Then There is This.... Wow


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.

I wondered if he was actually still on the air for a while but I guess the holidays are over and he's back to explaining what went wrong.

I wondered if he was actually still on the air for a while but I guess the holidays are over and he's back to explaining what went wrong.
You should watch Tucker every night for a week. You would learn a lot.

I wondered if he was actually still on the air for a while but I guess the holidays are over and he's back to explaining what went wrong.

The Trump cult hates liberals more than they love America.

It explains a lot.

I wondered if he was actually still on the air for a while but I guess the holidays are over and he's back to explaining what went wrong.
Tucker has self-awareness and subsequent introspection, unlike moonbat crackpots like you.
Or they hate liberals because they love America. If not for the damage liberals do to this country no one would care.
Nope. So much republican obstruction is based on spite alone that it's no use arguing any different.
Nope. So much republican obstruction is based on spite alone that it's no use arguing any different.
I was referring to all liberals, of which the liberal electorate is the largest group. Most of the problems that both parties are squabbling over are created by the liberal (lawless) thinking of the masses.
Do you think sitting there brainlessly nodding your head is "learning"?
I honestly only watch a few of his segments on YouTube, I don‘t watch his full show. But he is the best show on cable. He called bullshit on the push for war on Syria, when the Uniparty and media was pushing for it. He’s right on just about everything. You CNN crew is wrong on everything.
I was referring to all liberals, of which the liberal electorate is the largest group. Most of the problems that both parties are squabbling over are created by the liberal (lawless) thinking of the masses.
That's what a party of the people looks like. They have policies, ideas, goals and agendas which are often in conflict. The republicans exist solely to make sure none of it could possibly threaten the ownership class.
That's what a party of the people looks like. They have policies, ideas, goals and agendas which are often in conflict. The republicans exist solely to make sure none of it could possibly threaten the ownership class.
Ownership is a good thing.

Micah 4:4
But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it.

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