There Has Never Been A Greater Betrayal By A President

You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

Seems pretty obvious to me which side he is on.

So it makes the perp a Trump-supporter because the UK Daily Mail called him a "MAGA rioter"?

Ok Inspector Clueso.
Republicans want this stink of Trump washed away. McConnell wants every last vestige of putrid Trumpism purged from the GOP. Real patriotic Americans want Trump thrown to the trash heap of history.

Unfortunately, this stink will not be easily washed away. Republicans have abetted, encouraged and coddled Trump’s Anti-American rhetoric and quasi-authoritarianism for far too long.

The American people will not soon forget this Republican abandonment of American principles.
I truly hope all those trump cultists start their own party....the Party of trump....going to PoT.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

Seems pretty obvious to me which side he is on.

It's not obvious at all when you know Antifa and BLM thugs were the ones breaking down the doors to the capital. They are part of a false flag operation, and he could be also.
Oh, you poor deluded fool....:heehee:
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

Seems pretty obvious to me which side he is on.

It's not obvious at all when you know Antifa and BLM thugs were the ones breaking down the doors to the capital. They are part of a false flag operation, and he could be also.
Oh, you poor deluded fool....:heehee:
I posted the video that proves it, NAZI.
Trump's brownshirts? Hell no. He's been impeached again.

The Brown Shirts support Trump?

View attachment 442374

Oh wait, you're lying again, as is the nature of you fucking Nazis.

Nazis were Fascists.. hard line conservatives. Brownshirts were Hitler's thugs.. You don't have much education ,do you?
Nazis were SOCIALISTS seeking free chit---just like the socialist dems do now.

No the Nazis weren't socialists. Hitler never nationalized anything.. The first people he arrested and put in prison at Dachau or killed were socialists and communists.
Stop with the stupid...the nazis were the Germans NATIONAIST SOCIALIST PARTY. That's what NAZI means in german. This is a clear historic fact----

Back then communists were the JEW form of socialism
And Socialists were the christian form of communism.

Hitler killed and imprisoned communist jews yep...and even just russian jews and russian communists.

He was a christian german socialist--that is what they did then.

Now since Jews aren't blackballed immediately---the communists and the socialists have pretty much merged which why people have so much trouble telling them apart.
Last edited:

That's Liz Cheney talking about her impending vote to Impeach Donald J Trump

Cheney is no AOC clone. She's a hard core right wing Republican.

Today Trump will be Impeached for the second time and it will be a bi-partisan effort.

End this. This stain of democracy must end
She IMPEACHED that MFer!!!!
Trump's brownshirts? Hell no. He's been impeached again.

The Brown Shirts support Trump?

View attachment 442374

Oh wait, you're lying again, as is the nature of you fucking Nazis.

Nazis were Fascists.. hard line conservatives. Brownshirts were Hitler's thugs.. You don't have much education ,do you?
Nazis were SOCIALISTS seeking free chit---just like the socialist dems do now.

No the Nazis weren't socialists. Hitler never nationalized anything.. The first people he arrested and put in prison at Dachau or killed were socialists and communists.
Stop with the stupid...the nazis were the Germans NATIONAIST SOCIALIST PARTY. That what NAZI means in german. This is a clear historic fact----

That was the name of the party but they weren't socialists. They hunted down socialists and killed them.. You should look beyond the name.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.
What business? :badgrin:
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.
Well of course he is. With the media pumping out Trump hate 24 hours a day, anyone would be worried.

What's your point, asshole?

Post 82 in this, expect this to continue, especially in Biden's case ongoing. He's our first Banana Republic POTUS, and even has dementia too. Beat that: Help me understand the purpose for the Trounce on Trump business today

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist? - ThoughtCo
Not only was Hitler not a socialist himself, nor a communist, but he actually hated these ideologies and did his utmost to eradicate them. At first this involved organizing bands of thugs to attack socialists in the street, but grew into invading Russia, in part to enslave the population and earn ‘living‘ room for Germans, and in part to wipe out communism and ‘Bolshevism’.
You Nazi pigs have spent the 10 month with your Brown Shirts raping, pillaging, and burning.

Suddenly it's wrong?

Here's what our next President had to say about it

On May 29, he told CNN that people “have a right to be, in fact, angry and frustrated. And more violence, hurting more people, isn’t going to answer the question."

On May 31, he wrote in a statement on Medium that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and “an utterly American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

On June 2, in a speech in Philadelphia, recorded by ABC News, Biden said there is "no place for violence, no place for looting or destroying property or burning churches or destroying businesses."

"We need to distinguish between legitimate peaceful protest and opportunistic violent destruction," he said.

But Storming the white house to try and kill the president is peaceful protesting?

These are not hard questions. No, that too is a crime.

Right after you arrest and prosecute those who breached the White House in July.

I'm 100% behind those arrests.

Here is what our last LEGITIMATE president said;

{ We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity. }

Quite different than what the Nazis in the house are claiming.

Yep just walked up to the mic and said those words about peacefully and walked away right.

Not. He whipped them into a frenzy, lit their fuse, and sent them to the target.

Here's all of what the "Greatest Domestic Terrorist" said.

How did that milktoast pablum whip anyone into a frenzy? Exactly which words caused the lose all control and become mindless zombies?

Trump has been impeached again.
Twice Impeached Trump likes to be the best at everything. Now he holds the record for the most impeachments ever.

Adolf Hitler was not a socialist - Vox
Adolf Hitler was not a socialist A Republican representative described Adolf Hitler as a socialist and compared Democrats to Nazis. Sadly, Rep. Brooks is far from alone in his opinions.

  • Adolf Hitler Was Not a Socialist | Drudge Retort
    "But despite joining what would be called the "National Socialist" German workers party, Adolf Hitler was not a socialist. Far from it. In fact, in July 1921, Hitler briefly left the NSDAP because an affiliate of the party in Augsburg signed an agreement with the German Socialist Party in that city, only returning when he had been largely given control of the party itself."
  • The Nazis were not socialists - Full Fact
    Sep 25, 2019 · Or as simply put by historian and Hitler expert Ian Kershaw, “Hitler was never a socialist.” Socialism, for supporters of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, appeared to substitute Marx’s idea of class war with a race one.
  • Were the Nazis Socialists? | Britannica
    By the late 1920s, however, with the German economy in free fall, Hitler had enlisted support from wealthy industrialists who sought to pursue avowedly anti-socialist policies. Otto Strasser soon recognized that the Nazis were neither a party of socialists nor a party of workers, and in 1930 he broke away to form the anti-capitalist Schwarze Front (Black Front).
Republicans want this stink of Trump washed away. McConnell wants every last vestige of putrid Trumpism purged from the GOP. Real patriotic Americans want Trump thrown to the trash heap of history.

Unfortunately, this stink will not be easily washed away. Republicans have abetted, encouraged and coddled Trump’s Anti-American rhetoric and quasi-authoritarianism for far too long.

The American people will not soon forget this Republican abandonment of American principles.
I truly hope all those trump cultists start their own party....the Party of trump....going to PoT.

You Nazi pigs have spent the 10 month with your Brown Shirts raping, pillaging, and burning.

Suddenly it's wrong?

Here's what our next President had to say about it

On May 29, he told CNN that people “have a right to be, in fact, angry and frustrated. And more violence, hurting more people, isn’t going to answer the question."

On May 31, he wrote in a statement on Medium that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and “an utterly American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

On June 2, in a speech in Philadelphia, recorded by ABC News, Biden said there is "no place for violence, no place for looting or destroying property or burning churches or destroying businesses."

"We need to distinguish between legitimate peaceful protest and opportunistic violent destruction," he said.

But Storming the white house to try and kill the president is peaceful protesting?

These are not hard questions. No, that too is a crime.

Right after you arrest and prosecute those who breached the White House in July.

I'm 100% behind those arrests.

Here is what our last LEGITIMATE president said;

{ We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity. }

Quite different than what the Nazis in the house are claiming.

Yep just walked up to the mic and said those words about peacefully and walked away right.

Not. He whipped them into a frenzy, lit their fuse, and sent them to the target.

Here's all of what the "Greatest Domestic Terrorist" said.

How did that milktoast pablum whip anyone into a frenzy? Exactly which words caused the lose all control and become mindless zombies?

He's the "Great Domestic Terrorist" or maybe the "Great American Fascist" I mean technically he's an opportunist con man with fascist tendencies, so I'll go with the former. The "Great Domestic Terrorist"

Move over Billy there's a new bad boy in town!
That was the name of the party but they weren't socialists. They hunted down socialists and killed them.. You should look beyond the name.

So Stalin wasn't a socialist either, since he hunted down and killed socialists - the Menscheviks.


You Nazis are such clowns.

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist? - ThoughtCo
Not only was Hitler not a socialist himself, nor a communist, but he actually hated these ideologies and did his utmost to eradicate them. At first this involved organizing bands of thugs to attack socialists in the street, but grew into invading Russia, in part to enslave the population and earn ‘living‘ room for Germans, and in part to wipe out communism and ‘Bolshevism’.

Oh, well if ThoughtCo says so - we'll just ignore history and reality to go with your big lie...

You Nazis are such fucking morons.
13 pages into this thread, please cite specifics that's led one to believe Trump has come anywhere near what the OP implies:

Your feelings don't matter.

Adolf Hitler was not a socialist - Vox
Adolf Hitler was not a socialist A Republican representative described Adolf Hitler as a socialist and compared Democrats to Nazis. Sadly, Rep. Brooks is far from alone in his opinions.

Herr Himmler, what is it that defines socialism?

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