There are two stories bouncing around re infiltration of US Defense and State Dept by Iran.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And naturally, the MSM et al are running a story from May 2017. Wherein President Trump said something, something, something to the Russian Ambassador in further attempts to deflect away from Biden's incompetence and blame someone, anyone, but Biden for more foreign policy failures.

There are two stories bouncing around re infiltration of US Defense and State Dept by Iran.

1. Robert Malley was US Envoy to Iran, appointed by Biden, after having been lead negotiator under Obama of Iran Deal. He has been suspended without pay and the FBI now has an open investigation of mishandling classified information -- since he only dealt with Iran, it's not hard to guess what country was involved.

Hired by Biden.

2. Ariane Tabatabai, Chief of Staff to Assistant Sec. of Defense for Special Ops Christopher Maier, is a long-time member of the "Iran Experts Initiative" which is a front group consisting of "academics" and others who "assist" the U.S. Govt in dealing with Iran. Email comms between her and various officials in the Iran Govt show that she has been taking directions from Tehran and reporting on matters learned in her capacity in DOD.

Maier's responsibilities on DOD's website are described as "all special operations, irregular warfare, counterterrorism, and information operations policy issues and the oversight of special operations peculiar administrative matters, on behalf of the Secretary."

These are two HUGE stories now given the events of the past 72 hours.

A key feature of the Malley hiring is the fact that he has known Sec. of State Blinken since high school.

The Biden Administration is compromised by foreign spies.

And naturally, the MSM et al are running a story from May 2017. Wherein President Trump said something, something, something to the Russian Ambassador in further attempts to deflect away from Biden's incompetence and blame someone, anyone, but Biden for more foreign policy failures.

There are two stories bouncing around re infiltration of US Defense and State Dept by Iran.
1. Robert Malley was US Envoy to Iran, appointed by Biden, after having been lead negotiator under Obama of Iran Deal. He has been suspended without pay and the FBI now has an open investigation of mishandling classified information -- since he only dealt with Iran, it's not hard to guess what country was involved.
Hired by Biden.
2. Ariane Tabatabai, Chief of Staff to Assistant Sec. of Defense for Special Ops Christopher Maier, is a long-time member of the "Iran Experts Initiative" which is a front group consisting of "academics" and others who "assist" the U.S. Govt in dealing with Iran. Email comms between her and various officials in the Iran Govt show that she has been taking directions from Tehran and reporting on matters learned in her capacity in DOD.
Maier's responsibilities on DOD's website are described as "all special operations, irregular warfare, counterterrorism, and information operations policy issues and the oversight of special operations peculiar administrative matters, on behalf of the Secretary."
These are two HUGE stories now given the events of the past 72 hours.
A key feature of the Malley hiring is the fact that he has known Sec. of State Blinken since high school.
The Biden Administration is compromised by foreign spies.

Interesting that Blinken immediately dismissed any involvement of Iran in the planning of the attack while information and intelligence is still being gathered. Yes Ladies and Gents our Democrat Leaders are working for the enemy, not us.

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