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Theories on Why Atheists are met with Hostility

Atheists are met with hostility because it exposes theists bullshit and that makes them mad, mad, MAD!!!!
You do not understand that with a government or country, as a nation, as citizens of this country, we are all in this together. You are I am sure a horrible neighbor and an even worse human being.

You want survival of the fittest/winner take all. They had that in England. It's why we left. That's what it was like over there. The rich got richer and it was impossible under that system for a poor person to become middle class or for a middle class person to become rich.

The USA from 1950 to 2000 was the greatest country in the world. What changed? GW Bush's Great Recession, which he did on purpose imo. You may say he was just stupid but that's what they want you to believe. They made out like bandits.

What made the USA great? The big fat middle class. The safety nets. The affordable college. The good public schools. The union wages that we all made whether we were in a union or not. Unions brought up everyones wages. Non union companies only paid fair wages for fear of their employees unionizing.

Since Reagan we have broken the unions and we see the middle class disappearing. And no coincidence. Also no coincidence that as unions are getting stronger in other countries, their wages are going up.

We need another middle class revolution. We need to take our government back.

You my friend need to go to Mexico and show us how you can become a success without a good government that looks out for your best interests. You want a government that is powerless to stop the corporations from lowering the minimum wage to $3 a hr. You'd love that you libertarian fuck. LOL. Eat a dick dummy. I'm sure you are not rich enough to be thinking the way you do.

They have a theory for guys like you. Called something like the Lottery Mentality. You worry that one day you'll win the lottery and they'll tax you half, rather than you worrying that one day their going to undo medicare as we know it. And guess what will happen to you if you get old and that happens? The Healthcare giants will take all your money.

I don't even know where to begin with you. Bottom line is you need to move to an Island you cock sucker. I hate greedy ignorant fucks like you who don't get how a society/government works.

Wow, what a word salad. All you needed to write was "Burn heretic witch, burn" and that would have been clearer and on point. I offended your religion and you see me as a heretic who needs to be punished. You call yourself an Atheist? Hah!

I don't need to debate. I can Youtube atheists kicking theists ass in debates all day long. If after all this you still believe, that only proves you are too brainwashed to wake up. That's cool.

What a wonderful reason for ignoring the person you are trying to refute.

By the way, I can use Google myself, yet I still know how to actually debate someone. That is because I learned debate in school back when schools actually taught things worth learning.

So are you an atheist or theist? I can't tell based on the argument you're giving me. You never once felt the need to go along to get along? Does that mean you always tell everyone you are an atheist? I bet you don't tell your boss if you value your job. I don't know what your situation is but I think I got fired from a job once for telling the owner I was a Democrat. Can't prove it, but learned my lesson. Keep that shit to yourself. As far as being a coward, if you met me, trust me you wouldn't talk to me like that unless you were sure I would be afraid of

Could that be because I am not actually making an argument? What I am doing is tearing your position to shreds, something that does not require me to actually take a position. That is how debate works, you should watch some of those videos you can Google to get some more examples.

Even if you weren't a sniveling coward I would have no problem addressing you exactly the way I am if you were ever stupid enough to try to face me in person. There are lots of reasons for that, the least of which is that I am not a sniveling coward.

a. Being sued

Look up the term judgement proof sometime to see how little I care about being sued.

b. Hurting you

Because atheist, being morally bankrupt, have to resort to physical violence to win arguments, right?

Kind of destroys your position that theists are the real crazy people, doesn't it?

By they way, I am dying of cancer, so, even if I were inclined to be afraid of random threats, you really don't stack up to what is going on in the rest of my life.

c. Going to jail

For what? Pointing out that you are a sniveling coward? Believe it or not, that is perfectly legal.

So calling me a sniviling coward isn't going to rile me. I've been in a gang of Republicans at a party and spoke up when they were bashing Obama. That took balls. Couple of them looked like they wanted to kill me and that I disgusted them. Pussies. 5 of them and just me. That's what Rush Limpball Republicans count on that we aren't as passionate or vocal as they want to be. Same with theists. If we went around telling their kids there is no god they'd be up in arms but they pass their shit out all the time. I got a flyer just last night. This woman is going to answer all your questions like what happens when you die. I'll tell you what happens, same thing you were before you were conceived. How was eternity before you were conceived? Was it nice? Do you remember it? Was it heaven or hell? Well that's what it's going to be like when you die. Get over yourselves.

Now I am a Republican, amazing.

FYI, there is a pretty strong coalition of fundamentalist Christians that identify as Democrats. You can spot them pretty easy, they believe in a big government, and want the government to enforce moral values.

Like I said earlier, I have cancer, and I am not afraid. You should stop projecting.
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Passionate, vocal and educated. Republicans explode when they meet me because I am all three and they are all full of shit. Rush Limbaugh Fox Republicans. Does anyone deny this? You would have to be an extreme right winger to deny these radio/tv hosts are liars, no? They defend trickle down when we should be a middle class first society. Middle class first and everyone does well. The rich will still get richer, the middle class will be huge and prosperous and able to save and can afford healthcare and college and can get rich if they work hard and try and the poor can get out of poverty because jobs are plentiful for those who want them. The GOP likes a flooded job market because it lowers wages.

The rich have rigged the game so it works best for them but not well for the rest of us. Who's country is this? Is it ours, We the People or do the top 1% own us? Right now they do own us. That's the problem, not our government. The problem is they are our government. Citizens United for example.

Yet you are unable to debate without resorting to threatening physical violence.

Sounds like everyone should be laughing at you.

Tell you what, why don't we debate the foundation of faith? If you are half as smart as you think you are you should be able to provide some type of evidence to support the OP.
Yes, I look back at history and I try not to make the same mistakes they made.

Did you know the Catholics and Protestants fought a 13 year war in the 1600's? People don't realize that it wasn't that long ago that us Christians were just about as crazy as the Muslims are now.

Protestant Reformation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

50 years later came the Salem Witch Trials.

Did you know they fought other wars?

Did you know they now live peacefully side by side, while Muslims are still fighting wars over the proper interpretation of the Quran?

Didn't think so.

I actually studied church history, and do not rely on Wikipedia to prove I know it. Feel free to pop up with any random fact that you think you are more informed about than I am and watch me expose your ignorance.
I don't need to debate. I can Youtube atheists kicking theists ass in debates all day long. If after all this you still believe, that only proves you are too brainwashed to wake up. That's cool.

What a wonderful reason for ignoring the person you are trying to refute.

By the way, I can use Google myself, yet I still know how to actually debate someone. That is because I learned debate in school back when schools actually taught things worth learning.

So are you an atheist or theist? I can't tell based on the argument you're giving me. You never once felt the need to go along to get along? Does that mean you always tell everyone you are an atheist? I bet you don't tell your boss if you value your job. I don't know what your situation is but I think I got fired from a job once for telling the owner I was a Democrat. Can't prove it, but learned my lesson. Keep that shit to yourself. As far as being a coward, if you met me, trust me you wouldn't talk to me like that unless you were sure I would be afraid of

Could that be because I am not actually making an argument? What I am doing is tearing your position to shreds, something that does not require me to actually take a position. That is how debate works, you should watch some of those videos you can Google to get some more examples.

Even if you weren't a sniveling coward I would have no problem addressing you exactly the way I am if you were ever stupid enough to try to face me in person. There are lots of reasons for that, the least of which is that I am not a sniveling coward.

a. Being sued

Look up the term judgement proof sometime to see how little I care about being sued.

b. Hurting you

Because atheist, being morally bankrupt, have to resort to physical violence to win arguments, right?

Kind of destroys your position that theists are the real crazy people, doesn't it?

By they way, I am dying of cancer, so, even if I were inclined to be afraid of random threats, you really don't stack up to what is going on in the rest of my life.

c. Going to jail

For what? Pointing out that you are a sniveling coward? Believe it or not, that is perfectly legal.

So calling me a sniviling coward isn't going to rile me. I've been in a gang of Republicans at a party and spoke up when they were bashing Obama. That took balls. Couple of them looked like they wanted to kill me and that I disgusted them. Pussies. 5 of them and just me. That's what Rush Limpball Republicans count on that we aren't as passionate or vocal as they want to be. Same with theists. If we went around telling their kids there is no god they'd be up in arms but they pass their shit out all the time. I got a flyer just last night. This woman is going to answer all your questions like what happens when you die. I'll tell you what happens, same thing you were before you were conceived. How was eternity before you were conceived? Was it nice? Do you remember it? Was it heaven or hell? Well that's what it's going to be like when you die. Get over yourselves.

Now I am a Republican, amazing.

FYI, there is a pretty strong coalition of fundamentalist Christians that identify as Democrats. You can spot them pretty easy, they believe in a big government, and want the government to enforce moral values.

Like I said earlier, I have cancer, and I am not afraid. You should stop projecting.

Yea, I remember seeing how debate is done in high school. I thought it was rational, well thought out, calm, etc. It is not at all. They are taught to get as many talking points in as fast as possible. It is an absolute joke. Do you know what I am talking about? I can't believe they don't teach them how to really debate. I took debate in college and it is much different than high school debate. High school debate is a joke.

You TOTALLY have thrown me with the whole cancer thing. What were we even arguing about? What is your position again or what problem do you have with my position? I'm completely lost. What side are you on anyways? Do you believe in god? Lets start there. And what about my agnostic atheist position do you have a problem with?

I am sure I'm right and you are wrong. Its funny how you think you are schooling me and I hardly even know who you are or what you have said. That's how important you are to me jackass. LOL.

But I am sorry about your cancer. I hope you have some fun with and are distracted a little with USMB. It's not make a wish but I hope if you are sitting in a bed somewhere we are helping you pass the time. Sorry that when you die that's it. I hope you appreciated the time you had because when it's over it's probably over. Any hopes of an afterlife are just wishful thinking but if it makes you feel better who am I to say anything.

And if you are getting your feeling hurt, maybe you shouldn't be on USMB's religious thread.
Onus is on you to PROVE your bogus allegation that the farcical "Religion of Liberalism" exists and meets the requirements of a religion

You do realize that all one needs to qualify as a religion is to have a faith-based belief which guides your life. If you believe in ancestor worship and belong to a group that recognizes this, then you're a religion. No God needed.

But anywho.

Provide credible links to the Theology, Dogma, Prayers, Dogma, Seminaries, Ordained Ministers, Houses of Worship, Sermons, Rituals, Sacred Relics, etc, etc.

Theology = The faith-based view, contradicted by social science, that multiculturalism is beneficial to society.
Dogma=Criticism of multiculturalism is racism.
Prayers= Chanting "Diversity is our Strength"
Seminaries= Universities which instill the tenets of liberal faith and "celebrate the Holy Diversity"
Ordained Ministers= Al Gore, Barack Obama, Tim Wise
Sermons =Climate Change is Real, Diversity is Strength, Universal Health Care is Divine, Gay Marriage Cleanses one's soul, Tolerance is a virtue, Inequality is evil
Rituals =Protesting George Bush for waging war and then going home with a Minister ordained by the Church of Liberalism, Barack Obama, does the same.

You've simply replaced faith in a Christian world view with faith in a Liberal world view. Vast swathes of liberal ideology have been shown to be failures in repeated experiments around the world and yet Liberals still hold to their faith. They've seen the glory of multiculturalism play out in Rwanda, Yugoslavia, South Africa, Nigeria, Greater India, Czechoslovakia, England-Scotland, Catalonia-Spain, Quebec-Canada, the Soviet Union, The Austro-Hungarian Empire, The Ottoman Empire, etc and never once has it worked out well but liberals don't give a damn about history or sociological forces, their faith tells them that "diversity is strength" despite the ancient wisdom of "dividing a nation in order to conquer a nation" being a well known and proven strategy.

To hold faith-based positions indicates one is holding a religious position. This is startling to behold in a group of Atheists who proclaim themselves to be free of faith-based visions and who champion rationalism. When such Atheists reject Christianity and instead substitute the Religion of Liberalism, they're not really Atheists now, are they?
Many atheists are progressive liberal thinking democrats.

Moving from one religion to another religion doesn't seem like such a big change in thinking to me.

Based upon your bogus allegation that there is a "Religion of Liberalism" then you have become a devout follower of the "Religion of Conservatism".

The world doesn't always work in a tit for tat fashion.

Conservatism is built on the notion of adhering to policies which have been SHOWN to work. This is a grounding in rationalism and reality where evidence guides positions.

Liberalism works on an entirely different basis. It rejects the evidence of the present, and now pay attention, it embraces the PROMISES OF THE UNKNOWN. There is no way to escape this faith-based foundation. Liberals launch revolutions and seek change and they always desire to implement something that hasn't been tried before. This means that liberals have no evidence backing their vision. Liberals take society to the edge of a cliff and have us jump off on the basis of a promise that we will float upwards instead of plummeting into the canyon below.

There is no corresponding Religion of Conservativism because Conservativism values the tried and true, hence no need for faith-based visions and secondly most conservatives get their religious fix from God-focused religions so that have no need to satiate their brain with a political-religion based on faith-based propositions.
Many atheists are progressive liberal thinking democrats.

Moving from one religion to another religion doesn't seem like such a big change in thinking to me.

Based upon your bogus allegation that there is a "Religion of Liberalism" then you have become a devout follower of the "Religion of Conservatism".

The world doesn't always work in a tit for tat fashion.

Conservatism is built on the notion of adhering to policies which have been SHOWN to work. This is a grounding in rationalism and reality where evidence guides positions.

Liberalism works on an entirely different basis. It rejects the evidence of the present, and now pay attention, it embraces the PROMISES OF THE UNKNOWN. There is no way to escape this faith-based foundation. Liberals launch revolutions and seek change and they always desire to implement something that hasn't been tried before. This means that liberals have no evidence backing their vision. Liberals take society to the edge of a cliff and have us jump off on the basis of a promise that we will float upwards instead of plummeting into the canyon below.

There is no corresponding Religion of Conservativism because Conservativism values the tried and true, hence no need for faith-based visions and secondly most conservatives get their religious fix from God-focused religions so that have no need to satiate their brain with a political-religion based on faith-based propositions.

Let's use your own idiocy to expose your abject stupidity!

Theology = The faith-based view, contradicted by economic facts, that unfettered deregulated capitalism is beneficial to society.
Dogma=Criticism of extreme rightwing racism is racism.
Prayers= Chanting "No More Taxes"
Seminaries= Universities which instill the tenets of capitalist faith and "celebrate the Almighty Dollar"
Ordained Ministers= Rush Limbaugh, Ted Cruz, Glenn Beck
Sermons =Climate Change is a scam, Taxes are too high, Deficits Don't Matter, Gay Marriage will Destroy Society, Intolerance is a virtue, Living Wages are Evil
Rituals = Kneejerk Obstructing of Obama, Repealing the ACA, Shutting Down the Government

According to YOU that makes your Religion of Conservativism as real as the mythical "Religion of Liberalism".
No I blame the people who made him up. Remember that guy who told everyone to put on their NIKE shoes and drink the poison? Heavens Gate.

You blame dead guys for things that happened long after they died?

That explains why you think Bush is still president.

Yes, I look back at history and I try not to make the same mistakes they made.

Did you know the Catholics and Protestants fought a 13 year war in the 1600's? People don't realize that it wasn't that long ago that us Christians were just about as crazy as the Muslims are now.

Protestant Reformation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

50 years later came the Salem Witch Trials.
/shrugs.....some folks think the 1600s wasn't that long ago.......personally, I think when I was single was a long time ago............
Many atheists are progressive liberal thinking democrats.

Moving from one religion to another religion doesn't seem like such a big change in thinking to me.

Based upon your bogus allegation that there is a "Religion of Liberalism" then you have become a devout follower of the "Religion of Conservatism".

The world doesn't always work in a tit for tat fashion.

Conservatism is built on the notion of adhering to policies which have been SHOWN to work. This is a grounding in rationalism and reality where evidence guides positions.

Liberalism works on an entirely different basis. It rejects the evidence of the present, and now pay attention, it embraces the PROMISES OF THE UNKNOWN. There is no way to escape this faith-based foundation. Liberals launch revolutions and seek change and they always desire to implement something that hasn't been tried before. This means that liberals have no evidence backing their vision. Liberals take society to the edge of a cliff and have us jump off on the basis of a promise that we will float upwards instead of plummeting into the canyon below.

There is no corresponding Religion of Conservativism because Conservativism values the tried and true, hence no need for faith-based visions and secondly most conservatives get their religious fix from God-focused religions so that have no need to satiate their brain with a political-religion based on faith-based propositions.

Let's use your own idiocy to expose your abject stupidity!

Theology = The faith-based view, contradicted by economic facts, that unfettered deregulated capitalism is beneficial to society.
Dogma=Criticism of extreme rightwing racism is racism.
Prayers= Chanting "No More Taxes"
Seminaries= Universities which instill the tenets of capitalist faith and "celebrate the Almighty Dollar"
Ordained Ministers= Rush Limbaugh, Ted Cruz, Glenn Beck
Sermons =Climate Change is a scam, Taxes are too high, Deficits Don't Matter, Gay Marriage will Destroy Society, Intolerance is a virtue, Living Wages are Evil
Rituals = Kneejerk Obstructing of Obama, Repealing the ACA, Shutting Down the Government

According to YOU that makes your Religion of Conservativism as real as the mythical "Religion of Liberalism".

Is that what you think you've done? I really did get your panties all bunched up, didn't I Missy?
Many atheists are progressive liberal thinking democrats.

Moving from one religion to another religion doesn't seem like such a big change in thinking to me.

Based upon your bogus allegation that there is a "Religion of Liberalism" then you have become a devout follower of the "Religion of Conservatism".

The world doesn't always work in a tit for tat fashion.

Conservatism is built on the notion of adhering to policies which have been SHOWN to work. This is a grounding in rationalism and reality where evidence guides positions.

Liberalism works on an entirely different basis. It rejects the evidence of the present, and now pay attention, it embraces the PROMISES OF THE UNKNOWN. There is no way to escape this faith-based foundation. Liberals launch revolutions and seek change and they always desire to implement something that hasn't been tried before. This means that liberals have no evidence backing their vision. Liberals take society to the edge of a cliff and have us jump off on the basis of a promise that we will float upwards instead of plummeting into the canyon below.

There is no corresponding Religion of Conservativism because Conservativism values the tried and true, hence no need for faith-based visions and secondly most conservatives get their religious fix from God-focused religions so that have no need to satiate their brain with a political-religion based on faith-based propositions.

Let's use your own idiocy to expose your abject stupidity!

Theology = The faith-based view, contradicted by economic facts, that unfettered deregulated capitalism is beneficial to society.
Dogma=Criticism of extreme rightwing racism is racism.
Prayers= Chanting "No More Taxes"
Seminaries= Universities which instill the tenets of capitalist faith and "celebrate the Almighty Dollar"
Ordained Ministers= Rush Limbaugh, Ted Cruz, Glenn Beck
Sermons =Climate Change is a scam, Taxes are too high, Deficits Don't Matter, Gay Marriage will Destroy Society, Intolerance is a virtue, Living Wages are Evil
Rituals = Kneejerk Obstructing of Obama, Repealing the ACA, Shutting Down the Government

According to YOU that makes your Religion of Conservativism as real as the mythical "Religion of Liberalism".

Is that what you think you've done? I really did get your panties all bunched up, didn't I Missy?

Don't flatter yourself!

I exposed your fallacious "Religion of Liberalism" using your own puerile drivel. Your utterly pathetic response was a tacit admission on your part that you have nothing in the way of a substantive rebuttal.

Your concession on this point is duly noted and will be used against in the future. Have a nice day.
Yea, I remember seeing how debate is done in high school. I thought it was rational, well thought out, calm, etc. It is not at all. They are taught to get as many talking points in as fast as possible. It is an absolute joke. Do you know what I am talking about? I can't believe they don't teach them how to really debate. I took debate in college and it is much different than high school debate. High school debate is a joke.

High school? I was debating in 5th grade, and it was nothing like what you describe.

Did you learn how to resort to threats of violence in college debate?

You TOTALLY have thrown me with the whole cancer thing. What were we even arguing about? What is your position again or what problem do you have with my position? I'm completely lost. What side are you on anyways? Do you believe in god? Lets start there. And what about my agnostic atheist position do you have a problem with?

I don't have a position, something you seem to find disturbing for some reason. As for my problems with your position, perhaps the reason you can't remember everything I already said is that your position no longer exists.

I am sure I'm right and you are wrong. Its funny how you think you are schooling me and I hardly even know who you are or what you have said. That's how important you are to me jackass. LOL.

There you go giving me positions I have not declared again. FYI, I am not schooling you, I am mocking you.

But I am sorry about your cancer. I hope you have some fun with and are distracted a little with USMB. It's not make a wish but I hope if you are sitting in a bed somewhere we are helping you pass the time. Sorry that when you die that's it. I hope you appreciated the time you had because when it's over it's probably over. Any hopes of an afterlife are just wishful thinking but if it makes you feel better who am I to say anything.

How do you know there is nothing after you die? Have you been there, or are you simply declaring a position based on your hatred of everyone else?

And if you are getting your feeling hurt, maybe you shouldn't be on USMB's religious thread.

There you go projecting again.
Let's use your own idiocy to expose your abject stupidity!

Theology = The faith-based view, contradicted by economic facts, that unfettered deregulated capitalism is beneficial to society.

I must have missed the period in history when we had unfettered and unregulated capitalism, can you point me to it? Would your attempt to point out the actual evidence to back up your claim actually result in you having to admit that your claim is not based on facts?
Let's use your own idiocy to expose your abject stupidity!

Theology = The faith-based view, contradicted by economic facts, that unfettered deregulated capitalism is beneficial to society.

I must have missed the period in history when we had unfettered and unregulated capitalism, can you point me to it? Would your attempt to point out the actual evidence to back up your claim actually result in you having to admit that your claim is not based on facts?

His parallel doesn't work because he ignores the fundamental difference. Liberalism always sees a better alternative based on "some new thing" that they've dreamed up. How can one attest that the alternative is better if it's never been tried before? To make such a claim is a religious gesture. A belief in something that cannot be tasted, seen, heard, smelled, or touched. It requires a leap of faith to believe that the untried alternative is better than the present practice, which you can measure and evaluate.

It's no coincidence that so many obnoxious Atheists are liberals. People have an affinity for religion, very few don't have it. Substituting the religion of Liberalism for the religion one inherited from one's parents doesn't make one into a stone-cold rationalist. No rationalist could buy into the mumbo-jumbo of Liberalism where so much of the belief structure is built on a foundation of faith.
Many atheists are progressive liberal thinking democrats.

Moving from one religion to another religion doesn't seem like such a big change in thinking to me.

Based upon your bogus allegation that there is a "Religion of Liberalism" then you have become a devout follower of the "Religion of Conservatism".

The world doesn't always work in a tit for tat fashion.

Conservatism is built on the notion of adhering to policies which have been SHOWN to work. This is a grounding in rationalism and reality where evidence guides positions.

Liberalism works on an entirely different basis. It rejects the evidence of the present, and now pay attention, it embraces the PROMISES OF THE UNKNOWN. There is no way to escape this faith-based foundation. Liberals launch revolutions and seek change and they always desire to implement something that hasn't been tried before. This means that liberals have no evidence backing their vision. Liberals take society to the edge of a cliff and have us jump off on the basis of a promise that we will float upwards instead of plummeting into the canyon below.

There is no corresponding Religion of Conservativism because Conservativism values the tried and true, hence no need for faith-based visions and secondly most conservatives get their religious fix from God-focused religions so that have no need to satiate their brain with a political-religion based on faith-based propositions.

Nice right wing twist. Just remember conservatives will stick with what they know even when it isn't working. Just look at how the GOP handled the Iraq war. Stay the course. Or how they are so stubborn to keep their tax breaks for the rich in place regardless of if they are working or if we can afford them.

No leader in history has launched two wars and at the same time cut taxes for the rich like Bush did. That wasn't ever done before. Was Bush a progressive?

How about when the GOP deregulated the banks and mortgage industries? Actually you are right. Conservatives actually undid the regulations we put in place after the Great Depression so technically ou are right. They took us back to old school. Unfortunately like it did back then, those old policies caused the second great recession.
Many atheists are progressive liberal thinking democrats.

Moving from one religion to another religion doesn't seem like such a big change in thinking to me.

Based upon your bogus allegation that there is a "Religion of Liberalism" then you have become a devout follower of the "Religion of Conservatism".

The world doesn't always work in a tit for tat fashion.

Conservatism is built on the notion of adhering to policies which have been SHOWN to work. This is a grounding in rationalism and reality where evidence guides positions.

Liberalism works on an entirely different basis. It rejects the evidence of the present, and now pay attention, it embraces the PROMISES OF THE UNKNOWN. There is no way to escape this faith-based foundation. Liberals launch revolutions and seek change and they always desire to implement something that hasn't been tried before. This means that liberals have no evidence backing their vision. Liberals take society to the edge of a cliff and have us jump off on the basis of a promise that we will float upwards instead of plummeting into the canyon below.

There is no corresponding Religion of Conservativism because Conservativism values the tried and true, hence no need for faith-based visions and secondly most conservatives get their religious fix from God-focused religions so that have no need to satiate their brain with a political-religion based on faith-based propositions.

Nice right wing twist. Just remember conservatives will stick with what they know even when it isn't working. Just look at how the GOP handled the Iraq war. Stay the course. Or how they are so stubborn to keep their tax breaks for the rich in place regardless of if they are working or if we can afford them.

No leader in history has launched two wars and at the same time cut taxes for the rich like Bush did. That wasn't ever done before. Was Bush a progressive?

How about when the GOP deregulated the banks and mortgage industries? Actually you are right. Conservatives actually undid the regulations we put in place after the Great Depression so technically ou are right. They took us back to old school. Unfortunately like it did back then, those old policies caused the second great recession.

It's funny to watch you guys lashing out. It's liking watching a spazz in a boxing match against an actual boxer.

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