There are more than two genders

My impression from an hour's research is that those chromosomal variations make up the majority of the 1.7% number. Too often it seems doctors deem these variations irrelevant as long as there's consistency in internal / external genitalia and reproductive parts. Our DNA is as much a part of us as our organs so it makes sense if someone identifies more with what their genes are telling them than what there flesh is, I think
Thamks...I think
How about we use the same words that large segments of the population have used for me, with my obvious physical genetic birth defect over the last 48+ years:

Freak, Monster, Beast, Creature, Abomination, Aberration, etc…

If it’s good enough for me, it should work for them too.
Millions of people have been born with male and female parts. If someone was born with a penis and ovaries that person is biologically neither male nor female...or is both. For all the naysayers who say there are only 2 what would you call someone who looks like a guy, has a vagina, testicles, and no ovaries. Many of these people exist. Scientifically speaking they do not fit into either gender. Where is all the confusion on this coming from? It seems more confusing to try to fit someone like that into either gender. I don't get the confusion, really. I'm confused as to why people are confused.

They have a mix of parts from each. Why would it be strange for any of them to not be able to choose?

Parents make the decision of what gender roles, or lack of them, children will follow while they are under a parent's care. This will happen regardless of the external or internal genitalia the child presents at birth. There a many documented cases of children being assigned a gender role different from their presentation of external genitalia.

This shouldn't represent any kind of difficulty. Parents have always done this, just as parents determine how a child will be religiously trained, or not at all. Parents determine what sort of education a child will have and even the first training a child has in political indoctrination.

When a child reaches maturity, and no longer the responsibility of parents, they are free to identify with any gender (or total lack of genders) they choose. They are free to receive any kind of gender-affirming surgery for which they are capable of paying. If you accept the concept of gender fluidity, then this should present no problem. A

Any attempt by the state to abrogate the parental authority in this case is a violation of parental rights and cannot be done with due process. No school should be urging a child towards or assisting a child with gender transition without the express permission of the parent or, a without due process in a court of law to abrogate parental right, and reciprocally, parental responsibility.
Why are you so threatened by the idiea [sic] that not everyone is clearly male or female? Doubts about your own gender identity perhapps [sic]?

Everyone •IS• male or female.

That is hard science.

Spreading absurd misinformation, such as all the “transgender” bullshit, is harmful, especially when it leads to people having their bodies irreversibly mutilated and damaged, in a vain attempt to defy biological reality.

So, is the baby going to come out of the penis, or the other hole? < and how will he/she know if it's labor or constipation?
caesarian and knowing about being in labour will be the same for this person as everyone else though if they have not had surgery and hence would be having a caesarian they will probably have it a week or two before due and so will not go into labour.
Are his ovaries next to the prostate???

Maybe the woman shoots her egg up the penis with a squirt gun and it drops into the balls and the baby grows there..
Millions of people have been born with male and female parts. If someone was born with a penis and ovaries that person is biologically neither male nor female...or is both. For all the naysayers who say there are only 2 what would you call someone who looks like a guy, has a vagina, testicles, and no ovaries. Many of these people exist. Scientifically speaking they do not fit into either gender. Where is all the confusion on this coming from? It seems more confusing to try to fit someone like that into either gender. I don't get the confusion, really. I'm confused as to why people are confused.
sounds like a personal issue to me
How about we use the same words that large segments of the population have used for me, with my obvious physical genetic birth defect over the last 48+ years:

Freak, Monster, Beast, Creature, Abomination, Aberration, etc…

If it’s good enough for me, it should work for them too.
I pity you
I pity you
Don’t. I’ve made a pretty decent life for myself and my family. I’ve learned to ignore about 95% of the crap and find interesting ways to deal with the other 5%. It’s my wife and mother-in-law you need to worry about. They’re vicious to anyone they catch insulting me.

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