Their moment is fast coming to and end.

It seems more like Americans rendered their opinion on Trumpism. Your dreams of a Fourth Reich will have to wait.
The only fascism we're seeing these days is coming from the left.
So save it.

"In a July 16, 2020 podcast, This Week in Virology, Fauci made a point of saying the PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run at "35 cycles or higher," as Jon Rappoport reports. A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed.
Why is this significant? Because as Rappoport reports, "[w]hat Fauci failed to say on the video is: the FDA, which authorizes the test for public use, recommends the test should be run up to 40 cycles. Not 35."
"Therefore, all labs in the US that follow the FDA guideline are knowingly or unknowingly participating in fraud. Fraud on a monstrous level, because ... [m]illions of Americans are being told they are infected with the virus on the basis of a false positive result [.]"
This doesn't just mean that the numbers are grossly inflated, which yours truly has been saying since March. It also means that all the draconian regulations and rules based on those numbers are baseless.
The positive test results are used to justify lockdowns, and now even the CDC admits that the lockdowns are as deadly as the virus."

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Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.
We already know. Hillary beat him by 3.5 million votes and Biden beat him by 4.5 million votes (or thereabouts).
none of them were legitimate voters. They were illegal aliens.

Oh god, there's an QAnon idiot loose on this board.
I don't even know what Q-Anon is, moron.
Made up demofks nonsense
He is in jail for murder. That's not made up. He's a blob supporter. That's not made up.

You stated that blobbers don't murder people. He did.

If it was murder then he got what he deserved. I'm just not sure it was, I think manslaughter would have been more fitting. He was being attacked.

But hey, whatever, take your victory lap.... LOL

He was convicted of murder. If you get convicted of're a murderer.

Thanks but I like to earn my victories. You were way to easy sonny.
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.
We already know. Hillary beat him by 3.5 million votes and Biden beat him by 4.5 million votes (or thereabouts).
none of them were legitimate voters. They were illegal aliens.
After winning in 2016 Trump put together a committee to investigate voter fraud. We all know what they found. Crickets.
You actually think that committee disbanded. No bitch. They were looking at this election. Some motherfuckers need to be executed for this shit
Reality Check:
The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents​
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.

I'm an American and I feel that antifa is a bunch of slack-jawed faggots who wear mom jeans and would cringe at the presence of equal opposition.

Glad to see those Proud Boys gave them a proper ass-kicking last night, one those incel antifa faggots justly deserved.

Help me out here Scooter. How is it that these Slack Jawed folks who are just going to faint dead away when anyone says boo to them always manage to force your heroes to shoot them? Kyle Rittenhouse shot three. The mere sight of the gun did not scare the aforementioned limp wrist folks. One getting shot did not stop them either.

In Fact Kyle had to run for his life. So where is the basis of this opinion of yours other than perhaps a hidden homosexual desire within yourself?
He was convicted of murder.
O.J. wasn't, do you think he was innocent? LOL

I think he was guilty as hell. But you can't truthfully call someone a murderer unless they are convicted. Hence OJ is still walking around Las Vegas (which is where he lives now). As for Fields...he was convicted of murder. So he's a murderer.

It's getting increasingly difficult to take your posts seriously. You do have more game than you're indicating...right?
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.

I'm an American and I feel that antifa is a bunch of slack-jawed faggots who wear mom jeans and would cringe at the presence of equal opposition.

Glad to see those Proud Boys gave them a proper ass-kicking last night, one those incel antifa faggots justly deserved.

Whenever they bump into the Proud boys who they seek to avoid at any cost....they get mauled ..... lol.

It seems more like Americans rendered their opinion on Trumpism. Your dreams of a Fourth Reich will have to wait.
Nope. The election is null and void due to intentionally avoidance of transparency on the part of Democrat operatives masquerading as Constitutional-friendly precinct chairmen and fair public servants. Not even close! In fact, all of them obstructed transparency and they did it flauntingly.
You have no evidence that I do, none.

That's the problem.

Your Orange God has NO evidence of voter fraud.

That's why your claims keep getting tossed from court.

Twitter rants does not equal court claims.

But you've gotta believe.

Cults gonna cult.
And the Prog Socialist Party is a Cult! You have set us on a course for destruction. Your handiwork is in front of you. There are many tragedies on the obverse side of your social justice and other agendas. The media/entertainers/politicians/sports players are complicit and accessories to the crimes committed. Prog politicians even promoted violence against Repub politicians with no stopping it by words.
Time to go Rittenhouse on these commie scum.
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.
We already know. Hillary beat him by 3.5 million votes and Biden beat him by 4.5 million votes (or thereabouts).

Nope. Almost 6,000,000

It'll be 7 to 8 .million once California is done counting.....
You have no evidence that I do, none.

That's the problem.

Your Orange God has NO evidence of voter fraud.

That's why your claims keep getting tossed from court.

Twitter rants does not equal court claims.

But you've gotta believe.

Cults gonna cult.
Trump's options are limited in social media ways. The Progs control most every avenue of relaying to the people. Many of the fools believe them. Your god is pure evil. The darkness of light.

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