There is a lot of talking that the shots given as a vaccine harm humans, so listen up

'In another patently terrifying example of these collaborations, the US Navy initiated a special program to develop cancer-causing viruses in partnership with the NIH. Among other dubious achievements, that partnership succeeded in isolating a virus, HTLV (human T-cell leukemia virus), to which no immunity exists.

In his history of the US bioweapons program, As Gods: A Moral History of the Genetic Age, historian and biologist Matthew Cobb discusses the alarm expressed by Nobel laureate and co-inventor of the gene-editing technology known as CRISPR, Jennifer Doudna, when she discovered researchers were using adenoviruses carrying CRISPR components to induce a human form of cancer in mice.'
(The Wuhan Cover-Up, p. 84)
Due to the rudeness of particular posters, when you read my remarks on medical issues, I am not remotely an expert. My nurse daughter is and I consult her as needed or my doctors.
IF I get very ill and hug you or your relatives or friends, it is also none of your business
You're talking to a former infection control officer charged with keeping an entire EMS crew safe Rob

Being up close and personal with the 'sick' and 'ill' was a daily affair for us

It's not rocket science dealing with it

But i'll be dipped in sh*t if anyone's going to use it as some scare tactic to control me

That is like saying big deal, the guy was a Cardiologist. I have been to them as well. And the last time I was sent by my DO and as I said, also an MD. Consider that your EKG seemed routine and things changed.
they were looking at the EKG he ran.....
because it does not meet the definition of a vaccine Rob

Per your way of thinking, my doctors flat lied to me. Why would they lie to me Sparky?



A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious or malignant disease. The safety and effectiveness of vaccines has been widely studied and verified. Wikipedia
You're talking to a former infection control officer charged with keeping an entire EMS crew safe Rob

Being up close and personal with the 'sick' and 'ill' was a daily affair for us

It's not rocket science dealing with it

But i'll be dipped in sh*t if anyone's going to use it as some scare tactic to control me

I would not try to scare you Sparky. Count on it.
First off dying with vs of Covid was greased by our government Rob

What do you think capitalist medicine would choose?

And that made my doctor lie to me??
No, it made your doc bow to the medical facilities narrative

which is to make $$$

You do realize many that did not were dismissed

What we are talking about is "WHAT IS A VACCINE"
My doctor explained it is formulations that when injected into humans will increase their ability to resist diseases and viruses.
And you think that is his lie?
You're talking to a former infection control officer charged with keeping an entire EMS crew safe Rob

Being up close and personal with the 'sick' and 'ill' was a daily affair for us

It's not rocket science dealing with it

But i'll be dipped in sh*t if anyone's going to use it as some scare tactic to control me

You are overly sensitive to being controlled.
Do you follow the speed limit. Do you pay your taxes. Did you vacinate your children? Did you follow the rules of your work p;lace in disenfecting.

No one was mandated to get vaccinated, but if they did not vacinate there were things they were not allowed to do. Did you drive before you had a license? I hope you would to show the government could not control you.

Not letting anything or anybody tell you what you should do, makes you a man, right?
A vaccine is to cause the body to produce antibodies for the intended aimed virus. So it's helps your immune system. It doesn't stop you getting the virus, it doesn't stop you transmitting the virus. So in the case of COVID, the vaccine was there to hopefully prevent people requiring hospital treatment.

So to my knowledge, the concern with the COVID vaccine, it was launched without going through the screenings and evaluations process.

As with all medicines, every vaccine must go through extensive and rigorous testing to ensure it is safe before it can be introduced in a country’s vaccine programme.

So because it bypassed the screenings, evaluations, and safety process, what adverse effects has it had?
There is a reason it's called the poison jab.

What we are talking about is "WHAT IS A VACCINE"
My doctor explained it is formulations that when injected into humans will increase their ability to resist diseases and viruses.
And you think that is his lie?

Because the CDC changed the definition of "vaccine" so this could be called a "vaccine"

"Before September 1, 2021, the CDC had defined a vaccine as “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease”

Currently, however, the CDC states a vaccine is merely “A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases."
You are overly sensitive to being controlled.
nonsense, and i look great in jackboots....
No one was mandated to get vaccinated

Not letting anything or anybody tell you what you should do, makes you a man, right?
It means i'm not a tool Elmer


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