There Has Never Been A Greater Betrayal By A President

He's the "Great Domestic Terrorist" or maybe the "Great American Fascist" I mean technically he's an opportunist con man with fascist tendencies, so I'll go with the former. The "Great Domestic Terrorist"

Move over Billy there's a new bad boy in town!

How can he be "great?"

You democrats have 10 month of nonstop violence. You raped and pillaged, burned and murdered across the land every single night.

You've stormed the capitol, you attempted to murder the President of the United States, incited by Nancy Pigshit and the Nazis in congress. You attacked every icon of American history, torn down statues of Washington, Lincoln, and Grant in you quest to erase America from history.

All Trump has done is urged people to peacefully and patriotically petition congress to act in a legal and honorable way. He's a piker - not even in the league of you terrorist Nazis.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.

Nobody "beat" anyone with a fire extinguisher. It was thrown. Trump is also a multi-billionaire. He's not going to go bankrupt overnight.

Besides, it has to be proven in the Senate that Trump said something to incite the capitol takeover. Nobody has even provided that evidence yet.

It's going to come down to reasonable doubt. After the various state, federal and supreme courts dispensed with all reasonable doubts about the legally of each of their election and the State Certified there election. Trump and his minions set this course by persisting with propagating the lies based on subjective allegations that were and still are beyond reasonable doubt. They have convinced million of Faux Viewer (or is that ex Faux viewers now?) of their lies. These people are willing to fight and kill for the lies.

Congrats to the Banana Republicans' for the first bloody transfer of power in 160 years.

Americans will have two years to mull over what you did this time before the next Congressional elections.

Not only was Hitler not a socialist himself, nor a communist, but he actually hated these ideologies and did his utmost to eradicate them. At first this involved organizing bands of thugs to attack socialists in the street, but grew into invading Russia, in part to enslave the population and earn ‘living‘ room for Germans, and in part to wipe out communism and ‘Bolshevism’.
I can find a thousand articles that say Trump was a socialist, and the provide the evidence.​
You're a fucking NAZI/socialist, so I understand why you want to distance yourself from them.​
- Adolph Hitler -

- Adolph Hitler -
“Basically National Socialism and Marxism are the same thing”
- Adolph Hitler -


“National Socialism derives from each of the two camps the pure idea that characterizes it, national resolution from bourgeois tradition; vital, creative socialism from the teaching of Marxism.” – January 27, 1934, interview with Hanns Johst in Frankforter Volksblatt
“There is a difference between the theoretical knowledge of socialism and the practical life of socialism. People are not born socialists, but must first be taught how to become them.” – October 5, 1937, speech in Berlin
“Socialism as the final concept of duty, the ethical duty of work, not just for oneself but also for one’s fellow man’s sake, and above all the principle: Common good before own good, a struggle against all parasitism and especially against easy and unearned income. And we were aware that in this fight we can rely on no one but our own people. We are convinced that socialism in the right sense will only be possible in nations and races that are Aryan, and there in the first place we hope for our own people and are convinced that socialism is inseparable from nationalism.” – August 15, 1920, speech in Munich at the Hofbräuhaus.
“Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic. We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national.” – 1923, Interview with George Sylvester Viereck
“Is there a nobler or more excellent kind of Socialism and is there a truer form of Democracy than this National Socialism which is so organized that through it each one among the millions of German boys is given the possibility of finding his way to the highest office in the nation, should it please Providence to come to his aid?” – January 30, 1937, On National Socialism and World Relations speech in the German Reichstag
“Germany’s economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people.” – February 24, 1941, speech on the 21st anniversary of the Nazi Party
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.

Nobody "beat" anyone with a fire extinguisher. It was thrown. Trump is also a multi-billionaire. He's not going to go bankrupt overnight.

Besides, it has to be proven in the Senate that Trump said something to incite the capitol takeover. Nobody has even provided that evidence yet.

It's going to come down to reasonable doubt. After the various state, federal and supreme courts dispensed with all reasonable doubts about the legally of each of their election and the State Certified there election. Trump and his minions set this course by persisting with propagating the lies based on subjective allegations that were and still are beyond reasonable doubt. They have convinced million of Faux Viewer (or is that ex Faux viewers now?) of their lies. These people are willing to fight and kill for the lies.

Congrats to the Banana Republicans' for the first bloody transfer of power in 160 years.

Americans will have two years to mull over what you did this time before the next Congressional elections.

It's not a crime to disagree with an election and maintain that it was fraudulent. Most democrats did that for a long four years.

I still believe that the election was a sham, so should I be prosecuted as well?
He's the "Great Domestic Terrorist" or maybe the "Great American Fascist" I mean technically he's an opportunist con man with fascist tendencies, so I'll go with the former. The "Great Domestic Terrorist"

Move over Billy there's a new bad boy in town!

How can he be "great?"

You democrats have 10 month of nonstop violence. You raped and pillaged, burned and murdered across the land every single night.

You've stormed the capitol, you attempted to murder the President of the United States, incited by Nancy Pigshit and the Nazis in congress. You attacked every icon of American history, torn down statues of Washington, Lincoln, and Grant in you quest to erase America from history.

All Trump has done is urged people to peacefully and patriotically petition congress to act in a legal and honorable way. He's a piker - not even in the league of you terrorist Nazis.

He and his mob of rabid fascist took over and looted the Capitol Building and shut down the joint session of Congress while they were counting the States valid EC votes. Reports are that he was beaming with delight as it was happening.

That's something former title holder of greatest 'Domestic Terrorist' "Billy 'Bad boy' Ayers" could only dream of.

He urged them to fight. They wanted to fight for him too. It's all recorded.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.

Nobody "beat" anyone with a fire extinguisher. It was thrown. Trump is also a multi-billionaire. He's not going to go bankrupt overnight.

Besides, it has to be proven in the Senate that Trump said something to incite the capitol takeover. Nobody has even provided that evidence yet.

It's going to come down to reasonable doubt. After the various state, federal and supreme courts dispensed with all reasonable doubts about the legally of each of their election and the State Certified there election. Trump and his minions set this course by persisting with propagating the lies based on subjective allegations that were and still are beyond reasonable doubt. They have convinced million of Faux Viewer (or is that ex Faux viewers now?) of their lies. These people are willing to fight and kill for the lies.

Congrats to the Banana Republicans' for the first bloody transfer of power in 160 years.

Americans will have two years to mull over what you did this time before the next Congressional elections.

It's not a crime to disagree with an election and maintain that it was fraudulent. Most democrats did that for a long four years.

I still believe that the election was a sham, so should I be prosecuted as well?

That's simply not true. They did what Republican's did in 2008, they conceded and immediately went to work to reverse the vote in the next election. They didn't incite their followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.

Nobody "beat" anyone with a fire extinguisher. It was thrown. Trump is also a multi-billionaire. He's not going to go bankrupt overnight.

Besides, it has to be proven in the Senate that Trump said something to incite the capitol takeover. Nobody has even provided that evidence yet.

It's going to come down to reasonable doubt. After the various state, federal and supreme courts dispensed with all reasonable doubts about the legally of each of their election and the State Certified there election. Trump and his minions set this course by persisting with propagating the lies based on subjective allegations that were and still are beyond reasonable doubt. They have convinced million of Faux Viewer (or is that ex Faux viewers now?) of their lies. These people are willing to fight and kill for the lies.

Congrats to the Banana Republicans' for the first bloody transfer of power in 160 years.

Americans will have two years to mull over what you did this time before the next Congressional elections.

It's not a crime to disagree with an election and maintain that it was fraudulent. Most democrats did that for a long four years.

I still believe that the election was a sham, so should I be prosecuted as well?

That's simply not true. They did what Republican's did in 2008, they conceded and immediately went to work to reverse the vote in the next election. They didn't incite their followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process.

How and when did Trump "incite" his followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process? I don't know what shithole country you hail from but we here in the US have what's called the "First Amendment." It guarantees the citizens of this country the right to assemble, protest, and petition the government for a redress of grievances. And that's what he's being accused of.

Completely legal in this country, actually encouraged.
14 pages into this thread and there's no mention of it. Please cite specifics that's led one to believe Trump has come anywhere near what the OP implies:

Your feelings don't matter.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.

Nobody "beat" anyone with a fire extinguisher. It was thrown. Trump is also a multi-billionaire. He's not going to go bankrupt overnight.

Besides, it has to be proven in the Senate that Trump said something to incite the capitol takeover. Nobody has even provided that evidence yet.

It's going to come down to reasonable doubt. After the various state, federal and supreme courts dispensed with all reasonable doubts about the legally of each of their election and the State Certified there election. Trump and his minions set this course by persisting with propagating the lies based on subjective allegations that were and still are beyond reasonable doubt. They have convinced million of Faux Viewer (or is that ex Faux viewers now?) of their lies. These people are willing to fight and kill for the lies.

Congrats to the Banana Republicans' for the first bloody transfer of power in 160 years.

Americans will have two years to mull over what you did this time before the next Congressional elections.

It's not a crime to disagree with an election and maintain that it was fraudulent. Most democrats did that for a long four years.

I still believe that the election was a sham, so should I be prosecuted as well?

That's simply not true. They did what Republican's did in 2008, they conceded and immediately went to work to reverse the vote in the next election. They didn't incite their followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process.

How and when did Trump "incite" his followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process? I don't know what shithole country you hail from but we here in the US have what's called the "First Amendment." It guarantees the citizens of this country the right to assemble, protest, and petition the government for a redress of grievances. And that's what he's being accused of.

Completely legal in this country, actually encouraged.

He's been priming his Mob since the first time he uttered in 2016 "if I lose it will be because it's rigged"

Voters have two years to decide the political fate of Don "the Cons" accomplices.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.

Nobody "beat" anyone with a fire extinguisher. It was thrown. Trump is also a multi-billionaire. He's not going to go bankrupt overnight.

Besides, it has to be proven in the Senate that Trump said something to incite the capitol takeover. Nobody has even provided that evidence yet.

It's going to come down to reasonable doubt. After the various state, federal and supreme courts dispensed with all reasonable doubts about the legally of each of their election and the State Certified there election. Trump and his minions set this course by persisting with propagating the lies based on subjective allegations that were and still are beyond reasonable doubt. They have convinced million of Faux Viewer (or is that ex Faux viewers now?) of their lies. These people are willing to fight and kill for the lies.

Congrats to the Banana Republicans' for the first bloody transfer of power in 160 years.

Americans will have two years to mull over what you did this time before the next Congressional elections.

It's not a crime to disagree with an election and maintain that it was fraudulent. Most democrats did that for a long four years.

I still believe that the election was a sham, so should I be prosecuted as well?

That's simply not true. They did what Republican's did in 2008, they conceded and immediately went to work to reverse the vote in the next election. They didn't incite their followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process.

How and when did Trump "incite" his followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process? I don't know what shithole country you hail from but we here in the US have what's called the "First Amendment." It guarantees the citizens of this country the right to assemble, protest, and petition the government for a redress of grievances. And that's what he's being accused of.

Completely legal in this country, actually encouraged.

He's been priming his Mob since the first time he uttered in 2016 "if I lose it will be because it's rigged"

Voters have two years to decide the political fate of Don "the Cons" accomplices.

The election was rigged. Fraudulent, crooked, deceitful, counterfeit, bogus, perfidious, disingenuous, corrupt, criminal, illegal, duplicitous, dishonorable, unscrupulous, and false.

You will never convince me otherwise, no matter what.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.

Nobody "beat" anyone with a fire extinguisher. It was thrown. Trump is also a multi-billionaire. He's not going to go bankrupt overnight.

Besides, it has to be proven in the Senate that Trump said something to incite the capitol takeover. Nobody has even provided that evidence yet.

It's going to come down to reasonable doubt. After the various state, federal and supreme courts dispensed with all reasonable doubts about the legally of each of their election and the State Certified there election. Trump and his minions set this course by persisting with propagating the lies based on subjective allegations that were and still are beyond reasonable doubt. They have convinced million of Faux Viewer (or is that ex Faux viewers now?) of their lies. These people are willing to fight and kill for the lies.

Congrats to the Banana Republicans' for the first bloody transfer of power in 160 years.

Americans will have two years to mull over what you did this time before the next Congressional elections.

It's not a crime to disagree with an election and maintain that it was fraudulent. Most democrats did that for a long four years.

I still believe that the election was a sham, so should I be prosecuted as well?

That's simply not true. They did what Republican's did in 2008, they conceded and immediately went to work to reverse the vote in the next election. They didn't incite their followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process.

How and when did Trump "incite" his followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process? I don't know what shithole country you hail from but we here in the US have what's called the "First Amendment." It guarantees the citizens of this country the right to assemble, protest, and petition the government for a redress of grievances. And that's what he's being accused of.

Completely legal in this country, actually encouraged.

He's been priming his Mob since the first time he uttered in 2016 "if I lose it will be because it's rigged"

Voters have two years to decide the political fate of Don "the Cons" accomplices.

The election was rigged. Fraudulent, crooked, deceitful, counterfeit, bogus, perfidious, disingenuous, corrupt, criminal, illegal, duplicitous, dishonorable, unscrupulous, and false.

You will never convince me otherwise, no matter what.

Hahaha that's your problem not mine.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.

Nobody "beat" anyone with a fire extinguisher. It was thrown. Trump is also a multi-billionaire. He's not going to go bankrupt overnight.

Besides, it has to be proven in the Senate that Trump said something to incite the capitol takeover. Nobody has even provided that evidence yet.

It's going to come down to reasonable doubt. After the various state, federal and supreme courts dispensed with all reasonable doubts about the legally of each of their election and the State Certified there election. Trump and his minions set this course by persisting with propagating the lies based on subjective allegations that were and still are beyond reasonable doubt. They have convinced million of Faux Viewer (or is that ex Faux viewers now?) of their lies. These people are willing to fight and kill for the lies.

Congrats to the Banana Republicans' for the first bloody transfer of power in 160 years.

Americans will have two years to mull over what you did this time before the next Congressional elections.

It's not a crime to disagree with an election and maintain that it was fraudulent. Most democrats did that for a long four years.

I still believe that the election was a sham, so should I be prosecuted as well?

That's simply not true. They did what Republican's did in 2008, they conceded and immediately went to work to reverse the vote in the next election. They didn't incite their followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process.

How and when did Trump "incite" his followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process? I don't know what shithole country you hail from but we here in the US have what's called the "First Amendment." It guarantees the citizens of this country the right to assemble, protest, and petition the government for a redress of grievances. And that's what he's being accused of.

Completely legal in this country, actually encouraged.

He's been priming his Mob since the first time he uttered in 2016 "if I lose it will be because it's rigged"

Voters have two years to decide the political fate of Don "the Cons" accomplices.

Yes, that's exactly what he's done for four years.

McConnell wants to purge the Trumps from the Republican party.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.

Nobody "beat" anyone with a fire extinguisher. It was thrown. Trump is also a multi-billionaire. He's not going to go bankrupt overnight.

Besides, it has to be proven in the Senate that Trump said something to incite the capitol takeover. Nobody has even provided that evidence yet.

It's going to come down to reasonable doubt. After the various state, federal and supreme courts dispensed with all reasonable doubts about the legally of each of their election and the State Certified there election. Trump and his minions set this course by persisting with propagating the lies based on subjective allegations that were and still are beyond reasonable doubt. They have convinced million of Faux Viewer (or is that ex Faux viewers now?) of their lies. These people are willing to fight and kill for the lies.

Congrats to the Banana Republicans' for the first bloody transfer of power in 160 years.

Americans will have two years to mull over what you did this time before the next Congressional elections.

It's not a crime to disagree with an election and maintain that it was fraudulent. Most democrats did that for a long four years.

I still believe that the election was a sham, so should I be prosecuted as well?

That's simply not true. They did what Republican's did in 2008, they conceded and immediately went to work to reverse the vote in the next election. They didn't incite their followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process.

How and when did Trump "incite" his followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process? I don't know what shithole country you hail from but we here in the US have what's called the "First Amendment." It guarantees the citizens of this country the right to assemble, protest, and petition the government for a redress of grievances. And that's what he's being accused of.

Completely legal in this country, actually encouraged.
It's been ongoing for months now. For months, he's been feeding lie upon lie upon lie that the election was stolen from him. All the while, failing miserably to prove any of it and all the while, riling his base who believed him. Then when the courts failed him, he tried to subvert the will of the people by getting states to submit EC slates for him in states he lost. He tried getting states to hand him the election he lost. When all that failed, he tried to get the VP to violate the Constitution and send Biden slates back to the states he lost to decertify them. All the while, convincing his base the left was not only stealing the election from him, but also stealing the country from them. Then on 1.6.21, his attorney told a crowd to hold a "trial by combat." Trump himself told them they need to show strength to save the country and that they need to "fight like hell" or they'd lose the country. Then while the rebellion was going on, he ferred to them as "patriots." It took him hours to make a public statement to them to "go home;" but even then, he called them "very special" people and told them he "loves" them.

There's a reason today produced the most bi-partisan impeachment of a president in our history.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.

Nobody "beat" anyone with a fire extinguisher. It was thrown. Trump is also a multi-billionaire. He's not going to go bankrupt overnight.

Besides, it has to be proven in the Senate that Trump said something to incite the capitol takeover. Nobody has even provided that evidence yet.

It's going to come down to reasonable doubt. After the various state, federal and supreme courts dispensed with all reasonable doubts about the legally of each of their election and the State Certified there election. Trump and his minions set this course by persisting with propagating the lies based on subjective allegations that were and still are beyond reasonable doubt. They have convinced million of Faux Viewer (or is that ex Faux viewers now?) of their lies. These people are willing to fight and kill for the lies.

Congrats to the Banana Republicans' for the first bloody transfer of power in 160 years.

Americans will have two years to mull over what you did this time before the next Congressional elections.

It's not a crime to disagree with an election and maintain that it was fraudulent. Most democrats did that for a long four years.

I still believe that the election was a sham, so should I be prosecuted as well?

That's simply not true. They did what Republican's did in 2008, they conceded and immediately went to work to reverse the vote in the next election. They didn't incite their followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process.

How and when did Trump "incite" his followers to revolt against the Constitutional and legal process? I don't know what shithole country you hail from but we here in the US have what's called the "First Amendment." It guarantees the citizens of this country the right to assemble, protest, and petition the government for a redress of grievances. And that's what he's being accused of.

Completely legal in this country, actually encouraged.

He's been priming his Mob since the first time he uttered in 2016 "if I lose it will be because it's rigged"

Voters have two years to decide the political fate of Don "the Cons" accomplices.

The election was rigged. Fraudulent, crooked, deceitful, counterfeit, bogus, perfidious, disingenuous, corrupt, criminal, illegal, duplicitous, dishonorable, unscrupulous, and false.

You will never convince me otherwise, no matter what.
Trump's brownshirts? Hell no. He's been impeached again.

The Brown Shirts support Trump?

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Oh wait, you're lying again, as is the nature of you fucking Nazis.

Nazis were Fascists.. hard line conservatives. Brownshirts were Hitler's thugs.. You don't have much education ,do you?
Nazis were SOCIALISTS seeking free chit---just like the socialist dems do now.

No the Nazis weren't socialists. Hitler never nationalized anything.. The first people he arrested and put in prison at Dachau or killed were socialists and communists.
Stop with the stupid...the nazis were the Germans NATIONAIST SOCIALIST PARTY. That what NAZI means in german. This is a clear historic fact----

That was the name of the party but they weren't socialists. They hunted down socialists and killed them.. You should look beyond the name.
They were socialists big ass time---------they wanted all the free chit they could get their hands on paid for by people who actually work---everything from socialized medicine, food, school to even camps and entertainment. They were SOCIALISTS
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Do you know this guy?

Oh and I wouldlike to add------look at the guy's hands that is tossing the fire extinguisher---------NO GLOVES so the cops have finger prints if the fbi didn't hide the fire extinquisher....
You're inventing fantasies. Nothing you posted can be claimed to be a fact.
It is the government set up by the Constitution that is special. It's so special that it withstood the recent Authoritarian assault on our free and fair elections.

You mean the same government that includes the Electoral College that you have torn at and attacked these past four years? You are a puzzle of hypocrisy.

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