There Has Never Been A Greater Betrayal By A President

I guess we'll wait and see what the violent stunt the MAGA crowd pulled off does for the GOP or DEMS in the next election. What will Americans think if they start more violence.

Pretty unlikely. Much more beefed up security, and Republicans are not known to be violent. It's Democrats where violence is the norm. DC last week was an anomaly.
I guess we'll wait and see what the violent stunt the MAGA crowd pulled off does for the GOP or DEMS in the next election. What will Americans think if they start more violence.

Pretty unlikely. Much more beefed up security, and Republicans are not known to be violent. It's Democrats where violence is the norm. DC last week was an anomaly.

Most all Democrats and Republicans arbore the violence.

That's Liz Cheney talking about her impending vote to Impeach Donald J Trump

Cheney is no AOC clone. She's a hard core right wing Republican.

Today Trump will be Impeached for the second time and it will be a bi-partisan effort.

End this. This stain of democracy must end

You listen to National Politburo Radio? It's no wonder you're so misinformed and in a state of constant hysterics.
That leftwing kook entity shouldn't get a dime of taxpayer money because it's so biased.
About betrayal by a president as the OP asks ----

Does anyone else think Trump's speech last night, of which I watched a few minutes, basically throws all his supporters under the bus? They came because he called, they marched on the Capitol because he said to, and now he says it's all their fault.


Color me disappointed. :sad:
Cheney is a neocon POS just like her daddy and W. They hate giving the working man a fair shot. Neocons are slavers and that's why they hate Trump. They depend on stupid people and a crooked media for their power, just like Democrats.
Most all Democrats and Republicans arbore the violence.

They do? Then why did Democrat Mayors all across the country not stop it? Why did they refuse Trump's offer to stop it for them? Why did it go on in some cases for many months?

After the riot last week, I don't recall one Republican calling the riot the Winter of Love.

Yes, most Americans do not approve of the violence regardless of if it's anti-policing riots or a mob takeover of the Capitol building amidst a violent and deadly transfer of power
About betrayal by a president as the OP asks ----

Does anyone else think Trump's speech last night, of which I watched a few minutes, basically throws all his supporters under the bus? They came because he called, they marched on the Capitol because he said to, and now he says it's all their fault.


Color me disappointed. :sad:

SOP for the POS.
Hahaha that's your problem not mine.
Enjoy your fool's paradise. You don't cheat and steal from people without it catching up to you later on.
You're quoting Charles Manson now?
The real facts are coming out now you dik sukin mf.

Suuuuuure they are. Uh-uh.

Yes, most Americans do not approve of the violence regardless of if it's anti-policing riots or a mob takeover of the Capitol building amidst a violent and deadly transfer of power

They may not, but people are also stupid. That's why in every city, they will re-elect their Mayor or another commie instead of voting for a Republican. Trust me, I live in Cleveland which has been under Democrat control for decades. They re-elect the same criminals over and over again.
About betrayal by a president as the OP asks ----

Does anyone else think Trump's speech last night, of which I watched a few minutes, basically throws all his supporters under the bus? They came because he called, they marched on the Capitol because he said to, and now he says it's all their fault.


Color me disappointed. :sad:

Look, I didn't hear the speech but let's be clear about a few things:

  1. The Democrats have dissed this guy, insulted him, lied about him, ridiculed him, pushed him, bullied him, threatened him since DAY ONE before he even took office. They wanted him to blow his top, claimed he'd blow his top, and never let up until they finally got what they wanted. The Democrats are the political equivalent of the social media bully that causes someone else to finally take their life in a last ditch effort to escape the non-stop torment. NO president has ever had to take the mile-deep shit they put this guy through. And through it all, the guy accomplished an amazing list of great things.
  2. I watched the rally and never once heard him say anything that I took as him trying, intending or wanting a "coup" or "insurrection." When the speech was over, I expected those people to march down there and protest like most protesters do, as they originally started--- waving flags and signs and chanting supporting words for Trump or Pence, or for the Congress to really review the evidence of fraud or something. Just this morning PBS again confirmed it started that way then a mob came from another direction from the House side and started yelling and firing things up and started trying to force their way in.
  3. If Trump has seen what I've seen, and I assume he knows a lot more, then he is justified in believing he is the real winner of the election and it has been stolen from him. So the coup has already happened, what happened on Jan 6 wasn't an insurrection but an attempt to stop a coup in progress and the media has predictably totally buried the real truth behind the matter. As such, I wouldn't blame him for finding a little sweet justice in his final act as president ending up blowing up Nancy Pelosi's world after her blowing his up for four solid years.
  4. Trump is a passionate guy and just as the Left and people like Obumma, Bernie and AOC have their own following of nutjobs, no doubt there are some nutjobs who follow Trump or use his following as an umbrella or justification to launch their own crazy activities. No one can predict or control such people and if a crazy goes off following watching a movie or a speech to commit some crazy act, if Trump is to be held accountable and blamed for these people, then we must hold accountable and blame every retailer if they sell a tool or a weapon and the buyer then goes off and does something illegal with it.
  5. I don't think Trump intended or wanted what happened. Whatever Trump said, he said against the people who went in there and broke windows and property and hurt people or stole things, and they should not be conflated with Trump's real supporters. Nancy and the media have built Trump up into this toxic maniac and so along with him, everyone and thing connected with him! But the Trump that Trump ended up being, at least from what the media allows us to hear and see, is exactly what the Democrats have been trying to build him into since 2016. NONE of this crap ever would have happened if the Democrats wouldn't have FORCED this crazy election down our throats with its highly specious outcome then added fuel to the fire by totally quashing all efforts to really investigate it what REALLY happened and how.
Trump didn't make this, where America is today is 100% the doing of the Democrats and they are still at it pushing ahead still trying to stick a dagger in this guy even after winning the election and only days away from taking over. They want Trump's head, then they want to destroy his family, then they want to ruin his businesses, burn his home down and drive him out of the country. They want to deny him what all presidents get out of office. Six months from now, they will still be following him, suing him, trying to beat him in court and celebrating. The Left are totally unhinged, they are the real terrorists, and their insanity has brought America to where it stands today.

January 6 was less of an insurrection and all about a repudiation of what the Left are doing to this country.
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One or two Republicans will peel off and vote to impeach

The rest are still prepared to look the other way while he shoots someone on Fifth Ave
Trump has ready shot someone on 5th Avenue. A cop lies dead because of Trump’s incitement of insurrection. The rest of the Pubs supporting Trump are now dancing on his corpse.
Hey idiot, the cops family has told you left wing communist assholes to STFU. The family's own statement. He died of natural causes. So STFU asshole

Like you creeps ever care what the families say. Think Seth Ritch. Or Kate Steinle.
About betrayal by a president as the OP asks ----

Does anyone else think Trump's speech last night, of which I watched a few minutes, basically throws all his supporters under the bus? They came because he called, they marched on the Capitol because he said to, and now he says it's all their fault.


Color me disappointed. :sad:

Look, I didn't hear the speech but let's be clear about a few things:

  1. The Democrats have dissed this guy, insulted him, lied about him, ridiculed him, pushed him, bullied him, threatened him since DAY ONE before he even took office. They wanted him to blow his top, claimed he'd blow his top, and never let up until they finally got what they wanted. The Democrats are the political equivalent of the social media bully that causes someone else to finally take their life in a last ditch effort to escape the non-stop torment. NO president has ever had to take the mile-deep shit they put this guy through. And through it all, the guy accomplished an amazing list of great things.
  2. I watched the rally and never once heard him say anything that I took as him trying, intending or wanting a "coup" or "insurrection." When the speech was over, I expected those people to march down there and protest like most protesters do, as they originally started--- waving flags and signs and chanting supporting words for Trump or Pence, or for the Congress to really review the evidence of fraud or something. Just this morning PBS again confirmed it started that way then a mob came from another direction from the House side and started yelling and firing things up and started trying to force their way in.
  3. If Trump has seen what I've seen, and I assume he knows a lot more, then he is justified in believing he is the real winner of the election and it has been stolen from him. So the coup has already happened, what happened on Jan 6 wasn't an insurrection but an attempt to stop a coup in progress and the media has predictably totally buried the real truth behind the matter. As such, I wouldn't blame him for finding a little sweet justice in his final act as president ending up blowing up Nancy Pelosi's world after her blowing his up for four solid years.
  4. Trump is a passionate guy and just as the Left and people like Obumma, Bernie and AOC have their own following of nutjobs, no doubt there are some nutjobs who follow Trump or use his following as an umbrella or justification to launch their own crazy activities. No one can predict or control such people and if a crazy goes off following watching a movie or a speech to commit some crazy act, if Trump is to be held accountable and blamed for these people, then we must hold accountable and blame every retailer if they sell a tool or a weapon and the buyer then goes off and does something illegal with it.
  5. I don't think Trump intended or wanted what happened. Whatever Trump said, he said against the people who went in there and broke windows and property and hurt people or stole things, and they should not be conflated with Trump's real supporters. Nancy and the media have built Trump up into this toxic maniac and so along with him, everyone and thing connected with him! But the Trump that Trump ended up being, at least from what the media allows us to hear and see, is exactly what the Democrats have been trying to build him into since 2016. NONE of this crap ever would have happened if the Democrats wouldn't have FORCED this crazy election down our throats with its highly specious outcome then added fuel to the fire by totally quashing all efforts to really investigate it what REALLY happened and how.
Trump didn't make this, where America is today is 100% the doing of the Democrats and they are still at it pushing ahead still trying to stick a dagger in this guy even after winning the election and only days away from taking over. They want Trump's head, then they want to destroy his family, then they want to ruin his businesses, burn his home down and drive him out of the country. They want to deny him what all presidents get out of office. Six months from now, they will still be following him, suing him, trying to beat him in court and celebrating. The Left are totally unhinged, they are the real terrorists, and their insanity has brought America to where it stands today.

January 6 was less of an insurrection and all about a repudiation of what the Left are doing to this country.

"I don't think Trump intended or wanted what happened."

How many hours did Trump just sit there watching it on Live TV while Pence, his aids, even his family were trying to reach him and get him to say something to stop it?

I won't address the rest of it, it's B.S. Trump is not a victim. Nor are his followers. Trump has made a life time career out of destroying and attacking other people through lies, disinformation and out right bullying. His chickens are coming home to roost.
I guess we'll wait and see what the violent stunt the MAGA crowd pulled off does for the GOP or DEMS in the next election. What will Americans think if they start more violence.

Well we know the violence the MASA crowd is engaging in.

Standard Disclaimer: MASA - Make America Suffer Again - the Quid Pro Biden slogan.

View attachment 442716
i would guess that picture was taken within the past 4 years, meaning it occurred under Trump?

It is the democrat Brown Shirts who have engaged in a 10 month Kristalnacht.

That people have Burkas shows it is since the Wuhan Designer Virus was released against America.

Your Brown Shirts have engaged in a violent insurgency for nearly a year, incited by the Nazi democrat party.

  • "I need you to get out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face." Presidential candidate Barack Obama, 2008
  • "When they go low, we kick 'em. That's what this new Democratic Party is about." Former Attorney General Eric Holder, 2018
  • "Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that [Trump] Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere." Rep. Maxine Waters, 2018
  • "Please, get up in the face of some congresspeople." Sen. Cory Booker, 2020
  • "People will do what they do." House Speaker Nancy Pelosi commenting on violent protesters, 2020
  • "You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives, and unfortunately there is plenty to go around." Rep. Ayanna Pressley, 2020
  • "They're [left-wing protesters] not gonna stop before Election Day in November and they're not gonna stop after Election Day. And that should be—everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this isn't, they're not gonna let up and they should not. And we should not." Sen. Kamala Harris, 2020
  • "And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful." CNN host Chris Cuomo, 2020
  • "When you see a nation, an entire nation, simultaneously grappling with an extraordinary crisis seeded in 400 years of American racism, I'm sorry, that is not the same question as the understandably aggrieved store owner or the devout religious person who wants to go back to services." New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio justifying illegal street protests that violated social distancing norms while he restricted church services, 2020

I guess we'll wait and see what the violent stunt the MAGA crowd pulled off does for the GOP or DEMS in the next election. What will Americans think if they start more violence.

Well we know the violence the MASA crowd is engaging in.

Standard Disclaimer: MASA - Make America Suffer Again - the Quid Pro Biden slogan.

View attachment 442716
i would guess that picture was taken within the past 4 years, meaning it occurred under Trump?

It is the democrat Brown Shirts who have engaged in a 10 month Kristalnacht.

That people have Burkas shows it is since the Wuhan Designer Virus was released against America.

Your Brown Shirts have engaged in a violent insurgency for nearly a year, incited by the Nazi democrat party.

  • "I need you to get out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face." Presidential candidate Barack Obama, 2008
  • "When they go low, we kick 'em. That's what this new Democratic Party is about." Former Attorney General Eric Holder, 2018
  • "Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that [Trump] Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere." Rep. Maxine Waters, 2018
  • "Please, get up in the face of some congresspeople." Sen. Cory Booker, 2020
  • "People will do what they do." House Speaker Nancy Pelosi commenting on violent protesters, 2020
  • "You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives, and unfortunately there is plenty to go around." Rep. Ayanna Pressley, 2020
  • "They're [left-wing protesters] not gonna stop before Election Day in November and they're not gonna stop after Election Day. And that should be—everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this isn't, they're not gonna let up and they should not. And we should not." Sen. Kamala Harris, 2020
  • "And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful." CNN host Chris Cuomo, 2020
  • "When you see a nation, an entire nation, simultaneously grappling with an extraordinary crisis seeded in 400 years of American racism, I'm sorry, that is not the same question as the understandably aggrieved store owner or the devout religious person who wants to go back to services." New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio justifying illegal street protests that violated social distancing norms while he restricted church services, 2020

View attachment 442771
none of that is democratic leaders calling for any violence in 2020 (george floyd protests)

Here is some of the incitement of the capitol incident:

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