There has been no "global warming" for eight years

The warming that has taken place since the Industrial Revolution is not part of a glacial cycle. The current phase of our glacial cycle is pushing the Earth cooler but is being overwhelmed by AGW.
The previous interglacial period being 2C warmer than today with 26 ft higher seas than today and 120 ppm less atmospheric CO2 than today says otherwise.
The previous interglacial period being 2C warmer than today with 26 ft higher seas than today and 120 ppm less atmospheric CO2 than today says otherwise.



say I am correct.



say I am correct.
Actually they don't. It's kind of hard for you to argue against 26 ft higher seas with 120 ppm less atmospheric CO2.

Englander 420kyr CO2-T-SL rev.jpg
Actually they don't. It's kind of hard for you to argue against 26 ft higher seas with 120 ppm less atmospheric CO2.

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Actually, they do. If you think you can ignore the declining temperatures each and every one of those graphs show for the last 5,000 years you have completely abandoned evidence-based science and any claim that you understand glacial cycles.
Actually, they do. If you think you can ignore the declining temperatures each and every one of those graphs show for the last 5,000 years you have completely abandoned evidence-based science and any claim that you understand glacial cycles.
Climate fluctuations are a hallmark of our bipolar glaciated world. So, no. The geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that were not cause by CO2 or orbital forcing.
Climate fluctuations are a hallmark of our bipolar glaciated world. So, no. The geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that were not cause by CO2 or orbital forcing.
I never mentioned causes amd you don't get to pick and choose what is and isn't part of a glacial phase. The world had been cooling for five thousand years prior to the Industrial Revolution. If you think you can name some forcing function that caused that DESPITE, as you claim, the glacial phase wanting to warm the planet, let's hear it.
I never mentioned causes amd you don't get to pick and choose what is and isn't part of a glacial phase. The world had been cooling for five thousand years prior to the Industrial Revolution. If you think you can name some forcing function that caused that DESPITE, as you claim, the glacial phase wanting to warm the planet, let's hear it.
No different than any other cooling or warming trend in any other interglacial period. See all the saw tooth spikes?

Englander 420kyr CO2-T-SL rev.jpg

So you agree it is part and parcel of the glacial cycle. And as your own graph show, we are past that peak and into the cooling phase.

Ummm... no, I don't agree with that. Every 4th eccentricity cycle is nearly circular. Which is the what the last eccentricity cycle was. How many time do I have to tell you that?

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YOUR ice core data show that the planet was COOLING for 5,000 years prior to the Industrial Revolution. If you want to deny your own data, feel free, but don't expect others to follow you.
Stomp that little foot of yours ... child ... "it's not MY ice core data" ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... just heart-breaking ...
Of the ten warmest years on record, eight have occurred in the last eight years. But to "Conservatives" facts are irrelevant, all that matters is adhering to the party lies.
Only according to the shitheads that have been caught lying numerous times.
No warming for 8 years actually means it is even more badder for the world than ever before……….and the near record lack of hurricanes means it is even more super dooper, double really really badder and that we need to give more money to the government and stop using not only cars, gas stoves and anything more modern than windmills……we need to simply stop using any energy at all or in 6 million years the world temperature will increase .00000000000001% of a degree………,
In Chicago, we’ve probably had five days of sun in three months! How the fk can it warm up with no sunlight?
This global warming stuff is crazy.

I suppose it must be part of that indoctrination in trying to force people to believe in crazy things as a loyalty check. Like believing in trannies --- or believing that blacks are wonderful, or that antifa has "mostly peaceful" riots, or that the Jan. 6 party was somehow a violent insurrection.

The more crazy a belief system is, the more under their control are the people who pretend to believe in it. It's a form of Loyalty Oath. Only Democrats believe in Global Warming ------ or any of those other impossibilities.

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