Their moment is fast coming to and end.

Mr. MAGA has become Mr. MAGoo

Fucking blind as a bat.
You are blind as a bat.

Ura dingbat

"Donald Trump, the Mr. Magoo of geopolitics, has shot his big mouth off again and incited warfare between Egypt and Ethiopia.

Trump said, according to the BBC, that Egypt cannot accept the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that is being built on the Blue Nile, which the government of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi believes will reduce water flow to Egypt. Trump went on to crack that Egypt might “blow it up.”

The head of state of a superpower cannot afford to speak this way. What Addis Abbaba heard was that al-Sisi likely said some such thing to Trump, which the blabber-mouth-in-chief was now inadvertently making public.

Ethiopia’s foreign minister, Gedu Andargachew, angrily summoned the US ambassador in Addis Ababa, Michael Raynor, on the mat to explain Trump’s wild comments. Raynor is a career foreign service professional and must be really tired of having to explain Trump to people. Andargachew told Raynor, “It is unacceptable for the current American president to incite war between Ethiopia and Egypt.”

Joe Hitler is the one who sounds like a Nazis DemNazi. Is he possessed with the Demon Spirit of Hitler? I think so. Joe Biden is just as illegitimate in 2020 as was Hitler in 1933.

Rush Limpbaugh sure did a fine job NaziFying all things in the Realm of the Rabid Right. Femi-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi Dem-Nazi. Nazi this Nazi that. They've become very sad MAGoo's
you still have no idea what a Nazi actually is do you?

The Nazis swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. They were murderous fascists who outlawed all opposing political parties including the Communist and Socialist who were imprisoned and persecuted.

Why? Do you still think they were progressive liberal socialist or something?
Mr. MAGA has become Mr. MAGoo

Fucking blind as a bat.
You are blind as a bat.

Ura dingbat

"Donald Trump, the Mr. Magoo of geopolitics, has shot his big mouth off again and incited warfare between Egypt and Ethiopia.

Trump said, according to the BBC, that Egypt cannot accept the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that is being built on the Blue Nile, which the government of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi believes will reduce water flow to Egypt. Trump went on to crack that Egypt might “blow it up.”

The head of state of a superpower cannot afford to speak this way. What Addis Abbaba heard was that al-Sisi likely said some such thing to Trump, which the blabber-mouth-in-chief was now inadvertently making public.

Ethiopia’s foreign minister, Gedu Andargachew, angrily summoned the US ambassador in Addis Ababa, Michael Raynor, on the mat to explain Trump’s wild comments. Raynor is a career foreign service professional and must be really tired of having to explain Trump to people. Andargachew told Raynor, “It is unacceptable for the current American president to incite war between Ethiopia and Egypt.”

Joe Hitler is the one who sounds like a Nazis DemNazi. Is he possessed with the Demon Spirit of Hitler? I think so. Joe Biden is just as illegitimate in 2020 as was Hitler in 1933.

Rush Limpbaugh sure did a fine job NaziFying all things in the Realm of the Rabid Right. Femi-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi Dem-Nazi. Nazi this Nazi that. They've become very sad MAGoo's
you still have no idea what a Nazi actually is do you?

The Nazis swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. They were murderous fascists who outlawed all opposing political parties including the Communist and Socialist who were imprisoned and persecuted.

Why? Do you still think they were progressive liberal socialist or something?
and you think that's trump supporters huh? LOL. name one place or one time a trump supporter outlawed opposing political views. I'll wait.
you think that's trump supporters huh? LOL.

In reality what I said was "Rush Limpbaugh sure did a fine job NaziFying all things in the Realm of the Rabid Right. Femi-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi Dem-Nazi. Nazi this Nazi that. "

Some Trumpybear supporters are likely to repeat terms like Fema-Nazi or Enviro-Nazi, Dem-Nazi that they've heard from the vitriolic and utterly partisan ElRushbo.

Are they all like Hitler? No most are like the German people.
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.
We already know. Hillary beat him by 3.5 million votes and Biden beat him by 4.5 million votes (or thereabouts).
none of them were legitimate voters. They were illegal aliens.
After winning in 2016 Trump put together a committee to investigate voter fraud. We all know what they found. Crickets.
You actually think that committee disbanded. No bitch. They were looking at this election. Some motherfuckers need to be executed for this shit
Reality Check:
The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents​
are they saying that the GOP monitoring team was allowed to watch the ballots being counted? just trying to keep things straight. I get it that finding a fraudulent ballot on a mailed in ballot is impossible. The reason is there is no chain of custody. once the envelope is opened, that ballots anyone's.
This was Trump's own people, headed by Pence, who found no voting issues in 2016. Exactly not what Trump claimed. Did he just make it up or did he lie?
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.
We already know. Hillary beat him by 3.5 million votes and Biden beat him by 4.5 million votes (or thereabouts).
none of them were legitimate voters. They were illegal aliens.

You got any evidence of that FingerBoi??? No, of course not. Trump Tools don't need no stinking evidence. Don the Con told you it was true.

What a gullible fool you are.
Quick question...would like an honest answer.

When Georgia certifies the election...will you accept the election results or are you still going to insist there was widespread voter fraud? I pick Georgia because it was recently a red state but the same goes for Arizona.

Put another way, are you just blabbering about fraud--no widespread fraud has been proven--or do you honestly believe that there was fraud and something more sinister is making Republican lawmakers ignore it?
There is no doubt about whether there was voter fraud in this election. The evidence is overwhelming at this point. Democrats have made it hard to detect though with extended deadlines, no signatures, no signature match, expanded mail in voting, etc,etc.

But, that's where the biggest fraud was committed, what they done BEFORE the election.

Voting lawsuits pile up across US as election approaches

Your statement of "no voter fraud proven" is a flat out lie.
^ the evidence is overwhelming, he queefs.

evidently, you do not know what these words mean. lol
well again, the mail in process is the fraud. no chain of custody on a ballot. There's that.

So no soldier who voted by mail over the last century should have had their ballots counted?

Are you really that far out into the lunatic fringe?
sure it does. it has a chain of custody. the soldier requested the ballot. That's a chain of custody, his/ her request. That's a completely different system.

You’re actually making the argument that the ballot is different?
sure, there is a request for it. There is no request for the mail in balloting that was fraudulent for this election. they were not absentee ballots.

Entire states have voted that way for years. Why didn't you bring up this fraud before? Oregon, Colorado, Hawaii just to name a few states....
This was Trump's own people, headed by Pence, who found no voting issues in 2016. Exactly not what Trump claimed. Did he just make it up or did he lie
I have no idea what you are referencing. I was talking 2020
Quick question...would like an honest answer.

When Georgia certifies the election...will you accept the election results or are you still going to insist there was widespread voter fraud? I pick Georgia because it was recently a red state but the same goes for Arizona.

Put another way, are you just blabbering about fraud--no widespread fraud has been proven--or do you honestly believe that there was fraud and something more sinister is making Republican lawmakers ignore it?
There is no doubt about whether there was voter fraud in this election. The evidence is overwhelming at this point. Democrats have made it hard to detect though with extended deadlines, no signatures, no signature match, expanded mail in voting, etc,etc.

But, that's where the biggest fraud was committed, what they done BEFORE the election.

Voting lawsuits pile up across US as election approaches

Your statement of "no voter fraud proven" is a flat out lie.
^ the evidence is overwhelming, he queefs.

evidently, you do not know what these words mean. lol
well again, the mail in process is the fraud. no chain of custody on a ballot. There's that.

So no soldier who voted by mail over the last century should have had their ballots counted?

Are you really that far out into the lunatic fringe?
sure it does. it has a chain of custody. the soldier requested the ballot. That's a chain of custody, his/ her request. That's a completely different system.

You’re actually making the argument that the ballot is different?
sure, there is a request for it. There is no request for the mail in balloting that was fraudulent for this election. they were not absentee ballots.

Entire states have voted that way for years. Why didn't you bring up this fraud before? Oregon, Colorado, Hawaii just to name a few states....
I have
you think that's trump supporters huh? LOL.

In reality what I said was "Rush Limpbaugh sure did a fine job NaziFying all things in the Realm of the Rabid Right. Femi-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi Dem-Nazi. Nazi this Nazi that. "

Some Trumpybear supporters are likely to repeat terms like Fema-Nazi or Enviro-Nazi, Dem-Nazi that they've heard from the vitriolic and utterly partisan ElRushbo.

Are they all like Hitler? No most are like the German people.
I was referring to who acts like them. It’s obvious
Quick question...would like an honest answer.

When Georgia certifies the election...will you accept the election results or are you still going to insist there was widespread voter fraud? I pick Georgia because it was recently a red state but the same goes for Arizona.

Put another way, are you just blabbering about fraud--no widespread fraud has been proven--or do you honestly believe that there was fraud and something more sinister is making Republican lawmakers ignore it?
There is no doubt about whether there was voter fraud in this election. The evidence is overwhelming at this point. Democrats have made it hard to detect though with extended deadlines, no signatures, no signature match, expanded mail in voting, etc,etc.

But, that's where the biggest fraud was committed, what they done BEFORE the election.

Voting lawsuits pile up across US as election approaches

Your statement of "no voter fraud proven" is a flat out lie.
^ the evidence is overwhelming, he queefs.

evidently, you do not know what these words mean. lol
well again, the mail in process is the fraud. no chain of custody on a ballot. There's that.

So no soldier who voted by mail over the last century should have had their ballots counted?

Are you really that far out into the lunatic fringe?
sure it does. it has a chain of custody. the soldier requested the ballot. That's a chain of custody, his/ her request. That's a completely different system.

You’re actually making the argument that the ballot is different?
sure, there is a request for it. There is no request for the mail in balloting that was fraudulent for this election. they were not absentee ballots.

Entire states have voted that way for years. Why didn't you bring up this fraud before? Oregon, Colorado, Hawaii just to name a few states....
I have

Sure...can you quote yourself on this forum as doing so?
This was Trump's own people, headed by Pence, who found no voting issues in 2016. Exactly not what Trump claimed. Did he just make it up or did he lie
I have no idea what you are referencing. I was talking 2020
"I have no idea." That's the first honest thing you've written. Go back and read the post you replied to and maybe you will have an idea. Maybe.
It seems more like Americans rendered their opinion on Trumpism. Your dreams of a Fourth Reich will have to wait.
There are scary similarities between Trump and Hitler. Both feed off the adoration of their supporters. Donald Trump like Adolf Hitler are both malignant narcissist, nationalist, racists, emotionally isolated and can not take responsibility for failures. Both have magnetic personalities before an audience but are described as rather dull in small social gatherings. Hitler had a distaste for most things not Germany. Trump has shown a distaste for anything non-American. The exaggerated threat to federal property and domestic order, used by the Trump administration as a pretext for introducing federal law enforcement in Portland and threats of the same in other cities certainly brings to mind some of Hitler outrageous use of power against his people. Trump's praises and respect for strong-armed despots and his hatred for losers are aspects of both their personalities.

There are certainly differences, one being Trump is much more knowable of business and economics where Hitler was totally ignorant when it came to business but unlike Trump was a student of history and politics. Trump's concern for international affairs is limited compared to Hitler. Also, Hitler used the personal adoration of his followers to strength and unify the nation where Trump uses it to divide the nation.
This is one long stream of stupid bullshit.
Mr. MAGA has become Mr. MAGoo

Fucking blind as a bat.
You are blind as a bat.

Ura dingbat

"Donald Trump, the Mr. Magoo of geopolitics, has shot his big mouth off again and incited warfare between Egypt and Ethiopia.

Trump said, according to the BBC, that Egypt cannot accept the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that is being built on the Blue Nile, which the government of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi believes will reduce water flow to Egypt. Trump went on to crack that Egypt might “blow it up.”

The head of state of a superpower cannot afford to speak this way. What Addis Abbaba heard was that al-Sisi likely said some such thing to Trump, which the blabber-mouth-in-chief was now inadvertently making public.

Ethiopia’s foreign minister, Gedu Andargachew, angrily summoned the US ambassador in Addis Ababa, Michael Raynor, on the mat to explain Trump’s wild comments. Raynor is a career foreign service professional and must be really tired of having to explain Trump to people. Andargachew told Raynor, “It is unacceptable for the current American president to incite war between Ethiopia and Egypt.”

Joe Hitler is the one who sounds like a Nazis DemNazi. Is he possessed with the Demon Spirit of Hitler? I think so. Joe Biden is just as illegitimate in 2020 as was Hitler in 1933.

Rush Limpbaugh sure did a fine job NaziFying all things in the Realm of the Rabid Right. Femi-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi Dem-Nazi. Nazi this Nazi that. They've become very sad MAGoo's
you still have no idea what a Nazi actually is do you?

The Nazis swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. They were murderous fascists who outlawed all opposing political parties including the Communist and Socialist who were imprisoned and persecuted.

Why? Do you still think they were progressive liberal socialist or something?

Our Trump Lumpers are confused obviously. They probably think that the Nazis were an earlier version of AntiFa. :D
Mr. MAGA has become Mr. MAGoo

Fucking blind as a bat.
You are blind as a bat.

Ura dingbat

"Donald Trump, the Mr. Magoo of geopolitics, has shot his big mouth off again and incited warfare between Egypt and Ethiopia.

Trump said, according to the BBC, that Egypt cannot accept the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that is being built on the Blue Nile, which the government of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi believes will reduce water flow to Egypt. Trump went on to crack that Egypt might “blow it up.”

The head of state of a superpower cannot afford to speak this way. What Addis Abbaba heard was that al-Sisi likely said some such thing to Trump, which the blabber-mouth-in-chief was now inadvertently making public.

Ethiopia’s foreign minister, Gedu Andargachew, angrily summoned the US ambassador in Addis Ababa, Michael Raynor, on the mat to explain Trump’s wild comments. Raynor is a career foreign service professional and must be really tired of having to explain Trump to people. Andargachew told Raynor, “It is unacceptable for the current American president to incite war between Ethiopia and Egypt.”

Joe Hitler is the one who sounds like a Nazis DemNazi. Is he possessed with the Demon Spirit of Hitler? I think so. Joe Biden is just as illegitimate in 2020 as was Hitler in 1933.

Rush Limpbaugh sure did a fine job NaziFying all things in the Realm of the Rabid Right. Femi-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi Dem-Nazi. Nazi this Nazi that. They've become very sad MAGoo's
you still have no idea what a Nazi actually is do you?

The Nazis swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. They were murderous fascists who outlawed all opposing political parties including the Communist and Socialist who were imprisoned and persecuted.

Why? Do you still think they were progressive liberal socialist or something?

Our Trump Lumpers are confused obviously. They probably think that the Nazis were an earlier version of AntiFa. :D
so you do know that Antifa, and I'll add along with BLM, are the true new Nazi. about friggen time.
Last edited:
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.
We already know. Hillary beat him by 3.5 million votes and Biden beat him by 4.5 million votes (or thereabouts).
none of them were legitimate voters. They were illegal aliens.

You got any evidence of that FingerBoi??? No, of course not. Trump Tools don't need no stinking evidence. Don the Con told you it was true.

What a gullible fool you are.
Since when did you become concerned about evidence?
Mr. MAGA has become Mr. MAGoo

Fucking blind as a bat.
You are blind as a bat.

Ura dingbat

"Donald Trump, the Mr. Magoo of geopolitics, has shot his big mouth off again and incited warfare between Egypt and Ethiopia.

Trump said, according to the BBC, that Egypt cannot accept the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that is being built on the Blue Nile, which the government of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi believes will reduce water flow to Egypt. Trump went on to crack that Egypt might “blow it up.”

The head of state of a superpower cannot afford to speak this way. What Addis Abbaba heard was that al-Sisi likely said some such thing to Trump, which the blabber-mouth-in-chief was now inadvertently making public.

Ethiopia’s foreign minister, Gedu Andargachew, angrily summoned the US ambassador in Addis Ababa, Michael Raynor, on the mat to explain Trump’s wild comments. Raynor is a career foreign service professional and must be really tired of having to explain Trump to people. Andargachew told Raynor, “It is unacceptable for the current American president to incite war between Ethiopia and Egypt.”

Joe Hitler is the one who sounds like a Nazis DemNazi. Is he possessed with the Demon Spirit of Hitler? I think so. Joe Biden is just as illegitimate in 2020 as was Hitler in 1933.

Rush Limpbaugh sure did a fine job NaziFying all things in the Realm of the Rabid Right. Femi-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi Dem-Nazi. Nazi this Nazi that. They've become very sad MAGoo's
you still have no idea what a Nazi actually is do you?

The Nazis swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. They were murderous fascists who outlawed all opposing political parties including the Communist and Socialist who were imprisoned and persecuted.

Why? Do you still think they were progressive liberal socialist or something?
How did their economic policies differ from those of the "progressive liberal socialists?"

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