There are more than two genders

That's tens of millions of people worldwide, and who is to decide whether to remove the penis and keep the ovaries or remove the ovaries and keep the penis? I mean truly, leaving all politics aside what would you do as a doctor in that situation? It doesn't seem obvious at all.

Not only is your biology a bit off ... so is your math.

About 140 MILLION babies are born each year globally. If, as you claim, one in 1,000 is born with indeterminate genitalia, as you claim, then that amounts to 140,000 globally. Certainly NOT "tens of millions".

Even if you take that 2% figure of those born with indeterminate secondary sexual characteristics then the total global number each year is under three million globally each year, still well short of your "tens of millions claim".

Anomalies in sexual characteristic is, using your own numbers, exceptionally rare and hardly worth the effort you, and many others, seem to invest in attempting to transform culture to accommodate it.

Crazy stuff happens at prom ...

Not only is your biology a bit off ... so is your math.

About 140 MILLION babies are born each year globally. If, as you claim, one in 1,000 is born with indeterminate genitalia, as you claim, then that amounts to 140,000 globally. Certainly NOT "tens of millions".

Even if you take that 2% figure of those born with indeterminate secondary sexual characteristics then the total global number each year is under three million globally each year, still well short of your "tens of millions claim".

Anomalies in sexual characteristic is, using your own numbers, exceptionally rare and hardly worth the effort you, and many others, seem to invest in attempting to transform culture to accommodate it.
The tens of millions was a reference to how many currently exist, out of our global 8 billion population, not how many are born each year which would of course be much smaller.
The tens of millions was a reference to how many currently exist, out of our global 8 billion population, not how many are born each year which would of course be much smaller.

Again, MATH:

Using your 1:1000 ratio of person born with indeterminate primary sexual characteristics ... that would equate to 8 million people (much fewer than "tens of millions").

The vast majority of those have had this very rare anomaly corrected shortly after birth and have accepted a sexual identity that they are not inclined to change.
It's true the 1.7% is also factoring in hormonal abnormalities stemming from chromosomal abnormalities that don't produce genital or organ abnormalities. It's still a measure of physical differences (in DNA and in hormones) making it not odd at all if someone with those detectable differences doesn't identify with their external parts....but true intersex does seem to be less common than I initially thought.

So there are even at the lowest estimates millions of people with extremely obvious mixed parts (eg penis and vagina, vagina and testicles and no ovaries, breast, penis and ovaries etc) and so what are they? Who decides for them? You?

Then aside from them the 1.7% includes people born with chromosomal anomalies (like xxy) that may not produce phenotypic challenges to gender identification but they're still huge physical differences in the DNA flooding them with hormones, feelings, thoughts that don't match up with their genitals. If their DNA has conflicting male and female parts those are still parts and it goes beyond just psychological.
Huh? Quit the games , their is only two genders, when people die , rot, turn into bones , dug up an ID..

It's only male and female, nothing else
Again, MATH:

Using your 1:1000 ratio of person born with indeterminate primary sexual characteristics ... that would equate to 8 million people (much fewer than "tens of millions").

The vast majority of those have had this very rare anomaly corrected shortly after birth and have accepted a sexual identity that they are not inclined to change.
I just read the Earth's estimate population now is 7.5 billion people
Millions of people have been born with male and female parts. If someone was born with a penis and ovaries that person is biologically neither male nor female...or is both. For all the naysayers who say there are only 2 what would you call someone who looks like a guy, has a vagina, testicles, and no ovaries. Many of these people exist. Scientifically speaking they do not fit into either gender. Where is all the confusion on this coming from? It seems more confusing to try to fit someone like that into either gender. I don't get the confusion, really. I'm confused as to why people are confused.

That accounts for 0.00000001% of the population, which is statistically 0%.

Rounding out, that means there are only two genders.
Again, MATH:

Using your 1:1000 ratio of person born with indeterminate primary sexual characteristics ... that would equate to 8 million people (much fewer than "tens of millions").

The vast majority of those have had this very rare anomaly corrected shortly after birth and have accepted a sexual identity that they are not inclined to change.
Yes, true, there are fewer cases of intersex than I thought, it seems, though every study on its prevalence says there are no reliable numbers for it. 8 million would still be a lot. If 8 million people have this mix of genitals and female/male organs by what metric are we assigning them a biological gender? They have a mix of parts from each. Why would it be strange for any of them to not be able to choose?

Moving on to the much broader category of people with chromosomal anomalies, why is it strange for them to not be able to choose one or the other? Their bodies are doing non standard things.
There are the birds and the bees, bees who look like birds, birds who look like bees, bees who used to be birds, and birds who used to be bees but still have their stinger.
It's odd how John has not thought through the logical implications of his opinions.

If sexual identity is based upon biology, then there needs to be biological tests performed on any who wish to have surgery and ESPECIALLY on children before their teachers hoodwink them into thinking they are really a member of the opposite sex and then given puberty blockers.

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