There HAS to be life on other planets..

So glad I could correct FortFun's understanding of how life began. My work here is done.

Yoar welcome!!
Your work can never be done.

For those who are purely literally believers in a literal bible and all it's stories, they can rest

That's a complement ding, because you are at least smart enough to know that they can't get away with it.

And so the Catholic church threw you a lifeline, saying that you can believe anything that works with your IQ.
Scientists consider lightning and meteorites candidates for high energy inputs that would have released phosphorous bound in chemicals that were not water soluble.

Yes lightning. And yes meteors. And even volcanic eruptions. Possibly earthquakes as well.
Life began in the ocean. Now you know.
Your work can never be done.

For those who are purely literally believers in a literal bible and all it's stories, they can rest

That's a complement ding, because you are at least smart enough to know that they can't get away with it.

And so the Catholic church threw you a lifeline, saying that you can believe anything that works with your IQ.
You are pretty ignorant about science having never graduated from high school. But stick with me and I'll teach you about all kinds of science.
Not according to the link I posted.
So life developed on land and then went into the ocean before leaving the ocean for land? It's like you don't even know how to think. Life began in the ocean. Say it with me.
You are pretty ignorant about science having never graduated from high school. But stick with me and I'll teach you about all kinds of science.
You see then, your work isn't done and it can never be done.
So life developed on land and then went into the ocean before leaving the ocean for land? It's like you don't even know how to think. Life began in the ocean. Say it with me.
You didn't read the link.
Educating militant atheists one subject at a time.

Poor, poor ding. Your ego always gets the best of you. And you end up embarrassing yourself.

Or maybe not. As scientists will tell you.

As was just spoonfed to you.

Nobody is interested in links you never read.
Only a dummy would argue life began on land, moved to the sea and then moved back to land.

Life began in the sea and then moved to land.
Oh look, another useless ding strawman.

Poor guy. Must be so frustrating.
It goes to your poor judgement and lack of knowledge of scientific phenomenon. So, not useless and not a straw man.

In fact you are arguing right now that life did not begin in the sea but on land. And you argue this knowing that "Life on Earth began in the water. So when the first animals moved onto land, they had to trade their fins for limbs, and their gills for lungs, the better to adapt to their new terrestrial environment."


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