There Has Never Been A Greater Betrayal By A President

That's Liz Cheney talking about her impending vote to Impeach Donald J Trump

Cheney is no AOC clone. She's a hard core right wing Republican.

Today Trump will be Impeached for the second time and it will be a bi-partisan effort.

End this. This stain of democracy must end
Hard Core Right Wing Republican aka THE SWAMP?
Healing comes AFTER accountability

When will you Nazi pigs hold your Brown Shirts accountable for breaching the capitol in July?
Welcome to backwards land.

And you were so PROUD of your MAGArat riot until now

They're still proud of their boys. I think they are more disappointed that Congress is still a functioning branch of Government. The want their Orange fascist to take control.
Sorry sourpuss but it was the Orange One who goaded his followers into attacking and shutting down the Joint Session of Congress that was in the middle of counting the EC votes. He lit the fuse and send the Time-bomb marching down the street ready for Combat!

That's a flat out lie, Herr Himmler;

{ We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity. }

He said a lot more than that Herr Goebbels, nor was he the only speaker fluffing the crowd.

Yes, Herr Himmler.

Yet you Nazi pigs can't seem to point to any part suggesting - much less inciting violence.

You're lying to slander the object of your insane hatred.
They're still proud of their boys. I think they are more disappointed that Congress is still a functioning branch of Government. The want their Orange fascist to take control.

As you are proud of your Brown Shirts who tried to kill the President of the United States in July.

I think your disappointed that he survived your attack.
They're still proud of their boys. I think they are more disappointed that Congress is still a functioning branch of Government. The want their Orange fascist to take control.
But they lie like dogs...just like all those GOP Congresscritters today are doing

That's Liz Cheney talking about her impending vote to Impeach Donald J Trump

Cheney is no AOC clone. She's a hard core right wing Republican.

Today Trump will be Impeached for the second time and it will be a bi-partisan effort.

End this. This stain of democracy must end
Hard Core Right Wing Republican aka THE SWAMP?
Without the thin veneer of the MAGArats are just a MOB of white national fascists.

So yea.

Dump them. Expose yourselves.
Go fuck yourself
You first, treasonous trumpkin

STFU wimp, and let daddy show you how to do it. You're just a measly member of the "resistance"

We're not only "deplorables", we're full-blown "insurrectionists."

Viva la Revolution!
If you were part of that

If you support that

You are SCUM

I support far more than that. If it were up to me, Marxists (AKA Democrats) would be swinging by their necks from trees right now.

Do you know this guy?

Antifa are the ones who throw shit at the police. And no, I don't know any antifa. Those are your buddies, not mine.
Go fuck yourself
You first, treasonous trumpkin

STFU wimp, and let daddy show you how to do it. You're just a measly member of the "resistance"

We're not only "deplorables", we're full-blown "insurrectionists."

Viva la Revolution!
If you were part of that

If you support that

You are SCUM

I support far more than that. If it were up to me, Marxists (AKA Democrats) would be swinging by their necks from trees right now.

Do you know this guy?

Antifa are the ones who throw shit at the police. And no, I don't know any antifa. Those are your buddies, not mine.

I don't know any Antifa either.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.
Go fuck yourself
You first, treasonous trumpkin

STFU wimp, and let daddy show you how to do it. You're just a measly member of the "resistance"

We're not only "deplorables", we're full-blown "insurrectionists."

Viva la Revolution!
If you were part of that

If you support that

You are SCUM

I support far more than that. If it were up to me, Marxists (AKA Democrats) would be swinging by their necks from trees right now.

Do you know this guy?

Antifa are the ones who throw shit at the police. And no, I don't know any antifa. Those are your buddies, not mine.

I don't know any Antifa either.

You know them by association, seeing as how you both voted for the same presidential candidate and the same policies.

Birds of a feather and all that.
They're still proud of their boys. I think they are more disappointed that Congress is still a functioning branch of Government. The want their Orange fascist to take control.
But they lie like dogs...just like all those GOP Congresscritters today are doing

So, when will one of you Nazi pigs show us where Trump incited violence?
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.
You Nazi pigs have spent the 10 month with your Brown Shirts raping, pillaging, and burning.

Suddenly it's wrong?

Here's what our next President had to say about it

On May 29, he told CNN that people “have a right to be, in fact, angry and frustrated. And more violence, hurting more people, isn’t going to answer the question."

On May 31, he wrote in a statement on Medium that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and “an utterly American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

On June 2, in a speech in Philadelphia, recorded by ABC News, Biden said there is "no place for violence, no place for looting or destroying property or burning churches or destroying businesses."

"We need to distinguish between legitimate peaceful protest and opportunistic violent destruction," he said.

But Storming the white house to try and kill the president is peaceful protesting?

These are not hard questions. No, that too is a crime.

Right after you arrest and prosecute those who breached the White House in July.

I'm 100% behind those arrests.

Here is what our last LEGITIMATE president said;

{ We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity. }

Quite different than what the Nazis in the house are claiming.

Yep just walked up to the mic and said those words about peacefully and walked away right.

Not. He whipped them into a frenzy, lit their fuse, and sent them to the target.

Here's all of what the "Greatest Domestic Terrorist" said.

How did that milktoast pablum whip anyone into a frenzy? Exactly which words caused the lose all control and become mindless zombies?
You Nazi pigs have spent the 10 month with your Brown Shirts raping, pillaging, and burning.

Suddenly it's wrong?

Here's what our next President had to say about it

On May 29, he told CNN that people “have a right to be, in fact, angry and frustrated. And more violence, hurting more people, isn’t going to answer the question."

On May 31, he wrote in a statement on Medium that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and “an utterly American response."

“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

On June 2, in a speech in Philadelphia, recorded by ABC News, Biden said there is "no place for violence, no place for looting or destroying property or burning churches or destroying businesses."

"We need to distinguish between legitimate peaceful protest and opportunistic violent destruction," he said.

But Storming the white house to try and kill the president is peaceful protesting?

These are not hard questions. No, that too is a crime.

Right after you arrest and prosecute those who breached the White House in July.

I'm 100% behind those arrests.

Here is what our last LEGITIMATE president said;

{ We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity. }

Quite different than what the Nazis in the house are claiming.

Yep just walked up to the mic and said those words about peacefully and walked away right.

Not. He whipped them into a frenzy, lit their fuse, and sent them to the target.

Here's all of what the "Greatest Domestic Terrorist" said.

How did that milktoast pablum whip anyone into a frenzy? Exactly which words caused the lose all control and become mindless zombies?

Trump has been impeached again.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

You reek of delusion. One officer died, but it hasn't even been established whether the perpetrator was a Trump-supporter, or antifa.

And yet, you still haven't condemned all those law-enforcement officers and civilians who were killed and wounded during the antifa and BLM riots.

You're a totally-disingenuous POS.
LOL..You know damn well that the murderer of the police officer was a Trumpist insurrectionist.

Your histrionics are really quite amusing.

If you supposedly do know the perp's political affiliation, please feel free to share that.

This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.
Well of course he is. With the media pumping out Trump hate 24 hours a day, anyone would be worried.

What's your point, asshole?
This is the guy who beat the police officer with a fire extinguisher. Someone will recognize him.

Trump has been impeached again. Word from the WH is that he's worried about the effect of the riot on his businesses.

That will help us in 2022. Polls show voters hate impeachment. It's probably why the commies lost so many members this time.

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