There are a number of things I like about RFK Jr.

Junior Kennedy better tread lightly on the 'guns' issue. Taking the blame off of the guns and placing it on the 'culture' of violence will blow up in his face.
Teabaggers and MAGAs love him. He should accept the tinfoil hat, and run as a repub. Trump is a loser anyway. Go ahead. you can have Kennedy. We don't mind.
Teabaggers and MAGAs love him. He should accept the tinfoil hat, and run as a repub. Trump is a loser anyway. Go ahead. you can have Kennedy. We don't mind.
READ: I have no basis for saying this, but that is what the media tells me to think, so therefore I think it.
I do not, and will not dismiss a person because of their party affiliation.
It is very unfortunate in this country that almost every American will either listen or refuse to listen to someone based on what letter they think is listed by their name.
If there is a (D) by their name... half the country won't listen to them because that D represents (Dismiss)
If there is a (R) by their name... half the country won't listen to them because that R represents (Reject)
And is exactly why Congress has a 78% disapproval rating, yet 98% were re-elected.

I don't know everything there is to know about this man. But I like a LOT of what he says.

Two in particular:

1) In a town hall meaning the interviewer reminded him:
"You are aware that overwhelmingly Democrats support Biden's stance on Ukraine?"
His answer:
"That doesn't make it right. I don't care if 100% of Democrats are against me on this, I will still say it because it is true".
Beautiful. That is a leader.
2) On the many, many, many lies were were told during the Covid pandemic he was asked about who is he going to listen to about health concerns if the FDA and the CDC are corrupt - he began his answer by saying this - "Blind faith in authority is a feature of religion, not in science."

That impresses me.
The number one thing you like?

The possibility that he could take votes from Biden and get Trump or some other GOP slug elected
Because he is a total kook. Total. There are politicians out there like Trump & DeSantis who may espouse a view just to get votes.

But RFK jr really believes in this stuff. That makes him naive and even more dangerous.

Forget his outlandish claim against the vaccine or Wi-Fi radiation toxins nonsense. He even believes Sirhan Sirhan was not his father's murderer. Even though Sirhan was literally... and I do mean, literally... caught with a smoking gun.
The term my or may not apply to the present proxy war.
Maybe we can go with a 'proxy war president'?

However, the sheer gravity of the war and the absolute demands for America's success should indicate that it shouldn't be played down.

I'm good with you if you decide to keep your replies to me respectable.
It's not our war. There is no threat to America.
Sorry, but that is a misrepresentation of what he said. And cherry picking, not by you, but likely where you got that from that misinformed you.
DIRECT QUOTE (source below) - "
“I do not believe that there is, within the second amendment, anything we can meaningfully do to reduce the trade in the ownership of guns,” he said, “and I’m not going to take people’s guns away.”
“Anybody who tells you that they’re going to be able to reduce gun violence through gun control at this point I don’t think is being realistic,”

What you are referring to is this line - “If we can get a consensus on it, (assault weapons ban) if Republicans and Democrats agree to it and it passes Congress, I would sign it,” he said.

That is not saying he would sponsor it - he categorically denied doing that, all he said if such a ban was supported by Republicans and Democrats, he would sign it. But that is not going to happen. Not in a 1000 years.

You are being naive.

Bills can pass Congress with little or bipartisan support. Depends upon the makeup the Congress and how many idiot RINOs are willing to enable the filthy Democrats to fuck us.

The fact that the shithead said he would sign away our Constitutional rights if other people thinks he should makes him unacceptable to be in government. He doesn't understand the Bill of Rights. Typical for a Liberal.

By the way, him saying he would sign the damn thing is just the same as sponsoring it. It encourages the dipshit Democrats to come up with one.

RFK Jr. Says He Would Sign ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban if it Reached His Desk

Because he is a total kook. Total. There are politicians out there like Trump & DeSantis who may espouse a view just to get votes.

But RFK jr really believes in this stuff. That makes him naive and even more dangerous.

Forget his outlandish claim against the vaccine or Wi-Fi radiation toxins nonsense. He even believes Sirhan Sirhan was not his father's murderer. Even though Sirhan was literally... and I do mean, literally... caught with a smoking gun.
Read more. What he actually says, is that more than one shooter was involved.
That belief is actually shared by others who were there. Including another person who was shot that day
Because he is a total kook. Total. There are politicians out there like Trump & DeSantis who may espouse a view just to get votes.

But RFK jr really believes in this stuff. That makes him naive and even more dangerous.

Forget his outlandish claim against the vaccine or Wi-Fi radiation toxins nonsense. He even believes Sirhan Sirhan was not his father's murderer. Even though Sirhan was literally... and I do mean, literally... caught with a smoking gun.
How much of his town meetings have you listened to?
I would bet considerable funds that your answer is either NONE or only a few tidbits that your preferred media showed you.
Which means, again, your dislike of him is based on what you were told, not what you personally have watched.
READ: I have no basis for saying this, but that is what the media tells me to think, so therefore I think it.
I don't need the media to determine whether I want to support Kennedy. The fact that right wingers are the only ones praising him might have something to do with it though. If I was going to let MAGAs determine who I vote for, it would probably be a MAGA candidate.
You are being naive.

Bills can pass Congress with little or bipartisan support. Depends upon the makeup the Congress and how many idiot RINOs are willing to enable the filthy Democrats to fuck us.

The fact that the shithead said he would sign away our Constitutional rights if other people thinks he should makes him unacceptable to be in government. He doesn't understand the Bill of Rights. Typical for a Liberal.

By the way, him saying he would sign the damn thing is just the same as sponsoring it. It encourages the dipshit Democrats to come up with one.

RFK Jr. Says He Would Sign ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban if it Reached His Desk

I get it, but the reality of that is nill.
First and foremost any assault weapon ban would have to be specific, and they can't do that.
Assault weapons ban is nothing more than a vote getting mantra by the left.
What is the criteria? "If a gun looks mean, it is banned".
Secondly, let's say they specify an AR and a AK... it will be future sales, not existing. Meaning, if you own one, like me, it won't be taken from you.
But, again, it will never pass anytime in the near future if ever.
I don't need the media to determine whether I want to support Kennedy. The fact that right wingers are the only ones praising him might have something to do with it though. If I was going to let MAGAs determine who I vote for, it would probably be a MAGA candidate.
Hahaha... do you commonly deny something, only to reiterate it in the same sentence?
Since the Democratic Party are Fascists, it's a good thing to be a DINO.
I think you are confused. Fascism is a far right movement and considering that Democrats tend to be liberal they could hardly be fascist.

That said your arguement is devoid of anything resembling reasonable debate and instead falls back on parroting talking points.

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