There are more than two genders

Millions of people have been born with male and female parts. If someone was born with a penis and ovaries that person is biologically neither male nor female...or is both. For all the naysayers who say there are only 2 what would you call someone who looks like a guy, has a vagina, testicles, and no ovaries. Many of these people exist. Scientifically speaking they do not fit into either gender. Where is all the confusion on this coming from? It seems more confusing to try to fit someone like that into either gender. I don't get the confusion, really. I'm confused as to why people are confused.
Millions of people have been born with male and female parts. If someone was born with a penis and ovaries that person is biologically neither male nor female...or is both. For all the naysayers who say there are only 2 what would you call someone who looks like a guy, has a vagina, testicles, and no ovaries. Many of these people exist. Scientifically speaking they do not fit into either gender. Where is all the confusion on this coming from? It seems more confusing to try to fit someone like that into either gender. I don't get the confusion, really. I'm confused as to why people are confused.
Male or Female is all you get and anything else is a mistake. You probably think that co-joined twins are normal. Do you also think that those born Mongoloid are normal too? These and many more abnormalities are defects of nature, such as those born with both male and female genitalia.
You've misread Wikipedia ... they state only 1.7% of all sex disorder differentiations is true hermaphroditism ... only 500 cases are known, not millions ...

You want "one size fits all" for these extremely rare cases ... how about we let the doctor and victim decide ...

and that 1.7 percent is a huge stretch.
... the only remnant of this in English is in the personal pronouns ... he, she, it ... otherwise, gender is absent from English speaking populations ...
Some suffixes are still inflected in English as well.
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Why don't you prove that number?

This Turkish study published 2019 found that 18/14,177 (.12%) of infants had ambiguous genitalia at birth.

Multiple sources like those below are listing the estimated prevalence of genital ambiguity at 1/1,000-1/4500. These wouldn't be including hormonal anomalies. You get different numbers depending on how "intersex" for instance is defined, which is annoying.


This Turkish study published 2019 found that 18/14,177 (.12%) of infants had ambiguous genitalia at birth.

Multiple sources like those below are listing the estimated prevalence of genital ambiguity at 1/1,000-1/4500. These wouldn't be including hormonal anomalies. You get different numbers depending on how "intersex" for instance is defined, which is annoying.

Do you know the high level of inbreeding in Turkey? You do now.
Millions of people have been born with male and female parts. If someone was born with a penis and ovaries that person is biologically neither male nor female...or is both. For all the naysayers who say there are only 2 what would you call someone who looks like a guy, has a vagina, testicles, and no ovaries. Many of these people exist. Scientifically speaking they do not fit into either gender. Where is all the confusion on this coming from? It seems more confusing to try to fit someone like that into either gender. I don't get the confusion, really. I'm confused as to why people are confused.

Another kid who failed biology, you do know everyone starts off as a female, right?

We only have Two genders a girl and a boy

There are more than two genders​

Look Ace, until you can show me people with something other than XX or XY chromosomes, male or female hip bone arrangement, and needed as a third party in order to conceive a baby, THERE ARE ONLY TWO SEXES.

and that 1.7 percent is a huge stretch.
It's true the 1.7% is also factoring in hormonal abnormalities stemming from chromosomal abnormalities that don't produce genital or organ abnormalities. It's still a measure of physical differences (in DNA and in hormones) making it not odd at all if someone with those detectable differences doesn't identify with their external parts....but true intersex does seem to be less common than I initially thought.
Another kid who failed biology, you do know everyone starts off as a female, right?

We only have Two genders a girl and a boy
So there are even at the lowest estimates millions of people with extremely obvious mixed parts (eg penis and vagina, vagina and testicles and no ovaries, breast, penis and ovaries etc) and so what are they? Who decides for them? You?

Then aside from them the 1.7% includes people born with chromosomal anomalies (like xxy) that may not produce phenotypic challenges to gender identification but they're still huge physical differences in the DNA flooding them with hormones, feelings, thoughts that don't match up with their genitals. If their DNA has conflicting male and female parts those are still parts and it goes beyond just psychological.
I no linguistic expert, but up until recently, the gender of words that refer to humans or animals were feminine if referring someone of the female sex and masculine if referring to someone of the male sex. It was really that simple and should be that simple today. If everyone starts creating their own gender based on how they "feel" then gender simply becomes a point of confusion. This can be quite destructive to minors that resort to mutilating their healthy bodies (with the help of so called medical professionals) to conform to their confused sense of "gender".

This is generally so in German ... it is only advised that we learn their nouns with gender ... I've lost my German, but exceptions abound to all the rules depending on region ...

Most importantly ... none of this applies to English ... we're talking about little girls wanting to be called "he" instead of "she" ... or the woman dressed in man's clothing wants to be called "she" ... El perro quiere que lo llamen ... if that makes sense ...
Look Ace, until you can show me people with something other than XX or XY chromosomes, male or female hip bone arrangement, and needed as a third party in order to conceive a baby, THERE ARE ONLY TWO SEXES.
I don't see a need to post pics but I'm sure you can Google image search xxy, xyy etc. You obviously know they exist so why are you confused? There are more than 2 sexes.
You are talking about a medical anomaly. Not the gender bending bullshit that our teachers are pulling on our children.
Parents, this is your fault. Take your children back...
You ignorance is showing. The op is describing intersexual people, and yes, it is a medical anomality. But what you are missing is the fact that at least some transgender people-those who experience gender dysphoria may actually be intersexual on some level. There may be cromosomal

It may not be as obvious as what the OP describes, but Chromosomal or hormonal variation that go undetected, and result in a misgendering at birth. Feeling of gender dysphoria are very real for whatever reason. No one but nature is "pulling anything" on kids

You have so much to learn
You ignorance is showing. The op is describing intersexual people, and yes, it is a medical anomality. But what you are missing is the fact that at least some transgender people-those who experience gender dysphoria may actually be intersexual on some level. There may be cromosomal

It may not be as obvious as what the OP describes, but Chromosomal or hormonal variation that go undetected, and result in a misgendering at birth. Feeling of gender dysphoria are very real for whatever reason. No one but nature is "pulling anything" on kids

You have so much to learn
My impression from an hour's research is that those chromosomal variations make up the majority of the 1.7% number. Too often it seems doctors deem these variations irrelevant as long as there's consistency in internal / external genitalia and reproductive parts. Our DNA is as much a part of us as our organs so it makes sense if someone identifies more with what their genes are telling them than what there flesh is, I think.
Name the sex, please. This person did not undergo surgery to change their sex.

Dude, you better go get your head examined and learn to recoghnize either a beer belly or a pregnant woman who had cosmetic surgery or didn't you notice the big scars under her tits? :laughing0301:

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