There are no words..

Yea I'm sure it was an "accident". Why is this sick son of a bitch in an elementary school without any fucking underwear? The sick bastard should have been shot.
Always it’s the children they go after.

That's paedophilia by definition.

The truth is, if Homos only recruited among adults, people just wouldn't care.

An adult who has lived life, if they decide to take it in the Caboose, that's their own affair. George Jorgensen, a pioneer in the She-Male orientation, was a WWII veteran and well into adulthood when decided to be chopped and call himself "Christine".

Sure, it was stupid, but he was an adult, not an impressionable child.
Always it’s the children they go after.

That's paedophilia by definition.

The truth is, if Homos only recruited among adults, people just wouldn't care.

An adult who has lived life, if they decide to take it in the Caboose, that's their own affair. George Jorgensen, a pioneer in the She-Male orientation, was a WWII veteran and well into adulthood when decided to be chopped and call himself "Christine".

Sure, it was stupid, but he was an adult, not an impressionable child.

but in the end they go after children. Always always always.
Would you like to tell the class how staring into the crotch has effected you?

Dont you think the better question is how it affected the children?

Damaging children is what it is about.

Exactly. The entire idea is to expose children to depravity and perversion, and tell them that it is somehow, some way "normative".

They are being socialized in america, they're already beyond any semblance of normality. They are "exceptional", so exceptional in fact that their militarist corporate police state is justified in waging endless illegal bogus unconstitutional wars of plunder and occupation across the globe while returning to concentration camps in "the homeland". They are sitting duck targets of routine mass shootings. There's your "normal".

More normal:

  • Almost 40% of American kids spend at least 1 year in poverty before they turn 18. — Urban Institute
  • Between 2012 and 2014, federal spending fell for kids’ education, nutrition, social services and early education and care. The government spends just 10% of the national budget on kids — a fraction of what other developed countries spend. — Urban Institute
  • Poor kids are more likely to experience hunger. And food insecurity has a lifelong effect: lower reading and math scores, more physical and mental health problems, more emotional and behavioral problems and a greater chance of obesity. — Feeding America
  • Poor kids are more likely to experience hunger. And food insecurity has a lifelong effect: lower reading and math scores, more physical and mental health problems, more emotional and behavioral problems and a greater chance of obesity. — Feeding America

I got a little problem with that oxymoron. If they experience hunger then they won't be obese. And so few kids in America die of starvation its a stat the gov't doesn't even keep. I believe the number was under 10 last year.
Always it’s the children they go after.

That's paedophilia by definition.

The truth is, if Homos only recruited among adults, people just wouldn't care.

An adult who has lived life, if they decide to take it in the Caboose, that's their own affair. George Jorgensen, a pioneer in the She-Male orientation, was a WWII veteran and well into adulthood when decided to be chopped and call himself "Christine".

Sure, it was stupid, but he was an adult, not an impressionable child.

but in the end they go after children. Always always always.
So does your aristocracy, ask Jeff Epstein. Oh yeah, ya can't. And your "law" will not go after Ghislaine Maxwell. On accounta our family values and caring for children apparently.

Of course it does. The ruling elite here hand out trafficked kids as party favors. Has been going on since Ted Kennedy at least. Wikileaks showed the Clinton campaign to be full of them. Hollywood has industrialized it.
It’s another reason Trump represents existential to them.
Would you like to tell the class how staring into the crotch has effected you?

Dont you think the better question is how it affected the children?

Damaging children is what it is about.

Exactly. The entire idea is to expose children to depravity and perversion, and tell them that it is somehow, some way "normative".

They are being socialized in america, they're already beyond any semblance of normality. They are "exceptional", so exceptional in fact that their militarist corporate police state is justified in waging endless illegal bogus unconstitutional wars of plunder and occupation across the globe while returning to concentration camps in "the homeland". They are sitting duck targets of routine mass shootings. There's your "normal".

More normal:

  • Almost 40% of American kids spend at least 1 year in poverty before they turn 18. — Urban Institute
  • Between 2012 and 2014, federal spending fell for kids’ education, nutrition, social services and early education and care. The government spends just 10% of the national budget on kids — a fraction of what other developed countries spend. — Urban Institute
  • Poor kids are more likely to experience hunger. And food insecurity has a lifelong effect: lower reading and math scores, more physical and mental health problems, more emotional and behavioral problems and a greater chance of obesity. — Feeding America

And without the government kids don’t stand a chance right?
My kids never experienced “food poverty”.
If a guy stands on a street corner and his overcoat "accidentally" flaps open showing his nakedness...wouldn't he be arrested for indecent exposure? Yes, he would. So why wasn't this guy?

Context changes everything. If the street flasher was attending a gay pride event he'd be celebrated by the wonderful, freedom loving media apparatus.
If a guy stands on a street corner and his overcoat "accidentally" flaps open showing his nakedness...wouldn't he be arrested for indecent exposure? Yes, he would. So why wasn't this guy?

This individual is a homosexual, and homosexuality is glorified in America in 2019. Homos like the late Harvey Milk and Matthew Shepherd are literally idolized in the media. Guys like Pete Buttigieg actually thinks taking it in the caboose is a qualification for President.
Always it’s the children they go after.

That's paedophilia by definition.

The truth is, if Homos only recruited among adults, people just wouldn't care.

An adult who has lived life, if they decide to take it in the Caboose, that's their own affair. George Jorgensen, a pioneer in the She-Male orientation, was a WWII veteran and well into adulthood when decided to be chopped and call himself "Christine".

Sure, it was stupid, but he was an adult, not an impressionable child.

but in the end they go after children. Always always always.

Kinda like Catholic priests?
Always it’s the children they go after.

That's paedophilia by definition.

The truth is, if Homos only recruited among adults, people just wouldn't care.

An adult who has lived life, if they decide to take it in the Caboose, that's their own affair. George Jorgensen, a pioneer in the She-Male orientation, was a WWII veteran and well into adulthood when decided to be chopped and call himself "Christine".

Sure, it was stupid, but he was an adult, not an impressionable child.

They are sick and depraved. Does the following discussion sound like people in their right minds?

Always it’s the children they go after.

That's paedophilia by definition.

The truth is, if Homos only recruited among adults, people just wouldn't care.

An adult who has lived life, if they decide to take it in the Caboose, that's their own affair. George Jorgensen, a pioneer in the She-Male orientation, was a WWII veteran and well into adulthood when decided to be chopped and call himself "Christine".

Sure, it was stupid, but he was an adult, not an impressionable child.

but in the end they go after children. Always always always.

Kinda like Catholic priests?

Or public school educators.

Let's go there
Always it’s the children they go after.

That's paedophilia by definition.

The truth is, if Homos only recruited among adults, people just wouldn't care.

An adult who has lived life, if they decide to take it in the Caboose, that's their own affair. George Jorgensen, a pioneer in the She-Male orientation, was a WWII veteran and well into adulthood when decided to be chopped and call himself "Christine".

Sure, it was stupid, but he was an adult, not an impressionable child.

but in the end they go after children. Always always always.

Kinda like Catholic priests?

Or public school educators.

Let's go there
Pedophile tally, public school educators versus the Catholic Church? Oh please do. Do you have the data?
Drag Queen Accidentally Flashes Children at Story Hour
At yet another Drag Queen Story Hour event, a drag queen reportedly accidentally flashed a group of children.

My ass this was an accident this was on purpose because this is how they think and act!!
don't want to believe this one well here take your little pick of fkn reality!!

View attachment 286887
Who gives a shit?

and what the hell are you doing online where you are always so immersed in the dregs of society? You’re always posting sick shit.
Always it’s the children they go after.

That's paedophilia by definition.

The truth is, if Homos only recruited among adults, people just wouldn't care.

An adult who has lived life, if they decide to take it in the Caboose, that's their own affair. George Jorgensen, a pioneer in the She-Male orientation, was a WWII veteran and well into adulthood when decided to be chopped and call himself "Christine".

Sure, it was stupid, but he was an adult, not an impressionable child.

but in the end they go after children. Always always always.

Kinda like Catholic priests?

Or public school educators.

Let's go there
Pedophile tally, public school educators versus the Catholic Church? Oh please do. Do you have the data?

Study done by US Dept of Education

Forgotten Study: Abuse in School 100 Times Worse than by Priests | News | LifeSite

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