are there---much better than armed trump supporters shooting the dems brown shirts.
Mr. MAGA has become Mr. MAGoo

Fucking blind as a bat.
You are blind as a bat.

Ura dingbat

"Donald Trump, the Mr. Magoo of geopolitics, has shot his big mouth off again and incited warfare between Egypt and Ethiopia.

Trump said, according to the BBC, that Egypt cannot accept the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that is being built on the Blue Nile, which the government of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi believes will reduce water flow to Egypt. Trump went on to crack that Egypt might “blow it up.”

The head of state of a superpower cannot afford to speak this way. What Addis Abbaba heard was that al-Sisi likely said some such thing to Trump, which the blabber-mouth-in-chief was now inadvertently making public.

Ethiopia’s foreign minister, Gedu Andargachew, angrily summoned the US ambassador in Addis Ababa, Michael Raynor, on the mat to explain Trump’s wild comments. Raynor is a career foreign service professional and must be really tired of having to explain Trump to people. Andargachew told Raynor, “It is unacceptable for the current American president to incite war between Ethiopia and Egypt.”

Joe Hitler is the one who sounds like a Nazis DemNazi. Is he possessed with the Demon Spirit of Hitler? I think so. Joe Biden is just as illegitimate in 2020 as was Hitler in 1933.

Rush Limpbaugh sure did a fine job NaziFying all things in the Realm of the Rabid Right. Femi-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi Dem-Nazi. Nazi this Nazi that. They've become very sad MAGoo's
you still have no idea what a Nazi actually is do you?

The Nazis swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. They were murderous fascists who outlawed all opposing political parties including the Communist and Socialist who were imprisoned and persecuted.

Why? Do you still think they were progressive liberal socialist or something?

Our Trump Lumpers are confused obviously. They probably think that the Nazis were an earlier version of AntiFa. :D
so you do know that Antifa, and I'll add along with BLM, are the true new Nazi. about friggen time.

Anti-Fascist are the fascist in Trumpyspeak.
That's who they are, moron.
Nearly ALL instigated by the Proud Boys. Your team loser. ;)
Oh BS---you know damn well that anti-fa and BLM are getting their marching orders from soros and the communists---they went there hoping to silence Trump supporters as they try to sneak Biden into office pretending that Trump is not a very very popular president.

The proud boys are the boogie men-----Be thankful they are there---much better than armed trump supporters shooting the dems brown shirts.

Proud Boys are assholes who like curb-stomping people. Scum of the Earth, but you're entitled to your opinion. ;-)
Nearly ALL instigated by the Proud Boys. Your team loser. ;)
Oh BS---you know damn well that anti-fa and BLM are getting their marching orders from soros and the communists---they went there hoping to silence Trump supporters as they try to sneak Biden into office pretending that Trump is not a very very popular president.

The proud boys are the boogie men-----Be thankful they are there---much better than armed trump supporters shooting the dems brown shirts.

Proud Boys are assholes who like curb-stomping people. Scum of the Earth, but you're entitled to your opinion. ;-)
It appears that the people they "curb stomp" all deserve it. They are Antifa and BLM thugs assaulting innocent people.

Go Proud Boys!
Quick question...would like an honest answer.

When Georgia certifies the election...will you accept the election results or are you still going to insist there was widespread voter fraud? I pick Georgia because it was recently a red state but the same goes for Arizona.

Put another way, are you just blabbering about fraud--no widespread fraud has been proven--or do you honestly believe that there was fraud and something more sinister is making Republican lawmakers ignore it?
There is no doubt about whether there was voter fraud in this election. The evidence is overwhelming at this point. Democrats have made it hard to detect though with extended deadlines, no signatures, no signature match, expanded mail in voting, etc,etc.

But, that's where the biggest fraud was committed, what they done BEFORE the election.

Voting lawsuits pile up across US as election approaches

Your statement of "no voter fraud proven" is a flat out lie.
^ the evidence is overwhelming, he queefs.

evidently, you do not know what these words mean. lol
well again, the mail in process is the fraud. no chain of custody on a ballot. There's that.

So no soldier who voted by mail over the last century should have had their ballots counted?

Are you really that far out into the lunatic fringe?
sure it does. it has a chain of custody. the soldier requested the ballot. That's a chain of custody, his/ her request. That's a completely different system.

You’re actually making the argument that the ballot is different?
sure, there is a request for it. There is no request for the mail in balloting that was fraudulent for this election. they were not absentee ballots.

Entire states have voted that way for years. Why didn't you bring up this fraud before? Oregon, Colorado, Hawaii just to name a few states....
I have

Sure...can you quote yourself on this forum as doing so?
why is that necessary? that's immaterial to the facts that mail in ballot outside absentee ballots is a fraud.
Nearly ALL instigated by the Proud Boys. Your team loser. ;)
Oh BS---you know damn well that anti-fa and BLM are getting their marching orders from soros and the communists---they went there hoping to silence Trump supporters as they try to sneak Biden into office pretending that Trump is not a very very popular president.

The proud boys are the boogie men-----Be thankful they are there---much better than armed trump supporters shooting the dems brown shirts.

Proud Boys are assholes who like curb-stomping people. Scum of the Earth, but you're entitled to your opinion. ;-)
Antifa is worse. now what?
Quick question...would like an honest answer.

When Georgia certifies the election...will you accept the election results or are you still going to insist there was widespread voter fraud? I pick Georgia because it was recently a red state but the same goes for Arizona.

Put another way, are you just blabbering about fraud--no widespread fraud has been proven--or do you honestly believe that there was fraud and something more sinister is making Republican lawmakers ignore it?
There is no doubt about whether there was voter fraud in this election. The evidence is overwhelming at this point. Democrats have made it hard to detect though with extended deadlines, no signatures, no signature match, expanded mail in voting, etc,etc.

But, that's where the biggest fraud was committed, what they done BEFORE the election.

Voting lawsuits pile up across US as election approaches

Your statement of "no voter fraud proven" is a flat out lie.
^ the evidence is overwhelming, he queefs.

evidently, you do not know what these words mean. lol
well again, the mail in process is the fraud. no chain of custody on a ballot. There's that.
there there, full retard.
I'm right here dipstick. prove me wrong. you can't.
trumptard has no idea how the burden of proof works, queefs and flails, film at 11.
well again, the mail in process is fraudulent. no chain of custody. you should look up what that means. because of that, one can't find mischief with ballots because they are all fraud. The mere fact that someone gets to see someone else's ballot before it's cast is fraud. I welcome any proof it isn't a fraudulent process. still waiting. you skirted my comment.
We already know. Hillary beat him by 3.5 million votes and Biden beat him by 4.5 million votes (or thereabouts).
Illegal votes don't count. Thought the left were supposed to be smart?!? Your side can't win a fair fight.

Your side is full of corruption, who know nothing but how to lie, cheat and steal. The party of the sucker punch......Cowards.
they are cowards indeed. The party that uses the word fair like it's candy ain't fair fkers at all.
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.

Don't bet on it. Trump supporters went looking for a fight last night. I am already seeing whispers on the Internet that if
this continues or if there is a second coming of the Tea Party, it's ready to be met with counterprotests.

Fairly certain that my side would kill your side in numbers sure to make a statement.
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.

Don't bet on it. Trump supporters went looking for a fight last night. I am already seeing whispers on the Internet that if
this continues or if there is a second coming of the Tea Party, it's ready to be met with counterprotests.

Fairly certain that my side would kill your side in numbers sure to make a statement.
That would prove that their wasn't that many demofk ballots.
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.

Don't bet on it. Trump supporters went looking for a fight last night. I am already seeing whispers on the Internet that if
this continues or if there is a second coming of the Tea Party, it's ready to be met with counterprotests.

Fairly certain that my side would kill your side in numbers sure to make a statement.
That would prove that their wasn't that many demofk ballots.

That, and we are not pansy fucking faggot ass pajama boys like they are.
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.

Don't bet on it. Trump supporters went looking for a fight last night. I am already seeing whispers on the Internet that if
this continues or if there is a second coming of the Tea Party, it's ready to be met with counterprotests.

Fairly certain that my side would kill your side in numbers sure to make a statement.
That would prove that their wasn't that many demofk ballots.

That, and we are not pansy fucking faggot ass pajama boys like they are.
I think they really wipe their leaders asses. Can't think of any way that doesn't happen. Dude, they boast about raising their own taxes. I don't know, but in my world that's a puppet. They also voted for the kkk establishment and baby killers. they have no morals, so what's a little poop on their hands?
Nearly ALL instigated by the Proud Boys. Your team loser. ;)
Oh BS---you know damn well that anti-fa and BLM are getting their marching orders from soros and the communists---they went there hoping to silence Trump supporters as they try to sneak Biden into office pretending that Trump is not a very very popular president.

The proud boys are the boogie men-----Be thankful they are there---much better than armed trump supporters shooting the dems brown shirts.

Proud Boys are assholes who like curb-stomping people. Scum of the Earth, but you're entitled to your opinion. ;-)
Antifa is worse. now what?
Quick question...would like an honest answer.

When Georgia certifies the election...will you accept the election results or are you still going to insist there was widespread voter fraud? I pick Georgia because it was recently a red state but the same goes for Arizona.

Put another way, are you just blabbering about fraud--no widespread fraud has been proven--or do you honestly believe that there was fraud and something more sinister is making Republican lawmakers ignore it?
There is no doubt about whether there was voter fraud in this election. The evidence is overwhelming at this point. Democrats have made it hard to detect though with extended deadlines, no signatures, no signature match, expanded mail in voting, etc,etc.

But, that's where the biggest fraud was committed, what they done BEFORE the election.

Voting lawsuits pile up across US as election approaches

Your statement of "no voter fraud proven" is a flat out lie.
^ the evidence is overwhelming, he queefs.

evidently, you do not know what these words mean. lol
well again, the mail in process is the fraud. no chain of custody on a ballot. There's that.
there there, full retard.
I'm right here dipstick. prove me wrong. you can't.
trumptard has no idea how the burden of proof works, queefs and flails, film at 11.
well again, the mail in process is fraudulent. no chain of custody. you should look up what that means. because of that, one can't find mischief with ballots because they are all fraud. The mere fact that someone gets to see someone else's ballot before it's cast is fraud. I welcome any proof it isn't a fraudulent process. still waiting. you skirted my comment.
Let me remind you of a few things. All states allow voters to vote by mail using absentee ballot and have for years and there is no chain of custody required. Apparently state legislatures trust the post office.
Thank you for goading him, he is entertaining at the most.
Pay no attention to him, I am sure you know but he is all bluster.
Thanks again for goading the little one.

I heard that the president isn’t a popular vote. You hear differently?

Nope. It's the EC which Trump lost in a landslide
Glad to see those Proud Boys gave them a proper ass-kicking last night, one those incel antifa faggots justly deserved.
"The fact that we don’t shoot you in the face really speaks volumes to our civility..."
Ohh look the internet Nazi is supporting the violent racist Proud Boys

I'm so shocked

You're gawdamned right I support them. So what are you gonna do about, little pussy?

Not a fuckin' thing but stand there and cry?

I thought so, ya impotent little prick.
Uhhh an internet tough guy

View attachment 416686

Whacha gonna do? All caps me?
Nearly ALL instigated by the Proud Boys. Your team loser. ;)
Oh BS---you know damn well that anti-fa and BLM are getting their marching orders from soros and the communists---they went there hoping to silence Trump supporters as they try to sneak Biden into office pretending that Trump is not a very very popular president.

The proud boys are the boogie men-----Be thankful they are there---much better than armed trump supporters shooting the dems brown shirts.

Proud Boys are assholes who like curb-stomping people. Scum of the Earth, but you're entitled to your opinion. ;-)
Antifa is worse. now what?
Quick question...would like an honest answer.

When Georgia certifies the election...will you accept the election results or are you still going to insist there was widespread voter fraud? I pick Georgia because it was recently a red state but the same goes for Arizona.

Put another way, are you just blabbering about fraud--no widespread fraud has been proven--or do you honestly believe that there was fraud and something more sinister is making Republican lawmakers ignore it?
There is no doubt about whether there was voter fraud in this election. The evidence is overwhelming at this point. Democrats have made it hard to detect though with extended deadlines, no signatures, no signature match, expanded mail in voting, etc,etc.

But, that's where the biggest fraud was committed, what they done BEFORE the election.

Voting lawsuits pile up across US as election approaches

Your statement of "no voter fraud proven" is a flat out lie.
^ the evidence is overwhelming, he queefs.

evidently, you do not know what these words mean. lol
well again, the mail in process is the fraud. no chain of custody on a ballot. There's that.
there there, full retard.
I'm right here dipstick. prove me wrong. you can't.
trumptard has no idea how the burden of proof works, queefs and flails, film at 11.
well again, the mail in process is fraudulent. no chain of custody. you should look up what that means. because of that, one can't find mischief with ballots because they are all fraud. The mere fact that someone gets to see someone else's ballot before it's cast is fraud. I welcome any proof it isn't a fraudulent process. still waiting. you skirted my comment.
Let me remind you of a few things. All states allow voters to vote by mail using absentee ballot and have for years and there is no chain of custody required. Apparently state legislatures trust the post office.
well actually, absentee ballots are requested. mail in ballots like we had this year are not requested, they were sent out to every registered voter. in states that allowed it. again, the mere fact that another individual gets to see the ballot and the vote marked on the ballot ahead of it being cast is illegal.
Nearly ALL instigated by the Proud Boys. Your team loser. ;)
Oh BS---you know damn well that anti-fa and BLM are getting their marching orders from soros and the communists---they went there hoping to silence Trump supporters as they try to sneak Biden into office pretending that Trump is not a very very popular president.

The proud boys are the boogie men-----Be thankful they are there---much better than armed trump supporters shooting the dems brown shirts.

Proud Boys are assholes who like curb-stomping people. Scum of the Earth, but you're entitled to your opinion. ;-)
Antifa is worse. now what?
Quick question...would like an honest answer.

When Georgia certifies the election...will you accept the election results or are you still going to insist there was widespread voter fraud? I pick Georgia because it was recently a red state but the same goes for Arizona.

Put another way, are you just blabbering about fraud--no widespread fraud has been proven--or do you honestly believe that there was fraud and something more sinister is making Republican lawmakers ignore it?
There is no doubt about whether there was voter fraud in this election. The evidence is overwhelming at this point. Democrats have made it hard to detect though with extended deadlines, no signatures, no signature match, expanded mail in voting, etc,etc.

But, that's where the biggest fraud was committed, what they done BEFORE the election.

Voting lawsuits pile up across US as election approaches

Your statement of "no voter fraud proven" is a flat out lie.
^ the evidence is overwhelming, he queefs.

evidently, you do not know what these words mean. lol
well again, the mail in process is the fraud. no chain of custody on a ballot. There's that.
there there, full retard.
I'm right here dipstick. prove me wrong. you can't.
trumptard has no idea how the burden of proof works, queefs and flails, film at 11.
well again, the mail in process is fraudulent. no chain of custody. you should look up what that means. because of that, one can't find mischief with ballots because they are all fraud. The mere fact that someone gets to see someone else's ballot before it's cast is fraud. I welcome any proof it isn't a fraudulent process. still waiting. you skirted my comment.
Let me remind you of a few things. All states allow voters to vote by mail using absentee ballot and have for years and there is no chain of custody required. Apparently state legislatures trust the post office.
well actually, absentee ballots are requested. mail in ballots like we had this year are not requested, they were sent out to every registered voter. in states that allowed it. again, the mere fact that another individual gets to see the ballot and the vote marked on the ballot ahead of it being cast is illegal.
The problem of chain of custody of the completed ballots this year is exactly the same as for absentee ballots in the past. In both cases the voter completes the ballot gives it to the post office or puts it in a ballot box.

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