There are a number of things I like about RFK Jr.

What is the criteria? "If a gun looks mean, it is banned".
The logic of the antigun side is just that!
The 'mean' guns appeal to the 'mean' people.

That's still not the fault of the gun!

It's the 'mean' people who will be found at a range, blazing away at human silouette targets with the AR's.

With the rise of vigilante justice, the time is rapidly approaching when the homeowner victim will become the 'bad' guy and the hungry robber will get sympathy.
I get it, but the reality of that is nill.
First and foremost any assault weapon ban would have to be specific, and they can't do that.
Assault weapons ban is nothing more than a vote getting mantra by the left.
What is the criteria? "If a gun looks mean, it is banned".
Secondly, let's say they specify an AR and a AK... it will be future sales, not existing. Meaning, if you own one, like me, it won't be taken from you.
But, again, it will never pass anytime in the near future if ever.
The fact of the matter is this RFK jr clown doesn't understand the Bill of Rights. Typical for a Liberal.

The Bill of Rights very clearly says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

However, the turd says that he will gladly infringe upon that right if the bill doing it comes across his desk. That encourages the Democrat filth to come up with one.

Just because he doesn't support the jab doesn't make him a good candidate for President. There is a whole more to the job than that.

Liberals are masters at fooling the voters. They lie and they deceive and some idiots fall for it.

One week the asshole tells the Conservatives that he supports the right to keep and bear arms and the next week he tells the Libtards that he will infringe upon that right, if he gets the chance.

Don't ever trust a Liberal with your Liberty. You will regret it.
Hahaha... do you commonly deny something, only to reiterate it in the same sentence?
Forgive me. I responded to you as if you were normal intelligence, and would understand my point. Next time I will use smaller words, and perhaps draw a picture or two to help you.
I think you are confused. Fascism is a far right movement and considering that Democrats tend to be liberal they could hardly be fascist.

That said your arguement is devoid of anything resembling reasonable debate and instead falls back on parroting talking points.
Fascism, despite the fact that some liberal Dictionaries changed the definition to include the words "far right".... can be far right or far left. Fascism is any political system where the leader, and the people who support them, believe and engage in strong and strict control of society and forcefully squash dissent. That has nothing to do with political leanings.
The fact of the matter is this RFK jr clown doesn't understand the Bill of Rights. Typical for a Liberal.

The Bill of Rights very clearly says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

However, the turd says that he will gladly infringe upon that right if the bill doing it comes across his desk. That encourages the Democrat filth to come up with one.

Just because he doesn't support the jab doesn't make him a good candidate for President. There is a whole more to the job than that.

Liberals are masters at fooling the voters. They lie and they deceive and some idiots fall for it.

One week the asshole tells the Conservatives that he supports the right to keep and bear arms and the next week he tells the Libtards that he will infringe upon that right, if he gets the chance.

Don't ever trust a Liberal with your Liberty. You will regret it.
He has repeatedly and openly and unapologetically said he supports the 2nd amendment, and has gone on to say that trying to control gun violence through gun control is pointless.
Yes, he said he would sign it if it was passed by BOTH Democrats and Republicans... which is flat out not going to happen. In other words, if it came to his desk only supported by Democrats - he wouldn't sign it.
Fascism, despite the fact that some liberal Dictionaries changed the definition to include the words "far right".... can be far right or far left. Fascism is any political system where the leader, and the people who support them, believe and engage in strong and strict control of society and forcefully squash dissent. That has nothing to do with political leanings.
What's a liberal dictionary?

Are there conservative dictionaries?

So Trump is the rights fascist leader. I knew that but thanks.

Just a heads up, fascism and liberalism are mutually exclusive.
He has repeatedly and openly and unapologetically said he supports the 2nd amendment, and has gone on to say that trying to control gun violence through gun control is pointless.
Yes, he said he would sign it if it was passed by BOTH Democrats and Republicans... which is flat out not going to happen. In other words, if it came to his desk only supported by Democrats - he wouldn't sign it.
Then vote for the sonofabitch, if you believe his horseshit.

I'll pass.

There are a number of things I like about RFK Jr.​

Me too, except that part where his 2A stance depends on the audience. Like nailing jello to a wall.
The fact of the matter is this RFK jr clown doesn't understand the Bill of Rights. Typical for a Liberal.

The Bill of Rights very clearly says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

However, the turd says that he will gladly infringe upon that right if the bill doing it comes across his desk. That encourages the Democrat filth to come up with one.

Just because he doesn't support the jab doesn't make him a good candidate for President. There is a whole more to the job than that.

Liberals are masters at fooling the voters. They lie and they deceive and some idiots fall for it.

One week the asshole tells the Conservatives that he supports the right to keep and bear arms and the next week he tells the Libtards that he will infringe upon that right, if he gets the chance.

Don't ever trust a Liberal with your Liberty. You will regret it.
No rights are absolute including the 2nd amendment. If you don't believe me, ask Hunter Biden.

That said, most Trump supporters don't support the 2nd as much as they support Trump.

That is why after Trump said bypass the courts and take the guns from the crazies, bypassing due process, all we heard was crickets from the right...because Trump said it.
No rights are absolute including the 2nd amendment. If you don't believe me, ask Hunter Biden.

That said, most Trump supporters don't support the 2nd as much as they support Trump.

That is why after Trump said bypass the courts and take the guns from the crazies, bypassing due process, all we heard was crickets from the right...because Trump said it.
You don't know jackshit the Bill of Rights so just shut the fuck up.

Banning the most popular rifle in the US and ones like it is absolutely a major infringement.

Of course you don't know that being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

The Supremes would most certainly strike down an AWB (especially after Bruen) but it would take an idiot like the RFK. Jr piece of shit to sign a bill that would require a Supreme Court judgement to restore Liberty.

Never trust a Libtard with your Liberty. You will regret it. Always.
You don't know jackshit the Bill of Rights so just shut the fuck up. hominem.

Banning the most popular rifle in the US and ones like it is absolutely a major infringement.

Of course you don't know that being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

The Supremes would most certainly strike down an AWB (especially after Bruen) but it would take an idiot like the RFK. Jr piece of shit to sign a bill that would require a Supreme Court judgement to restore Liberty.

Never trust a Libtard with your Liberty. You will regret it. Always.
Nothing in that screed has anything to do with my comment that no rights are absolute and that Trump supporters love Trump more then the 2nd amendment.
I do not, and will not dismiss a person because of their party affiliation.
It is very unfortunate in this country that almost every American will either listen or refuse to listen to someone based on what letter they think is listed by their name.
If there is a (D) by their name... half the country won't listen to them because that D represents (Dismiss)
If there is a (R) by their name... half the country won't listen to them because that R represents (Reject)
And is exactly why Congress has a 78% disapproval rating, yet 98% were re-elected.

I don't know everything there is to know about this man. But I like a LOT of what he says.

Two in particular:

1) In a town hall meaning the interviewer reminded him:
"You are aware that overwhelmingly Democrats support Biden's stance on Ukraine?"
His answer:
"That doesn't make it right. I don't care if 100% of Democrats are against me on this, I will still say it because it is true".
Beautiful. That is a leader.
2) On the many, many, many lies were were told during the Covid pandemic he was asked about who is he going to listen to about health concerns if the FDA and the CDC are corrupt - he began his answer by saying this - "Blind faith in authority is a feature of religion, not in science."

That impresses me.
On these issues, RFK Jr is more Conservative than 98% of the current crop of Republicans
My rights don’t end where your fucktarded notions begin.
They aren’t up for debate or some ballot box result.

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