There Has Never Been A Greater Betrayal By A President

Not one of riots over the policing issue ever shut down Congress while it was in a joint session counting the Certirfied EC votes from the States

Nothing was shut down. Congress is not special. They are not more important than the people they serve. If they were doing their jobs, no one would be so angry. It took them 8 months just to approve a check for $600 while they send 130 billion to foreign countries EVERY FUCKING YEAR.

The proof is out now and we know that the protest was engineered into a riot on purpose by the Left to blame it on Trump hoping to bar him from getting reelected. He did no such thing.

If Trump lost as badly as the democrats claim, they wouldn't be so worried about him coming back.

You'll never be free of the guy. :21:

Congress and the entire government set up in the Constitution are very special. The individuals people who are Congressmen(women), Judges and presidents are what are not any more special than the rest of us humans.

Trumpybear is not coming back. His goal was to sow discord in the US Republic and the Western Alliance.

He did a great job as we have a bloody transfer of power and many of our allies are now wary of what future Presidents will be able to do.
You're inventing fantasies. Nothing you posted can be claimed to be a fact. It's all pure moonshine. Claiming the capital is "special" doesn't give Nazis like you the right to impose a one party.
Even NYC warned them before.

This was all planned
Even NYC warned them before.

This was all planned MAGArats
Sorry the real facts are coming out. I guess CNN is even following up this was preplanned.

The siege began about 20 min before Trump finished.......LOL..LOLOL.

Who put tem up to it now......I have a feeling I know who.......Igor says hey.

The FBI said this was going to happen the day before....................Boy what a fuck up this set up was.
I will never forget when the monster that Dr. Trumpenstein created, almost ate Congress.

But you have completely forgotten how your Brown Shirts breached the White House and tried to murder the President, just a few months ago.

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Attack of the homeless? Where are the protestors? Did they just leave their signs?

That's funny, Sad but funny.

Lie some more, Herr Himmler.


Numerous Secret Service agents were injured, fires set by rioters blazed near the White House and authorities were searching for car bombs late Sunday as protests over the death of George Floyd continued to roil the capital just two days after President Trump had to be taken to a bunker for his safety.

A senior official in the direct chain of command for defending Washington D.C. told Fox News of the injuries to Secret Service agents, some of whom were hurt by rioters throwing bottles and Molotov cocktails in Lafayette Park, just across from the presidential residence. The official initially put the number of agents injured at over 50, but that may have referred to the weekend toll; the Secret Service has since said the number injured on Sunday was 14.

As observed in New York City and elsewhere, groups in D.C. are planting cars filled with incendiary materials for future use, Fox News is told. U.S. Marshals and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents were deployed to the streets of D.C. in an extraordinary move to beef up security alongside local police and Homeland Security agents, including the Secret Service, the Justice Department confirmed late Sunday. Fox News has learned U.S. Attorney for D.C. Mike Sherwin is heavily involved in the operation.


They just don't care.

How many of the BLM mob stormed the WH? Or was it a breach of the outer fence?

What difference does that make, NAZI?

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser said Sunday that she had requested 500 DC Guardsman to assist local law enforcement. Later on Sunday, as the protests escalated, Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy ordered the rest of the Guardsman — roughly 1,200 soldiers — to report.
So what?

Somebody cared.
Meaningless Nazi propaganda.
Facts are coming out on this siege.
Democracy, a mentally-promiscuous system whereby an eater of smuggled Chinese fentanyl passing counterfeit can incite looting and burning mobs to destroy a hard-worked-for infrastructure built by Non-Violents.
Not one of riots over the policing issue ever shut down Congress while it was in a joint session counting the Certirfied EC votes from the States

Nothing was shut down. Congress is not special. They are not more important than the people they serve. If they were doing their jobs, no one would be so angry. It took them 8 months just to approve a check for $600 while they send 130 billion to foreign countries EVERY FUCKING YEAR.

The proof is out now and we know that the protest was engineered into a riot on purpose by the Left to blame it on Trump hoping to bar him from getting reelected. He did no such thing.

If Trump lost as badly as the democrats claim, they wouldn't be so worried about him coming back.

You'll never be free of the guy. :21:

Congress and the entire government set up in the Constitution are very special. The individuals people who are Congressmen(women), Judges and presidents are what are not any more special than the rest of us humans.

Trumpybear is not coming back. His goal was to sow discord in the US Republic and the Western Alliance.

He did a great job as we have a bloody transfer of power and many of our allies are now wary of what future Presidents will be able to do.
You're inventing fantasies. Nothing you posted can be claimed to be a fact. It's all pure moonshine. Claiming the capital is "special" doesn't give Nazis like you the right to impose a one party.
Even NYC warned them before.

This was all planned

Yes, it was planned.. and it was definitely domestic terrorists.
It's going to come down to reasonable doubt. After the various state, federal and supreme courts dispensed with all reasonable doubts about the legally of each of their election and the State Certified there election. Trump and his minions set this course by persisting with propagating the lies based on subjective allegations that were and still are beyond reasonable doubt. They have convinced million of Faux Viewer (or is that ex Faux viewers now?) of their lies. These people are willing to fight and kill for the lies.

Congrats to the Banana Republicans' for the first bloody transfer of power in 160 years.

Americans will have two years to mull over what you did this time before the next Congressional elections.

This is the second impeachment by the commies that had no impeachable offense and no crime committed. Polls show that voters despise impeachments. It's probably why they lost members this past election in the House.

I guess we'll wait and see what the violent stunt the MAGA crowd pulled off does for the GOP or DEMS in the next election. What will Americans think if they start more violence.
I guess we'll wait and see what the violent stunt the MAGA crowd pulled off does for the GOP or DEMS in the next election. What will Americans think if they start more violence.

Well we know the violence the MASA crowd is engaging in.

Standard Disclaimer: MASA - Make America Suffer Again - the Quid Pro Biden slogan.

I guess we'll wait and see what the violent stunt the MAGA crowd pulled off does for the GOP or DEMS in the next election. What will Americans think if they start more violence.

Well we know the violence the MASA crowd is engaging in.

Standard Disclaimer: MASA - Make America Suffer Again - the Quid Pro Biden slogan.

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i would guess that picture was taken within the past 4 years, meaning it occurred under Trump?
I guess we'll wait and see what the violent stunt the MAGA crowd pulled off does for the GOP or DEMS in the next election. What will Americans think if they start more violence.

Well we know the violence the MASA crowd is engaging in.

Standard Disclaimer: MASA - Make America Suffer Again - the Quid Pro Biden slogan.

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Sorry Champ, that's not part of the violent resistance to the transfer of power that Herr Donnie has inspired.

Nice Butwhatabout though....standard fare....Policing Riots diversion.

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